so went to the ER this morning due to some cramping and light bleeding but my dr informed me to go to the ER so i did and while there they did an ultrasound and said everything looked good even saw the fetal pole and had put me at 6 weeks instead of 5 weeks and some change and they said everything looked perfect and to follow up with my ob
so i called my ob and they were able to get me in today to do another ultrasound while there the ob said she could see the sack and everything else but no fetal pole it made me nervous and she said that the dr at the er probably got a better view because they have better equpiment than they do at the ob which i was shocked by! so they told me that i need to come back next week to see if they can see anything
now i'm worried
oh and the reason i was spotting and cramping is because of my cervix being a little senestive so that was a relief
i know its easy for an outsider to say this, but that all sounds really positive, the er wouldnt have said they saw a fetal pole if they didnt! im my first pregnancy i had an early nhs scan n they couldnt see hardly any thing, so 2hours later i was in a private clinic getting re tested n every thing was there and perfect, the quality varies so much with the ultrasound equipment, if the er is happy with every thing then take it as a good sign