septembryos baby area (09 babies)

I am never going to nest that strongly, I can be a cook in the kitchen but then I tend to get it all mixed up, can be a maid in the bedroom get the picture!

Rendezvous nombre deux was brief but nice, we just had a quick stroll up the sea front, up the pier, round the lake and back as he had to finish a few bits off before the 3 and a half hour journey home. (Incidentally, none of that was a euphemism...)

He isn't my usual type but I think that we have established that is a good thing hehe, we shall see...

Has everyone been on the yummy roasts? I had lamb, not usually a fave but twas nice. My pa is the chef on sundays, he is ace.
It's the word, the word that you heard...

I also love the sequel.....Cool Rider rules!!!
OMG I lurve Grease 2!!
'gna scoooorrrre 2nite, gna scor-or-ore 2ni-ite'
'I'llb ur girl for all seasons, all the year thru-uuu'

Seee ur makin me wanna watch it now!!!
Happy Easter everyone, really hope you all had a blessed day.

I really can't keep up with you guys in here!!! :rofl::rofl:

Night all!! :sleep:
Good Mornin lovely ladies, and happy Bank holiday Monday to you all :flower:
Anyone have much planned?
Ooo have fun at the aquarium today babytots...
I really dont know what to do with myself today... all depends on the weather I spose, seems quite dull atm, but it is on 7:35am (wtf!)

Was slightly concerned last night as I had really regular Braxton Hicks (womb tightenings) for about an hour, they were every 5 mins or so and lasted a good 30secs!!
But they werent painful, so I slept them off.
Had a couple this mornin, but nothin regular like last night, will have to keep an eye on them... maybe I jus hav an active uterus...
Good Mornin lovely ladies, and happy Bank holiday Monday to you all :flower:
Anyone have much planned?
Ooo have fun at the aquarium today babytots...

If i were you lady, id get there nice and early...... take it from someone who works in the zoological sector, bank holidays are MAD, MAD, MAD!!!!!!! Good luck trying to see the exhibits!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that its nice and quiet! Hope you have fun.
Blimely - it took me ages to catch up...Hi everyone - I'm glad that things seem back to normal or abnormal...

I'm chiling at home watching girls of the playboy mansion...I don't know why!

I have my 20 wk scan on Friday, I'm really nervous and I also also don't know know whether I'm going to find out the sex. I'm convinced that its a boy though so maybe I should just wait.

Also its ALL about nesting at the moment. I moved into my BF house a couple of years ago and it was a typical blokes pad, full of clutter, student crap, dust and boys toys. So I couldn't wait to get all of that crap cleared out. Now hes got his own room that he can do whatever he wants to and have whatever he wants in it!!!! I have the say on the rest of the house!!!! :happydance:

So...we're decorating and clearing out 7 years of crap from the house and I'm knackered! I've really got to try and not do too much though as I had a bit of a scare a few weeks back. I've started taking iron vitamins which has helped me loads with my energy - I feel alot better.
But I can't stop myself nesting!!! I'm thinking about it more than i think about sex! :rofl: I've never done that before!!!
I think I want everything to be just so when the baby is here. :crib:

Well i finally got a bit of time to myself so i can post on here it just took me two cups of fruit tea before i had read everything i missed in the last few days.
Glad to here that everyone is doing well i have been feeling great these last few days which is really good.
Apparently i have reached the glowing stage as well according to my friends and family either that or they are just being nice but my skin has cleared up and my hair looks the best it has for years.
Its really annoying how i don't feel bubs move all day then as soon as i go to bed its like it wakes up and wriggles round loads i hope its not like this still in a month or two when its really obvious its moving or i will be up alll night.
As for nesting i cleaned my kitchen yesterday from top to bottom in a mad cleaning frenzy hubby was like WTF are you doing? As i normally try and put off house work for as long as possible.
Faun-it could b that bubs IS movin about thru the day, but you cant feel it so much because ur busy, or stood up! I find if I stand still and concentrate, like whilst washin the pots I can feel movement in the day, otherwise, Im the same as you, jus when I sit or lie down at night time x
hey girsl, im now coherent enough to type lmao, was a busy night last night at work so slept like a shatterd thing, lol.
i missed morning entirely haha
Hi girls!!

We've just made the (slightly brave) decision not to have the second blood test for Downs Syndrome. Quite a few reasons for it, mainly that I would never have an Amnio, and I think since I am probably in the low risk category I would rather not know!! I'm such a worrier, but to be honest, I will love this baby no matter how it turns out, and I don't think I need to 'be prepared'.

I really scared myself last night because I went out for a meal and ate PATE!!!! It wasn't forgetfulness, it was actually blatant rebellion, and I thought I'd be fine about it til I got home in the evening and read all about listeria!!! :dohh: The thought of listeria caused hysteria I can tell you!!! I think I'm ok now after my enormous emotional outburst, and I won't be eating any more pate until baby is here!

Like the rest of you girls I'm nesting too, though I haven't started in earnest yet! We're still in the process of moving house so I'm just finding it all a bit frustrating because it's taking ages to get everything sorted!!

After my outburst last night I just could not seem to get cheerful again, and so my husband instructed me to buy some make up! (he knows me so well hehe) Amazing how a little make up raises the spirits! LOL :rofl:

Hoping we're all getting to the glowing stage ... I'm thinking I might well have turned a corner as I haven't felt sick for three whole days!! Woo! :happydance:
I have to admitt, I had a moment of rebellion whilst away last week, and ate a.... RUNNY EGG!!! A nice fried runny egg!! It was heaven!!
So, yes, I have also sinned!!
Peabean: I didn't have those second test either. I feel the same doesn't matter, I am going to love baby no matter what. Besides I've had several friends have them done and come back positive. They get all freaked out and baby gets here and is perfectly fine!

How is everyone this morning/afternoon? You all have a good Easter?
I have my 20 week this afternoon. Can't believe I'm almost to the halfway point already! So exciting!!:happydance:
Good luck at ur scan babilou :happydance:
I still have no date for my 20 week scan...hmmm.. maybe I shud ring them, altho, doubt they'll b there today with it bein bank holiday...
Marg - argh!!! So naughty!!

Babiiblu - thanks for your comforting words, it's good to know I'm not being completely irresponsible. I'm so excited for you for your scan! Hope everything is perfect. Are you finding out the sex?

I can't wait for mine - still trying to book the damn thing, but they never seem to answer the phone when I ring!! Will be 20 weeks on 30th April! Not long now!!! Eeee!
Just looking back a page or two and couldn't help but crack up at you guys and your Grease aversions!
I've never seen the second one so I don't know anyone's names in the far as the actors go...Christopher McDonald went to highschool with my parents, lol. (You know Shooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore w/Adam Sandler, lol.) His father was actually our principal at school. Crazy huh??
Anyway...thats my little useless info for the day! :))

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