septembryos baby area (09 babies)

HUMUNGOUS :hugs: :hug: for u hun xx

1thing ill say is pleeeeeeeease dont say ur a terrible mum cause u kno ur not, ur girls are gorgeous and well looked after and u love them :):)

i kno exactly what its like gettin kids to sleep in the nursey and sometimes i really wanna scream at them...its not ur fault at all hunni

mayb cutting her nap time might help u out a bit at bed time, my friend does quiet time before bed aswel where she reads etc and that worked a treat, conked right out :rofl:

soo another big :hug: for u
thanks rachy i even tried the book thing too. she kept quiet til i stopped reading.

i'm definately cutting the daytime naps out. have done before but then she tends to fall asleep a bit earlier usually while eating her tea lmao! but if it means getting my evenings back and actually being able to have some quality me time then i dont care what time she fall asleep.

i know i shouldnt say i'm a bad mum but can't help but feel it. sometimes i feel i only have myself to blame and i brought it on myself (if you look in baby and toddler section i've explained more in there why).

hoping weather is a bit cheerier tomorow as she can go out in the garden with her sister and tire herself out. i know when hollie was younger she slept so well in the summer last year as she was out in the garden nearly everyday. bring on the sunshine!!!!!!! x

p.s baby has been moving which has cheered me up probably didnt like all the noise going on and is now letting mummy know about being woken up lmao!
Good to read about all your nesting - I've been doing a little bit of that too, but only in short bursts cos the energy doesn't last long!!! We recently moved house and we're still not *quite* up and sorted, and I dream of being sorted out!!!

Feeling much better today thanks to everyone who wished me well!! I'm just hoping it'll last!!

So excited and nervous for the 20 week scan in 3 weeks - can't wait to find out what team we're on!!

Congrats on your little boy Rachy!!

How's everyone tonight? Anyone into Britain's Got Talent? I'm currently watching the second (later) showing - nothing too impressive so far, but very amusing!!

Blessings to all of you and your bumps xx
:bunny: :flower: Happy Easter :flower: :bunny:

Hope you all have a fabulous day and dont eat too much chocolate... Ok, stuff ur faces, but dont tell any1 :laugh2:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ok, jus a real quick catch up, then Im off to make breakfast...

Rach... sounds like ur gna have loadsa fun 2day :)

peabean... I dint watch Britains got talent, I forgot it was on :dohh: will have to try and catch it on itv2 later...

And babytots... firstly I hope u have a fab day 2moro, sounds like you need it :hugs:
and as for the bedtime stuff...
You ARE NOT a bad mum! Men ARE useless!! And children WILL push u as far as they can!!
I had EXACTLY the same prob with Abbie when she was around ur DDs age.
We ended up havin to cut out daytime naps, which was hard for the 1st few days, but did deffo help, when she got sleepy late afternoon I would get out a new activity and stimulate her.
Bedtime was a nightmare, but I eneded up (after many an emotional night) using a technique by the baby whisperer, I would do the whole bedtime routine, bath, drink cuddles, story, bed.
And she would scream to high heaven as soon as I left the room, but I would leave her to cry 1st for 1 min, go in, lie her down, NOT talk to her, and leave the room.
Then repeat, but leave for 2 mins next time, increasing by 1 min everytime.
But u must never talk to them when you go back in. It may sound mean, but it works.
The 1st night was torture, the 2nd a little easier, and by the end of the week, she jus went straight to sleep the 1st time Id lay her down.

But from experience it does work!!!
Just a suggestion xxx
Bedtime was a nightmare, but I eneded up (after many an emotional night) using a technique by the baby whisperer, I would do the whole bedtime routine, bath, drink cuddles, story, bed.
And she would scream to high heaven as soon as I left the room, but I would leave her to cry 1st for 1 min, go in, lie her down, NOT talk to her, and leave the room.
Then repeat, but leave for 2 mins next time, increasing by 1 min everytime.
But u must never talk to them when you go back in. It may sound mean, but it works.
The 1st night was torture, the 2nd a little easier, and by the end of the week, she jus went straight to sleep the 1st time Id lay her down.

But from experience it does work!!!
Just a suggestion xxx

I done that once, controlled crying, surprisingly worked, heartbreaking listening to there cries at first but it gets easier esp when you know your only doing for there own good!

Have y'all missed me? How is everyone today??

Babytots, hope you feel brighter with the dawning of a new day, and don't ever berate yourself for natural human reaction - I can remember when my youngest was little actually suddenly understanding how someone could shake a baby - obviously I didn't do it, but it was a horrible realisation!!! I even felt guilty typing that though.....ooh us mums have it tough, bah!

Ahh on a trivial note I'm trying to sort out my toenails whilst i can still reach em properly :D

Have y'all missed me? How is everyone today??

Babytots, hope you feel brighter with the dawning of a new day, and don't ever berate yourself for natural human reaction - I can remember when my youngest was little actually suddenly understanding how someone could shake a baby - obviously I didn't do it, but it was a horrible realisation!!! I even felt guilty typing that though.....ooh us mums have it tough, bah!

Ahh on a trivial note I'm trying to sort out my toenails whilst i can still reach em properly :D


Missed ya xx
OO just took our hamster into the garden, she loved it just managed to take these pics I just had to share hope you dont mind..
Awww cuteness!!!

Hehe don't really know what to say goss wise, had a nice low key little date - just drove out to a pub and had a few drinks and a chatter and stuff and went for a drive ;)

Twas nice, I can't remember the last time alcohol wasn't involved in smooching for me, how bad is that?!?!
Awww cuteness!!!

Hehe don't really know what to say goss wise, had a nice low key little date - just drove out to a pub and had a few drinks and a chatter and stuff and went for a drive ;)

Twas nice, I can't remember the last time alcohol wasn't involved in smooching for me, how bad is that?!?!

so you gonna see him again? whats he like now you have met him properly etc!!

OO got a couple questions but aint asking here so check FB group xx
I'm actually seeing him again in about ten minutes before he heads home, many miles away.....

I shall hit the group forthwith! *gallops off cheerfully*
afternoon girlies. lol i just got up as had work last night! and tonight. my shifts appear to be picking back up. i hope!
hey ladies just a quick one to say happy easter and thanks for your lovely messages.

marg- i have tried that technique with her and it worked when she was younger and she got into a good routine then she had a few teeth pop through and that was it went out the window.

she hasnt had a nap today so hoping she settles better tonight.

star-dust though piccys are sooooooooooooooooo cute. i had a little hamster a few years ago she was black and white and this little fluffball. when we was at the petshop she was all on her own curled up in a ball and i said i wanted her my mum said you dont she looks like a rat but i felt sorry that all the other hammies had left her out so i said i dont care and i like her fluffiness. i called her taboo and she was a lil sweetie. had her for about a year or so and she passed away :(

not had one since. might get one for the girls when they are a bit older. my brother just got one and silly me asked to hold him and the fecker bit my lil finger.

anyways must dash need to get dressed and meet my friend from train station shall be back online later tonight before i hit the hay. x

p.s misswren glad the date went well hunni! x
ooo yh, 4got to say that Misswren... fab news bout the date :D
Gosh its quiet in here today!!

coz Im busy entertaining and cookin for inlaws, if spuds come out gross im blaming you!

babytots havent been able to reply to your things, but will on FB later, but I want to say this, if you were a bad mum you wouldnt feel guilty about things, a bad mum = somoeone who doesnt give a shit and that is NOT you! just remeber we all have our breakng points, to Be a good enough mother is more then enough is what I have been taught and learnt in the last few years as there is no such thing as the perfect mother!
The fact you come on here and rant says everything, if I ever hear you put yourself down again Ill hunt you down and slap you! (remeber I have your address still....:muaha:)

Ive jus cooked and ate a yummy roast beef dinner mmmm...
Babytots, u were askin about taste buds changin in pregnancy... I think they may well do, as I have NEVER for as long as I can remember liked mash, but for some odd reason, i puta dollop on my plate this evenin, and YUM!! It was delish...mmm... cud jus eat some more!! Strraaannggeee!!
So, wud u consider that a change of tastebuds, or maybe even an actual craving?? Hmmm...

Didnt kno u had the inlaws round today star_dust, hows that goin? Do u geton well with them?? I get on really well with mine, I do have to bite my tongue now and again, or have to count to 10, but otherthan that I cant complain :D

How did ur 2nd rendevous with Mr.lover-lover go today misswren??

I seem to have had alot of energy today, and have gone into spring cleanin mode, sortin out cupboards n stuff, altho now my dustbin is full and doesnt get emptied for another week n a half (only jus got emptied, and we have a 2 week cycle, 1 week domestic bin, 1 week recyclin bin) So, I will have to take some stuff up to my mums bin, she never fills hers!!

Gosh, look how much Im ramblin... I really am gettin back to my old self ay?

I remember there bein a few posts bout nestin... when I was in my last few weeks with Abbie I scrubbed my mums floor that much (was livin with her at the time) Im sure I mustve taken the top layer off!! I wud scrub it, on my hands and knees, wait for it to dry, then do it again, REPEATEDLY!!
Honestly, when u reach that stage its like a mad woman takes over ur entire body!! But ur house is SPOTLESS!! and u actually want to do it!!

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