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hi ladies and thank you for all your well wishes for charlotte. just got chance to get on here and post as shes not left my side since we got home. sat with me right now bless her.
anyways what a fright i had never been so scared in my life. she fall asleep at 6pm and df put her to bed 7pm she woke up screaming so told him to bring her down she came to me sobbing and she was on fire stripped her down to her nappy and thats when i saw the rash by this point she was in hysterics didnt want to be cuddled but didnt want to be put down neither. told df to get some calpol and to get a glass as first thought was meningitis and when the rash didnt dissapear i totally panicked was going to ring nhs direct for advise but by that point the rash had spread so i thought fook that ring an ambulance.
they came within 10 mins and checked her over ruled out meningitis phew! and then made me feel like i had wasted their time grrr! which made me more upset but they still took her in to be checked over. by time we got there she had calmed down but still had a high temp and still had the rash went to the childrens department which was chocca block with ill children so they fastracked her to see a g.p in a different ward and we were seen within 5 mins. thankfully the calpol had kicked in so she wasnt as hot and was told it was a viral infection and that the rash was due to her being so hot. got a pat on the back for giving her calpol as her temp was sky high at first so god knows what would of happened if i hadnt.
so we are back home now gave her a cool bath and has been sat with me ever since and is sharing some choccy with me (back to her old self then)
so glad shes ok when i saw that rash i thought the worst.
oh and the paramedic really upset me. when my df is off work he lets me relax and do my own thing and have some me time but he doesnt do much housework and basically lets the girls do what the heck they like all fair and well but they make a hell of alot of mess toys,crayons,papers and books everywhere. not to mention he leaves dishes and what not on the kitchen sides rather then washing them so our downstairs looked pretty much like a bomb had hit. anyhoos the paramedic saw fit to comment on the house saying it was cluttered and the girls could pick up all sorts of infections and could have a accident. i felt like i had to explain myself as to why it was in such a state and was really mad at df as i am constantly telling him to tidy up after the girls rather then letting them make a mess.
the past few days i have worked my guts off getting the house nice and tidy now i have the energy to do so and bam when df is off work it looks like a minefield and i am sick to death of tidying for df to be slack and let it get in a mess. so when i got back home i told him in no uncertain terms that the xbox will no longer be allowed on during the day and that he has to clean up after him and the girls i do it when hes off work so why the hell cant he?! anyways rant over i just felt so ashamed and so angry and it really upset me as i try my best to keep my house looking tidy and df just thinks is a a dumping ground.
anyways tried to have a quick catch up but forgotten what everyones apologies to those i miss.
teeny thats fab results and your definatel not high risk yay! marg i was told 1 in 250 was classed as high risk when i spoke to my midwife about it
hello to lola hope your ok and your pregnancy is going well. shall add you to the list.
star-dust- i LOVE LOVE LOVE pirates of the carribean *drools at the thought of orlando bloom* hmm me thinks i shall watch all 3 tomorow and fantasize about all the naughty things i could do with him (i had so many dreams about him when pg with charlotte i was obbessed with the man!) mwah ha ha!
oooo and i must take a gander at 10th septs photos.
rachy i too have a xbox fanatic and hes on it at the moment. its his new baby
i come 2nd best now. can't complain really rather spend my time having giggles with you lot then watching crappy t.v with him lol. though after today theres going to be changes with how much time he spends on his xbox.
oh and my friend who i was meant to go maternity shopping with tomorow cant come as her partner is working and he was going to drive us to meadowhall so now i am taking charotte with me into the shopping centre near us while df sorts the house out as i am determined i aint cleaning up after his mess especially with these bloody pains i have been having in my butt!
ooo marg you said you had a similar pain. well omg when i got off the bed to go cook tea i couldnt move everytime i tried to walk i would get horrid pains up and down my bum and spine i felt like a old woman walking like john wayne down the stairs and when it came to bending over to get things out of the fridge i couldnt get back up lol. so defo think baby is on the sciatica nerve hope she moves off quickly as its bloody agony! mind my french lol.
think i got everyone
anyways what a fright i had never been so scared in my life. she fall asleep at 6pm and df put her to bed 7pm she woke up screaming so told him to bring her down she came to me sobbing and she was on fire stripped her down to her nappy and thats when i saw the rash by this point she was in hysterics didnt want to be cuddled but didnt want to be put down neither. told df to get some calpol and to get a glass as first thought was meningitis and when the rash didnt dissapear i totally panicked was going to ring nhs direct for advise but by that point the rash had spread so i thought fook that ring an ambulance.
they came within 10 mins and checked her over ruled out meningitis phew! and then made me feel like i had wasted their time grrr! which made me more upset but they still took her in to be checked over. by time we got there she had calmed down but still had a high temp and still had the rash went to the childrens department which was chocca block with ill children so they fastracked her to see a g.p in a different ward and we were seen within 5 mins. thankfully the calpol had kicked in so she wasnt as hot and was told it was a viral infection and that the rash was due to her being so hot. got a pat on the back for giving her calpol as her temp was sky high at first so god knows what would of happened if i hadnt.
so we are back home now gave her a cool bath and has been sat with me ever since and is sharing some choccy with me (back to her old self then)
so glad shes ok when i saw that rash i thought the worst.
oh and the paramedic really upset me. when my df is off work he lets me relax and do my own thing and have some me time but he doesnt do much housework and basically lets the girls do what the heck they like all fair and well but they make a hell of alot of mess toys,crayons,papers and books everywhere. not to mention he leaves dishes and what not on the kitchen sides rather then washing them so our downstairs looked pretty much like a bomb had hit. anyhoos the paramedic saw fit to comment on the house saying it was cluttered and the girls could pick up all sorts of infections and could have a accident. i felt like i had to explain myself as to why it was in such a state and was really mad at df as i am constantly telling him to tidy up after the girls rather then letting them make a mess.
the past few days i have worked my guts off getting the house nice and tidy now i have the energy to do so and bam when df is off work it looks like a minefield and i am sick to death of tidying for df to be slack and let it get in a mess. so when i got back home i told him in no uncertain terms that the xbox will no longer be allowed on during the day and that he has to clean up after him and the girls i do it when hes off work so why the hell cant he?! anyways rant over i just felt so ashamed and so angry and it really upset me as i try my best to keep my house looking tidy and df just thinks is a a dumping ground.
anyways tried to have a quick catch up but forgotten what everyones apologies to those i miss.
teeny thats fab results and your definatel not high risk yay! marg i was told 1 in 250 was classed as high risk when i spoke to my midwife about it
hello to lola hope your ok and your pregnancy is going well. shall add you to the list.
star-dust- i LOVE LOVE LOVE pirates of the carribean *drools at the thought of orlando bloom* hmm me thinks i shall watch all 3 tomorow and fantasize about all the naughty things i could do with him (i had so many dreams about him when pg with charlotte i was obbessed with the man!) mwah ha ha!
oooo and i must take a gander at 10th septs photos.
rachy i too have a xbox fanatic and hes on it at the moment. its his new baby

oh and my friend who i was meant to go maternity shopping with tomorow cant come as her partner is working and he was going to drive us to meadowhall so now i am taking charotte with me into the shopping centre near us while df sorts the house out as i am determined i aint cleaning up after his mess especially with these bloody pains i have been having in my butt!
ooo marg you said you had a similar pain. well omg when i got off the bed to go cook tea i couldnt move everytime i tried to walk i would get horrid pains up and down my bum and spine i felt like a old woman walking like john wayne down the stairs and when it came to bending over to get things out of the fridge i couldnt get back up lol. so defo think baby is on the sciatica nerve hope she moves off quickly as its bloody agony! mind my french lol.
think i got everyone