Hi Ladies...... im beat!!!! Got the keys for my new house today (the second cottage up from where im living now

) I know its the next house but one up but i've still got to move all the same. Will be better for the baby.
Brought one of those paint pod malarkies which has been a bloody god send. The house is about twice the size as where i live now and the land lady is OBSESSED with buttermilk

which is o.k here and there but the WHOLE house...good god!!!!
Anyway the OH and I have made a start on the living room, just need to do round the edges tomorrow, and i've put the first coat of paint on the radiators, and mowed the lawn (had to empty the flymo 7 times!!!!!) and trimmed the hedge on top of a 5 hour day at work..... did i say im beat!!!
Not really shouted about it yet, in light of this weeks sad news, but i had my scan last week and the first image I saw on the screen was a bottom and a pair of testicles! The radiographer said "ohhhh - did you want to know the sex!!??????"
So a boy it is!!!!!!!
Anyone think of any cool names..?
Marg, can you change my surprise tab to a blue boy one please?
Anyway, take care everyone x