thanks babe, rather than texting her and reminding her how much we all love her and are thinking of her ive decided to take a step back and give her this time with her family to grieve.
she's aware we love her, and i just think its the right thing to do- if that makes sense?
mehps-my housemate is playing metallica reeeeeaaally loudly- any offers to come over and slap him?
i love metallica, its just he's been playing it so long im starting to get violent urges- its not the song or band- its the volume x
why thank you!
plus he has me vetting his phonecalls- if anyone rings for him he's not here- cos he owes barclays some money- which is pissing me off.
he does apper to think i am yes.
grr i need to have a massie rant about something but here is really not the place.
but i need to get it off my chest before i splode- or do something i may regret.
Well, there was absolutely NO WAY I was going to catch up from where I left off yesterday so I skipped ahead.
I heard something on the radio that I was going to ask you guys about. It is sooo not pg related.
Anyway it was like a little news story saying that in the UK there are several real churches that are actual "Churches of the Jedi"! Plus that dozens of your police force claim it as their religion and "practice" it in their work!
Any of you heard or know of this? I found it extremely hilarious....if one of our cops tried to use "the force" while working he probably would be beaten and given a huge wedgie. LOL!
(If any of you are practicing Jedi I mean no offense...was just extremely amused and wanted to know if it was for real)