Hi ladies
Was feeling a bit rubbish this morning,but seeing stardust's hubby's video cheered me up no end!!!!!!
And I love the shiny happy monsters too, thanks miss wren!!!!!
babilu - I haven't seen the comment, but my family is like that, even though I'm now the smallest one (after losing some weight last year) - I'm guessing we're not a million miles apart in the size department and the first thing my brother said when I saw him at the weekend was, what happened to your tummy, you look so fat!!!!!! My mum said, she's always had a bit tummy, this isn't any different to normal!!!!!
So, how's that to give you body issues?!?!! I'm 4 months pregnant and out of my normal clothes and my mum is saying I look like normal!!!!!!! argh!
Couldn't my brother have just said, ooh, you're starting to show - much better than you look so fat!!!!
So anyway, I sypathise! xx
grr at silly people. if they werent family you could turn round and say well at least I have an excuse to be fat whats yours!