Severely blocked fellopian tubes and pregnancy

Yes, Hope41more, it's going too fast! Stage II is of IVF is only a couple days away!

Anne24- Good luck on the TWW, I really will be thinking of you and praying this it your BFP! Try not to stress :)

LC- Sorry to hear about ds, what a crock of $hit that your insurance is doing, if it's broken and he has to wait his poor foot will start to heal incorrectly. I broke my foot and 5th toe when I was 22 an I walked on it for 2 weeks before I got an xray. It was broken but they only put me in a boot cause it was too late for a cast. Hopefully they can see him ASAP...have you tried Urgent Care of ER?
Sadly we have free healthcare. So sometimes you take what you get. I saw family dr Tuesday he did right just his office closed Wednesday and took too long yesterday. He musta yelled at nurse. She called today. Then she called office my bookkeeper should have called me right away. She didn't. I had to call other dr receptionist ( I know her). She helped me. I'm going get her flowers and a coffee gift card.

It's fractured. We have to go to ortho clinic. I'm very scared of damage he did. He has boot cast on it now. He's stubborn and wasn't believing it was. Grumpy too so now I'm feeding him ibuprofen every 6 hrs.
Anne- What dpo are we? I'm getting restless for some news. :) How are you doing? are never going to guess. The witch arrived early on Saturday. Ummm, my Leep is scheduled for Tuesday! I am guessing I am going to have to cancel. Which means it gets pushed out another 3 weeks with means no hanky panky for another 7 weeks!!! TMI but the guy that i have been dating things have been progressing and it is getting awkward because I have been trying to hold off until all of this Leep business is over- we have been harmlessly kissing etc but it is progressing and I feel like he thinks something is up. Now potentially it could be another month and a half me putting him off. I'm not sure how to navigate it.

On top of that, the lady I interviewed hasn't called back about meeting again on tuesday or sent an email she promised. FML.

What else is going on with everyone?
Ll. I think they can do LEEP anyone. Tell them and then decide.

Boo re interview lady :(
LL I am 12dpo today. Still on progesterone which I shall be till the 29th. So sorry that af arrived early. Not sure, but can you still not go for your leep on Tuesday, since you will be 4 days then?

LC How is your ds doing? Are you seeing his doctor on Monday? Poor chap must in pain.

How are the others doing?
LL- Have you told your crush about the procedure? I think it will help him understand that it's not him personally, but that you need to take care of your body first. He will understand! Honesty is always a good thing and appreciated. My OBGYN didn't act as if it was imperative that I have the LEEP right away. I sure hope a couple days wont result in anything for you either. Hun, I will be thinking about you- I hope you get the job you deeply want and that you have found your true love.

Yay! Anne! Keep us posted :)
I am waiting right now for a callback from the dr. to see if I have to wait. I have not told Crush about the procedure because he knows about all the other issues, I just feel like this is one more thing I would rather keep private for now. I don't want to start off our relationship that way - with one.more.thing. I already feel broken enough. I already feel a little more vulnerable with him because of how much he knows. I know honesty is the best policy and if this moves forward in the way I expect I will eventually tell him esp if it rears its ugly head again. Do you think this is wrong? idk. I was with someone for 7 years so I feel like a fish out of water right now.
LL- I would ring clinic you might still be able to do LEEP. Have you not known the man you have been seeing a long time (good friends before?) if so I would just be honest with him. I hope the lady has been in touch by now regarding the interview too.
anne- when are you planning on testing? 14dpo?
Lcarey- Hope your trip to new york goes well and you produce lots of lovely eggs :)
lawyer chick- hope your ds is ok.

***OPPS this was meant to post hours ago before lcarey and LL last posts***
LL- I would tell him so your not stressing as to why you can't do the do!!! I understand you feeling vunerable (probably would not have told him everything if you had known your future might be with him) I think this is nothing to him knowing what you have been through with your ex he is in your life coz he cares. Plus he might feel like you are not ready to move on or not quite into him if not. I think you not telling him and his thoughts racing might be more detrimental to your relationship- but just my opinion. xxx
LL. hope everything goes ahead and you are ok

Hope wow you are past half way :)

Anne. Are you going to test? Or go to clinic? When is test day?

KC how's your monitoring going?

As for me. Poor ds is stubborn. I've pulled him from school for now. He can't put weight on it. We are supposed to wait another weekend a half to go for fracture clinic. ( I'm calling dads dr see if we can get into them sooner )

Me af buzzed off. 3 weeks to follow up from surgery then I can schedule the rest.
LC No,hun am not testing. I will be on progesterone till 29th. The nurse at the clinic told me to wait for 2/3 days for af to arrive after I finish progesterone. If it doesnt arrive, only then shall I test.

LL Hun if I were you, I would tell Mr Crush about leep. I know it sounds easier said than done and I might have felt mighty embarrassed to do so but since you are on the threshold of starting a new 'relationship' it doesnt hurt to be honest right? Also I believe if he really cares for you which am sure he does, he wouldnt care a fig about it, take you in his arms and say that he loves and cares for you :)

KC How are things going at your end? When is your er?

Hope How have you been? Was it your 3rd iui that you got pregnant?
So the doctor called back and I can still do the Leep tomorrow, yay! The job called back as well. It looks like they are interested and want to set up another interview with the District Manager so all in all today was a good day.

Anne- if I were you I would be going nuts at this point not testing. Are you doing PIO shots? (progesterone in oil?) I heard those hurt like a mofo. I would want to know just so I didn't have to do the shots unnecessarily. FX'd lady!!!

LC- sorry about ds. :/
PS: You guys, I think I have to clarify that my relationship is in the VERY beginning casual stage. He pursued me very strongly in the beginning but I have obviously needed time and space to get my life in order - find job, get over my divorce, etc - so I told him so and right now we only see each other ONCE a week...which is perfect for me. When I am ready to explore/pursue a boyfriend/girlfriend serious relationship with him then that will obviously change. I am not at that point quite yet. I definitely can't see him taking me in his arms and telling me he loves and cares for me (that was sweet Anne ;) ). So yeah, I'm going to handle this on my own for now. I talked to my doctor about it and she agreed. (If this shocks you.... my doctor is really cool!! We talk about everything cuz that's who I am and obviously I have spent a lot of time with her, unfortunately!!)
LL Yay for the leep and the call. Here's hoping that from now on everything will fall in place. I hope I didn't hurt you with my long 'lecture':winkwink: I am not doing progesterone shots, its a tablet that I am taking. Its a standard protocol here to put one on progesterone immediately after IUI irrespective of one's progesterone's levels:wacko:
LL Its not that I am patiently waiting, in fact I am itching every second to test. But I have so many af symptoms that I don't want to be disappointed with a bfn. Any day I prefer af than a bfn. I am 13dpiui today and face is breaking out which I normally do before af. I guess I have to wait a couple more days since my LP normally ranges from 16-18 days.
Great news LL sounds like it is all fitting into place. I knew relationship was in early stages but now you are having the LEEP sooner rather than later I agree no need to be concerned about telling him. I was in a same position as you when I split with my ex husband (13yrs ago). Will start at the beginning though:-
when I filed for divorce I was not remotely interested in finding someone else and I attracted men everywhere I went even with 3babies in tow. I got asked out by the manager of the shoe chain I took my kids for shoes, went to photographers (my then 2yr old screamed the place down had to go back hr later) he asked me out, supermarket, bus drivers etc etc. It was driving me insane!!! I was like- can you not see I have my hands full (3very small children) why me??? I never had a babysitter but I was dragged out by my friends for my birthday (few months later) was persued by a gorgeous man and I caved. I did not want anything serious and was not ready either. When my ex husband and I split I got tested for STI's and also got a smear (was worried as he'd cheated) everything came back clear except the smear- had LEEP about 3-4weeks after meeting this new man. He had to wait 3mths for sex. I did not tell him as he was not a friend before we met- I just told him I was not ready. He also knew I had only slept with a couple of people and sex is a big deal to me (so he probably would have had to wait that long in any case). It stayed a casual thing for 14mths (became very good friends, talked on phone everyday) he never met my kids (came to visit when they were asleep or my dad would sit now and then) and he was just perfect at the time (turned into a friend with benefits) but I knew he was not someone I would settle down with, I ended it when I realised it had done its course and I was ready to meet someone else. I then met my now partner a month later.
I hope you get the job and this is all a nice new chapter in your life :)
Anne- my BFP was a very big shock!!! I had a HSG last June showed blocked tubes proximal end, then had Lap & Dye in sep as consultant thought she could unblock them. When she went in she got a shock I have grade 3tubal disease- tubes blocked both ends, twisted, away from my ovaries and stuck to my pelvic wall. My partner and I split (long story) partly due to me wanting to do IVF and he didn't. I got pregnant after having sex once 6wks after my Lap & dye!!! Big shock and consultant has no clue how. She did not even attempt to unblock them, she did nothing when she went in but obviously it did something!!! I was 10days late I like you could not test and see a BFN. I went to a clinic and asked for the pill as I thought my body was playing tricks on me or Lap had messed with my cycles. She did a test and it came back as dark as it could, I left shaking and in shock, abandoned my car (not fit to drive) and my sister came to pick me up. Went to A&E frightened it was eptopic, tests and scans over days/wks showed baby was in right place and pregnancy viable. Here I am 23wks pregnant tomorrow and still in shock!!!
Hi girls...just got back from LEEP. The preparation was much worse then the procedure itself. The procedure lasted only 2 minutes. It was very fast. The only thing that was bothersome is that the doctor said, "Now we send off to the lab to make sure it is not cancer." I'm like, Seriously? What are the chances of moderate dysplasia being cancer? She is like it is very rare. Well everything that has happened to me has been very rare! So now I have to wait and worry about that.... :wacko:

Anne- The fact that doctors pumped me with progesterone while not bothering to check my levels after my transfer drove me crazy when I was doing ivf. Maybe we don't understand the medicine, but I would think they would want to monitor levels instead of giving one size fits all when it comes to the prog. whatever...hang in there. What cd does af usually arrive for you?

Hope41- Your story made me laugh (all the men going crazy) thanks for sharing. You sound like me when I was in my 20s - minus the 3 little ones. You go girl!! You are right...I would have told him if I had to hold out for 7 wks the leep. Now that it is over I am relieved, but nervous about results. I need a vacation! How are you feeling these days? Are your other children excited for their new sibling?
LL I'm glad it went well. Sometime I wish drs just say its going to pathology. Don't use the C word unneccessarily.
I'm shocked your doctor used the word Cancer!!! In my opinion she was wrong to worry you without good reason. These are just abnormal cells that may or may not turn cancerous if left untreated over time. Infact in your case there is more chance of them going away naturally than them getting worse- which would happen before they turned cancerous!! Remember it was you who had pushed to have the cells removed, she was not that concerned. So please don't worry.
My eldest who will be 18yr on 6th April is sooo excited my other 2 are not!!! We got up at 6am on saturday to go to the 'next' sale that started at 7am (shop in the uk) They do a half price sale a few times a year and many people queue for hours. I drove to 2larger stores that are further away (my local shop is only small). My Oh asked my eldest why she was up so early and what she was going for (they sell clothes for all ages, homewares etc) she replied a mcdonalds breakfast and a lamb suit for the baby!!! Ah she is so sweet. I was lucky this one was not too busy and I spent about £300. Got some lovely things.
On the down side had a bad week been ill with flu and they say bad things happen in 3's well my washing machine broke, had a car accident (baby and I are fine just damage to my car) and Oh broke the new down stairs toilet (literally smashed it- he was plaster boarding behind toilet and lid fell down) I'm having some work finished off on the house so I can get it on the market.
Anne- I hope you get your BFP not long now till you know.
Lcarey- Not long till you fly to NYC.
Hope all you girls have a nice week. xxx
Hi Anne- How are you feeling? You are 13/14 dpo today right?

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