Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Yes, I will definitely keep you updated with symptoms :) I too try to stay away on the weekends but check it every once in awhile on my phone.

So far, I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. No acne, no pains, anything. Cm is creamy/watery which isn't odd for me. Maybe a good sign on the acne? What a pain having, but I'd take it if it would bring a bfp!!! Haha :)

Have a great weekend Wish! Talk to you Monday (if not sooner!) Hugs to my ttc buddy!
Ok I lied!! Bored, so what better to do than stare at my chart and post here? Haha
Nothing really new today - had a headache again overnight and through the morning, but it's gone now. I had a little to drink last night but nothing crazy. CM is more abundant than usual this month and creamy. Usually I'm dry until af. I know it's still way early but I'm really hoping the headaches, cm and acne are all good signs! If not, they sure are weird things happening to me this month!
Anything going on with your 4dpo status?? I hope you're enjoying your weekend! It's friggin snowing here AGAIN right now! I'm gonna go out of my mind!!
Sorry for any typos - on my phone! Ta ta!
Hey! I couldn't stay away either! I had a temp drop this morning but have read it doesn't really mean anything. Hoping it goes back up tomorrow.

I lied when I said I had no symptoms yesterday. I forgot until I experienced it this morning. Both yesterday morning and this morning, I had a brief wave of nausea. I had it last month so not reading into it. I've noticed a couple spots on my chins that will probably develop into nice zits over the next couple of days. Again, had some last month too. My nipple haven't started hurting yet though, which seems a little odd. I'm sure that'll come too though.

Okay, Tmi because this grosses me out and normally nothing does. I had the most sticky and most tacky THICK cm yesterday that I've ever had. Today it is creamy lotion like. Creamy also is not unusual for me over the la St couple of months. I'm feeling confident I'm out but fun to symptom spot with you.

Went out with a bunch of friends last night. My brother in law and his wife were there too and talking about their pregnancy. Then someone asks me "when are you guys going to start popping babies out?" Just wanted to hit her OR just cry. Since no one knows, I just said "I don't know that we are to that point yet." Oh well...I'm over it now.

Hoping all of your unusual symptoms are good!!!! Sorry it's snowing where you are. I wish it would warm up already!

Sorry for the novel. Have a great weekend!!!!
Yay! Haha glad you checked in!
Ugh so annoying that people are asking! Though I'm positive I've asked people in the past, not knowing this is what they could be going through. I feel bad now!!
Those are good symptoms, and yeah, temp drop is fine. Is it still above the cover line? My temp stayed the same today so still high - pumped about that! My sleeps have been a bit interrupted though, waking up a few times a night hoping its time to temp. I wonder if it's bc my temp is high that I'm not sleeping very soundly. Who knows.
My bbs still aren't as sore as I think they normally would be either. Very very faintly, like I did some push-ups or something. Sometimes no symptoms are a symptom too!
Gah! Ok, talk to you soon! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Good morning!! How's it going? Hope you had a great rest of your weekend, mine was fun!

So... 6dpo and still nothing crazy going on except I had a temp dip this morning back to the cover line. I guess it could be implantation dip but I don't know how common that is, enough to rely on it. I had a little dip on Sunday too, so this is 2 days in a row that it's lower. :( I've never wished a day away more than today - I just want to see if my temp rises back up tomorrow!!
Having little twinges in my uterus area too but again, wouldn't really notice if I wasn't looking for it. Nothing weird with my sense of smell, taste buds, nausea, NOTHING!! Headaches are gone, no new blemishes... BBs are a little sore and feel a little heavier but that's pretty normal for me, nips are fine, no veins. I'm not even bloated to the gills like I usually am! GEEZ! give me a sign one way or the other, please!!
My lower back is sore but I did a yoga class yesterday where she did a few moves where the back is really arched, so it's most likely that. I don't do yoga regularly but when I do, I push myself to try to do everything, so I tend to feel it the next day. Everything is still easy to explain away!

Anything new with you?
Good morning!

I started typing but then got distracted. Went back to check if you had posted and in fact you had!

How are you doing today?!? Glad you had a fun weekend! Mine was pretty good too. Didn't do anything fun or exciting but nice to relax some. I checked your chart this morning. Hope you aren't worried about anything. When mine dropped on Saturday, I didn't know what to think about it, but found out that it was very common for a temp dip between 4-6dpo. Something to do the corpus luteum and starting to produce progesterone. Mine isn't rising like I was hoping it would. Oh well. It could have something to do with my absolutely horrible sleep pattern. I slept terribly last night and was awake at 3, 4, 5, and finally at 6. If not this month, we will try again next month!

I actually found a really good site the other day and wanted to share it with you but now I can't find it. Makes me so mad because I'd like to go back and read it again. It was talking about all of these silly symptoms that we are experiencing now and how they are all related to progesterone. I'm not going to start looking into anything until around 9 dpo and past.

I don't really think I'm really experiencing much. No headaches, no sore boobs or nipples, I didn't feel any nausea this morning. I did however have an odd eating pattern yesterday and didn't eat much until dinner time. I didn't eat an excessive amount but I was SO full and then brought on the bloating, which is normal for me during this time. Again, I went to looking like I had a baby bump. Even DH noticed I was much fuller in the low abdomen than normal and commented on it. (I'm a really small frame, so it doesn't take much to make a difference). My weight hasn't fluctuated at all either.
oh man - yeah, sounds like you're not getting a good sleep at all! That could definitely mess with your temps, esp when the 'rule' is that you should have at least 3-4 uninterrupted hours of sleep before temping. Love that - sleeplessness is a common TWW symptom, yet this is the rule.

thank you for the temp dip note - I hope it's just that. I would love to see that site if you find it! that's kinda what I was thinking, especially since AF symptoms are so similar to PG symptoms - both have progestrone creation in the tww in common, so it only makes sense. And I've experienced so many of these things when I haven't been pregnant, so what does that tell you? That's why I'm trying to weed out the common things and so far, the only uncommon things are the acne, headaches and cm.
There's another thread where someone said 'I just have to vent - does anyone else find it silly when some people post "I had the hiccups today, then a BFP! it's a sign!" or "my ankle hurt today and I rolled my eyes, then I got a BFP! it's a sign!" Has anyone ever heard of a coincidence??' hahahaha I was laughing about that all weekend, b/c it's so true.

I just checked your chart too - it's still looking good! You're at least above the cover line and about .5 degrees over what would probably be your average, so that's great! And you could end up spiking tomorrow or the next. My fingers and toes will remain crossed for you even if you're already looking to next month! :)

HA! That's right, I just remembered you're the teeny one! my height but like 25lbs less than me, and I'm not big by any means!! hahaha good for YOU!

omg, eating yesterday - I GORGED on some gumbo that I made for dinner and then had a coffee cup of ice cream a little later, even though I wasn't remotely hungry for the ice cream. It was gluttony at its finest but I loved every minute!!
man - I just went back to read my 'symptoms' from our January post and it was basically the same for me! hardly any symptoms at all. boooooo
I think this might help me stop obsessing this month. We'll see! I'm still going to check in daily, though!
So funny you did did I!!! Although January and February symptoms were different and neither were a bfp. So, it doesn't help to compare :) Hopefully that offers you some hope! I have noticed the one symptom that I haven't had this month that I seem to have are sore nipples after o. I'm just chalking that up to maybe not as much progesterone. Who knows. Surprisingly, I'm feeling calm this month. Maybe it's because I don't think I stand much of a chance and for once, am okay with that. I'd certainly welcome a surprise bfp though! Have a great evening and talk to you tomorrow :)
Good morning!
HAHA! Yes, that does help, thank you! hahahaha so funny that we both did that!
Yeah, even though I seem like I'm obsessing, I'm still calm. I'm glad you are too and you're ok with however this month goes. I will actually be more disappointed this month than I have been but we'll see. That's why I hate getting my hopes up!

So I just woke up from a dream where I had a baby girl. I was pretty irresponsible with her at first - I even asked DH 'when was the last time you fed her? I haven't fed her in days' - GREEEEAT! I'm gonna make a good mom!! But then I got the hang of it and was fine. The rest of the dream was ridiculous but that's how they go!

Temp went back up .1 degrees this morning. That's not high enough for me! :) But I am glad it went up and not down again.

Other than that - back still hurts but I'm still chalking that up to yoga. Getting little uteran twinges/small cramps. I think my cm is drying up. CP has been an average of medium/medium. BBs are only slightly sore, though they do feel monstrous (I use this term lightly b/c I'm only a B cup! haha). Had a slight wave of nausea this morning but it turned out to be a burp! :haha: And had a very slight headache when I woke up but it's already gone.

so you can see - still barely anything to report!! how about you? Anything new happen overnight?
Good morning! (or so I think.)

I'm starting to get terribly moody. And I hate it! I know DH was trying to be funny last night (was trying to act like he was mad at me...and of course, he wasn't) but I wasn't finding anything he said or how he acted to be funny. Normally I play along but just not feeling it. Then he told me I had an attitude last night which ticked me off even more. I feel like my mood would be fine if he didn't act like he was. Some of it too right now (or at least I feel like it is) is I feel like a giant cow right now, I'm white as a ghost (can it PLEASE be summer yet?), and just overall feel so unattractive right now. I can't explain that to dh as he completely doesn't get it.

I woke up and was going to "play nice." When I woke him up, he responded well. Then he must have remembered "oh, she had an attitude with me." So, he didn't speak to me for most of the morning. We have a meeting to go to this evening and he was asking me what I thought he should wear. He got ready and asked me how he looked. I said "I think that looks fine." He then rolled his eyes at me (I probably should have said, "that looks great!") and then responded with "Is that what you are going to wear?" Completely ticked me off. To top it all off, I'm leaving for the airport this evening for a business meeting and will be gone until Friday night.

Sorry for my rant....I hate blaming things on my hormones....but they are totally screwing with me right now! I've thought back to a few other times when DH asks me "why do you have such an attitude" and it is always around this time. So, AF will be here next week I'm sure.

What a funny dream! You are going to be a great mom though! Dreams are just weird sometimes.

My temp also went up .1 degree this morning. Just like you, not as high as I would like but at least it is going up. This is weird but I just feel like my nose is clogged. Not as in stuffy but like I need to blow my nose all the time. Weird...I know. It's been driving me crazy though. My two small acne spots have not really gotten bigger like they do generally. Typically my skin is raised for a couple of days and then I wake up to a big zit. I have two SMALL spots and they haven't gotten any bigger. I thought my boobs feel a little heavier last night but probably just me making it up. (I too am a B cup.....small b cup!) They still don't hurt. I haven't really had any cramps, twinges, nothing. I think my cm is starting to dry up as well. I quite checking my cp because it seems so up/down, firm/soft and I'm not going to read into it. So, I guess all I have is my moodiness and my "attitude." Haha

Sorry for the novel! :) I'm sure I'll be posting through out the day :) Talk to you soon!
oh man - I'm so sorry!! What a night/morning for you! I agree - the boys just won't get the little things that irritate us. I am WITH YOU on wishing for summer. We're getting another storm here in the NE tonight! COME ON! Thankfully, I think my area will just get a dusting but it's still snow on 3/25!! 50's by Friday, though, so that's good.

my sister just texted me and said she had a dream about me holding a newborn! how weird that we both had a dream about me having a baby! That makes me feel good. <3

that's good that you have your business trip coming up - a nice distraction to take you through the end of the week. I was supposed to also have one but now I don't have to go. Kinda bummed - I was hoping for the distraction!
Oh my gosh!!! How exciting about your sisters dream! I can't help but think that should be a sign for you! I've had two pregnancy dreams and both of them meant absolutely nothing for me. So, hoping your dreams come true for you :)

I'm kind of excited about my trip but not really. I really like just being at home. That too doesn't help my moodiness. My husband and I just don't like being away from each other. Hopefully it'll be good though :)
ah - I gotcha about traveling. I love to travel but I would much rather do it with him. I have some great coworkers, some who I call friends, so it's fun to be with them.

yeah - I've had numerous dreams in the past about being preg, having a baby, etc so I don't put much weight into the 'vivid dreams' symptom. I also ALWAYS remember my dreams, baby-centric or not, so that's not weird either!

and I totally skipped over your other symptoms in my last post!! Your clogged nose could be something! hahaha - I know, I know...but it COULD!! :) remember kitty felt like she was coming down with a cold? not that we know her outcome...
That tww website that I found showed a lot of women feeling stuffy during their bfp tww.
Oh, trust me, I have googled the heck out of my symptoms :) Haha! I felt the same way last month AND gross...but I had a lot of dry blood when I'd blow my nose too. NEVER have that, so I was sure last month that was a sign. :nope: So, maybe there just isn't enough moisture in my house.

I've had the smallest of twinges ever today (maybe even trying to convince myself....) but didn't last long. I thought my cm was drying up but was very creamy not very long ago. Grrrr. How has your day been progressing?

I'd like to see a nice dip on 9dpo and then a BIG temp spike and it stay high. That's what I'm living for right now! :smug:
Great!! I'm getting little twinges too but that's what stuck out most about my January posts. :growlmad: so I'm going to need some BIG cramps to believe it, personally!
CREAMY CM IS AWESOME!! I feel like mine has dried up now, or is very scant, for sure. But I've been peeing almost every hour or two all day and haven't had that much to drink. I could be making myself too, though, b/c that's the 'lab' after all, and I want to see what's going to happen! :winkwink:

But that's it! nothing else! I even keep squishing my bbs to see if they are getting any more sore and they aren't! My back still hurts, I put that in as a symptom. I don't think I did THAT much at yoga on Sunday that it's still sore today. But I'm 4 days from AF and going nuts!!
Another thing that stood out to me, I was trying to keep it out of my mind - I ran last Friday and granted that was only 3dpo, I was SO winded. I had to stop to walk 3 times. And I just ran a 4 mi race 2.5 weeks before that! Granted, I hadn't run since then, but I don't think I could have lost it that quickly. My loop around here is only about 2.5 mi (lots of hills but still....). I haven't had the energy to run again, even on the treadmill. I could just be lazy...:winkwink:

yes - you get a dip and I'll get a spike and all will be good with the world for one more day! :thumbup:
I'm going to stalk your chart again... :)
sorry to post again! you must think I'm nuts

so back pain is legit - just vacuumed a bit and had to sit down on my couch to get the dust bunnies under the coffee table b/c I couldn't bend over anymore. Also a little winded - wth. This isn't funny! I might have gotten my wish and cramps are a bit more profound. Not doubling over but definitely there.

also - question for you - just had to pee again and I see that there's still cm leaving a mark but nothing when I wipe or whatever. And it's just a little bit, not gobs or anything. Do you log that as 'dry' or still whatever the consistency is of the little bit that's there? They should have an 'amount' option too!
good morning! I know you're traveling so may not get a chance to post, but I'll post for your reading pleasure if you get a chance to check in! ;)

temp went up another .1 this morning, no significant spike like I hoped for. I think I'm out - I feel like I'll start spotting today, which would follow the pattern of last month (spotting 3 days before AF on Saturday). My back and bbs are still sore and my uterus is buzzing, but that's it. Oh, and dreamt that I rec'd 5 positive test results from a line of judges HAHA! like they all flipped cards that were high temperature results but they all meant 'positive hpt' - BIZARRE. I think I'm just in my own head b/c I was tossing & turning to take my temp at the right time like usual.

did you get your dip? how are you feeling?
Hey girls! Wow, I had a lot to catch up on :coffee:

Are you both due for AF at the same time or something?!?! I think my cycles are almost matched to your's now Wish. AF is so out of wack. I had 28 day cycles for like 5 months and now all of a sudden last month was 35! and I'm now on CD 31 this month with my normal "week before" symptoms. Ugh.. This is going to drive me nutts when it comes time to TTC I tell you. I just don't even care anymore, lol.

Anyway, WOW all these dreams.. that's definitely strange.. I've seen that "can be an indicator" but who knows.. sounds interesting though for sure!

Malinko- Don't worry.. I get REALLY moody with DH "the week before AF" and he always calls me out (which doesn't help!) Sometimes its an uncontrollable feeling.. guys don't get it.. I always remind him.. ALL GIRLS are like that, so don't go trading me in! LMAO :haha:

*Hey, I have a question about traveling for work... HOW IN THE WORLD do you go on a business trip for several days without seeing DH? I have to travel for my new job and DH says he doesn't care.. he's coming with me, lol. I know, I know.. I will be that "weird" person with the husband tagging along for drinks after our seminars... haha... his dad is the same way with my mother-in-law. It must be the Italian in them.

Is it weird that I am curious as to what you look like Wish? LOL. I feel like I know you, but I don't.. so strange.
:dust: to both of you this month!!! As the old saying goes... "You're not out until the witch shows.. in full force"!!
Hi Bumpy!! I love that you're still checking in with us!! I REALLY hope for your sanity's sake that your cycles even out and get a pattern going before you guys seriously start TTC. To have that to wonder about on top of everything else would be killer!

yep, i think we're both expecting AF this weekend - we actually have quite a few things in common, it's cool!

Maybe it's b/c I've been with DH for 11 yrs, but I don't mind traveling for 1-2 days w/o him. Any longer and it sucks. But I like to feel 'Independent Michelle' stretch out her wings for a little bit - get my own cabs, figure out dinner, stupid little things like that. Granted, like I said, I would MUCH rather he was with me b/c it's just weird not having him there and experiencing stuff with him, sleeping next to him. But if it's work and there are coworkers going too, I know that he'd just be bored listening to us talk MORE work while at dinner/drinks after the working day. That said, a coworker who is a friend of ours and I had our spouses fly out to Chicago a couple years ago to meet us after our big conference and we spent the weekend there together. It was SO fun!!

haha - I'm the same about wanting to know what you all look like! I'd name an actress but I've been told I look like some random people. I think most recently was the b*tchy bridesmaid that tries to be BFFs with Maya Rudolph on Bridesmaids, but I think we just have the same shaped eyes. I'd update my profile with my pic but I think that's too invasive for anyone else to see that I don't 'know' like you girls! So... let's just say I look like Jennifer Aniston and leave it at that! HAHA!

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