Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

oh no, little - here I was thinking that you already had your HSG! my goodness, what a pain in the butt to get there, wait so long and then not have it happen. But, sounds like you have an awesome plan in place. I know what you mean about not wanting to waste time with IUI if it's just not what's going to work. Worth a shot, though!

malinko - I hope you're getting a few more ZZZ's lately! I've heard that this really preps you for being up all night with a little one :) Doesn't mean you're not a complete zombie.

nothing going on here - I kinda want to test. I posted about my watery CM on another thread and another woman said she had the same thing on Crinone, so my one 'symptom' is out the window. Because besides that, I feel really normal. Therefore, positive hoping and all that but it'll probably be a bust this cycle. I just wonder about the next one. I'd like to get another IVF in before the end of the year, since we've already hit our deductible and OOP max, but then again, it's the cost of the meds that'll kill us. We have to save up for another round of those. So I dunno...
Anyway, test in 2 days. FX'ed.
Wish - I've been anxiously awaiting a post today. I finally searched to see if you had posted on any other threads (I sound a little like a stalker....jeez! I'm sorry) and saw that you started spotting yesterday. I'm anxious to see what your beta shows - but man I hate that you are spotting :( I'm crossing my fingers that you can do IVF immediately where there better chances. Please keep us updated.

Little - what a heck of a time you are having - but at least sounds like you are moving in the right direction and at least have a plan. Keep us updated!!!
HAHA I love it!! I have my own stalker!
yeah, started spotting yesterday and still was this morning. Just went to shower (yup, work from home and shower at odd times!) and got full on AF. I didn't take my Crinone this morning b/c why bother. Beta results will just confirm it, I should be getting the call soon.
I hope we can start right off too. The nurse said this morning that we just have to wait until I get approved, so I'll prob go on BCP again for a couple of weeks while that is happening. The doc already knows the protocol she wants me on and they've actually already called in the medication order. I need to see how much that is first before we confirm we will move forward with it. I'd like to get one more try in this year b/c of insurance reasons. OOP max has already been fulfilled, so let's get in what we can!
thanks for sticking with me!

I hope you both are well!!
Wish so sorry to hear that AF started...ugh what a bummer! I am concerned that we will also have to move forward with IFV and my insurance doesn't cover a whole lot, although they do cover medication quite well, but I don't know if medications for IVF are covered or not? I only had to pay like $4 for my Letrozole which usually is around $100 so maybe they would cover other meds well also who knows...but I really hope you get your IVF in! I know once you meet those OOP costs you should go for the gold! I am looking forward to hearing that you are in it to win it! :hugs: gets crazy sometimes (a lot of times for me) haha so I am just trying to go with it! my biggest issue is that I am a high stress individual, and all of this craziness really stresses me out. I am trying to stay calm and as low stress as possible for the next 3.5 weeks to try and give this IUI its best shot! I am just PRAYING for success as I know IVF is a lot more expensive and would like to be able to get pregnant with the IUI, especially if we want to try again in the future! But if IUI isn't going to work then Ill move on with the IVF...we will just have to wait and see I suppose! Hope you are getting some better sleep! I don't sleep well and can TOTALLY relate to that, but cant relate to not sleeping well and being pregnant...ugh I bet its miserable!

I have my HSG today. Ultrasound to check my eggs is scheduled for next Thursday the 29th at 8:15 am (Indiana time) so if all goes well and egg is ready I will get my trigger shot that day and DH and I will go back on the morning of the 30th for him to give his sample and they will do all the good stuff to it and insemination will take place about an hour later and we will hope and pray and do everything we can to get a positive 2 weeks later! Who knows....just trying to stay low stress and positive for now!

love to you both! :hugs:
Well HSG went well...normal uterus and tubes :thumbup:

Next step U/S 10-29

ughhhhhh the suspense is killing me....

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

so glad to hear the HSG went well!!! one thing out of the way that you can get off your mind!

malinko - are you able to get anymore sleep lately?? i'm sure the anticipation of the LO getting here is also keeping you up. How's the renovation - done yet? I thought you said that it should wrap up by this week.

so for me - yup, we are a GO for the next IVF cycle. I started my BCP last night and I'll end that on 11/1, with a suppression check 11/2. Then I'll start my meds that Saturday (while I'm in NC visiting my family). I just calculated out when everything else would be, should my follies behave this time, and if my embies make it to blasts, we could be transferring on Thanksgiving!!! I'm we're supposed to host my family!! HAHA! We'll see how all of that goes down but that would just be funny, but I'd really have to make myself not stress out that day. Could be up to 15 people at our house. Not too many but still. Not a nice quiet day of rest and relaxation either.
Wish that is wonderful that you are going to be able to move forward with the IVF!!! Fabulous news! Although that is a little stressful with the Thanksgiving surprise thrown in there, but I am sure you will do just fine! Just remember nothing is as important as the baby...I keep trying to tell myself that too and stay as low stress as possible for the next few weeks, but easier said than done I suppose!

Still great news! can't wait to hear more!!!!

hi little! did you get to do the IUI today? how'd the ultrasound and everything go? FX'ed for you!!!

malinko - how are you doing, our pregnant friend? is the house remodel done yet?

not too much going on here - on BCP until Sunday and then will go for my Supp check Monday morning. Then Wed I start my Lupron injections, Sat I start my Gonal-F injections. I have a busy week next week between having to go into my office for all-day meetings and flying to see my family in NC next Thurs-Sun. So next week should fly by and I'll already be in for follicle checks on 11/11. Crazy!

I hope you're both well. Fun plans for Halloween?
Good morning, ladies!

Little - did you have the IUI on Friday?!?! Dying to know all the stats :)

Wish - how did the suppression check go this morning? Hopefully things behave this time - you respond well to the meds and you have great news at your follicle check next week!

Fingers crossed for both of you ladies. That would be so much fun if you both are pregnant from this cycle!!!!

AFM - 35 weeks. Wow. I get nauseous just typing that. It's totally about to happen girls. As excited as we are - the panic and anxiety is really kicking in.

House remodel project is completed and my house is put back together. Thank goodness. Nursery is done (except for deciding what to hang on the walls - and that may come once he's here), all newborn and size 0-3 clothes are washed, bedding and blankets washed and put away, car seat installed, started packing my hospital bag (I have some of it packed but have a checklist with the bag so I can remember to pack the last minute things), all the "items" are set up (bassinet is set up in our room, swing is set up in living room, diaper stations set up throughout the house (diapers, wipes, creams, change of clothes, thermometers, etc) since we have a multi-story house, bathing station set up in the bathroom.....I'd say we are ready for this baby. Go in for a check next week and hoping doctor tells me that I have started dilation/effacement. Although - I could be dilated/effaced and still go past my due date. I just want nothing more than to go into labor on my own and NOT go past the due date (every pregnant woman's wish I think!) Not sure much else to update on except for progress from dr's appointments.

I will be checking in here on updates from you girls!!!! Again, fingers crossed tightly for you both!!!!!!
oh WOW, malinko!! sounds like you are 100% prepared for him to come!! Except mentally of course, but I'm sure you'll feel like everything is just as it should be right when he gets here. <3
that's awesome!! I am going to take notes from you on preparedness!
are you getting anymore sleep these days?

everything went well this morning - sufficiently suppressed and ready to start my injections on Wed. I start my Lupron that morning and then I'll throw in the Gonal-F on Saturday. I go in for my first follicle check next Wed, 11/11. Hopefully these suckers play along this time.

I'll keep you posted!

little - how are things going with you? are you 3dpiui now?
Hi friends!
So sorry that it has been so long since I was able to check in! AHHHH work has been NUTS...I am definitely ready for the holidays simply so that I can have some time off!
Okay so my update is this:
10/29 I had my U/S it showed that I had 2 mature eggs, one on each side, and that my uterine lining was 8mm which I guess is where it is supposed to be in order to support a pregnancy so this was all good news! Obviously 2 eggs increases the chance of twins, but it also increases your chances of getting pregnant so we will take what we can get! They gave me the trigger shot and away I went! I did learn though that the trigger shot makes you ovulate around 36 hours from when the shot is given...this is something I didn't know ahead of time, so the IUI takes place the next day hopefully before ovulation to give the little :spermy: the chance to travel to the tubes where they hopefully will meet with the egg (or eggs lol)
10/30 - DH and I went in for IUI. So the bad news is that DH didn't give the greatest sample. He said he felt really weird about giving it in that situation. So it was about 1ml (1.5 or more is considered normal). Which gave us approximately 5 million :spermy: to work with. So not the greatest numbers there. However, motility was at 88% which is really high so we know the little buggers were moving which is good! Went home and tried to remain stress free.
10/31 had :sex: in the AM as this was REALLY encouraged by my doctor to try and increase our numbers of :spermy: present. Who know if this truly helped or not, but we will hope!

So now I am in the waiting period. I am getting my progesterone level checked this Thursday 11/5 so lets hope that is where it needs to be! I also found out yesterday that DH's morphology was where it needs to be. Evidently the shape of the :sperm: help determine their ability to actually penetrate the egg. Again I think I knew these things, but when you are going through it, everything begins to make more sense!

So anyway...test day is 11/13

I am trying to have a positive outlook and perhaps WILL this pregnancy to happen, but then again who wants to do that and be crushed when it doesn't?

If this attempt at IUI is not successful then I foresee my RE suggesting we go with IVF. Simply due to DH's extremely low sperm count. They obviously like to see much higher numbers to give you a better chance at making IUI work. The good news is the medication worked for me and I was able to produce eggs and should be able to carry a pregnancy! WHOOP WHOOP haha

so I am 4DPIUI and counting....I keep telling myself it only takes 1

We shall see!

Hope you are both doing well! Sorry this was really rushed...I am hoping life will slow down just a bit for me so that I can take a deep breath and feel a little more myself! Again we shall see!

Love to you both! :hugs:
thank you for the update little!!! FX'ed for you so much!

I hear you on not wanting to be TOO positive b/c you'll set yourself up, but PMA is a good thing! I hope you're able to de-stress soon and get all of your work stuff done. :)

keep us posted!!

afm - started my injections this morning. Looks like I'll be having a busy couple of weeks as well so hopefully things will a) WORK and b) go by quickly so we can get to the retrieval and transfer! if all goes well, we'll be retrieving on the 18th. And by then, we'll know if you're PREGGO, little!!!

FX'ed for multiple strong and plump follicles!!!
Thanks Wish!
Good luck to you with all that you have going on! I can't believe how busy I have been lately! Here I was thinking that once the wedding crap was over it would be a perfect time to try because things would slow down and life would just be a bit easier...WRONG haha

Oh well you are so right about the PMA, but I know that you know more than anyone how hard that can be when you are afraid that things will go wrong, or just simply not work.

I'll be praying for you that this round works and that you get your happily ever after with your little miracle (s)...the S is simply because you never know!

The closer it gets to the time when I need to test the more nervous I get. I just REALLY want this to work so that we don't have to move forward with any other plans other than planning to have a baby FINALLY....but we will see!

lots of love to you! :hugs: hopefully time flies and we both get our :bfp: !!!!!
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
hi girls - I'm so mad at myself. I took both drugs yesterday instead of remembering the instructions to only start the Lupron. I have a call into the RE office right now but I don't know if I royally just screwed up this cycle. I'm hoping that they'll keep me going and will just be like 'well, let's see if it makes a difference' or whatever. UGH. I'm SO mad.
I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, i'll keep my PMA for you, little!!
Oh wish that is a bummer! you are sounding like me! I can't seem to keep anything straight these days haha perhaps it is just the stress of all the crap going on who knows?! I hope they tell you that you can still move forward with this cycle! Keep us in the loop!

Just got an update from the RE, progesterone on day 21 was 21.1! Yay! It's where it needs to be! Lots of support for little baby #1 if God is willing!

Bad test date is 11/13....which happens to be Friday the 13th. Not feeling real great about that. YIKES

nahhhh I think it's kinda cool that it's a Friday the 13th testing day!! a little macabre never hurt anyone ;)
That's awesome your progesterone was looking so good! what dpiui are you now? are you feeling anything?

malinko - how are you doing girl? little malinko hanging in there?? not long now, Papa Smurf!!!

afm - so yes, I screwed up the meds but all was not lost. What a debacle!! I had to have DH overnight me my Gonal-F b/c I only brought enough for 3 doses and the workaround for this cycle was to just continue as I started, which meant taking both drugs each time. So I did skip one dose of the gonal b/c it wouldn't have gotten there in time but whatever, at that point. So I went in for my check this morning and we have 5 follicles! it's still early so they aren't really measurable but that's 4 more than last month at this time! So things are going well so far - please keep your fingers crossed/candles lit/prayers handy. And of course, thank you so much for all of your support!

little - I'll be thinking of you all week!!!!
Wish that is great that the med error didn't screw up your plans! And I am thrilled to hear that you have so many follicles! That is WONDERFUL! Fingers crossed/candles lit/ and prayers your way!

I am 10dpiui today. I am not sure if I am feeling anything or not. I have had some slight headaches and fatigue and some mild cramping since about 6dpiui, but I am not sure if these are signs or if they are just related to progesterone. I will say this though I have had quite a bit of creamy cm over the last 5 days. It's kind of grossing me out. But evidently it is not abnormal (even if you aren't pregnant) so I am just dealing with it. Also I am very irritable, but who knows what that is from lol Could be that I am tired, or life is just a lot right now? haha so I am not sure Wish. I haven't been having any sickness or anything like that other than a bit of a cold. Nose has been plugged and kind of runny over the last week which is only irritating because I can't breathe well when I attempt to sleep. haha

SO basically I have no idea. I'm tempted to take a test earlier, but I am just not ready to have to deal with the disappointment yet. So I am going to hold off until the unlucky day lol, and we will see how it goes. I told myself while I was in the shower this morning that if I am pregnant we will find out soon enough, and there is nothing I can do to change that fact now, so I either am or I'm not and life will go on either way. Don't get me wrong I am SOOOOOOOOO hoping that I am, but I dunno this irritable mood has me saying and thinking strange things hahahaha

Anyway Malinko I hope you are doing well! Hang in there girly only a few more weeks until is "safe" for the little guy to come out! Can't wait! So excited for you!

Wish, you hang in there as well! This is your time I can just feel it! Can't wait to hear your good news! Thank you for thinking of me! Please pray that I don't kill someone before the end of the week haha. I think part of my mood is the anticipation of what the test will say. I know this though, I will most likely cry either way. SO hey at least we know my Friday morning will start out with tears! hahahaha

Love to you both! :hugs:
:hugs: to you! those actually sound really good - cold symptoms are sometimes some of the first symptoms b/c of the increase in mucous all around. and I have to say that i'm usually dry as a bone before AF, so I would love to see tons of creamy cm around 10dpo!! So hoping for you!!!
Thanks Wish! I am hoping too, but who knows. This is by far the LONGEST 2ww I have ever experienced. It has literally gone SO SLOW. I feel like I am aware of every minute, of every hour, of every day....sigh....Maybe that is why I am kind of wanting to just test now and find out already, but I also feel like I should just wait until Friday. I guess I'm really not sure. And of course anything that I have noticed that I might relate to pregnancy I am just telling myself I made it up, because I feel like I am just going to be let down again.

Bad attitude I know, but it's hard to fight!

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