Shop assistant smacks 3 y/o!

Why are people refering to a 50 year old as elderly? It is not old. My parents are in their early 50's and they are not old. It was never okay for them to hit strangers children when they were parents in their twenties and thirties. So I dont think the different era quite cuts it.

Also the people saying if an adult ran round the store smashing things etc. Lets get this into perspective, one thing being smashed alongside a tantrum does not equal running round a store smashing things. It equals normal three year old behaviour and an accident which is a bit different from what running round the store suggests. So if an adult accidently knocked one item then I very much doubt store security would be physically reprimanding them.

Expectations of little people is so huge now. Three years old is just tiny and they dont know that it is going to piss the shop assistant off if they have a tantrum.

My almost five year old has melt downs because she has a social communication disorder (otherwise known as things like autism, aspergers). She will have them when out because loud nosies, crowds, unusual places, her routine changing, change of any description distresses her. I cant put her in a pushchair or on reins, it wouldnt be fair as she doesnt want to be different to other five year olds. And how long am I suppose to do that for until she is a teen because this is her now and always? Would it of been okay for someone to tap/smack her bum? And as a parent with more than one child, yes occassionally I have to take my eyes off of her as I need to deal with my other children. Even if I had just her then I would probably at times still take my eyes off her because I am not perfect and we all get distracted from time to time.

And finally, anyone else thinking why are glass bottles of dettol on display in a place easy for young children to reach/knock? Kinda dangerous IMO.
I don't think I've been on BnB long enough! I haven't had the opportunity to be involved in a good smacking debate!

There once was a mum who would smack
and knock her poor child on his back
The child would cry
The mum would sigh
And people would comment her parentings slack!

If we're gonna debate on this thread we might as well do it in rhyme ;)
I don't think I've been on BnB long enough! I haven't had the opportunity to be involved in a good smacking debate!

There once was a mum who would smack
and knock her poor child on his back
The child would cry
The mum would sigh
And people would comment her parentings slack!

If we're gonna debate on this thread we might as well do it in rhyme ;)

Why are people refering to a 50 year old as elderly? It is not old. My parents are in their early 50's and they are not old. It was never okay for them to hit strangers children when they were parents in their twenties and thirties. So I dont think the different era quite cuts it.

Did you ask your parents if it is was okay to smack a child lightly on the bottom in their time? I think 50+ is old, my parents in that age and I expect people to treat them with the respect accorded to the elderly.

Also the people saying if an adult ran round the store smashing things etc. Lets get this into perspective, one thing being smashed alongside a tantrum does not equal running round a store smashing things. It equals normal three year old behaviour and an accident which is a bit different from what running round the store suggests. So if an adult accidently knocked one item then I very much doubt store security would be physically reprimanding them.

Expectations of little people is so huge now. Three years old is just tiny and they dont know that it is going to piss the shop assistant off if they have a tantrum.

My almost five year old has melt downs because she has a social communication disorder (otherwise known as things like autism, aspergers). She will have them when out because loud nosies, crowds, unusual places, her routine changing, change of any description distresses her. I cant put her in a pushchair or on reins, it wouldnt be fair as she doesnt want to be different to other five year olds. And how long am I suppose to do that for until she is a teen because this is her now and always? Would it of been okay for someone to tap/smack her bum? And as a parent with more than one child, yes occassionally I have to take my eyes off of her as I need to deal with my other children. Even if I had just her then I would probably at times still take my eyes off her because I am not perfect and we all get distracted from time to time.

And finally, anyone else thinking why are glass bottles of dettol on display in a place easy for young children to reach/knock? Kinda dangerous IMO.

In the article, it's the mother who describes it as a tantrum. I agree it's normal toddler behavior but not for adults, which is why people shouldn't compare the two. If an adult throws a tantrum in the store (whether it involves running around or not), he or she will be asked to leave or be physically removed is resisted.
I can honestly say I am full on shocked people don't think she should be sacked for hitting a customers child. That is gross misconduct. If a teacher hit a child they would be sacked. If a health professional hit a patient they would be sacked. It should be the same for any job working with the public. Maybe I just have high expectations of shop assistants... When I was a teen I worked in a supermarket and saw people sacked for much less.

Did you like working there? Did you feel your manager cares about the workers?

I don't feel like its relevant but I didnt enjoy working there no. It was a stop gap until I was old enough to go into a job I could use to my advantage. I don't think I spoke to a manager the whole 12 months I worked there so wouldn't know.

It's relevant because when you care about your employees you do your best to preserve their livelihood, you don't sack them unless you have to or they have a lousy work attitude. I had ladies in their 50s and 60s working in the same job their whole life, I would do my best to make sure they keep their job in this kind of situation.

I think smacking someone elses kid falls under 'lousy work attitude.'

If she smacked an adult she'd be sacked and done for assault, why should it be different that's it's a child who got hit?

This has been repeated a few times, does anyone here think it's okay for an adult to behave like a child and get away with it? So why keep comparing the two?

If she was racist to a customer would you be 'oh well back in your day it was completely normal to be that ignorant about coloured folk' nope, she'd be fired. Just because she's from a different era doesn't give her a free pass to do what the hell she likes.

If she was a racist, then she wouldn't be coming from a good place. If she was just "perceived" to be racist by an oversensitive customer when in fact she wasn't, I would try to cover for her if possible as well.

I don't care if back in her day it was the 'right thing' to do, it's not now. In a job like retail you have to keep up with the times not be stuck in a generation that's outdated now.


From a business point of view yes, from a humanising point of view, this could be a person's livelihood - taking that away should not be a light decision. How would you feel if the breadwinner in your house loses the job even if a mistake was made? That's what I think about when I've had to do it. :shrug:
Am I the only one thats never seen a glass bottle of dettol? always plastic.
Why are people refering to a 50 year old as elderly? It is not old. My parents are in their early 50's and they are not old. It was never okay for them to hit strangers children when they were parents in their twenties and thirties. So I dont think the different era quite cuts it.

Did you ask your parents if it is was okay to smack a child lightly on the bottom in their time? I think 50+ is old, my parents in that age and I expect people to treat them with the respect accorded to the elderly.

Also the people saying if an adult ran round the store smashing things etc. Lets get this into perspective, one thing being smashed alongside a tantrum does not equal running round a store smashing things. It equals normal three year old behaviour and an accident which is a bit different from what running round the store suggests. So if an adult accidently knocked one item then I very much doubt store security would be physically reprimanding them.

Expectations of little people is so huge now. Three years old is just tiny and they dont know that it is going to piss the shop assistant off if they have a tantrum.

My almost five year old has melt downs because she has a social communication disorder (otherwise known as things like autism, aspergers). She will have them when out because loud nosies, crowds, unusual places, her routine changing, change of any description distresses her. I cant put her in a pushchair or on reins, it wouldnt be fair as she doesnt want to be different to other five year olds. And how long am I suppose to do that for until she is a teen because this is her now and always? Would it of been okay for someone to tap/smack her bum? And as a parent with more than one child, yes occassionally I have to take my eyes off of her as I need to deal with my other children. Even if I had just her then I would probably at times still take my eyes off her because I am not perfect and we all get distracted from time to time.

And finally, anyone else thinking why are glass bottles of dettol on display in a place easy for young children to reach/knock? Kinda dangerous IMO.

In the article, it's the mother who describes it as a tantrum. I agree it's normal toddler behavior but not for adults, which is why people shouldn't compare the two. If an adult throws a tantrum in the store (whether it involves running around or not), he or she will be asked to leave or be physically removed is resisted.

Yes I did, and no it was not acceptable in London UK to hit/smack/tap a child that you didnt know. 50 is not seen as elderly where I live :shrug:

I didnt say it wasnt a tantrum but smashing things implies a plural and it was ONE thing, therefore not smashing things at all but smashing something. Accidentally at that.

Can I ask where you live? I dont mean exact place but country because I am wondering if it is a cultrual thing that a) 50 is seen as old b) it was ever accepted in society in the 70's/80's (when this woman would of been a parent of young children herself, if she had them) as it was more like the 50's that a clip round the ear would happen from strangers here c) the security here wouldnt be allowed to touch you unless you steal something (and even then it is only restraining someone not physically removing them), to physically remove someone the police would need to be called.
Am I the only one thats never seen a glass bottle of dettol? always plastic.

It is always glass here for the antisepctic stuff that is used to clean cuts etc.
I don't think she did break a glass bottle - it was just the nozzle wasn't it?
50 is not oap how patronising what are the people who are making the comments about being old in there teens!! Lol my mums 50 and I would say she's a fairly young gran! X
Piper, I have no idea if it was a bottle or a nozzel or whatever.

Scottish Mum, thank you. I think my parents would be really insulted to be referred to as elderly.
‘There was a Dettol sterilising spray and she’d broken one of the lids. I went to pick it up and the lady said “you naughty girl” and smacked her bottom.
Some of the accounts are calling the aggressor "pharmacist" and others "assistant", so it looks like some pretty shoddy journalism going on, which doesn't surprise me from the Daily Fail.
I can honestly say I am full on shocked people don't think she should be sacked for hitting a customers child. That is gross misconduct. If a teacher hit a child they would be sacked. If a health professional hit a patient they would be sacked. It should be the same for any job working with the public. Maybe I just have high expectations of shop assistants... When I was a teen I worked in a supermarket and saw people sacked for much less.

Did you like working there? Did you feel your manager cares about the workers?

I don't feel like its relevant but I didnt enjoy working there no. It was a stop gap until I was old enough to go into a job I could use to my advantage. I don't think I spoke to a manager the whole 12 months I worked there so wouldn't know.

It's relevant because when you care about your employees you do your best to preserve their livelihood, you don't sack them unless you have to or they have a lousy work attitude. I had ladies in their 50s and 60s working in the same job their whole life, I would do my best to make sure they keep their job in this kind of situation.

I think smacking someone elses kid falls under 'lousy work attitude.'

If she smacked an adult she'd be sacked and done for assault, why should it be different that's it's a child who got hit?

This has been repeated a few times, does anyone here think it's okay for an adult to behave like a child and get away with it? So why keep comparing the two?

If she was racist to a customer would you be 'oh well back in your day it was completely normal to be that ignorant about coloured folk' nope, she'd be fired. Just because she's from a different era doesn't give her a free pass to do what the hell she likes.

If she was a racist, then she wouldn't be coming from a good place. If she was just "perceived" to be racist by an oversensitive customer when in fact she wasn't, I would try to cover for her if possible as well.

I don't care if back in her day it was the 'right thing' to do, it's not now. In a job like retail you have to keep up with the times not be stuck in a generation that's outdated now.


From a business point of view yes, from a humanising point of view, this could be a person's livelihood - taking that away should not be a light decision. How would you feel if the breadwinner in your house loses the job even if a mistake was made? That's what I think about when I've had to do it. :shrug:

I'll say it once again - If you don't want to lose your livelihood, don't do anything to risk it in the first place. She did, and should be punished as such.

Also, 50 isn't old in the slightest. So in my opinion she should of known better. Did she really think she'd get a thank you or something? I'd love to hear her reason for doing that.
‘There was a Dettol sterilising spray and she’d broken one of the lids. I went to pick it up and the lady said “you naughty girl” and smacked her bottom.
Some of the accounts are calling the aggressor "pharmacist" and others "assistant", so it looks like some pretty shoddy journalism going on, which doesn't surprise me from the Daily Fail.

Thank you.

There are different things going on the article so difficult to know what is right and isnt. The sterlising spray bottle lids are extremely thick though, so I imagine at most it will of cracked.

Plus people have said Mum should of been watching but this quote implies she was if she went to pick it up. :shrug:
Its irrelevent to me anyway tbh what was broke- whether it was a whole bottle or lid, it was an accident. Heck I smashed a full vase once in Wilko's, I took it to the counter, apologised and offered to pay but they said it was fine. Can you imagine if she'd hit me for it?! If my child broke something I would do exactly the same, take it to the counter, apologise and offer to pay. Its as simple as that. Theres no need for discipline in this situation from any one. It was an ACCIDENT. And accidents happen, even with the best behaved toddlers, they get curious for heavens sake.
Love the comments referring to people in their 50s as elderly, or "back in their day" as though they were around for the invention of electricity. My mom is 50 and my aunt (her sister) is 55...both nowhere NEAR what I would call elderly, or at a point where I'd put unacceptable behaviour down to generation gaps. My 85 year old grandmother (if she were alive), sure. But I think the really casual mentality of giving small children a smack, especially when they're not your child, has been gone for quite some time.

I can't imagine anywhere I've worked not firing someone over this.
Its irrelevent to me anyway tbh what was broke- whether it was a whole bottle or lid, it was an accident. Heck I smashed a full vase once in Wilko's, I took it to the counter, apologised and offered to pay but they said it was fine. Can you imagine if she'd hit me for it?! If my child broke something I would do exactly the same, take it to the counter, apologise and offer to pay. Its as simple as that. Theres no need for discipline in this situation from any one. It was an ACCIDENT. And accidents happen, even with the best behaved toddlers, they get curious for heavens sake.

Exactly how I feel.
Why are people refering to a 50 year old as elderly? It is not old. My parents are in their early 50's and they are not old. It was never okay for them to hit strangers children when they were parents in their twenties and thirties. So I dont think the different era quite cuts it.

Did you ask your parents if it is was okay to smack a child lightly on the bottom in their time? I think 50+ is old, my parents in that age and I expect people to treat them with the respect accorded to the elderly.

Also the people saying if an adult ran round the store smashing things etc. Lets get this into perspective, one thing being smashed alongside a tantrum does not equal running round a store smashing things. It equals normal three year old behaviour and an accident which is a bit different from what running round the store suggests. So if an adult accidently knocked one item then I very much doubt store security would be physically reprimanding them.

Expectations of little people is so huge now. Three years old is just tiny and they dont know that it is going to piss the shop assistant off if they have a tantrum.

My almost five year old has melt downs because she has a social communication disorder (otherwise known as things like autism, aspergers). She will have them when out because loud nosies, crowds, unusual places, her routine changing, change of any description distresses her. I cant put her in a pushchair or on reins, it wouldnt be fair as she doesnt want to be different to other five year olds. And how long am I suppose to do that for until she is a teen because this is her now and always? Would it of been okay for someone to tap/smack her bum? And as a parent with more than one child, yes occassionally I have to take my eyes off of her as I need to deal with my other children. Even if I had just her then I would probably at times still take my eyes off her because I am not perfect and we all get distracted from time to time.

And finally, anyone else thinking why are glass bottles of dettol on display in a place easy for young children to reach/knock? Kinda dangerous IMO.

In the article, it's the mother who describes it as a tantrum. I agree it's normal toddler behavior but not for adults, which is why people shouldn't compare the two. If an adult throws a tantrum in the store (whether it involves running around or not), he or she will be asked to leave or be physically removed is resisted.

Yes I did, and no it was not acceptable in London UK to hit/smack/tap a child that you didnt know. 50 is not seen as elderly where I live :shrug:

So it was okay to smack just not someone they don't know, is it really inconceivable that this lady thought it's okay when a child comes into the shop?

I didnt say it wasnt a tantrum but smashing things implies a plural and it was ONE thing, therefore not smashing things at all but smashing something. Accidentally at that.

Make it singular, does it make it okay for an adult to throw a tantrum in the shop?

Can I ask where you live? I dont mean exact place but country because I am wondering if it is a cultrual thing that a) 50 is seen as old b) it was ever accepted in society in the 70's/80's (when this woman would of been a parent of young children herself, if she had them) as it was more like the 50's that a clip round the ear would happen from strangers here c) the security here wouldnt be allowed to touch you unless you steal something (and even then it is only restraining someone not physically removing them), to physically remove someone the police would need to be called.

I'm from SEA, and I've lived in London, there are Londoners who think 50+ is old, Londoners who think smacking is okay, Londoners who think parents don't discipline their children enough so this is okay, and if an adult throws a tantrum which would likely cause a commotion, they will be removed if refused to leave.
My Mum is 54 and punished me by smacking. When I showed her this story she was outraged!

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