Should We Get Rid of the Sex Industry?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
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The other evening I was watching a documentary about Prague, and the night spots, and they were explaining how sme of the workers in the strip clubs are actually foreigners who have been trafficked into the country. It had me thinking, I am all for liberal society and people being able to work any job they want, but after watching that, I started wondering if the sex industry needs to be reconsidered and perhaps eliminated altogether.

I have read book called Somaly Mam, about this Thai lady, who says that the sex industry in Thailand is staffed largely by under-age girls who are there against their will. Even in the Western world, there are girls from Eastern Europe, Asia etc who are trafficked on the premise of a new life abroad, but end up having to work off debts as prostitutes, strippers, etc in brothels and clubs and all sorts. Some of them are told if they don't work, or if they flee, their families back home will be killed.

It also got me thinking about pornography. I know with porn, it is hard to imagine that the people are doing it against their will, but it is also not difficult to think, well if the girl has been forced to strip and prostitute, she may also be forced to engage in porn.

Aside from the trafficking, and being held against will, other issues come to my mind, like the ethics of it all, do you think sex should be held more sacredly? How do you think it impacts our children? How do you think the sex industry has impacted society as a whole? Do you think it is necessary?

Anyway, I just wondered what your thoughts are. x
TBH, there is no way of getting rid of the sex industry. It's been tried - the illegality of it is actually what creates the darkest side, like the trafficking and child-abuse and holding-against-will.

A lot of people like to think things like this don't go on but they do, closer to home than most would like to think. It's just not realistic to expect the sex industry to disappear because many of us don't like it... IMO it'd be a far better idea for it to be above board so it could actually be regulated :flower:
I am completely against the sex industry. However, I do understand that getting rid of it could cause a lot of problems..push it further underground etc. Something needs to be done though.

A friend of mine does a huge amount of campaigning against pornography, and I think most people would be shocked at the amount which is done against a girls will. They will also often have to be taken to hospital afterwards.

There are people who CHOOSE to work in the industry, but I would guess a lot choose to do so due to other pressures. And, although I am all for freedom of choice, I feel that the sex industry has an extrememly large, and negative knock-on affect on society.

Good topic!
Do agree with tallybee also, it would almost be 'better' if things such a prositution where legal, so everything could be regulated, women would be safer, less chance of stds, rape etc.
Hmmm tough one.

I like a bit of porn myself. Though sometimes I get a bit freaked out because the girls look SO very out of it on drugs etc

Yes, that is my only contribution for now. Good thread. Normally my first post on a debate is lengthy, this one has me a bit stumped xx
I'm not against it. I think it has its place and would like to see prostitution and stuff legalised to protect the girls. Its going to happen no matter what, its the worlds oldest proffession after all!
I'm completely against the sex industry. An increasing number of women are trafficked and forced into the porn industry. How could you guarantee that you aren't watching one of those women? And even if you weren't, by watching any kind of porn you are contributing to the demand that leads to trafficking. There is bully and bribery involved to make women perform certain acts. There have been cases of women threatened with legal action if they tried to back out of certain scenes because they had already signed contracts. Male porn stars have said that they struggle to get or keep erections because their female co-stars are crying, throwing up and taking drugs to cope with what is happening. Many of the women leave the industry with permanent injuries and a huge percentage of performers contract STDs and HIV. Pornography degrades and dehumanises women and desensitises those who watch it. 87% of child molesters and 86% of rapists admit regular use of porn, with 57% admitting actual imitation of pornographic scenes. I agree that trying to get rid of the industry completely could cause a lot of problems, but it needs to be much more regulated.
It's a good question, to be sure.

However, I don't think that putting an end to the sex industry all together is the answer to eliminating human trafficking. I also worry, like a previous poster mentioned, that pushing it further underground would make it less regulated and worse for the general populace as a whole with the spread of STIs and unplanned pregnancies.

Furthermore, there is a larger underlying problem with regard to trafficking as a whole. It exists because women actively seek to better their positions in other parts of the world because the economic situation within their own country is little to be desired. Trafficking, in many cases, is women answering advertisements from people they think to be reputable business owners for positions abroad; these positions are often advertised as "cleaning lady" or "housemaid." It is only when the woman arrives in the country that she realizes what she has actually been signed up for. At that point, she often does not know the language and is far too frightened of the local authorities to seek help. So the fact that prostitutes exist that are actually trafficked women is really a symptom of a larger problem.

Human trafficking laws in more developed countries are often not very effective because they are aimed more at "finding the bad guys" and not at "helping the victims." Women are so afraid of being deported back to a country where they might be further punished and persecuted that they often do not report themselves to the police. And when they do, they are not always guaranteed asylum.

So, I am completely for eliminating human trafficking. I just think eliminating the sex industry would likely exacerbate the problem by pushing it further underground (which, ironically, would likely increase the need for trafficked workers).
I would say that most girls working in the sex industry are not there because they want to be. A absolutely abhor the notion that girls, often children are sold slaves for the pleasure of men. I literally cannot fathom this.

I also once read a article that discussed the notion that a lot of sex workers that 'choose' their profession, are actually victims of self abuse and have such low self esteem and self worth. So sad. Then there are others that are forced by substance abuse, gambling addiction or debt. I've never heard a little girl say that when she grows up she wants to be a sex worker.

Then there is the whole other notion that it 'cheapens' the sanctity of marriage and an 'ideal' that be should be enjoyed between a husband and wife.

So yes, I think the sex industry is wrong. Will it ever change? Would like to live in the hope that one day it will.
Im completely and utterly against the sex industry

Ill leave it at that :)
How would one get rid of the sex industry?

It should be made legal, and a lot of these problems and situations would go away. It would be more of a controlled environment, and less of a hidden away one.
I would say that most girls working in the sex industry are not there because they want to be. A absolutely abhor the notion that girls, often children are sold slaves for the pleasure of men. I literally cannot fathom this.

I also once read a article that discussed the notion that a lot of sex workers that 'choose' their profession, are actually victims of self abuse and have such low self esteem and self worth. So sad. Then there are others that are forced by substance abuse, gambling addiction or debt. I've never heard a little girl say that when she grows up she wants to be a sex worker.

Then there is the whole other notion that it 'cheapens' the sanctity of marriage and an 'ideal' that be should be enjoyed between a husband and wife.

So yes, I think the sex industry is wrong. Will it ever change? Would like to live in the hope that one day it will.

Are you talking about the entirety of the sex industry or just prostitution? I thought that sex as an industry also included pornography and the like. There are plenty of people who go into pornographic film-making of their own volition. There's also an argument among some feminists that pornography can be empowering for women, assuming that all women are going into the industry entirely of their own choice. I'm not sure where my own stance is on this; I just think it's an interesting point.

Furthermore, marriage isn't the ideal for everyone either. Therefore, I don't see it as a valid reason for eliminating the sex industry all together.
I am categorically against supporting the sex industry, if it were possible to get rid of it, id be the first to applaud the decision.

Absolute no-no!
I dont know where i stand on this obv the forse used and trafficing is wrong and should not be allowed.. However i have been none to watch porn the every so offten
the sex industry and the porn industry are two very different kettles of fish.

Porn - is fairly well regulated in the uk and the usa these days with enforced sex health tests (including aids) and no porn should be made or sold that does not use condoms. I know quite a lot of porn girls through my job (i am graphic designer for a adult retails website) and whilst a lot of them are very sweet and scarily naive at times, they are mostly doign it for a)money or b) they want that kind fo exposure, among the regulated porn industry i dont think i have met one girl or boy that felt "forced into it"

And the difference lies with the advent of the internet and black market films - the unregulated stuff.... who knows what goes on or what the actors are put through, but what it does show is the regulated against the unregulated, perhaps the answer is stricter regulation?

The sex industry - take amsterdam for example, strictly regulated however much safter and cleaner than the unregulated types - so for my asnwer ..

no we shouldn't get rid of it as what happens it it forces it underground and more of these despicable situations cant basis one industry in one country to reflect that in others either, as its so changeable depending on the soco-economic standing of that country.

its a toughie but tighter regulations i think over abolishment would be best

also where do you draw the line and where do you start classing the sex industry?
I would say that most girls working in the sex industry are not there because they want to be. A absolutely abhor the notion that girls, often children are sold slaves for the pleasure of men. I literally cannot fathom this.

I also once read a article that discussed the notion that a lot of sex workers that 'choose' their profession, are actually victims of self abuse and have such low self esteem and self worth. So sad. Then there are others that are forced by substance abuse, gambling addiction or debt. I've never heard a little girl say that when she grows up she wants to be a sex worker.

Then there is the whole other notion that it 'cheapens' the sanctity of marriage and an 'ideal' that be should be enjoyed between a husband and wife.

So yes, I think the sex industry is wrong. Will it ever change? Would like to live in the hope that one day it will.

Are you talking about the entirety of the sex industry or just prostitution? I thought that sex as an industry also included pornography and the like. There are plenty of people who go into pornographic film-making of their own volition. There's also an argument among some feminists that pornography can be empowering for women, assuming that all women are going into the industry entirely of their own choice. I'm not sure where my own stance is on this; I just think it's an interesting point.

Furthermore, marriage isn't the ideal for everyone either. Therefore, I don't see it as a valid reason for eliminating the sex industry all together.

I know, i do seem to make a very broad generalization, but I was referring to the sex industry as a whole. I just think that A LOT of women are forced into it. Sure, many may chose and find it empowering but I have to wonder how and why? By 'selling' yourself? I think it's very sad, not in a judgmental, patronizing way, but just plain sad. :(

I agree, the ideal of marriage is not for everyone. That is a whole other discussion, and I don't wish to deflect from the original topic. For me though, sex should be reserved for the sanctity of marriage, so therefore is a valid reason to stop the sex industry for me. I know many will have differing opinions, but this is just my humble opinion :flower:

It's a very interesting topic btw :thumbup:
I would say that most girls working in the sex industry are not there because they want to be. A absolutely abhor the notion that girls, often children are sold slaves for the pleasure of men. I literally cannot fathom this.

I also once read a article that discussed the notion that a lot of sex workers that 'choose' their profession, are actually victims of self abuse and have such low self esteem and self worth. So sad. Then there are others that are forced by substance abuse, gambling addiction or debt. I've never heard a little girl say that when she grows up she wants to be a sex worker.

Then there is the whole other notion that it 'cheapens' the sanctity of marriage and an 'ideal' that be should be enjoyed between a husband and wife.

So yes, I think the sex industry is wrong. Will it ever change? Would like to live in the hope that one day it will.

Are you talking about the entirety of the sex industry or just prostitution? I thought that sex as an industry also included pornography and the like. There are plenty of people who go into pornographic film-making of their own volition. There's also an argument among some feminists that pornography can be empowering for women, assuming that all women are going into the industry entirely of their own choice. I'm not sure where my own stance is on this; I just think it's an interesting point.

Furthermore, marriage isn't the ideal for everyone either. Therefore, I don't see it as a valid reason for eliminating the sex industry all together.

I know, i do seem to make a very broad generalization, but I was referring to the sex industry as a whole. I just think that A LOT of women are forced into it. Sure, many may chose and find it empowering but I have to wonder how and why? By 'selling' yourself? I think it's very sad, not in a judgmental, patronizing way, but just plain sad. :(

I agree, the ideal of marriage is not for everyone. That is a whole other discussion, and I don't wish to deflect from the original topic. For me though, sex should be reserved for the sanctity of marriage, so therefore is a valid reason to stop the sex industry for me. I know many will have differing opinions, but this is just my humble opinion :flower:

It's a very interesting topic btw :thumbup:

I know that we disagree on some points with regard to this topic, but I just wanted to thank you for your very civil reply. :)
Interesting set of replies to this topic. To those who believe the 'sex industry' should be gotten rid of, how would you go about actually doing that? Criminalising things forces them underground with very dark consequences. The appetite for porn and prostitutes cannot just be gotten rid of.

I respect anyone's view, if sex is a marriage-only thing for you then that's great if that works for you. But it doesn't work like that for everyone, by a huge margin. (for the record, that includes many of us who are completely unconnected to anything that could be considered 'sex industry' :flower:)

I believe we should live by our own morals without trying to foist them on others. If you don't like porn, don't watch it. Don't like the idea of prostitution? Don't pay for sex. Put parental controls on your internet, computers, anything that can access things. Educate ur children, teach them what you believe about things.

But, what no-one can do is expect the things they dislike (such as the sex industry) to just go away. It never will... it's regulation that holds the answer to getting rid of the darkest sides of it, not any attempts to get rid of the thing altogether.

For me also, it's not just a case of the women involved being abused etc, as obviously there are a few who choose that path. But, in choosing this, it has a huge effect on women as a whole, it gives men unrealistic expectations of sex, and after I saw some porn once, I can honestly say my attitude changed also, I felt pressured into acting a certain way, not justbeing 'natural' (mainly talking about porn here). It just adds even more pressure onto women to act and behave in a way that is sexually attractive to men, and I don't understand why anyone would CHOOSE to be part of this problem.

Agreed it would be almost impossible to get rid of the sex industry, which is why there needs to be tight regulations. It would be nice if it could be eliminated though.
But how do you regulate effectively? how do you monitor it? eg, if you were to say, girls can only have 2 clients per night, how do you know thats whats happening?

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