sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

Oh and yes I've tried fenugreek I've gone through 2 bottles of it. It does help some. I've also tried almonds, oats, flaxseed etc and didn't notice a difference. Since Vayda will be on solids soon I'm decreasing my pumps per day and will just let it go if my milk supply decreases. I feel like Vayda has gotten what she needs from my milk and I've come to terms with the possibility of weaning soon. My next goal is 6 months and at that point I may stop completely.
I pumped last night and my milk looked like skim milk! It's always looked like cream but last night it was quite translucent...At first I didn't know what was going on with it, especially since Ian seemed to want to nurse constantly, but in the last 1-2 days I haven't eaten very well. I was too tired or occupied to eat and so my milk probably took a calorie hit. If eating more doesn't change it, I will talk to the lactation people.
I can't believe I've done 8 weeks of nursing! I am taking it month by month so I don't get overwhelmed or guilty if I want to quit. We have now gotten the hang of breastfeeding, even in public, so I may be able to keep up with it longer than I expected. My original goal is 6 months as well. I am looking forward to introducing solids, but that also means Ian will be older and he's already growing too fast for my liking! :'(

Ian goes for his 2 month shots on Wednesday and I'm nervous! If he looks at me and pouts and then bursts into tears, I will too!! But maybe he'll be calm about it like he was at 1 day old getting the anesthetic for his circumcision :p What did you do to calm/soothe your babies after their shots? I've read some interesting things like blowing in their faces to distract them lol.

I went to an internal medicine specialist today about my hips since they are still as bad as they were in third tri and it now includes my wrists ankles, knees and fingers! The doc ordered a ton of blood work and my arm is so sore from it. The nurse I had was trying to hold the needle steady with one hand while switching the viials with the other but she kept pointing it down at steeper and steeper angles and I'm pretty sure she punctured the vein and it is still swollen and lumpy :'( It hurts to move it. I just finished icing it so hopefully tomorrow it feels better because it hurts to do anything with it and I am right handed! I'll know the results in a week so hopefully it's something that can be fixed and not an autoimmune disease :/
Congrats on the nursing! I think you will make it to 6 months just fine and if not no worries bc in my opinion formula is just as good for babies after the first month the main thing is that they get the colostrum and the antibodies.

I'm not sure about the skim milk look of your milk, even when I had the food poisoning and wasn't able to eat my milk looked normal maybe it was just something you ate that changed the color of it?

As far as shots both of my girls were pretty easy to soothe afterward. I always feed them right after in the waiting room and they usually fall asleep on the way home. I also give them a small dose of Tylenol 1.25ml before and about 5 hours after otherwise they are fussy and uncomfortable. I'm sure nursing Ian right after will do the trick and just make sure you have infant Tylenol on hand in case he needs it.

As for us we have had a couple of rough nights with Vayda she has been waking up after only 6 hours and not going back done as easily. She has been trying to sit up in her bassinet so I think it's time to move her to her crib but she screams everytime I put her in it.

Are you back to your pre preg weight now? I know you didn't gain as much as me while pregnant, I'm back to pre preg weight but would love to lose another 5 lbs. I've started going to the ymca to do my workouts so hopefully I can get back into shape for the summer.
Uh oh! I wonder what's going on with Vayda...separation anxiety? Hopefully it doesn't last too long. Ian has not been staying in his crib for longer than an hour or 2 these last few days and I miss sleeping for 4 hours between feeds.

Thanks for the tip about the tylenol. I might have to get it after his appointment.

I am pretty much back to my pre-preg weight. I fluctuate up and down a couple pounds but still in the same general area. I can't wait to work out again though because my muscles are all loose and basically flapping around my bones lol. it makes me look like I'm wasting away. I find out in a week what's going on with my joints and hopefully it's nothing rest and exercise can't cure.
I think you may be right on the separation anxiety. My husband normally puts her in bed for the night while I spend time with and tuck in our 3 year old. Tonight he didn't even try though she was crying when I finished putting Tay down so I took her and she stopped immediately, drank a bottle and went down. She is still asleep and she's been down for 7 hours so maybe it's a mommy thing?

Today she learned to roll across the floor, she went back to tummy and tummy to back until she was completely off her playmat! It's scary to think she can get 6 feet away on her own, I need to get to baby proofing and fast!

Good luck with the blood work hopefully it's an easy fix but it's good you are getting it checked out in case it's something more. I hate that loose flabby feeling! But don't worry it goes away with time! Mine has started to get a little better the past couple of weeks. Are you able to do any exercise yet?
Wow she can roll far! My DH laughed at me for putting in the outlet stoppers while I was still pregnant. I figured by the time I needed them, I might not remember to put them in so I did them ahead of time ;) But that's all I did so it won't help much haha!

I talked to a LC today and she said that milk changes all the time and it's normal, but if my baby isn't gaining weight steadily or loses some, then that skim milk looking stuff doesn't have enough calories. Ian's pediatrician says to supplement if there's no change in the milk after 10 days or so or if Ian doesn't gain more than he currently weighs.

I can't do much exercise. The last time I tried anything I hurt for days afterward, and all I did was a little zumba! I did some zumba at home a couple days before I went into labor but I didn't hurt too much the next day. I have good and bad days, but I hope this doesn't become a thing or else my legs and arms will be flappy for a while :( What are you doing for exercise?

I wonder where TrytoFind is. I hope everything's alright!
Hey sorry for the delayed response it's been a busy couple of weeks.

Well we moved vay into her crib a few nights ago. She is becoming too mobile to be in the bassinet. We used sleep training with Tay and it worked well she is a great sleeper at night and naps so we are doing that with Vayda too. The first night went well she only cried for 10 mins or so and then slept 13 hrs straight. The last 2 nights she cried for only a few mins but woke up after 8 or 9 hrs for a feeding before going back to sleep. I'm hoping to eliminate the night feeding soon but getting her used to her crib is a start! She can sleep on her tummy now and she prefers that to her back.

For exercise I have started running and doing weights. It's going really well but my weight loss has been plateaued for a month now. I don't want to cut my calories while bf but I would really like to get down to 115 and I'm stuck at 119. I think I will just worry about it when I stop pumping.

How is everything going with you guys? Did you get the results on your hip pain? Hopefully you will get that taken care of soon!
Hey there!

The doc says my hip pain is just residual from child birth/pregnancy and because I didn't get much rest and was also running around town shopping at 4 and 5 weeks pp when my sister and mother were here, it set my recovery back a lot. I wished they had done less shopping and more cooking and cleaning for me, but oh well. Hips are getting better though. I don't have nearly as many bad days as I did earlier but I ordered a hip support belt called Shrinx hips so we'll see if that lets me exercise sooner rather than later. I'm developing a little paunch!! :( And i've gained about 6 extra pounds since I got back to my p-preg weight around 6 weeks pp... *sigh*

My milk went back to normal so i didn't have to supplement. I tried it anyway but since Ian has been exclusively breastfed since around week 5, he won't take formula even if it is mixed with breast milk. He only has to see the bottle coming and he'll start to cry. It's like he can smell it because a bottle of breast milk coming his way doesn't make him turn up his nose...haha!

Ian rolls over from side to front now and front to back. He won't roll to his front in one move yet; he goes to his side first and then the front. Whenever DH and I put him to bed, we come to find him in a totally different spot when he wakes up. One time I heard tapping and knocking in his room and when I went to look, he was facing the side of his crib that has a solid panel (change table is attached) and he couldn't roll over towards it so he was flailing and kicking the panel! I laughed so hard! Sometimes he has an arm or leg sticking out between the bars too which stops him from rolling...I wonder how safe that is.
Ian is also smiling up a storm! His smile is the sweetest smile I've ever seen but I'm biased ;) And he laughed the day after he turned 9 weeks in the presence of both DH and I, but he hasn't laughed since lol. He also squeals and coos a lot too, and makes the funniest facial expressions!

He also got bitten by some kind of insect while I was in the shower. He was in his swing seat in the doorway of the bathroom when I heard crying. I thought he was just upset that i was taking too long but later a red spot appeared on his cheek. Then a few days later it was swollen and he had a slight fever so i took him to the doc and she gave him antibiotics. I was so nervous to give them to him for fear that he would have a bad reaction or be hurt by it since he's so little, but he's doing fine. 4 more days of it and then he's done. I trust the pediatrician but I was just being a new mom and worrying haha! I hope he won't need anymore medicine for a while now.


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Oh my goodness I love his smile and his curly hair that is so cute!!

I'm glad your hip pain isn't chronic and hopefully it will go away completely soon! I had to stop running last week, I started having pain in my ankle a couple of weeks ago and each time I would run it got worse, to the point where it hurt just to walk and hurt really bad when carrying around Vayda or Tay. I went to the dr. who said I had tendonitis and that I should refrain from high impact exercises for a month. So now I'm doing the stair climber at the Y for about 20 mins and doing some ab work. I don't know if I will start running again the stair climber seems to do a better job of toning and I burn just as many calories but I don't have any soreness afterward like I do with running. Are there any exercises you can do that don't hurt your hips?

I think a lot of people gain weight while breastfeeding. I feel like I would be thinner if I weren't still breastfeeding too. I'm hungry all the time so I feel like I eat a ton and even though I'm exercising every day I'm not losing any weight. I do feel like I'm getting more toned though and I guess that's what's really important.

What kind of bug did the dr. think bit Ian? Tay got bit by a brown recluse spider (we think) when she was 2, it swelled up and was redish purple, I took her to the dr. and she put her on antibiotics too.

That is so funny that Ian won't take formula now. Vayda prefers breastmilk but if she is hungry she enjoys drinking formula as well. The difference is she will drink breastmilk even when she isn't very hungry but she will refuse formula unless its been at least 3 hours since she ate. She is finally eating some of her solids now, I made her some avocado baby food and she really enjoyed that. Oh and 2 days ago she cut her very first tooth!

Here is a picture of her from last week.


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Thank you!! I can't get enough of his baby smiles, and I'm glad he gives us more and more each day :)

I haven't tried any exercise for fear of hurting my hips again which would cause me to have trouble walking for at least a week :( I was thinking of trying a bit of yoga one day to see how it goes, but I will wait until my Shrinx hips arrives, just to be safe.

The doc's not sure but she said if it was a spider it would have two holes where the fangs went in and it would have a purplish center, which it didn't. She says it's probably a mosquito or something like that. Today was the last day of antibiotics so i'm happy that's over. I think it upset Ian's tummy a couple times because he threw up a lot which he never does.

Ah Brown recluse?! I've read those things can cause a type of flesh eating where they bite due to the toxins they inject when they bite. SO glad it didn't turn that way for your daughter! The pictures on google are horrible...

Ian used to take formula if he was really hungry like one time when we were in the grocery store an hour or so past his feeding time. He was 3-4 weeks at the time though so I guess he felt like he was in survival mode? haha!

I'm looking forward to making food for Ian with my Sage Spoonfuls! But I can wait since he is already growing up so quickly!! What do you use to make your baby food?

A tooth?! Wow! Big girl Vayda is now, and beautiful! She won't need mascara when she's older :p

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