Hey there!
The doc says my hip pain is just residual from child birth/pregnancy and because I didn't get much rest and was also running around town shopping at 4 and 5 weeks pp when my sister and mother were here, it set my recovery back a lot. I wished they had done less shopping and more cooking and cleaning for me, but oh well. Hips are getting better though. I don't have nearly as many bad days as I did earlier but I ordered a hip support belt called Shrinx hips so we'll see if that lets me exercise sooner rather than later. I'm developing a little paunch!!

And i've gained about 6 extra pounds since I got back to my p-preg weight around 6 weeks pp... *sigh*
My milk went back to normal so i didn't have to supplement. I tried it anyway but since Ian has been exclusively breastfed since around week 5, he won't take formula even if it is mixed with breast milk. He only has to see the bottle coming and he'll start to cry. It's like he can smell it because a bottle of breast milk coming his way doesn't make him turn up his nose...haha!
Ian rolls over from side to front now and front to back. He won't roll to his front in one move yet; he goes to his side first and then the front. Whenever DH and I put him to bed, we come to find him in a totally different spot when he wakes up. One time I heard tapping and knocking in his room and when I went to look, he was facing the side of his crib that has a solid panel (change table is attached) and he couldn't roll over towards it so he was flailing and kicking the panel! I laughed so hard! Sometimes he has an arm or leg sticking out between the bars too which stops him from rolling...I wonder how safe that is.
Ian is also smiling up a storm! His smile is the sweetest smile I've ever seen but I'm biased

And he laughed the day after he turned 9 weeks in the presence of both DH and I, but he hasn't laughed since lol. He also squeals and coos a lot too, and makes the funniest facial expressions!
He also got bitten by some kind of insect while I was in the shower. He was in his swing seat in the doorway of the bathroom when I heard crying. I thought he was just upset that i was taking too long but later a red spot appeared on his cheek. Then a few days later it was swollen and he had a slight fever so i took him to the doc and she gave him antibiotics. I was so nervous to give them to him for fear that he would have a bad reaction or be hurt by it since he's so little, but he's doing fine. 4 more days of it and then he's done. I trust the pediatrician but I was just being a new mom and worrying haha! I hope he won't need anymore medicine for a while now.