sick of waiting for bfp - come on October

Oh RCAF I'm so sorry you are miserable! I know with my first pregnancy even though I went early at 36 weeks I was so uncomfortable the last few weeks! It hurt when I would sit down for too long, only laying down was comfortable. The pelvic pressure is a good sign of labor and so is increasing cm! If you notice any blood in your cm you could be days away from labor! I had bloody show with both pregnancies. It happens sooner in first pregnancies and I had mine with my first 8 days before my water broke. With this baby it happened the day before my water broke. I never noticed an increase in BH because I got them all the time after 20 weeks but I know for most people that is another good sign. I was very antisocial at the end of my first pregnancy as well. I didn't want to do anything but sleep and lay around all day and I think you should do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable! I think the comment "so what did you do all day?" was very rude, you should have said "um I'm building a human, what did you do all day?" The marks on your belly might be broken capillaries I got those with both pregnancies and unlike stretch marks they go away completely :happydance:

Make sure to update us on your labor signs! With my first I had preterm labor so every sign was scary, but with Vayda it was a fun time wondering if I would have my baby that day. Its funny because I was so laid up with Tayen up until I had her, but with Vayda I was out running errands and ran a mile on my elliptical 5 hours before she was born. :haha: Have you had a cervical check for dilation/effacement yet?

Make sure to enjoy these last few weeks, because its the last time you will have Ian all to yourself. :flower:
Thanks! I will keep you guys updated :) I'm going for my first weekly midwife appointment tomorrow morning so I will see if they check my cervix. I hope they do because I'd really like to know. I tried checking it myself this morning but I couldn't reach it! It's so far away lol.
I will try to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy but it's really hard :/ I just want to cuddle him on the outside because it'll hurt less. I keep wondering which day in February he'll be born. I'm so excited :D
Guys! I passed a bright red glob of mucus today (about 4.5 hours ago)! I was freaking out because it was so red, so I called the midwife anytime line and spoke to a triage nurse. she said it sounded like my mucus plug/bloody show, so she called the midwife to double check. She said, as long as it doesn't get gushy or my water breaks then I should just stay home. So that made me feel a little better. Now, i've changed my panty liner twice and everytime i wipe, there's maroon-coloured mucus, this last time with chunks!! (sorry for tmi) I'm concerned since blood in pregnancy is supposed to be a bad thing, but it's not period like. it's more like my period is about to start. Have also been having some cramps and sharp pains in my vagina, especially the back part of it. Baby is still moving so he's fine, but I'm just worried because this is all new to me and not sure what to expect from here. I googled bloody show and the pictures are what i've seen on the tissue so it's the same thing. Internet says labor could be anywhere from hours to days following the blood, so we will see. I'll keep you updated!!
Yay rcaf! I passed my mucus plug with my first 8 days bf my water broke, so it should be soon! My dr said bloody show comes on average a week bf labor in first pregnancies and within hours in second pregnancies. He was right in my experience :thumbup: I think it's a good sign you will go into labor on your own and not need to be induced which is great! I'm so excited I can't wait to hear more updates!
Thanks!! I really hope your doc is right about it being a week away because that's about all i can take now. My belly hurt so much today that on our way to the grocery store, and going over bumps and stopping at stop signs, i burst out in tears! Like, bawling-type of tears and poor dh was driving and couldn't do much but hold my hand, poor guy. It just feels like my abs are tearing (which they probably are and have done) and stretching and each time baby stretches, it hurts to high heaven!! And the stretch marks add to this pain since they still hurt everytime Ian pushes on them.
On saturday after a BM, I had even more "bloody show" -- it was more like maroon-coloured eggwhite and lots of it, so I'm thinking that was the rest of my plug coming out (we haven't dtd so it's not sperm). I'm hopeful I will go into labor soon. I've been bouncing on the birth ball and I ate half a pineapple (mostly because it was so delicious, and partly because I read it could induce labor haha). Now it just feels like AF is coming and I haven't felt that since last May! I have a friend who had such bad jaw pain at the end of her pregnancy (from loosening joints) that her midwife did a sweep and she went into labor 2 days later and had her little boy. I wonder if my midwife will do a sweep at 38 weeks ;) wishful thinking maybe!
So now I've just been changing my liners regularly 'cause there is still brownish mucus coming down....eww. But if it'll bring baby I'm totally cool with that! This means he could be a valentine's day baby! At least it's not christmas ;)
I remember feeling that horrible stretched to the max feeling with my first, but since I only made it to 36 weeks it wasn't as bad as what you're probably feeling. Second pregnancies are more comfortable in that aspect bc your body has done it before. I'm sure you will be going into labor any day now if you are losing that much blood and plug and it's not caused by sex. How are your contractions? A valentines day baby would be so cute! He could be your little valentine :kiss:

Well tonight is vaydas second night in her own room. Until now she was sleeping in a bassinet next to my side of the bed. We got a video monitor but it's not the same! I miss her being right where I could hear her breathing and grunting. I think being in her own room is what's best for her though. My husband snores terribly loud and I get up in the middle of the night to pump.
My DH said after my last crying episode that he hopes this baby is the best baby ever for how much discomfort he's causing me, and that he might be our only baby because of it too! I thought the same thing even though I wanted more kids. But now that you say it's not so bad the second time around, maybe there's hope ;)
I downloaded a contraction timing app last night and timed about 5 of them but they weren't regular at all. Some were an hour apart and others 15 min or so. But i got some practice using it so it'll be good for labor day!
I had my midwife appointment today and asked her to check me since I lost my mucus plug and she said I am 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced!! She was surprised that my cervix was "SUPER soft" as she said. So little Ian could come anytime this week! She also said I was measuring small this week and apparently last week but the midwife then didn't let me know. Today I measured at 35.5 weeks instead of 38 so she is ordering an u/s for this week (I hope) to check on his fluid levels especially since the 29 week kidney scan showed low-side-of-normal amniotic levels. She said since he had a kidney issue, it could be that his kidneys aren't functioning as well as they should and so fluid output is hindered, or he could just be really low in the pelvis which gives a smaller measurement. He could be a small baby too so who knows! She's going to expedite my u/s so hopefully they call me this week to get it done. I'll let you know how it goes! Either way, it looks like he's coming out sooner rather than later.

Awwww!! Vayda is growing up so fast! Already in her own room?? That's awesome. Do you pump at night to increase your milk production or does Vayda just sleep through her night feeding? I'm looking forward to using my pump lol! Sounds weird, but I want to see if it's as good as the reviews say, especially since hearing some pumps are much more painful than a baby with a bad latch-on!
I'm going to bounce on my exercise ball some more tonight hehe
Second pregnancies are definitely easier. I had more trouble sleeping and worse morning sickness but overall much better. No pelvic pain or extreme discomfort at the end. We thought the same thing after my first that there was no way we would put me through that again lol.

I started measuring small at 38 weeks with Vayda too. I had been measuring one or two weeks ahead and then I was suddenly 2 weeks behind. My dr said dilation and effacement causes that bc the baby is settling down lower. Hopefully that's all it is with Ian! I measured 36 weeks when I had her and she was 7lbs 4oz :thumbup:

If you are that far effaced and dilated your water could break at any time! Mine broke with my first at 75% effaced and 3cm dilated. If you want that to happen I would recommend walking up and down stairs. I had gone up and down stairs a lot the day my water broke with both of my girls. Also sex...dh and I had sex a couple hrs before my water broke with Vayda :haha:

I think Ian might be a valentines day baby!!
Oh and I only pump at night when she wakes up. Most nights she sleeps for 6 hours. I pumped every 2 hours the first month to increase my supply but now I only pump every 4 hours during the day for about 10 mins per session and once at night and I'm still getting around 25oz per day. I think nursing hurt a lot more than the pump, but Vayda never had a good latch and she would pull off a lot.

I'm also excited to say I'm down to 124lbs only 5 lbs to lose! How much did you end up gaining? I was up to 155 when I had her!
Thanks! That's reassuring about you measuring small because Vayda had already descended a lot in the pelvis. I hope that's the case with Ian too! I haven't heard from the ultrasound place yet so maybe tomorrow. I'd rather go in and hear "everything's fine" than have something be wrong, you know?

I hope to pump out as much milk as you did! I have this fear for some reason that I won't get enough milk out through breastfeeding or pumping and I already bought a bottle of My Brest Friend's fenugreek supplement lol. I already eat a lot of oats and almonds, which I hear are good for milk supply too. We will see how it goes. I read on here that some women pump before their baby is does that even work when the milk hormones haven't come in yet? I dunno

I walked up 3 flights of stairs tonight on my way to a meeting so maybe that will do ;) I live in a bungalow (one level) so no steps here! I would love to try sex but DH says my "parts feel different" so it doesn't really work out so well lol. Well, that's what the ball is for ;) I saw a video once of a woman in labor whose husband had recently died and so her midwife suggested she bounce on the ball since the action is the same and it speeds up/brings on labor.
I wouldn't stress too much about the breast feeding. Any milk you give to Ian will be beneficial and formula is just fine too. In some ways I think formula is better. My first daughter was on 100% formula at 1 month and she slept better and longer than Vayda does. I think sleep is very important for infant brain development so its a toss up. I'm working on enrolling Tay in preschool this summer and the teachers are already talking about how she is too advanced for the 3 year old class and she isn't even 3 yet! I can't credit my breast milk for that LOL. Vayda sleeps plenty overall so I don't worry. I stressed so much about breastfeeding the first time around and I think the stress contributed to a low milk supply. I never got more than 2oz per pump. Now I get up to 8oz depending on how long its been since I pumped last. This time I didn't feel stressed about it because I knew if we had to switch Vayda to formula she would be fine. I think that helped. I have never heard of pumping before birth, I would think that would be a bad idea. The first thing that comes out is the colostrum and that is actually the most important milk for the baby to get. If you are already past making colostrum when your baby is born, they wouldn't get that vital component of the milk. I guess you could refrigerate it but I've heard that breast milk loses its proteins over time and through reheating, so I always try to give Vayda fresh milk.

I hope you are able to get an ultrasound so you can have some peace of mind! I have a good feeling little Ian will be perfectly healthy though :flower:

That's funny that your dh says your parts feel different, my dh was nervous about sex with our first, but with the second pregnancy he took what he could get LOL. Towards the end when I was off restriction we dtd almost every day, and its a good thing because now I don't feel like it. The dr. said everything was healed at my 6 week appt. so we tried to have sex, but it hurt sooo bad. We have tried a couple of times since then but it is just too painful. With my first daughter it took about 6 months before things felt OK down there. I hope it doesn't take as long this time. I think there is something about producing milk too that makes you not want to because I'm never in the mood. DH is going crazy, I think he wants me to stop pumping sooner rather than later just so we can get our sex life back :haha:

Its too bad you don't have any stairs in your house, but maybe the bouncing will help just as much, I never tried that, but I've heard that it can work!
Thanks :) I'll try not to stress but I think it's because I did all the preparations including my hospital bags in advance that I have nothing left to do but wait and so my brain starts planning and thinking about things that aren't even ready to happen yet!! LOL I'm neurotic sometimes ;)

What I miss most about pre-pregnancy is proper sex and working out. Can't wait to do both, so I hope it doesn't take 6 months to get back to normal! I hope it doesn't take long for you this time either, that sounds brutal. I read that breastfeeding can dry you up down there and they recommend using lots of lube. Sometimes lube dulls sensation there I find, especially if too much is used :haha: I'm sure you'll find a way ;)

I called to double check on the status of the u/s booking and they said they received the requisition but they have to wait for their supervisor to determine how urgent my case is compared to others waiting for u/s and then they'll call me with an appointment time. At least I know what's going on now.

weirdest thing happened last night! Not sure if it was a dream or what, but it felt like some liquid shot out of my lady parts and so I whipped the sheets back and pushed away my pregnancy pillow that was between my knees and ran to the bathroom. I was just dreaming that I needed to pee real bad and I was going to get up in a few minutes 'cause I was still tired. My bladder was really full but I don't think what I felt was pee or water breaking. Maybe it was lightning crotch, but why would I try to get blankets and pillows out of the way like they were going to get wet? :haha: I'm losing more mucus plug too (yea i thought I was done too) but now it's weird -- browner and thicker and kinda see-through...I should do something to distract myself or else my every focus will be on my lady parts!! Thanks for reading :blush:
That is so funny you had a dream about your water breaking! I had the same type of dream a week or so before I had Vayda! I actually woke up dh saying it was time to go bc my water broke lol. I thought it was all over the bed but there was nothing there it was embarrassing :haha:

That's good advice about the lube, I might try that. I don't think it will take as long as it did with my first, I tore pretty bad with her. I only had four stitches this time so it will hopefully be feeling better soon. My ab muscles have finally gone back together enough for me to start doing ab exercises, so I'm doing the 30 day plank challenge, I hope I get some good results bc right now there is no way I would wear a two piece swimsuit lol.

I know it's hard not to go crazy once you know labor will start soon. All I can say is get as much sleep as you can! You will never sleep as well again. I used to sleep all night without waking up and even when my daughter was 2 and sleeping all night I still woke up every hr or two to check on her. I also wake up at any little noise she makes.

So what kind of outfit are you taking to the hospital for Ian? In wichita we have a ton of snow on the ground but it's supposed to be in the 60s by next week! I'm guessing it's even warmer in okc. Have you decided whether or not to get an epidural? It's good that you are so far dilated that's less labor you have to go through :happydance:
Good luck with the workout! I can't wait to start again. In fact, I was so impatient that I did a 30 min zumba workout this afternoon! I forgot how much fun it is! My body is definitely out of shape for it, but I actually made it through, mind you, I did make quite a lot of modifications ;)

DH has been sick this week, so I have slept in the guest room and I actually got a lot of sleep. Maybe that's why I felt energetic enough to do a workout :haha: I didn't want to chance him breathing on me and getting me sick and then I go into labor AND have flu symptoms. What a mess. I'll probably do the same thing - wake up at every little noise Ian makes. But then sleep deprivation might overpower me and I end up catching a few winks lol. We shall see.

It's supposed to be in the high 60s to mid 70s next week so my original outfit for Ian will have to be modified. I had a pair of long legging-type pants, long sleeved shirt, socks, hat, and a hooded fleece one piece jumper thing. If I end up giving birth next week, I'll just leave off the fleece and sherpa hat. I'm glad it'll finally be warm again because I was worried about having to layer him up too much! :nope:

I'm going to try to avoid an epidural. I'm too afraid of having a needle so close to my spine and also i don't want to run the risk of having labor slow down, having to get pitocin and then end up with a c-section. I'm going to try the techniques we learned in class and get DH to help me stay on track with that plan. I'm really looking forward to using the bath, so hopefully my water doesn't break before hard labor starts, since I have to go to the hospital asap when that happens. Then I won't be able to use my tub with the jets. The hospital one is just a regular tub, but it'll do. I want to walk around too to let gravity help bring him down more. But like all plans, they don't always go the way you want so we will see what my birth story is like when it's all over haha!

Today was an active day for my body. SO MUCH mucus came out (didn't know there was so much. It's still coming out) and today was the beginning of the loose BMs! Yuck. So now I know labor is right around the corner. I read today that once all the mucus/bloody show comes out, it could be anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks or more til active labor starts. I'm looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.:wacko:
Everytime I get on here I'm shocked that you are still pregnant lol. When do you plan to use your bath tub? Hard labor starts at 4 to 5 cm and your almost there already, how will you know if your water breaks if you are in the tub? I was always afraid that it would happen in the shower and I wouldn't know. My first sign of labor was my water breaking with both pregnancies, but if I had the choice I would have been much more comfortable at home once the true contractions started. I was only in labor for 2 hours with Vayda though so I prob would have had her on the highway if we hadn't gone straight to the hospital. Your labor should take longer though, I was 4cm when I got to the hospital with Tay and still had 12 more hours before she came. 2 hours of pushing. Are you doing anything to stretch your perineum? I used olive oil down there before Vayda I'm not sure if it helped but I did have a much easier recovery.
I was going to use the tub if contractions started getting bad but before my water broke. You're right, I might not know my water broke, unless it had a distinct colour to it, but maybe I'd feel a snap or something and feel liquid coming out. I read that you shouldn't have baths if your water has broken, but I guess there's an exception for birth? I'm assuming some women who labor in tubs have already had their water broken. Who knows? lol

My mom is convinced that I should stay home all the time because my water could "break any minute" or "labor will hit me any minute". She was freaked out that I was on my way to the car wash when she called me this evening :haha: But I had another one of those energy bursts and decided to clean out my vehicle since it has been several months. DH said Ian won't notice how messy the car is but I told him I will! So now everything is ready for baby's arrival :)

I read in my pregnancy bible today that once the mucus plug/bloody show comes out, labour could be anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks away - on the longer end for first time births. But it also said that it's usually the second or subsequent birth where dilation AND effacement occur simultaneously and that's what's happening with me so I guess I'm a special case. I'm thinking I'll be labouring at least 12 hours too or more, especially since I'll have to go to the hospital right away when my water breaks and I won't be able to stay at home where I think I'll feel more comfortable labouring. Some ladies on here were talking about the full moon tonight and hoping it would cause them to go into labour, so maybe it'll work for me too haha! I can't believe I'm still pregnant either, but as long as he's born in February, I'll be happy :) I'm starting to get nervous again, thinking about how exactly Ian is going to slide out into the world... *sigh*
That is so funny that your mom is worried about you going out and doing things. Mine was the same way lol. I spent an hour shopping at target a couple hours before my water broke so I guess I'm really lucky it didn't happen at the store! I went into labor with my first during a full moon. It's funny because her name "tayen" means born under the new moon, complete opposite.

I've heard that too about effacing before dilating in first pregnancies and dilating before effacing in subsequent pregnancies, but I was like you in both pregnancies I did both at the same time.

I know it's impossible not to but don't stress too much about labor. If you feel like getting the epidural just get it, it's not as scary as I thought it would be and both times I was able to get up and walk around within an hour of the birth. Granted I only had 15 mins worth of epidural with Vayda so that was prob why but I had 8 hours of it with Tay and absolutely no problems, in fact i slept through most of her labor lol. My labor did stall with Tay and I was given pitocin I'm not sure if the epidural was to blame though. The dr felt like since she was early she just wasn't quite ready to cone out, but since my water broke she had no choice.

I know there is a pain killer they can give you through an Iv as well. I never had it, but the anesthesiologist said that if they had known I was in transition when they were trying to give me the epidural that they would have just given me that instead. I feel like that would have been the best option Vayda since I'd already gone through the most painful part but oh well it's not like you get a prize for going through labor without pain meds haha.

One thing I loved about labor was the meal afterward. You will be starving after the delivery and since you have the room to put food once baby is out it's the best meal of your life! Oh and if I can give you any advice is to make sure they give you a stool softener in the hospital and make sure you keep taking the max dose everyday after labor until you poop (it took my 7 days to poop with my first 4 days with the second). If you don't that first bowel movement can be more painful than labor especially if you tear at all. I made the mistake of not taking it once I was out of the hospital with Tay and I spent an entire afternoon crying on the was awful! So much better with Vayda bc I took the stool softener.

You will do great! I can't wait to see pics of your little guy!
Thanks for the tip about stool softener. I still have some colace left over from early pregnancy and some citrucel or however you spell it lol. I'll make sure to take the one they give me too 'cause I did hear that first BM post baby can be hell, you're right!

Well I think I've been in early labor since 11 am this morning. I started using that contraction app I downloaded a week ago after the first 3 contractions. They woke me up but I thought I was imagining things, so I waited til i felt three in a row before considering it "the real deal". They started out 10 min apart and lasted 1 min, then they went to 15 min, then back to 10. a couple are listed as 20 or more min but that was because I was second-guessing whether or not i was starting a new contraction or just having diarrhea pains (yes I've been having that too today). So now I think I have a handle on what's what. The contractions start just above my belly button and move down in a wave right down to about 1/3 of of the way down the front and middle of my thighs. They last about 45 seconds to over a min and then fade away. The contractions are all painful and are regular for about 3-4 in a row then there's a big gap...I wonder if false labor is painful too. If so, that's REALLY confusing!! I will wait and see what happens. Not running to the hospital anytime soon unless my water breaks. This might be an all night thing before it starts speeding up so don't want to be at the hospital not doing anything you know?

I plan to get a shot of nubain/stadol, or even the IV version, to take the edge off but i think that's as far as i want to go for medication. I'll let you know whatt I end up doing! :D

I knew this would happen, but DH spent most of today while I was having contractions playing games on his computer AND he hasn't packed his go bag yet. 8 hours have gone by and not one thing is in a bag for him. He was supposed to go to the grocery store and get a few odds and ends and drop off the movies we rented last night, and guess where he is! In the shower!!! *sigh*....guess that's how he is when he's nervous? who knows! I just wish he'd step on it so that he's back when I really need him :p :dohh:
Just checking in to see if baby Ian is here yet or is he still baking?? Vayda slept for 9 hours the night before last and 8 hours last night, I think she is starting to sleep through the night :happydance:

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