thank you all, well last night i had text off his mum saying sorry and that she wants to keep in contact and all that.
I texted her back saying thanks, but the msg didnt get to her till this morning.
She has been so bitter and twisted saying such things as..
"Still think your making wrong decsion and i hope i no what im doing"
"It will ruin my life"
"Its you that will suffer, craigs life wont change"
"You have been brain washed and craig has been tricked"
"He wants nothing to do with you, you lost any chance in being friends when you decided to keep it"
"We will do acess fru the solicitor if needs be"
"I would pick it up for him because he does nt have to"
"I will learn anyone can pick the child up, you have lot to learn"
Is she telln the truth about he does not have to pick the child up to see it, his mum can?
cause i said he wants to see the child he picks it up?