"Single Digit Ladies" (or negative digit ladies...) Part 2!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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If you don't mind, creator of the first thread, if I may start a new one seeing yours started a month ago and you have had your LO! :)

Who's due within the next 9 days!?

Me, me, me! :happydance:

Introduce yourself, your baby, gender, due date, and how are you feeling?

Please update us daily so we can keep track of each other and progress!

I'll start!

My name is Katie and I am expecting my third baby girl, Scarlett, on October 14th, 2014!

As of last night and today, I can say my body is honestly prepping for delivery.

I had a few non-timeable contractions last night that stopped me in my tracks. Lost what I thought was a piece of a bloody show... But since everything has halted since last night, it was a false alarm.

Today, baby is being VERY active... Like she is pushing her butt up, really hard... She's very cramped in there. I keep seeing feet or elbows pushing hard against my tummy... Looks really creepy. Lol.

And I am going to the bathroom... 1&2(tmi) lol all day long... But when I sit I get contractions, it's really weird.

Nice to meet everyone... If anyone posts in here! :dohh::blush::flower:

I'll add names and due dates below. :)

Name: Due Date: Gender: :happydance:HAD BABY!:happydance:

Lemonade - 27 September 2014 - :pink:
Yo_Yo - 27 September 2014 - :blue: :wohoo:Had Baby! 10 October 2014 :blue: :wohoo:
VickyandChick - 30 September 2014 - :blue: :wohoo:Had Baby! 7 October 2014 :blue: :wohoo:
KC6 - 3 October 2014 - :yellow:
Kern - 4 October 2014 - :blue:
AK89 - 6 October 2014 - :pink:
Jamesmomma201 - 8 October 2014 - :pink:
LapinRose - 8 October 2014 - :blue:
HazzaB - 9 October 2014 - :yellow:
JessieJ24 - 9 October 2014 - :yellow::wohoo:Had Baby! 9 October 2014 :blue: :wohoo:
Caitlyn2009 - 11 October 2014 - :blue:
EmzyJA - 12 October 2014 - :yellow: :wohoo:Had Baby! 11 October 2014 :blue: :wohoo:
MrsMurphy2Be - 12 October 2014 - :pink:
Mushymilkfor2 - 12 October 2014 - :blue:
Kiki28 - 13 October 2014 - :blue:
Sour_Skittle - 14 October 2014 - :pink:
SonAmyMom - 15 October 2014 - :blue:
Krippy - 16 October 2014 - :yellow:
xSamantha - 16 October 2014 - :blue:
ToughGal - 17 October 2014 - :pink:
Noshowjo - 18 October 2014 - :pink:
JustRhi - 19 October 2014 - :pink:
NotNic - 19 October 2014 - :yellow:

I'm Amy and I'm expecting my first baby, a little girl called Mia, today!

I'm feeling good so far. Been having on and off (but mostly on!) period pains and back ache for a few weeks now. Getting irregular tightenings too, but nothing painful/timeable. I honestly don't even notice them unless I feel my belly in which case it feels like someone's stuck a plastic ball up there! It's weird.. Had "bloody show" part 1 yesterday and part 2 today! But nothing aside from the normal cramps since, so it's just a waiting game now! I'm actually not too bothered when she comes if I'm honest. As much as I can't WAIT to meet her, I'm quite enjoying the peace and quiet! But everyone else is driving me mad with it! Texts, phone calls, Facebook messages....just leave me to it! :wacko:

I've been going to the toilet a lot more too, and it feels like she's so low down now that I have to carry my bump around with me!

Noticed some reduced movement over the past few days but nothing alarming and was hooked up to a CTG yesterday anyway and baby was more than happy so just putting it down to a lack of space! But when she does move....Jesus Christ. It's like she's trying to kick/punch her way out of there! :haha:
Welcome AK89! :)

I remember you were the one who posted about your bloody show yesterday. It all sounds so promising! I highly doubt you go over and if you do it'll be no more than a day, me thinks. Lol

I know what you mean by peace and quiet, but my house is everything but peaceful and quiet! Lol so adding another... Atleast I don't think... Will add much more chaos haha! Atleast this one can't get into everything yet. Scarlett will come into this world, and I'm assuming she will want to go back in as soon as she came out.
Hi, I'm Jen. I'm expecting our second child on the 8th. It's a girl and her name is Sophie Anne. We have a four yr old son already.

I'm starting to feel like she is never going to come out. James was two weeks early and so far I have absolutely no signs she's coming anytime soon. I have a few random contractions here and there, but not much beyond that. She is finally feeling a little lower, but I may just be grasping at any hope lol
I will join!

My name is Caitlyn and I am due with a little boy named Conner on Saturday the 11th!

I am fairly crampy and have a lot of lower back aches. I had a sweep this morning but my midwife said baby boy is still very high and not putting good pressure on my cervix. I don't think he will be here by the 11th but I could be wrong.

I am glad to wait and pass the time getting now everyone on BNB who is going through the same things and feelings I am... GOOD LUCK LADIES :)
Joining! Two days late here. Bunch of symptoms I'm chalking up to practice. No idea when he will shows, starting to feel I'll probably be induced. :/

Ready to turn my phone off. These people really think we won't tell them when he's coming? Sigh lol
@jamesmomma201, I love her name! I so wanted to name this one Sophie but OH wanted Scarlett so I compromised. :) if it's any help, with my first I had ZERO signs she was on her way until the day before her due date. It all just came on so suddenly. That is how I knew I was in labor. Which is how I would rather have it... This way I'm dealing with now, I keep wondering, "is this it!?" Should I go in? Ahh it's mind boggling. Lol.

@caitlyn, that is my best friends sons name. Connors tend to be super cuties! He still has time to get into position and make an appearance when he is supposed to. Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones where you progress really fast and all at once. :)

@Kern, what a bummer having to go over due. It would drive me mad. Lol. Luckily we live away from family and friends at the moment and I haven't even announced to anyone other than family that I'm pregnant with our third. So when I post pictures of her arrival a few people will be shocked lol. But Atleast I do not have to deal with the constant, "is baby here yet!?". Hope things get moving soon for your sake!

And welcome everyone! :)
Ooh i will join too! First baby (don't know sex) due on the 9th of October. Feeing some pressure down there, but other than that...nada!
I'll join too 😀

I'm Emma and I'm due on Sunday 12th!!!

This is my second baby, was induced with my first at 38 weeks due to leaking waters, so don't know what to expect from going into labour naturally. I've been losing mucus plug for over a week now. Had a few spells of regular contractions that fizzled off. Baby is fully engaged and very very low. Other than that and weeing all the time, constant Braxton Hicks it's just a waiting game to see if/when it's all going to happen. Every day I think ooh maybe this is it but again turns out to be nothing, very frustrating.

Fingers crossed for us all that these babies dont keep us waiting too long 😜
Joining! I'm 9 days overdue :(

Have two girls, and expecting a little boy. Feeling very frustrated right now.
Ready to turn my phone off. These people really think we won't tell them when he's coming? Sigh lol

Oh my GOD I know. It's so annoying. My mums is driving me insane with it. I wouldn't mind but she's my birth partner and we have a solid plan in place for when the time comes! She KNOWS I'm gonna tell her as soon as I'm having contractions so she can come round to the house and stay with us here 'til we go to the hospital, then she'll obviously come there with us too. But she still insists on texting/ringing several times a day just to "check in". Getting SO many other people asking "how things are" too. ALL DAY LONG! It's getting excruciating. Even people who've been there themselves and must know how annoying it is / people who know that I am going to tell them when it all kicks off! UGH!!
Haha it is all immediate family who are on the list to be told when things get moving so annoying me constantly is just reminding me that baby still isn't here yet!

Also, it feels like my bump is higher. HIGHER!?! I can't breathe as easily. I'm 40weeks 3days with my first! Why is he coming back up????
Me me! Im due Oct 12th, with girl #3. She doesnt have a name yet (and never will at this rate!)
I have had to be induced with my previous 2 daughters as they were overdue, both born at 40+12.

I have zero signs of impending labour. At my appointment today, baby was still floating about so not engaged at all.

I have polyhydramnios, and the consultant spoke to me today and I have to go for a scan and monitoring on Wednesday. If there is anything of concern, they will get me induced asap. If all is well, I have another scan next week at 40+3 and will get a daye for induction then. They dont want me going too far over so I am definitely not going 12 days over again lol. Hopefully next thurs/fri I will get induced.
@MrsMurphy no name!? I was so there a week ago. It seriously took OH until last week to help me come up with a stinkin name. He didn't like the ones I came up with and well... He came up with Scarlett... Not my choice, not ugly... So I said OK! Same way we came up with our first daughters name.. Took him up until the week she was due to come up with Alexa... Wasn't an ugly name so said yes. Our second daughter, Emma, I just didn't even give him a say and had her named picked out basically from day one lol.
Oh I count! I'm due on the 12th of October. I'm expecting a boy and he's going to be named Alexander Thomas. My MIL is great at predicting things and she is saying that Thursday feels like the day to her. We'll see what happens!
Welcome mushymilk! So far there are 3 of you due on the 12th! :)

Tomorrow is my oldest daughters birthday, which I think just so happens to be a full moon... Would be CRAZY if I went into labor and they had the same birthday!

I bet someone has a baby tomorrow on the full moon. It's either tomorrow or the next day... Will have to look it up.
Oh... That's creepy... The full moon is 7/8th... Also a lunar eclipse that will create a "blood" moon.
Oh... That's creepy... The full moon is 7/8th... Also a lunar eclipse that will create a "blood" moon.

I knew the full moon being on the 8th for a while now, but read about the "blood" moon this morning. Here's to hoping it gets some things going!
Hoping it is me that this moon works some magic on! I am due on the 16th with #3...We are Team Yellow and I am going for a VBAC in my midwives birthing suite after 1 vaginal birth with my first and c-section with my second. I have had 2 boys so would love a girl but just can't decide what is going on in there, lol. We have 1 name for a boy or a girl and we are keeping it a secret, middle name will be Eileen for a girl and Holmes for a boy in honour of my own mama.
:wave: I'm Vicky and I'm currently 1 week overdue with my first, a little boy but being induced tomorrow due to reduced movement.
He doesn't have a name yet and I'm slowly becoming convinced that he never will!

No signs of impending labour, not lost any plug at all or anything that would make me think that he's coming soon. Had a 2nd sweep yesterday and been a bit crampy but that disappeared after about an hour.

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