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We are right on the border into montana! Small world! The onky thing is we get 100km winds and its soooo dry here!
Are you anywhere near Glacier National Park? I would have loved to have gone there before LO was born but now I am convinced she'd be bear-bait. I love how dry it is there in the winter, my hair doesn't frizz and it can be like 30 below but you can wear just a sweater, it's so bizarre!
Are you anywhere near Glacier National Park? I would have loved to have gone there before LO was born but now I am convinced she'd be bear-bait. I love how dry it is there in the winter, my hair doesn't frizz and it can be like 30 below but you can wear just a sweater, it's so bizarre!

I think so... I dont get out much:wacko:
I hate the dryness, my hair is so staticy and im constantly putting on lotion, it sucks!
:wave: hi theraphosidae! We are so close yet so far away:)
Evening everyone. Hi newbies :wave:

Been a bit of a day. Teething tantruming toddler :dohh: whom I sent to bed almost an hour and a half ago with his father and all I can hear is my toddler thundering around upstairs. Why is my OH so crap at getting him to sleep?! I refuse to go up, I ALWAYS do bedtime it's his turn.
Evening everyone. Hi newbies :wave:

Been a bit of a day. Teething tantruming toddler :dohh: whom I sent to bed almost an hour and a half ago with his father and all I can hear is my toddler thundering around upstairs. Why is my OH so crap at getting him to sleep?! I refuse to go up, I ALWAYS do bedtime it's his turn.

Hope Thomas goes to sleep soon, you must be knackered! :sleep:
What's everyone been up to today then?? I haven't done much really. I'm sulking lol. I've not stopped eating shite all week, I know I have gained loads of weight so dreading slimming world tomorrow, I've broken out in spots, I've had a head ache all week, I don't feel too good and do you know what, the whole thing makes me want to eat a pack of biscuits. :(
I've been feeling very sorry for myself today. Last day of mat leave and feeling rough as a dog with some bug :cry:

Plus side is it has zapped my appetite which is good as I've been pigging out a lot recently too.

And game of thrones is on which has cheered me up :)
Feel better soon butterfly x

beth stay away from the biscuits!
I was at my nephews bday party. So a bunch of little kids running around creating amok! Mine ate sone dirt, it was great, i think she thought it was chocolate! And everyone asking if im about to pop, NO i still have a month to go!
sequeena, I have the opposite problem. OH does Callum's bedtime and he can put him down awake and Callum will be asleep within 5 minutes. Me? Takes me like an hour. So frustrating!

Feel better soon MrsB!

meli, do you have any names picked for your little boy? Or are you not saying?
Hope everyone has had a nice day today....we go to Baby Sensory every Monday which is quite nice.

Hope you feel better Charlotte!

Good luck tomorrow at work Boo!

Beth, you weigh in might not be as bad as you are dreading, positive thoughts! x
sequeena, I have the opposite problem. OH does Callum's bedtime and he can put him down awake and Callum will be asleep within 5 minutes. Me? Takes me like an hour. So frustrating!

Feel better soon MrsB!

meli, do you have any names picked for your little boy? Or are you not saying?

Oh no secrets for me! I find out the gender and have a name picked as soon as i find out! I dont care if anyone else knows its not going to change my decision:) his name will be Evan Walter:)

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