I remember your posts Bec about Jack crawling (or lack of) and then he could suddenly do it! Anabella is nowhere near crawling yet, she just doesn't seem bothered or motivated to get going. I thought she would perhaps start army crawling, but no such luck. She is in the crawling position in my avatar because I put her in it and she gave me a complete look of disdain!! Have you found since he started crawling he naps better because he is more worn out? I want Anabella to sleep more in the day. I am hoping crawling will sort that out!
We were team yellow too! So so so glad. Nick was desperate to find out but I stood firm, using the excuse that I was going to be pushing the baby out and he couldn't argue, haha! The moment she was out and Nick told she was a girl was the most magical, emotional and memorable moment of my life and therefore with baby number two, I want to stay team yellow again to reciprocate those feelings.
How's Eurovision girls? As shit as ever? I kinda want to watch it, but it's the same shite every year, I just don't have the energy for it.