Sleep Sense Support Group!

:rofl::rofl: at the stealing cat.

Max does have selective hearing and we did fail dog training level 2 :dohh: (hang our heads in shame at the thought of it) as he wouldn't run in and out of cones to collect a toy when he could run straight there. He was quite belligerant. But he is very well behaved now (except last week when he ate 8 baby biscuits out of the changing bag).
Good for Max!! :rofl: He sounds smart - that's exactly what I'd do! hahaha!

Cat is naughty - DH put his takeaway down for a nanosecond the other day, and he was straight over...batting himself a piece of meat. DH was not impressed, but cat was just blissed out...with black bean sauce in his whiskers. See what I mean? Not a smart cat thief, and always a bit of a mess!
Oh my goodness, that was an awful kick from the horse. Poor you :( Blimey - you really are brave getting back into riding...I think I'd have been a real wimp!

I wonder about what Lizzie will be into - we both play would be hilarious if she hated it!! I'd like her to play the piano, but - like you - am letting her lead the way. I play terribly now, and I don't want to project my own musical rubbishness onto her! :rofl:

That sounds perfect on the horses - I even feel bad, as the poor ole cat doesn't get anywhere near the amount of attention as he requires. I always seem to be imploring him to just 'behave'. I can't believe you used to show chickens! Amazing!!! I love them, such funny little creatures. They are really bossy, naggy ole things, aren't they? In a comical way? And BABY RABBITS?!? AWWWWWWWWWW! Does Otto love them? I call Lizzie my baby rabbit! What kind of dog?

Oh, midwifery - do it! The country needs nice, lovely, clever midwives...That said, it must be great being a kitchen designer? Kitchens are such integral parts of the home. Our kitchen is the hub! I'm an a design gal, too.

I have PCOS, which took an age to diagnose, as my 'only' symptom is no AF. We were always going to wait until Lizzie was about two, but I think we'll see what comes out of these tests. Could take a while, and I may need meds again...and if PCOS isn't fully back, may start a bit earlier than planned! Do you think you'd like another?

Lizzie has also been sick after a massive BF - I overproduced for a long time, and once she learned to keep up, she would sometimes overdo things. Maybe he had a bit too much?

The 'howah' is hilarious - we have to kind of pinch each other not to laugh at 3am. She shouted 'howah' this morning and gave me a big kiss when I came downstairs. I cried! She then flicked porridge all over me...:D

Hi ya TG :wave:

Sorry for not replying sooner. I mainly use my iPod during the day and it is difficult to write any long messages on it!

Otto does love the bunnies. we had Seraphim and Hazel around for dinner today and I had one of the kits in and both of the babies were facinated by them. Otto isn't very gentle unfortunately though :doh: He is very keen on our dog though 9 times out of 10 she lays there and takes the abuse as in her eyes it is attention!

I really, really want to go for the Midwifery degree. Hopefully I will be able to find out more info at the open day. I do love my job though. I get to go out and about, meet loads of people, be nosey in lots of different houses :blush:....but my ideas on life have just changed so much since having Elliott. I used to thrive on the stress of my job but that kind of stress doesn't seem important to me anymore iykwim? Ah well, I will just have to see how things go. Ooohhh you're an architect? I used to deal with lots of architects obviously. I am trained in AutoCad but the design package used for kitchens is waaay easier.

Poor you with the PCOS :hugs: it must be annoying not knowing what is going on with your body every month. I am sure everything will work out for you. I *think* I would like another. At the moment I just love being able to devote all of my time and attention to Otto and be able to do everything we want to do. My OH is keen for another so we will see what happens. I love children and Otto loves company and playing so it makes sense really.

LOL :rofl: at Lizzie. She sounds so cute. I'm not sure if I have ever seen a photo of her. Do you have any?
Hi ladies,

Just a quickie since it's been one of those weeks...and it's only Tuesday!

Well, Ronan did brilliantly on vacation and slept fantastically, but as soon as we got home, it seems to have gone to pot again! The last 2 nights he woke at 9:30 the first night (wtf?) and then at 12:30 last night. The first night I have no idea what was going on with him but some cuddles and calming and he went back to sleep a half hour later, but last night he was absolutely hysterical. Hubby tried settling him to no avail and I ended up having to feed him.

I was miserable as my back has been killing me all day yesterday and today, so it had taken me forever to get to sleep only to be woken up 20 minutes later, then it took me until around 3am to get back to sleep only to be woken by hubby snoring at 5:30, then back to sleep a half hour or so later to be woken just before 7 by the monkey waking for the day.

On top of being absolutely shattered, I decided to brave getting out to the store to do some shopping that needed doing, so I got dressed, fed the monkey, sat him up at which point he promptly smiled and puked over my shoulder. :dohh: Then to add insult to injury, he pooped in the fresh new (cloth) nappy I'd just changed him into, so I went to change him and he decided he wasn't done pooping and finished the job off with his nappy off...and then peed on me. :wacko:

I decided at that point that going out might not be such a good idea.

On a positive note, the monkey and I had a lovely little picnic on the floor for dinner tonight. Bailey (the dog) was perplexed by the whole thing but behaved himself wonderfully and didn't steal any of the food being tossed about with wild abandon!

Anyway, fingers crossed tonight is a better night because I really need the sleep, and on that note time to go hang some nappies up to dry and get myself to bed.

So glad to hear everything went well on your vacation :thumbup: I agree with TG, I'm sure give Ronan a few days and he will settle back in to his routine again.

I really hope you have a better night tonight. It's funny you say about being woken up. I always find it harder getting up at night when I haven't been asleep long. I think it is becuase you go in to quite a deep sleep at first. It must be ten times as hard with a bad back. HUGE :hugs: hun.

What a good dog not stealing any food. My dog *knows better* as well but if I turn my back she does sneak in and hoover up for me :rolleyes: Elliott has started sharing and offering his food to us. We obviously pretend to eat it. Unfortunately the dog doesn't understand the art of pretending and gladly recieves the invitation of food and demolishes it rather quickly :doh:!!
Wow HG....4 naps??? That is amazing! Were they all long naps or just super naps as I call them (30 minutes?).

Hasn't the weather been awful? :growlmad: Yesterday was horrendous and today it has been raining on an off. I think we have seen the best of the sun for this year.

LOL at your dog with selective hearing. Mine is exactly the same!

We didn't have a bad night last night considering Elliott was sick everywhere. He had a feed at 5am and then slept until 7.10am. His naps have been good today. His morning nap was 1.5 hours and his afternoon nap was 1 1/4 hours! I still find myself tensing after 30 minutes of him being asleep convinced that he is going to wake up when he stirs. TBH though 9 times out of 10 these days he resettles and carries on sleeping. Very rarely does he have 30 minutes anymore. :happydance:

I've not been on today, as Lizzie has not been napping, lol! How nice to have friends from's a shame us SleepSensees are scattered all over the place, as it would be great to have a proper meet up!

I bet the babies looooved the rabbits! Lizzie loves all animals - and similarly, isn't particularly gentle. She and boy-cat have a love-scared relationship. She will stroke him, he thinks 'this is pretty good', and then she'll lunge for his tail :D

I know exactly what you mean about the stress. I was a real devil for detail, stress head etc, now I'm just different and don't sweat the small stuff. In my firm, they like you to sweat the small stuff. My team are going to be pleased that I'm more mellow, though, haha. I wish I could go into something medical, but I'm a squeamish ole thing. It's silly, really! Imagine the satisfaction of helping someone deliver a baby. In-credible.

Nice choice, though, as both jobs are fabulous!

I know what you mean about LOs, too. It's so wonderful being able to focus attention on Lizzie, and we are out and about a lot.

I must post up some piccies of her, I've always been nervous of that - silly really - so must sort it out. She's a complete doll. Lots of curly hair (which now needs to be tied back!) and very cheeky grin!

We've been going crazy ordering her new clothes - I can't seem to stop. I actually need some new clothes...she'll be ashamed of me!

I've not been on today, as Lizzie has not been napping, lol! How nice to have friends from's a shame us SleepSensees are scattered all over the place, as it would be great to have a proper meet up!

I bet the babies looooved the rabbits! Lizzie loves all animals - and similarly, isn't particularly gentle. She and boy-cat have a love-scared relationship. She will stroke him, he thinks 'this is pretty good', and then she'll lunge for his tail :D

I know exactly what you mean about the stress. I was a real devil for detail, stress head etc, now I'm just different and don't sweat the small stuff. In my firm, they like you to sweat the small stuff. My team are going to be pleased that I'm more mellow, though, haha. I wish I could go into something medical, but I'm a squeamish ole thing. It's silly, really! Imagine the satisfaction of helping someone deliver a baby. In-credible.

Nice choice, though, as both jobs are fabulous!

I know what you mean about LOs, too. It's so wonderful being able to focus attention on Lizzie, and we are out and about a lot.

I must post up some piccies of her, I've always been nervous of that - silly really - so must sort it out. She's a complete doll. Lots of curly hair (which now needs to be tied back!) and very cheeky grin!

We've been going crazy ordering her new clothes - I can't seem to stop. I actually need some new clothes...she'll be ashamed of me!

I would love a meet up to but your are right, we are all scattered everywhere :nope: It's still nice to chat via BnB though.

Did Lizzie not feel like napping today? Elliott can't get through the day without his (I swear I'm a running joke amongst my friends becuase of his sleep habits!).

He, he your poor cat :haha: My dog (Poppy, she's a Cocker Spaniel) has started running away from him every now and then as he is so fast at crawling now. She has really long ears and I swer Otto thinks they have "pull me" written on them!

If I did return to my old job I would have to think like you and only get *excited* about the stress that actaully matters. It's easier said than done though when it's over a 20-30k kitchen for a hellish client (and they have the right to be picky when spending that kind of money!).

Sorry, when I asked about photos I understand that some people are iffy about posting things on the net. I completely understand and only post some if you feel happy :flower: She sounds like a complete sweetheart.

I haven't bought Otto some new clothes for a while. I feel bad as we get lots of hand me downs from friends and family and all of the clothes are in immaculate condition so I never need to buy much. I feel stingy as his wardrobe his full of practically 2nd hand stuff. My OH thinks it's great :rolleyes:
:rofl: Lizzie is the same with the cats tail - I think she believes its a convenient piece of equipment to pull her onto her feet. The cat, to his eternal credit, never lashes out. Just looks at me in a completely bemused fashion. Then goes and steals a piece of cake in some kind of 'SEE!! I CAN fight back' statement!

I love spaniels, such lovely characters.

I bet a £30k kitchen is just amazingly good fun to plan? I know, it's hard not to absorb the stress. My team will love 'new, mellow me' and I think one boss will be ok, but I think the other will be a bit perturbed. I'm wondering what kind of work I'll get with going part time, but it should be smaller projects (I hope)

She just didn't want to nap today - well hardly - which is very strange! She spent a lot of time dancing, tottering and squealing with joy at her toys! We played a long - and very involved game - of chase Mummy round the dining room table, which she found so funny she was practically crying with laughter! How was she not tired?!

I should put up some pics, I've got about 100000000000! :rofl:

Oh, hand me downs are great. I accept them all! We've not got that many for this age group, so I've gone a bit crazy. :blush: In all the pics, she'll be asking why she looks so smart...and I look like an ole bag woman! I swear, I live in jeans ALL the time. When I got dressed up for our anniversary, I think everyone had forgotten I could do my hair nicely :D
Thank the lord it isn't just me who wears jeans ALL the time :rofl: Otto is definitely better dressed than me every day. I really need to go shopping for myself but he Otto hates it (understandably) and I loathe to spend the money on myself!

Ah bless your cat for being so good natured. I can also say I trust Poppy with Otto with all of my heart. I am very lucky to have such a sweet dog.

30k kitchens are fun! I used to deal with all of our high end retails clients (as well as more standard kitchens) who would not bat an eye at a £500 kitchen tap or a £200 cutlery tray let alone 7-8k minimum on worksurfaces :wacko:. I am very lucky to have been able to work on some beautiful projects with great people. Chilled out you sounds good :thumbup: Lizzie is more important now.

Chasing Mummy is a fun game for her I bet! I play a game with Elliott where I get down like I'm crawling and say "I'm coming to get you". He squeals with delight but crawls towards me chuckling his little head off. I'm not sure he has got the idea of this "chasing" malarky yet!
TG - Bailey was trained not to go to his bowl to eat until we release him and he has to go lie down when we eat at the table. He's pushed his luck a bit since Ronan was born and I wasn't able to dedicate as much time and attention to him (I feel really awful about that as we'd be out for nice long walks every day together right up until the day I went into labor), but I've started giving him a 'refresher' course on what he can and can't get away with lately!

HG - I love your Maxy stories. I hope I have that many to tell when Bailey's gotten to the same age. I think he'd flunk level 2 training right now too (see above) which mortifies me because he's a certified therapy dog but I wouldn't take him on visits right now without a good bit of quality one on one time with him first.

Poppy - I bet designing kitchens could be a lot of fun. I spent entirely too much time during my pregnancy watching design shows on tv. :blush: Midwifery would be a huge career change, but oh so very rewarding, though!

As for living in jeans, getting out of my PJs and into jeans is a good day here, recently! :rofl: It doesn't help that I only have one pair that fit me and I refuse to buy anymore until I drop more of the baby weight. I tend to do a lot of laundry after the monkey has gone to bed for the night and he's done throwing up on me or tossing food at me. I'm sure he's not doing it purposefully, but he somehow always manages to nail me with something messy at every meal time.

Well, I'm hoping that you're all right that it was just a blip with him settling back in after vacation since he went straight back into his cot as well as he slept better last night. Fingers crossed he sleeps better still tonight. Sleepy dust for all!
How was your night, HC? Was thinking about you!

Your dog sounds lovely - I think animals instinctively understand that they drop down the pecking order when our LOs arrive. Boy Cat still gets his fuss, so he's happy about that - but I feel bad, too.

How is everyone today? We had a good nights sleeping - although, again, naps were all over the place. About an hour in total! She just wants to be on the move all the time...wonder why it is? She normally adores her naps!!

Anyway, I am always in marked clothes, too. We were in the shops earlier, and I saw I had a splat of sweet potato on my white top...and an unidentified stain on my jeans!! :rofl:
Oh, and no beta result yet, ladies! :wacko:

Poppy - Lizzie does that with the chasing, too. Comes flying at me, just belly laughing like a trooper!!

When she laughs, I just cannot stop laughing too - the pair of us must look like a right pair of loons, crawling around laughing!!

£500 on a tap - wow! Must be great fun getting involved...Designing something beautiful feels fabulous, doesn't it? That said, we designed THE most beautiful things ever...our LOs :D

I'm loathe to spend money on myself, too - I always think 'oh, but I could get Lizzie this...' DH insists I should get myself some things soon, so I may plan a little shopping trip ;)
Hi everyone! Long time no see!

Well we are back from our holidays, we had such a fantastic time! Thomas was a little star throughout - he loved all the extra attention from grandparents and his social skills have come on in leaps and bounds as a result, he's waving, clapping hands, giving kisses, pointing, and making different sounds to mean different things. He was a dream on the flight, he just kept waving at all the other passengers and I expect he would have been giving them kisses too if he got the chance! He adjusted perfectly to the new location and slept brilliantly in his travel cot - such a difference from the last time we went away at five and a half months, when he HATED the travel cot and woke up every couple of hours all through the two nights. We pretty much stuck to his regular routine in terms of naptimes and bedtimes which helped a lot I think. Lots of swimming and outdoor play was enjoyed by all, and grandparents did a bit of babysitting for us too, so it really felt like a proper holiday for me too! I feel great after it and actually feel a bit better about going back to work after seeing how well Thomas coped with the change in surroundings and with us leaving him with grandparents for almost a full day a couple of times. I really am so happy with how well he slept on holiday, he slept through all except two nights and settled perfectly for naps and bedtimes. I can't believe what a great little sleeper he is now, he has made such progress from when he was younger!

Wow loads of gorgeous pics of our lovely babies.

Poppy - I love your new avatar pic of Elliot, what a gorgeous smile!

Historygirls - Gorgeous photo of Phoebe attacking the camera, Thomas has a similar approach to having his photo taken, LOL, but it's great when you capture an expression on camera so perfectly isn't it?

Hivechild - I love the pictures of Ronan's first train journey - he is such a cutie! Glad your holiday went well too, but sorry to hear that things have been a bit pants since you got back - but hopefully it was just a blip since last night was better. I was feeling tired just reading about your disturbed night and back pain the other night, you must be exhausted. :hugs:

TennisGal - how exciting that Lizzie is walking (and dancing!). Thomas is still so so keen but still seems very far away. He goes through phases of getting really frustrated with it and all he wants to do is walk and then crying when it doesn't work out for him, but then luckily he also has phases where he's happy just booting it around on hands and knees and doesn't seem too bothered about walking. And LOL at looking like an old bag lady next to LO in all her smart clothes, I am EXACTLY the same, Thomas is always beautifully colour co-ordinated whereas I live in jeans with holes in the knees from crawling round the floor after him and T-shirts smeared with various foodstuffs, LOL. Although I will obviously have to go shopping for a new wardrobe before I go back to work :ignore:.

Oh and Poppy - it's definitely not just you who doesn't like to schedule things that clash with naps. I always do my utmost to arrange my day around Thomas's naps. I'm sure a lot of people think it is over the top but it just makes life so much easier when Thomas has his proper naps and I always feel that it's not really fair on him to expect him to miss a nap just so that I can socialize or whatever. He needs his sleep.

Wow what a long post - well done to all who have managed to get to the end of it! But there was loads to catch up on after two weeks - so I'm sure I've forgotten most of it already, LOL, so sorry to all I've missed!

Finally I couldn't resist sharing a couple of photos of Thomas enjoying his hols - discovering the joys of the great outdoors, he loved it!


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Welcome back!!

Firstly - HOW gorgeous is Thomas?! I can't believe how much he has changed from the last photo, he's very cute indeed! There is only one picture up? Post the other!

Secondly - SO glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday! Thomas - what a little star! Not just the sleeping, but clearly making so many people have a fab day by gorgeous baby waving and smiling. Just spreads so much happiness, a baby smile! I think you are right, when you see how much our LOs come on socially, it makes us feel better about work. I bet he'll have a ball, and he'll be VERY excited to tell his lovely Mummy everything.

And, coincidence, I was just lamenting the demise of the knees of my favourite jeans - all from playing catch and crawl with Lizzie!

I'm making a hair appointment tomorrow, though - I may turn up to work a new zen like chilled woman when I start back...but I'd like to avoid looking like a scare-crow :rofl: It's out of control, this mop!
Seen the second pic - utterly adorable.

HG, we've got plenty of potential future suitors for Fibby and Lizzie on this thread! :D

Beautiful pics, ladies, all of them. All our LOs are just gorgeous.
That said, we designed THE most beautiful things ever...our LOs :D

:thumbup: I completely agree!!

I'm loathe to spend money on myself, too - I always think 'oh, but I could get Lizzie this...' DH insists I should get myself some things soon, so I may plan a little shopping trip ;)

Today I did it, I bought something for myself!!! I spent £70 on an outfit :blush: but I'm hoping it will give me a bit of self confidence was certainly cheaper than surgery :blush:

Sounds like you had a good night! Elliott woke at 3am for a feed and then went back to sleep until 7am. It was quite nice this was as a got a good few hours sleep either side of him waking.

Otto has slept well again today and had 2 naps of about 1.5 hours. He went down late for his second nap so protested slightly (ourely becuase he was overtired) but was asleep within 5 minutes. He still went down to bed at his usual time and settled perfectly. I love my boy :cloud9:
:wave: Hi Polaris :wave:

So lovely to see you back. It sounds like you had a fantastic time and brilliant news that Thomas slept so well. I am hoping Elliott starts to follow Thomas' lead and sleeps through a bit more soon.

I love the photos of him. He's looking like a proper little boy now and is gorgeous. They absorb new things like a sponge these days don't you find!?

I'm glad that you also try and plan around naps. My friends must think I am obsessed with naps but I understand how important they are to Elliott and how they make him feel much happier. Hardly any of my friends follow a stringent nap routine so I must seem very odd to them!

Anyhoooo, good to have you back :hugs:
A little note for HC....I hope you had a better night and you are feeling a bit better :hugs:
Evening all ... never get on the net on Thursdays so it seems I've missed loads!

:hi: Polaris!!!! Glad you've had a super hols. The piccies are so gorgeous - TG is right Lizzie and Phoebe dee lots of choice for suitors!

A general update for all from us is:

:wohoo: we have a tooth :happydance: I guess it explains all the miserable weekend last week and the four naps on Wednesday (they were proper naps too). So chuffed because she is getting on a bit in age for no teeth (sorry TG I;m sure Lizzie will have loads soon!!!). She is also walking behind me holding my legs - nothing on her own but enough to make me swell with pride. I think this must be one of the wonder weeks.

It would be lovely to have a sleepsense meet up but we are spread so far apart especially with HC in the states!

Our weekend is going to be more cupcake practice baking - chocolate ones and caramel ones are being attempted tomorrow!

Sleepy dust

p.s. on the sleep front - a bit of a rariety in my comments! - LO woke up last night when Granny babysat, granny went up tried to just put her back but LO conned Granny into a cuddle, sat on her lap and said 'Dah Dah' to the curtain and went back into her cot wide awake and showed granny how to SS!! Bless her
WOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOO! Go teeth!! That's fab news!! I tell you, we've got to see one soon - as the poor love is biting like nothing I've ever seen before!! C'mon teeeeeeeeeeeeeeth! I did have a bit of a worry, but the doc said it's perfectly normal...esp. as DH didn't get his until quite late. So, just got to wait!!

Am so pleased for Lil Fibby! Have you got the toothbrush ready?!

Gorgeous avatar piccie, btw. :D

Well, we had another night of completely sleeping through - Lizzie didn't even have a grumble! She's tottered across the room today a few times, which is VERY exciting :D She's getting really confident - loves giving herself a round of applause and nodding enthusiastically when I say 'well done'. She also is now saying the name of her favourite toy as soon as we come downstairs in the morning - and then bestowing said toy with hundreds of kisses. She actually gives DH and I loads in the morning, too - it's our favourite time, all three of us just looking delighted to see each other and having kisses!

Well, hair appointment booked - DH bought me some lovely new on track! Poppy, what did you buy? Tell, tell...! How is lil Otto?

HG, cupcakes sound yummy...I love red velvet at the mo, but fancy trying caramel...

We've got quite a busy weekend, family get together and friends over for dinner. Plenty of opportunity for my darling to show off :D

I know, shame we're all over the place, I bet we'd have a fab time if we got together!

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