HG - brilliant sleeping!! Hope you got a lie in this morning? Aw, Fibby sounds so adorable. It's so cute when they get their hiya/howah going, isn't it? Lizzie gets very confused if she greets someone with an enthusiastic 'howah' and gets nothing back!! I like Fibby's approach 'DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!' Besides, I bet everyone thought she was wonderful...so many LOs get upset in the shops, must have enjoyed a loud and happy greeting!
We're at the point where Lizzie tries to wave/grab everyone in the supermarket - especially other children - and she's also been known to leave the shop with something in her hand. Had to run back in the other day, as she'd got a bag of marshmallows from M&S...stuffed down the side of her buggy! Tea-leaf!
Sounds like your lovely is a lot happier for getting that tooth, bless her. Hope we get something soon, I really don't want to see her chewing frantically for much longer. Doesn't seem fair, poor love.
Well, we had a good night's sleep - Lizzie went from 7 - 6:15. Not quite a lie in, but a very good stretch! She's just soooo lovely in the morning, she's over the moon to see everyone, makes my heart melt
She's currently playing the guitar with DHs mouth, which is v.amusing!! We've a busy day, so will see how tonight's sleeping goes
HG - is it the Hummingbird Bakery book? I have that one, and the cupcakes make me salivate just reading the book.
In other news from us, still no AF - I've heard if you are bfing, you can ovulate but miss AF. Seems like that's what's happened, only I've still got PMS pains!!
Justagirl - I believe you can start from birth, however we didn't start until DD was 5 months! Sounds to me like you are doing things right - we let DD sleep on us/settle on us etc, so putting him back into his bassinet awake seems sensible! Don't worry if there are nights where he's up the whole night (or so it seems) as he'll be due a growth spurt quite soon! Am sure some of the ladies on here who started earlier will have more pertinent advice. Congrats on your gorgeous little boy