Sleep Sense Support Group!

Arghh it is hair cut time in the HG househole tomorrow too - OH is starting to look like elvis with hair that can only be described as 'quiffy' so he is being despatched in the morning for a short back and sides and I;m off in the afternoon in a vain attempt to control the mop upon my head - I'm so grateful Fibby has straight thick hair not a wild collection of fibres like me.

Way to go on the sleeping through Lizzie and the kisses are so cute. Fibby doesn't do kisses but will bite your nose. Not so cute.
Lizzie has curls - loads of them, I have to tie her hair back now! I think she has the best of both our hair, because mine is wild. And not in a good way!!

Haha, I love the nose biting, that is cute! I ask Lizzie to give me a kiss, and it's totally up to her. Mornings - guaranteed. Afternoons...? Not if she's busy! Then she just laughs at me!
Brilliant night for us last night - no wake ups (even 30 second ones) and she gave daddy a lie in until 7.30! My turn up early tomorrow and I bet she is up at six.

She has been such a happy little tyke today and insisted on shouting 'Hiya' at everyone in Sainsburys at lunchtime. It was really busy and if she didn't get a Hiya back she shouted even louder at them. A tad embarassing!

Oh and LO have been having a daddy and daughter day which gave me a little break to make cupcakes - i love the book more than the cakes! - but she wanted to go to bed at 5.30! I managed to squeeze her to 6.15 but not a peep since!

Hope we are having nice weekends and lots of sleep? Just ironed for 2 hours so putting feet up now with tea, chocolate and a bit of pomp and circumstance.
How early can you start this? JJ is on a great schedule right now he is still way too young to sleep through the night but currently is on two 5 hour blocks through the night where he just wakes up, eats and falls back to sleep at 12 am and 5am. I dont talk to him or stimulate him at all at night and also I put him back in his bassinet before he's actually asleep. Am I on the right path to him sleeping through the night when he is old enough to not need nighttime feeds? (currently he is 3 weeks old)
HG - brilliant sleeping!! Hope you got a lie in this morning? Aw, Fibby sounds so adorable. It's so cute when they get their hiya/howah going, isn't it? Lizzie gets very confused if she greets someone with an enthusiastic 'howah' and gets nothing back!! I like Fibby's approach 'DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!' Besides, I bet everyone thought she was many LOs get upset in the shops, must have enjoyed a loud and happy greeting!

We're at the point where Lizzie tries to wave/grab everyone in the supermarket - especially other children - and she's also been known to leave the shop with something in her hand. Had to run back in the other day, as she'd got a bag of marshmallows from M&S...stuffed down the side of her buggy! Tea-leaf!

Sounds like your lovely is a lot happier for getting that tooth, bless her. Hope we get something soon, I really don't want to see her chewing frantically for much longer. Doesn't seem fair, poor love.

Well, we had a good night's sleep - Lizzie went from 7 - 6:15. Not quite a lie in, but a very good stretch! She's just soooo lovely in the morning, she's over the moon to see everyone, makes my heart melt

She's currently playing the guitar with DHs mouth, which is v.amusing!! We've a busy day, so will see how tonight's sleeping goes ;)

HG - is it the Hummingbird Bakery book? I have that one, and the cupcakes make me salivate just reading the book.

In other news from us, still no AF - I've heard if you are bfing, you can ovulate but miss AF. Seems like that's what's happened, only I've still got PMS pains!!

Justagirl - I believe you can start from birth, however we didn't start until DD was 5 months! Sounds to me like you are doing things right - we let DD sleep on us/settle on us etc, so putting him back into his bassinet awake seems sensible! Don't worry if there are nights where he's up the whole night (or so it seems) as he'll be due a growth spurt quite soon! Am sure some of the ladies on here who started earlier will have more pertinent advice. Congrats on your gorgeous little boy :hugs:
Tg - well i got until 6.30 and then she was insistent that sleep was not on her agenda. LOL at Lizzie helping herself to marshmellows I'm sure Fibby is working up to that.

The book is the primrose bakery one and I have to say the chocolate ones are so yummy they are indecent. Had two already. Opps.

Tough no af show. Bf might be the reason? Hope she turns up soon. Least you are getting sleep at the mo or else with feeds 6 time a night and worry you'd be nakered!

Right off swimming this morning - lo really tired so popped her in car, out like a light and I'm watching the morning joggers on the seafront in the car to give her an extra 30 mins to her nap. The joggers are making me tired but it is a beautiful day!
Hi ladies,

Sorry fpr my lack of presence...had a busy few days. Otto had an unsettled night last night. He was up at 2.30am and 5.30am. I'm not too sure what was wrong with him as it is unusual for him to wake like that. I felt bad as after a slightly unsettled night I had to wake him up as it was swimming day. Usually he wakes when Oh's alarm goes of at 7am but today I had to get him up at 7.45am! He must have been tired like me :coffee:

Naps have been great today but over the weekend they were hard at times :wacko: especially the morning nap. He cried very hard on Sunday morning when put down for a nap even though he was tired. Maybe over tiredness???? :shrug: I hate to hear him cry :cry:

Anyway, tonight he was in bed asleep by 7.30pm. I have heard him murmur a few times so fingers crossed for a better night.

I hope everyone is okay.xx
Hi all,

A belated thank you for all your well wishes/concerns about my back and nights! The back is still giving me grief so I'm not getting very restful sleep, but for the most part, Ronan is doing well and only waking the once most nights.

My biggest problem there is that he takes a monster feed when he wakes. I think it's probably the biggest, longest, and most fulfilling milk feed he takes in a 24 hour period. Obviously, not something I want to keep going indefinitely. At this point, he wakes for the day 3-5 hours later in general and just isn't interested in nursing much so I usually just give him breakfast after a little snack on the booby, and he doesn't seem too interested the rest of the day for milk either, regardless of whether I offer it every 2 hours or every 4...before meals or after. It's a wee bit frustrating, tbh.

He's also in that in between stage of dropping from 3 naps a day down to 2, but they end up all over the place depending on whether he has short naps earlier in the day, longer naps later etc. The problem is when he takes longer naps in the morning and at lunchtime (between 1-2 hours), wakes 4-5 hours before bedtime but he will cry and fight going down for that last short little nap so I feel like an awful mummy even though he's obviously tired and needs it. He just can't go that long without sleep, yet!

I feel like we're stuck in limbo with everything right now.
Hi everyone.

Well after about a month of sleeping through most nights, Thomas seems to have gone back to wanting a night feed again. :dohh: For the past three nights he has woken and I haven't been able to settle him without feeding. I thought it was teeth but his tooth is through now and he still woke last night. Feels like a bit of a step backwards but hoping that he will just go back to sleeping through again soon.

Will reply to everyone else later
Polaris - hope you had a fab holiday! Phoebe's tooth broke last sunday but she was still unsetteled for about 3 nights. eek.

HC - little monkey and his milk eating - I guess mummy is just lovely for a snuggle in the night!

Poppy - poor you and all the get ups!

We had a good night but she was hysterical before bed and I went and checked on her 10 mins later as she was still doing laboured breathing down the monitor but when I went in it was snoring

Right must dash - school photos today and i must look beautiful and my charming daughter is pooing just to make it more frantic!
Historygirls - very exciting about the tooth finally making its appearance, it has been a long wait!! I think Thomas might have yet another tooth coming through on top now. Teething can feel a bit never-ending to me at times, it must be so awful for the poor babies to have an almost constantly sore mouth and not really know what's going on. On the positive side, Thomas worked out yesterday how to use his teeth properly to take bites out of food (rather than just putting as much as possible into his mouth and gnawing it with his gums which was his previous technique), he was so chuffed with himself and kept giving himself rounds of applause at the dinner table, LOL!

TG - how annoying about AF not making an appearance. Are you sure you definitely ovulated? I remember reading that sometimes the body can gear up for ovulation so you will get all the signs and symptoms and even a positive OPK but then for some reason ovulation doesn't happen. Are you doing temperature charting? I know you're not really TTC yet but I found temperature charting so useful for understanding what my cycle was doing (especially as I had been on the pill for a very long time and had no idea what a normal cycle would be for me). Hope you find out what's going on soon. LOL at Lizzie pocketing the bag of marshmallows, they do just like to embarrass us sometimes, I'm sure of it!

Poppy - hope Elliot had a better night last night. I hate it when they are unsettled especially when it's hard to tell exactly what is wrong with them.

Justagirl - welcome! It sounds like your LO is sleeping very well already for his age and you are totally on the right track. I personally don't think you need to do anything more than you are already doing for the moment.

Hivechild - Sorry to hear that your back is still bothering you - but good news that Ronan is sleeping better. Reading your post, you could be describing Thomas at about the same age. I found that things definitely got a bit easier once he was ready to totally drop the third nap - I really hated the in-between period when there wasn't really enough time to fit in a third nap but he clearly wasn't going to make it till bedtime. For a while I was limiting the lengths of his morning and afternoon naps so that he would be tired enough to go down for a third nap at about 4.30. When he finally did drop the third nap I used to take him out for a walk before dinner so that he would relax even though he wouldn't sleep. And sometimes I had to put him to bed a half an hour earlier because he would just get too tired. We also had the issue with the mammoth middle of the night feed and not too interested in milk during the day. I think it's pretty common for them to get a bit disinterested in feeding at about that age - they are really getting stuck into solids and they are busy playing and exploring the world and don't want to bother taking a break to feed. It was just a phase and he feeds properly during the day again now (although he still won't feed if there is too much excitement going on). So my advice really would be try not to worry about the feeds, my guess would be that it will all even itself out in another few weeks. But I do remember that feeling that LO would happily drop all of his milk feeds except of course for his favourite one - the night feed.
Thanks Polaris! I remember you going through much the same what seems not too long ago!

To add insult to injury, AF showed up for the first time last night, exactly 7 months after I went into labour with him, pretty much down to the hour. :wacko:
Well....I *think* I know why we have had a few unsettled days/nights.....I could hear coughing down the monitor last night and this morning poor Otto is full of cold. It seems to be affecting his naps as well. He'll usually stir after 30-40 mins but re settle himself but today he just can't get back to sleep after stirring and wakes up spluttering. Poor little man.

HC - Elliott is very erratic with his milk intake now. He very rarely asks for it but will always snack if I offer it to him. Elliott also takes a big feed in the night now. I think its the only time when everything is quiet that I can get him to concentrate the hardest and feed decently! Like you though, I don't think it's a good habit to have :nope:. When Elliott dropped from 3 naps to 2 we had a few up and down days as well. As like Ronan, Elliott's naps can vary in length as well. Elliott was in limbo v=for about a week and then one weekend he completely dropped the third nap and everything was fine again.
AF is wicked, you poor thing :hugs: :hugs:

Polaris - Our boys are mimicking eachother again! I hope Thomas isn't following Elliott's sleeping example! Isn't it great when they learn how to bite pieces of food off. It is so cute watching Elliott biting a tomato (he loves it when it explodes juice and seeds in to his mouth) and when he takes mini bites of sandwiches

Our night wasn't so bad last night. Otto woke at 4.30am for a feed and then woke for the day at 7am. Certainly an improvement!!

Sleepy dust for everyone.x
Well little Miss Phoebe slept through the dog vomitting everywhere at 4.30am!! Wow. I didn't.

But been a diva for the CM today so went to bed by 6.15,

I am shattered, busy day at work and awake form so early. So tired i can't think.

Poppy - I hope Otto gets . We found vicks vapour rub on her feet (she can't get to it and not as strong as putting on her chest) really helped her sleep much better. Lots of cuddles I think is the best medicine.

Hope everyone has good nights - i know i need one today
Well little Miss Phoebe slept through the dog vomitting everywhere at 4.30am!! Wow. I didn't. :dohh:

But been a diva for the CM today so went to bed by 6.15,

I am shattered, busy day at work and awake form so early. So tired i can't think.

Poppy - I hope Otto gets . We found vicks vapour rub on her feet (she can't get to it and not as strong as putting on her chest) really helped her sleep much better. Lots of cuddles I think is the best medicine.

Hope everyone has good nights - i know i need one today :sleep::sleep:
Ladies, are we all going through the same thing here?!

Lizzie has a cold too :( We've used baby olbas oil and some baby vicks...I've also felt something sticking out of her gum! Could it be...? We've had lots and lots and lots of cuddles.

Oh, and AF finally arrived!!

Otto - get well soon :hugs:

Fibby - sleepy dust for your Mummy!

HC - with you on the AF...we deserve choccie and a hot water bottle

P - love Thomas so chuffed with himself using his teeth! How cute!!

Am SO tired, so just about to crash out. :hugs: to all us all...and for our LOs.
Ah poor Lizzie. The snuffles seems to be doing the rounds. Otto has been very snuggly and clingy today. I used Snuffle Babe on his chest and neck tonight but also put Karvol on a muslin square near his cot sometimes too.

I thought Otto may have been teething too and thought that the cold may have coincided with a new tooth. I will find out soon as he won't actually let me have a proper look! How exciting for Lizzie! Do update if a tooth pops through.

AF...kind of good and bad for you I suppose. There is never a convenient time for the witch is there! I hate AF and never know when to expect her! This coil has made things rather erratic for me!
HC - with you on the AF...we deserve choccie and a hot water bottle

It came out of nowhere with no warning! I was devastated last night thinking that I hadn't even made it to 7 months since he was born, but then I realized that it had started in the exact same hour that I'd gone into labour 7 months ago. Weird, huh?

Poppy, poor Otto with his cold. I hope he gets over it quickly and he's already dealing with the worst of it so it can only get better from here.

HG - Fingers crossed you get lots of sleep tonight. I can remember the last time I was up in the darkest hour of morning cleaning up doggy puke too while everyone else slept right through it! Do you have any idea of what caused it or was it just one of those random doggy upchucks?
My poor little Otto. I hope he's better soon.....

I had the pleasure of seeing 3am, 4.30am, 6am and then a wake time of 7.15am :coffee:

He was so snuffly and clearly uncomfortable. He felt very hot too. I could only settle him with a bf each time, a cuddle was not enough. I worry about doing this because I dint want to create a bad habit.

He was back in bed asleep by 9.40am this morning. I feel so bad for him.

I hope you all had a few more hours sleep than me and Otto.
Hi Everyone! :hi:

I've just logged on for the first time in WEEKS! Being a full time working mummy leaves me no time for B&B postings! :(

Am also soooooo tired! Poor Kyle has had a cough and cold for 3 weeks now, basically since starting nursery and it's really affecting his sleep. We hear him hacking down the monitor through the night (although he has been falling asleep again) but his napping at nursery is minimal! Long gone are his nice 2hr naps - am lucky if he manages 2 x 45 mins each day! As a result we have to put him to bed at 6.30pm as he is so tired.

I hope you are all well - away to go back a few pages and see how everybody is xx

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