Sleep Sense Support Group!

Phoebe drinks her bath water like it is going out of fashion. She prefers to suck it through a sponge though - strange being

Tg - the thought of a back rub and tea - heaven. My OH is just complaining there is nothing to watch and no sign of a back rub being offered. I hate that pre AF feeling. I become very unreasonable. I somehow think 1001 things to do with plums is more yummy than beetroot - I ahve lost inspiration.

Poppy - What time does Elliot go to bed? I'm finding Fibby is just going earlier and earlier. She asked to go at 6pm today but I hung on til daddy got home at 6.25 - cue massive screaming. I should know better.
I've got to say, the backrub is happening with one hand while DH is staring with great concentration at the tennis! He's saying I can't possibly type AND watch Enders AND enjoy back rub...of course I can!! Put Enders on!!

I've got the very unreasonable AF thing happening - my sister got the brunt of it. She asked to borrow a top, and I reacted like a complete diva. Lizzie was laughing at me, which made me laugh at myself...which is good!

I LOVE beetroot - roasted, in sarnies, pickled. Mmm, pickled beetroot - I could actually eat that now!

Yep, odd with the water...she had about two sips from her cup with dinner, and then tried to drain the bath!

Lizzie goes to bed anywhere between 6:45 and 7:30. We take the eye-rub as the cue. Our routine now takes longer, as she objects hugely to being changed etc post bath! She really told DH off tonight, proper baby tell-off. So funny!
I know TG! The postman literally thumps the door....he's going to go through it one day lol! Elliott chases our dog and trys to share her bed :haha: she is so good with him. Sounds like AF could be on her way...I can be rather unpleasant when mine is due too :blush:

HG Elliott sucks the sponge clean of water too! He will sometimes take a sneaky chunk out of it though so I have to watch him! His bed time is anywhere between 7 and 8pm. It all depends what time his last nap ended though I will not let him sleep past 5pm if I can help it. This happens very rarely though. Usually he is in bed counting sheep by 7.30pm and wakes up when OH's alarm goes off at 7am. On the weekends he will happily sleep until 8am ish....his little lie in when he isn't disturbed by the alarm.

Pickled beetroot :thumbup: I love it!!!!

Ladies.....sometimes I will avoid doing things if I know Elliott is due a nap. I would rather miss out than end up with him tired and upset. Is this a bit OTT? Does anyone else do the same? For example a friend has invited us over hers tomorrow at about 2.30pm. I know for a fact Elliott will either be sleeping or getting very tired so I don't really want to go. I do drive but don't have a car right now as my company car has gone back so I rely on lifts. If I had a car I would probably take a long drive there so that he could at least have half an hour. Please say it's not just me who thinks like this :wacko:
It's definitely not just you who thinks like that. I'm already fretting about a friend coming over at 2pm for lunch later this week. 2pm is nap o'clock! I try and organise everything around that afternoon nap...Lizzie is ok if she misses the morning nap, but the afternoon one...! No way! I've already considered asking my friend to come earlier - but it'll be tricky for her. Besides, I am ravenous by 2pm :D

I've just noticed you live in Devon. How lovely. Are you near the sea, too, like HG?

I've really got the urge to eat some pickled beetroot now! And those jars of mixed pickle!
Phew! Thank you :hugs: Glad it is not just me. Elliott doesn't like to miss any naps though he does survive on the very rare occasion that he has....iykwim!

I am in Plymouth to be precise :D so we are very near to the sea, the countryside and the moorland. All of those are within 5-15 minutes of my frontdoor. Me and OH often comment on how lucky we are (if you like those kind of things of course).

Mmmmmmm.....pickled silverskin onions....drool......
How looooooooooooooovely!! We'd love to be near the sea - I've always fancied Dorset or Cornwall, but the commute would be a bit tricky! We live in the country, but would love the sea near-by.

What a fab location!!

No, baby without nap = not a happy rest of day for all involved!!

Mmm, silverskin onions. I'm going to have to go and get a pickled shallot. Am sure DH will love that, right before bedtime!!
I love the country. I have always owned horses but sold my last one just before I fell pregnant with Elliott. I now exercise my friend's horses every weekend and love hacking around the countryside. You are very lucky and I'm trying to imagine your house with the plum trees etc! You sound like a very good cook judging by your BLW blog btw!

It is lovely to be near the sea. I have had a few nautical based jobs and my OH works in the dockyard for the MOD so we are all fanatics. We all love the beach though Elliott hasn't actually been yet (I'm paranoid about sunburn!).

Fingers crossed for a good night for all of us. I'm expecting at least one wake up call as Otto spoilt me last night!
How lovely!! I bet you have some amazing places to ride? I'd love to ride, but the nearest I've come to it was being chased by farmers horse. I've never run so fast in my life - it was a Forrest Gump moment! :D I've always wanted to home a donkey, though. Although, as a horse novice - someone on here and DH alerted me to the fact it was a lot of work for a newbie! How many horses did you have?

How nice to work by the sea, too. I'll be thinking about that as I traipse into grey City Mile!

I bet Otto will be following in your footsteps there? I bet he'll be a little surfer dude, too!

Lizzie was a bit freaked out by the sea at first...she did lots of hand wiggling and foot waving...when we went on hols, we didn't stay on the beach long, and built a tent thing (blanket, polls, parasol and more blankets) for her to hide out in.

I do love our house - although we do keep thinking about moving. Somewhere near a shorter train slog, but further from the station. So more rural, but nearer...if that makes any sense!

I like the fact it feels very homey (our house) Or that could be my inexplicable need to collect things :D

I'm not sure Lizzie and hubby would agree on the ole cooking thing (especially plum central), but I do love baking and being in the kitchen. Have some successes...and some definite failures, too! I love reading that thread - you've inspired me, as have others...I need new ideas, and that's the best place to get them.
ps - lots of lovely sleepy dust for our gold star gorgeous guys and gals!
Evening girls!

Interesting to hear bedtimes - we are just getting earlier - asleep by 6.25pm tonight and i've been waking her at 7am in order to get out to work. But I was a very bad mummy today. She hates getting dried after her bath - i do it on the double bed in her room - but she loves to romp stark naked around it with OH and I playing goal keeper on two sides each. Well OH wasn't back in time for bedtime as it was so early so we played on our own and she went smack onto the floor before I could catch her. cue massive I'm being murdered screams. Bad mummy.

We live quite close to the see - Sunny old Eastbourne for us - but I live just up before the downs so I can see the sea and have the downs a 30 second walk away. I love our house but our neighbours are weird. But i can't handle moving as OH wants to I think it would send me over the edge. I won't let LO near the sea as although I'm a great swimmer I once almost drowned in the sea and I am so freaked still.

Might try roasting some beetroot tomorrow - grated in a salad today which was nice.

Poppy - I do schedule her day around her naps and people visiting etc.... I am getting more relaxed as she gets older and take her pram and she sleeps at the end of people's gardens!! You're not the only one....
How lovely!! I bet you have some amazing places to ride? I'd love to ride, but the nearest I've come to it was being chased by farmers horse. I've never run so fast in my life - it was a Forrest Gump moment! :D I've always wanted to home a donkey, though. Although, as a horse novice - someone on here and DH alerted me to the fact it was a lot of work for a newbie! How many horses did you have?

How nice to work by the sea, too. I'll be thinking about that as I traipse into grey City Mile!

I bet Otto will be following in your footsteps there? I bet he'll be a little surfer dude, too!

Lizzie was a bit freaked out by the sea at first...she did lots of hand wiggling and foot waving...when we went on hols, we didn't stay on the beach long, and built a tent thing (blanket, polls, parasol and more blankets) for her to hide out in.

I do love our house - although we do keep thinking about moving. Somewhere near a shorter train slog, but further from the station. So more rural, but nearer...if that makes any sense!

I like the fact it feels very homey (our house) Or that could be my inexplicable need to collect things :D

I'm not sure Lizzie and hubby would agree on the ole cooking thing (especially plum central), but I do love baking and being in the kitchen. Have some successes...and some definite failures, too! I love reading that thread - you've inspired me, as have others...I need new ideas, and that's the best place to get them.

The riding is great around here :thumbup: we are very lucky. LOL at your Forrest Gump moment. Horses can be unpredictable. I got kicked in the forehead by a wild pony when I was 3. I have a cracking scar! Goodness knows why I continued, I think it made me more horse mad :dohh: No sense, no feeling ;) Horses are a lot of hardwork. I take my hat off to people who have children and horses. I have at one point had 4 horses but most recently I had 2 and then cut down to 1. I used to commute 140miles everyday for work and just didn't have the time anymore. Atleast now I get lots of fun with my friends horses but less of the stress that goes with them.

Otto loves the water thankfully! We go to Waterbabies and he has taken to it so well. We go to Valencia in October so I can't wait to take him on a beach then.

My Nan is a collector and her house is VERY homely LOL! We moved in to our house 2 1/2 years ago and it's still a bit bare as it was brand new so I'm yet to accessorise. I suppose that's a good thing with lil' handy manny crawling and climbing everywhere :haha:

Your cooking sounds yummy. It puts mine to shame lol! O'm sure Lizzie and Hubby love it really :D

How was you night last night? Elliott woke at 5.30am for a feed (and crikey was it raining at that time!!!). He then went back down until 7.30am :thumbup: We did go to my friends house today and played. His naps were compromised but he still managed to get in 45 minutes sleep on the way home.

Tonight was eventful though. We did our bath before bed routine and then gave him a bottle. As I picked him up to take him to bed he threw it up everywhere. This isn't the first time it has happened. I wish I knew why I does happen as he seems completely fine afterwards. Strange :shrug:
That's what they always say, don't they? If you have a bad experience, get right back in the saddle (pun intended!) Poor you, that must have really hurt?? Everyone was laughing during said horse chase, except me...I was whimpering. I like to think of myself as half fit, but out-run a grouchy horse...I cannot do!

Wow, four horses! Do you miss them? I bet Otto will love lessons with his Mummy when he's older. I can totally see how now is not the time to have them, I can barely take care of the poor ole cat and chooks, I can't imagine a horse!

Are you going back to work? I'm looming pretty soon - after another rearrange, I'm going back Tues 21st. Just got to think, two days in the office...

DH has LOVED me baby-proofing our house, as lots of my stuff has been moved on...shipped out...chucked! It was actually quite good - but my work stuff still works its way into every room. I've got to stop that, though. Lizzie was waving sketch in my face earlier, and I had to do some serious distraction before it got eaten.

Poor little Elliott. Does he bounce around in the bath much? Lizzie has been sick before - when she's got totally over excited during her routine. Could it be that?

We've had a quiet day, we did some baking, some playing...and I had to walk to get a beta test done, as no one knows where the heck AF is or what on earth is going on. Doc said PCOS can flare up, but it was unlikely to do so post ovulation. Weird!

We had an ok night, DH woke Lizzie up by walking into the bedroom door :haha: She had a quick 'howah' and hand clap, and then went back to sleep. Til DH woke her up at 6:15 :rofl: by jumping out of bed convinced he'd overslept! I sent them both downstairs to have a morning bound around...

Isn't it fun watching the LOs play with their friends? It's so cute!

On a side note, I had a load of pickled beetroot today. And onions. DH had a lovely back from home kiss :D
I believe it did hurt. I can't remember a thing! Stitches inside and outside of my head and deafness in one ear as a result - nice!! I won't be encouraging Elliott take up horseriding unless he wants to of course. I think Daddy will be keeping him busy with football, golf and racket sports!

I used to miss the horses at times but tbh, I don't have time to think about it these days. I want to spend as much time with Elliott and I figure when he is older and if I still miss them then I can always take it up again. I have 4 rabbits (one with a litter of 6 babies) and a dog...that's enough for the moment. You have chickens? I love chickens. I used to show them :blush: I had pekins, barbu d'ucles, silkies and a few other breeds. I used to do quite well! I would love some more as a friend of mine has some old english game that she offered to me but I don't think I'm allowed to keep them in my garden.

At the moment I am not going back to work. I am a kitchen designer and my job is full time, 70 miles away from my house so I am not prepared to go back yet. In fact, i am not sure if I will at all. I am loosely working from home for my company on a commission only basis but in the long run I think I would like to re train. I love the idea of midwifery and booked myself on to the uni open day today so I can wonder along and have a chat with them about it. What is it you do for work?

Elliott always has fun in the bath but didn't over exert himself I don't think. He isn't used to taking a bottle so I wonder if he gorges himself every now and then. Also, I tried to get him to take his milk from a cup (which was unsuccesful) so maybe that upset things?

:hugs: about your test and AF problems. Sorry to sound daft but are you trying for another baby (I don't know the background...)? I just want to make sure I am saying the right things!

Oh dear! Your OH sounds like mine. He walked in to the safety gate at the top of the stairs the other night and it came crashing down. How on earth it didn't wake Otto up I will never know! How come that didn't wake him but during day time naps the slightest thing can stir him lol! "Howah" that is so cute :cloud9:

Mmmmm, onion breath lol :haha:

I expect a wake up call tonight from a hungry baby. I didn't feed him again after he was sick and he didn't look for it so I'm sure he will need some milk later!
Oh my goodness, that was an awful kick from the horse. Poor you :( Blimey - you really are brave getting back into riding...I think I'd have been a real wimp!

I wonder about what Lizzie will be into - we both play would be hilarious if she hated it!! I'd like her to play the piano, but - like you - am letting her lead the way. I play terribly now, and I don't want to project my own musical rubbishness onto her! :rofl:

That sounds perfect on the horses - I even feel bad, as the poor ole cat doesn't get anywhere near the amount of attention as he requires. I always seem to be imploring him to just 'behave'. I can't believe you used to show chickens! Amazing!!! I love them, such funny little creatures. They are really bossy, naggy ole things, aren't they? In a comical way? And BABY RABBITS?!? AWWWWWWWWWW! Does Otto love them? I call Lizzie my baby rabbit! What kind of dog?

Oh, midwifery - do it! The country needs nice, lovely, clever midwives...That said, it must be great being a kitchen designer? Kitchens are such integral parts of the home. Our kitchen is the hub! I'm an a design gal, too.

I have PCOS, which took an age to diagnose, as my 'only' symptom is no AF. We were always going to wait until Lizzie was about two, but I think we'll see what comes out of these tests. Could take a while, and I may need meds again...and if PCOS isn't fully back, may start a bit earlier than planned! Do you think you'd like another?

Lizzie has also been sick after a massive BF - I overproduced for a long time, and once she learned to keep up, she would sometimes overdo things. Maybe he had a bit too much?

The 'howah' is hilarious - we have to kind of pinch each other not to laugh at 3am. She shouted 'howah' this morning and gave me a big kiss when I came downstairs. I cried! She then flicked porridge all over me...:D
Hi ladies,

Just a quickie since it's been one of those weeks...and it's only Tuesday!

Well, Ronan did brilliantly on vacation and slept fantastically, but as soon as we got home, it seems to have gone to pot again! The last 2 nights he woke at 9:30 the first night (wtf?) and then at 12:30 last night. The first night I have no idea what was going on with him but some cuddles and calming and he went back to sleep a half hour later, but last night he was absolutely hysterical. Hubby tried settling him to no avail and I ended up having to feed him.

I was miserable as my back has been killing me all day yesterday and today, so it had taken me forever to get to sleep only to be woken up 20 minutes later, then it took me until around 3am to get back to sleep only to be woken by hubby snoring at 5:30, then back to sleep a half hour or so later to be woken just before 7 by the monkey waking for the day.

On top of being absolutely shattered, I decided to brave getting out to the store to do some shopping that needed doing, so I got dressed, fed the monkey, sat him up at which point he promptly smiled and puked over my shoulder. :dohh: Then to add insult to injury, he pooped in the fresh new (cloth) nappy I'd just changed him into, so I went to change him and he decided he wasn't done pooping and finished the job off with his nappy off...and then peed on me. :wacko:

I decided at that point that going out might not be such a good idea.

On a positive note, the monkey and I had a lovely little picnic on the floor for dinner tonight. Bailey (the dog) was perplexed by the whole thing but behaved himself wonderfully and didn't steal any of the food being tossed about with wild abandon!

Anyway, fingers crossed tonight is a better night because I really need the sleep, and on that note time to go hang some nappies up to dry and get myself to bed.
HC -

Glad to hear you had great hols and Ronan slept well :hugs: Do you think it could just be him getting back to normal, after the hols? Maybe just a bit unsettled? I think it can take a few days for them to settle back to normal. Let us know about how things go tonight

Sorry to hear about your back, that sounds horrid :( That combined with tiredness just sounds awful. I hope you get some rest tonight.

We've had days like that with the pooping and peeing. I used to joke that Lizzie waited for us to get ready to go out and just time it perfectly to do a poop! She's also now permanently on the move as soon as the nappy is off, which can lead to...errrr...interesting situations, and lots of wipes!

How well behaved is your dog?! Blimey, our boy cat can't resist interfering if we have a picnic. AND he always has so sniff/lick things he's no intention of eating (we KNOW you won't eat pear, cat!)

Anyway, big :hug: and lots of sleepy dust for tonight.

Lizzie had a good night last night - she didn't want her mid morning feed today, so I wonder if we're moving to two a day. I guess I shouldn't be surprised? I was a bit sad, silly, isn't it?

She's spent a lot of the day dancing - and hardly any naps, so we're both really tired tonight!! I've plopped on the sofa for the first time today, and am guzzling tea,'ve got it...plums!! :D
Good evening all.

Just had my first day off work as I only work part time (4 days) so really :happydance: But it has been raining soooo much I got soaked. Went to collect my new glasses, got really wet as long walk with pushchair from car and guess what? shut at 1pm :dohh:

LO has been really really tired today :sleep: 4 naps!!!! What is she up to? I can definately see a tooth so that explains her mood at the weekend but she is slowly getting better - got her an amber teething necklace which she wore all day and she has been ok.

Hive :hugs: about your back - OH suffers so badly with his back I can really feel for you. Glad you had a good hols. We sometimes eat LO's tea on the kitchen floor. The dog lies on his spot (an orange circle of carpet from ikea he is trained to sit on when I say spot - he isn't cannine I swear he is human) and then delights in clearing up after we have finished.

Really tired today for no good reason but enjoying ready kids stories tonight as the first load of Fibby's birthday books has arrived - the hungry catapillar is fab but dogger is my favourite!
I LOVE Dogger! Lizzie has both those, too - aren't they amazing??

I swear by amber, too - I wear it when Lizzie wears it, as I am sure it has a great effect on both of us.

I am very impressed with Maxy boy - does he want to train a cat with no manners and a complete lack of respect for authority?!
Max would love to meet your cat although I am not sure your cat would like to meet him! I must admit to being a bit afraid of cats, I think it is because they look at you and it feels like they are examining your soul.

I had dogger as a child and it is a must for Fibby's birthday bookcase!
Our cat, bless him, is not one of those graceful, intense cats. He's a bit of an ole, scruffy mog-meister. He has embarrassing incidents - falls, jumps and misses, his ears go inside out.

Our friends have got an intimidating cat...she honestly looks at me like I'm something she's stepped in :D

Boy cat is quite bemused by dogs - but he could do with some obedience lessons. He doesn't listen to anything I say, and is always stealing!!

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