Sleep Sense Support Group!

Pizza express was so child friendly to us - parked up our HUGE buggy for us, got her a high chair, played with her during the wait for food. She shared a Lasgane with her daddy and munched my Padana pizza crust (goats cheese and spinach). I took pudding for her.

I am a hoarder of everything so my house is full of stuff Phoebe can destroy. I am on a mission now to de-clutter my entire house. But I just can't bare to throw things away but Ive actually reached a point now when it is annoying so it is big throw stuff out week!

TG - I hope the go back to work goes ok this week, are you working 3 days? I always seem to make time for a little bnb in the evening....
Am working 3 days, but I'll be doing some of that at home - anything from 0.5 day to 2 days, I think depending on what's going on. I think I'll need to gauge it by client meetings, and we have quite a lot of I think 3 days in the office will be happening a good few times. I wish someone would just commission me to design fairy castles for Lizzie! :D

I feel v.strange, though :(

Fab, we'll definitely pop along to Pizza Express. Lizzie is a big fan of pizza crust, too...!

I'm a hoarder by nature, R was so pleased when I had to start decluttering!! I keep the most random stuff, too, but he was on a mission to minimalise my hoarding!
I keep strange stuff like birthday cards (I have almost every card I've ever been given) to a conker I got at Hever Castle when OH and I were first going out to about 16 different cake tins. But it has to go!

You will get into a work day routine quite quickly - I just prepare the night before so I can have as much play time in the morning with fibby as possible. But she is objecting to coming in the shower with me at the mo so we are going to have to find something else for her to do whilst i'm in there - can't have her roaming free...

The castle designing sounds sooooo fun. Maybe that could be your new work from home business?

Fibby has woken twice so far this evening which is strange. OH goes up as I am too tempting for her and I do the late night / early morning stints as he is useless at them.
Today little Otto is feeling even more like himself again. I almost have my snot free baby back. He hates having his face wiped but I hate seeing him covered in snot! Anyone elses LO hate having their face wiped?

P - So glad to hear you have found a resolution to the upset at bedtime. Like you say, he must be exhausted come 6.30pm. I can't imagine Elliott going to bed that early yet and he still seems fine with 7.30pm but I will now look out for the signs and will follow his lead should a change be needed.

TG - How exciting about Lizzie's walking!!!! :happydance::happydance: she sounds just adorable. What a clever girl she is with the P said, Elliott would also sit in poo all day :dohh: must be a boy thing :rolleyes: The wedding was fab thank you. We didn't stay late enough for the disco but Ihave seen the photos....that's all I will say lol! Otto was so funny with the seagulls but couldn't understand why he couldn't get near them ha ha! He would set off at his fastest crawl, they would fly away and he would sit there and point and say "Whaas sat" (what's that) he he, bless him. i can not believe you are back to work this week :cry: I hope you will still get on BnB frequently. Are you going to continue bfing Lizzie? I suppose it will be easier as you are working from home. I hope the return to work goes well for you though.

HG - What a shame your good day turned bad. I ssoooo need to get some new bra's fitted. Now that my milk supply is regulated I don't always fill my bra anymore :cry: my fun bags are not so flipping fun anymore :cry: I have my amazing little Otto to show for them though (as well as my mummy marks...) I haven't been to Pizza Hut ever! I really want to go. Glad to hear you had a god time and they were so accomodating.

Otto was in bed asleep by 7.30pm tonight. We have had a lovely day that involved a 4 mile coastal walk and a trip to the farm so that I could tend to the horses and dogs. He loves to look at the horses, cows and dogs. He got brave and touched my friend's horses whoa re rather large. It was so cute.

I hope everyone else has had a good day.xx
I don't think there will be much demand for carefully designed mini castles :( Would be such fun, though!!

I'll be trying to get everything ready the night before - good plan - especially as I used to run around in the morning, one shoe in in the other!

I'm the same with the cards...cake tins...and memorabilia!! I just like to know it's there?

Fibby sleeping now? Lizzie has nights like that, where she just has a little grumble!

How are the lemon cupcakes? I made some ginger cupcakes over the weekend (you inspired me to re-examine Hummingbird) they are delish!
Poppy!! :hugs:

So glad Otto is feeling better - it's horrid to see them feeling a bit poorly.

Lizzie HATES having her face wiped. Hates. Hates. Hates. She cries, screams - and roars. I really am not sure why its so loathed?!

The walking is very exciting, she's doing that very cute 'bound from foot to foot baby walk thing', like a speedy waddle?

Otto is a clever boy with his 'what's that' :D You must have been very impressed?

I know, work!! :( L will be with family, so am trying to be calm. Trying! I am sure I'll still be on here in the evenings - and nap times! DH always asks me for a little update as to what's happening with the BnB SS Mums! He's currently giving me a detailed commentary on a newspaper article, and I - yet again - marvel at how ladies multi-task so well! :D

Good wedding photos, then? We've seen some crackers of us flying round the dance floor at various weddings...that said, a lot of our friends at our wedding looked like a cross between David Brent and the cast of Fame! hahahah!
ps - yes, will continue BFing...Lizzie is on two/three now, but really not bothered about the third (mid morning) so will feed morning and evening.
TG - my OH often asks how is the 'forum world' that I inhabit! He is watcing something on the battle of britain which I know I am a history teacher and should love but I've had enough of the battle of britain at the mo. He is sat making engine noises over a beer. Saying I can get him a flight in a spitfire for his birthday. He can wish on.

Poppy - what a lovely day you have had - a long costal walk sounds wonderful. We live 5 mins from the seven sisters and we haven't done it in ages. I must admit I worry about the cliff and the dog and he hates being on his lead. Great with Otto and the horses!
:D What is it with men and sound effects? Sure I've just made a huge generalisation, but DH was making wonderful sound effects to imitate the car engine earlier. Apparently it was making a good sound, but my slightly quizzical and confused expression wasn't the reaction required!
Phew, I'm so glad it it not just Otto who has an aversion to having his face wiped! I am so excited about the though of him walking. I think we are a long way off yet though.

His "what's that" is very cute! He has been saying it for about 4-5 weeks now. His little index finger points straight at what he is asking about as well! My friend's think it is so cute and funny. I can be walking along the road and he will say it about 10 times within 10 metres. It is lovely that he is so inquisitive though.

Wedding photos were awesome! I am laighing at your David Brent remark. I am just imaging the scene in the office now when he stands in the middle of all of those people and busted his moves. Hilarious!

You are so lucky that Lizzie can stay with family. I know that it won't make leaving her any easier but it will still be nice that she will be with familiar people. Glad to hear you will still be able to bf too. Otto is down to about 3 feeds a day as well now. I keep wondering if this is normal for his age. I'm just trying to go with the flow.

My OH asks about my BnB friends too! When ever he hears me tapping away on the keyboard like my fingers are on fire he knows I'm here talking SS lol!

Wow HG - I have just googled Seven Sisters. What a beautiful place. Luckily my dog has never dived off a cliff....we have had a few incidents involving steep falls in to streams and OH having to rescue her though :rolleyes: I was so proud of Otto with the horses. They are BIG and he reached out and stroked their noses, Last time he met them he hadn't really started showing fear so I was pleased that he wasn't terrified of them today.

Ha, ha! Men and making strange OH also does car are random aren't they lol!
Just a quickie here as I'm exhausted and going to TRY to get to sleep at a stupidly early hour so that waking at a ridiculous hour later on won't hurt so much...somehow I get the feeling it won't work out like that!

Anyway, back still hurty, the monkey has gone back to being a screamy whingy terror. I feel like I can't do anything right with him these days. :( I can barely get him to nurse half the time during the day for more than a few minutes before he pushes away, half the time if I am out of sight he couldn't give a damn but the other half of the time he gets whingy and shouty crying. He'll be happy to just play on the floor by himself for a good half hour or more and wants nothing to do with me while he's playing with his toys, especially if the dog or his dad is around, but I still have to be there somewhere.

He's waking a few times a night again and won't settle without a feed most of the time, his naps are short, infrequent and crappy again and he won't go down without a fight. He keeps falling asleep on the boob during the night too, despite my efforts to keep him awake. It's got to the point where I feel like I just don't care anymore, because at least he's quiet and snuggly and not trying to do backflips out of my arms.

He is still absolutely refusing my milk from any vessel other than straight from the tap so I have a lot of EBM to be using up in cereal etc. for him in the near future before it goes bad. I think I can safely pack away the pump at this point...

Anyway, I could go on but I'm exhausted and run into the ground. I'll try and catch up with a more positive spin on things next time because there have been some wonderful highlights in amongst it all. They're just hard to focus on right now!

Sleepy dust to all, but I hope you don't mind if I keep an extra big serving of it for me and the monkey!
:hugs: of the huge varitey HC - What a nightmare. I am so sorry your back is still bad, my OH suffers from them and he gets so grumpy as it really really hurts him. Your wee monkey is being a pickle. Have you thought about a spell of naughty napping (i.e. on you!) to get his night times back on track? Might help -if Fibby has been really up and down at night I make sure her nps are really good so it is the pram or on me. Naughty i know. Hope he gets better soon.

Poppy - Otto is so brave with the horses, i must admit I am a bit in awe of them but not scared. The dog is very good with them as when a pup som really nice horse owner let him come up and sniff all around the bottom of this horse and when it moved Max was warned how powerful they were.

Phoebe has finally caught the cold that all of you seem to have had:dohh: but CM took her to the David Lloyd for a swim today and smuggled her in for a 3 min steam in the Eucylptus (sp?) room so cleared her out. but at bedtime all snuffly so olbas oil steam next to her bed and vicks on her feet. She was up and down in the night - not awake for long but enough to disturb her.

Never mind
He will rarely fall asleep on me anymore these days. that being said, he slept much better last night, and so did i, so i feel human again today. He also took a 2 hour nap this morning which he hasn't done in ages, and he just had a naughty half hour nap in the car while i was driving home from shopping, thus why I'm sitting in the car in the driveway on my phone typing this and waiting for him to wake, which he just did!
HC - I've done that - been in the car on my phone to give LO a little longer nap. Glad you got some more sleep, lack of sleep is a torture it makes rational people behaving irrationaly. He will get there - Fibby was stilla nightmare at 7 months!
'lo ladies...Lizzie has had me run - quite literally - ragged today. Am exhausted! She's been very Mummy centric today, we've had a couple of 'naughty naps', and really played so well together! We even seem to have private jokes now, so funny!

Well, DH managed to wake her up at 5:45, so he got up and let me have a lie in ;)

Her ears are still not fun for her, and she's rubbing at this tiny shard of tooth. PLEASE send us 'toothy' vibes!

HC - HUGE :hugs: You poor thing, with that back :( I'm glad Ronan had a good nap, and hope that it continues so you can feel regenerated...

HG - Hope Fibby (and VERY cute piccie) shakes off the cold asap. Sounds like the steam room did the trick!!
How do OH manage to wake them? It is my OH's coughing that does it normally. Although in his defence he does get up at 4.30am 3 days a week and I don't hear him.

TG - only a few days to the big '1' for Lizzie - what have you got planned? Loads of tooothy vibes - we have two but the biggest is 3mm it is taking forever for them to get any bigger. grrr.
OH went to feed Boy Cat - and literally sounded like he was a one man band. I was in that half asleep state, trying to say 'shhhhhhhhhh'. Boy Cat was running laps around our room, he'd snuck in, but I'd have just chucked him out!

We're having a parrrrrrrrrtay for Lizzie - family and friends. I'm planning away at the moment, and getting very excited! We've bought a tonne of pressies, although I know she'll just be delighted with the paper!! :D

Two pegs for Fibby! Was she ok when they were coming through?
Ooo party organising - I must admit I am already starting (hence the cupcake baking trials).

With the peggies - cuting first tooth she was a beast. cutting second tooth the childminder described it as a 'diva day' where Phoebe had the 'don't even look at me or i'll scream' attitude. Amber necklace helped as second tooth was no way near as bad. Sleep was ok both times but I gave her neurofen before bed on the first one as she was so unhappy.

OH has forbidden loads of pressies the meanie but I am determined to sneak lots in! Her grandparents will spoil her rotton as will her godparents.
I've always got her - except when sleeping - in her amber necklace, and I wear it too. Sending each other calming vibes! Glad to hear that the second one wasn't as bad, hope it just gets better and better? Poor Lizzie, she chews SO much.

Tbh, Lizzie will be as happy with the paper as anything else! However, family and godparents will thoroughly enjoy spoiling her, too - as you say. I'll probably end up playing with the stuff, while she rips (and tries to eat) the paper!! :D

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