Sleep Sense Support Group!

Ahh, and we were getting along so well as well.

You realise as a QS, I have to professionally hate you? It's in the rules you know.....

Nooooooooooo!! Well, rules are meant to be broken?! Make an exception for us!! How are you and Abby? :hugs:

Poppy - Lizzie is the same with animals. A bit gung-ho!! And she laughs when I sniff her face, too! Then grabs and twists my nose/lips which, apparently, is even funnier. :D

I know, I asked DH why he didn't tell me...and apparently 'he couldn't resist'. I told him he'll be getting a 'sneezer' next cuppa I make!
I know...he does! heheheheheh....!

Right, am off to bobles...sleepy dust lovely Mummy-brigade!
I know...he does! heheheheheh....!

Right, am off to bobles...sleepy dust lovely Mummy-brigade!

Night night my lovely. I'm off to the lad of nod too.

Sleepy dust to all my SS lovely ladies.xx
Hi ladies! SO sorry I haven't been in here much - I usually go over to the BF forum first and then by the time I'm done in there something has come up before I get to any of the other threads. :dohh:

It sounds like most of your LOs are sleeping fabulously, and it's so hard to believe they are nearing a year old already!! The time has passed so quickly.

I wanted to ask you all about transitioning from 3 naps to 2. How did you know when your LO was ready, and how did the change go? Right now, Christina still takes 3 naps when she's home with me (around 8-9, 11:30-12:30, and 2:30-3:30, then bed at 7 and up at 6 (usually with one night feed in between around 2/3, which we will probably try to stop soon). I usually put her down pretty soon after the first signs (glazed look or eye rubbing). But the 3 days/week that she's at her babysitter's house, she only takes 2 naps. Her 3 naps have started getting shorter, about 45 minutes to an hour each now, whereas before they were 1-1.5 hrs each, and she's falling asleep later and later each evening (7:30-7:45 most nights, even when we put her in the crib at 7 or 7:10). And the past 4-5 days she's waking around 10pm, and we settle her without feeding, but she doesn't go back to sleep until about 10:45. So I'm wondering if these are all signs that she's ready for 2 naps now, so should I be stretching her awake time a little longer? Also, she's started fighting naps and bedtime again and we'll have a little crying or shouting (not much, maybe a couple minutes), whereas before she was going to down happily chatting or not making any noise at all. I noticed you mentioned Ronan doing this lately also, HC - is this possibly a sign that I'm putting her down too soon and maybe I should start stretching her awake time to move to 2 naps? I thought by 9 months most babies were on 2 naps - I guess I'm just nervous about pushing her too long past those eye rubs. Thanks for any advice!
Cutie - Hiya (in the words of my daughter - so imgaine I'm shouting it at you for the 100th time and you are almost there!). We were on holiday when LO dropped her midday nap so she was 9 1/2 months. She just slept a bit later in the mornings and that pushed the afternoon nap back to about 2 ish. It took a few days of bitty naps in the morning but she led the way with us (as always the minx). We are now thinking about dropping to one eekkkk I'm not ready!!!

TG - I won't tell my OH your an architect as he is a QS too (although he is going to start training to become chartered), he is quite rude about architects but then I think he is fraudulent in the things he does!!!

Well I've been grumpy at work today - my tutor group have turned into difficult teenagers since tuesday (they are 13 and 14) So i had to read the riot act and be mean to them and it set me off in a bad mood. Humph. LO was also a real grump this evening as she was soooo tired and I wouldn't let her go to bed at 5.30!

Anyway, off to band practice tonight so hopeful two hours of trombone practice will make me feel better!
Eveeeeeeening All!

Cutie - we have 'howah' here, so HOWAH! Good to see you! With the naps, like HG, we let Lizzie lead the way. Pretty soon, she was just not settling...sitting up, bouncing we quickly realised she didn't want that nap anymore. We're almost at one a day - just following her cues, her sleepy/not sleepy signs etc.

HG - Quite a lot of people are rude about architects, hehe! I'm a retro architect, I wish I'd designed all the old buildings I love. Am sure people think I'm a design luddite :D Hope you are having a good practice? Lizzie was a bit grumpy this afternoon, too. Lots of snuggles, and a bit cross and tired. I can now see a bit more hoping that's why!

How is everyone else? Poppy - DH munched a wormy apple today, so what goes around comes around :rofl:
Hiya Howah Hi everyone! Thomas doesn't say hello yet, just squeaks and points at stuff (particularly lights and lampshades) and says 'oo' ("look" - I think!) constantly at the moment. It's very cute!

Cutie4ever - great to see you! I found the transition to two naps a bit tricky, the first time I tried to move Thomas to two naps it had a very bad effect on his overall sleep patterns and he was going into overtired meltdown before 6 p.m. and waking loads during the night. So I had to reinstate the third nap for another few weeks. I initially thought he was ready because some days (mainly Tuesdays when we had swimming) he only had two naps and seemed to cope just fine. But it was clear within about three days that he wasn't ready to drop the third nap because things went downhill very fast. About three or four weeks later I tried again to drop the third nap because he had started waking very early in the mornings (5.30ish) and it was also becoming very difficult to fit the third nap into the day. This second time it went very smoothly - he was a bit tired in the evenings for the first few days but I just took him out for a walk before his dinner so he could chill out and that worked well. And it sorted out the early wakings too (for a while anyway). So I would say that there is no harm in trying to move towards two naps and if it doesn't work you can always backtrack and try again in a few weeks.

I don't think we are anywhere near moving to one nap yet - but very interesting that Fibby and Lizzie seem to be already moving in that direction as they are not that much older than Thomas. You will both have to keep us all updated on how the transition goes.

Well poor Thomas is teething very badly at the moment, he really seems in a lot of pain with it poor thing and has been finding it difficult to settle to sleep (although he's fine once he's actually fallen asleep). I'm sure that his last top incisor is on its way and this evening I thought there might be signs of one of his lower back teeth too. Poor thing, he is just constantly chewing on his hand or anything within reach, it must be so hard for them not knowing why their mouths are so sore.
Lizzie has fought naps since day one, P - even when she is exhausted, she tries so hard to keep her little peepers open! I think it's more a case of 'LOOK, I CAN stay awake' than anything else...because she's much more tired in the evening!

Poor Thomas :( Hope he gets some teething respite asap. And very cute with the 'look' :D

Lizzie is munching anything she can, too. She rubs her cheek and looks at me as if to say 'why?'...breaks my heart.
Polaris - poor Thomas. Fibby's first tooth has been through about 3 weeks now any it is sooooo slow in coming up anywhere as is her second. I think we are just going to be teething for ever. Her amber necklace helps as does anything cold.

On the nap front - today she had two really good naps at the CM- I think she must have a secret Iphone in her cot, logs on here at night to read what i put and then do the opposite!

Night Night ladies I'm off to bobo land.
cutie, we are caught in the 2 nap/3 nap limbo at the moment too! It all depends on timing and length of naps for us because he's never consistent really, so I just play it by ear. He's getting really resistant to any effort to get him to nap after about 4pm most days, which is fine if he last woke around 3:30 or so, but any earlier than that and it's hellish to deal with him until his bedtime around 6:30-7. It seems like even if I put him down around 6:30, he'll just roll around and chirp to himself and not go to sleep until 7 or later anyway, even if he's exhausted. :shrug:

I figure that eventually he has to settle into a somewhat predictable routine, but until then, our days are mayhem and chaos!

On that note, must get our swim stuff together for swimming tomorrow morning so I'm not running around like a chicken with my head cut off first thing. At least I remembered to shave my legs this evening. :haha:
How is everyone else? Poppy - DH munched a wormy apple today, so what goes around comes around :rofl:
:haha::haha: That will teach him!!!

Hi again Cutie :) Elliott made the transition down to 2 naps at about 9 1/2 months old. Like Polaris said, there was a period of about a week where his naps were a bit messed up as he wanted to have an afternoon nap but it was too close to bedtime. He's settled in to the routine now though and can stay awake for much longer between wakings.

Polaris, poor Thomas :hugs: those top incisors gave Elliott alot of jip too. He's constantly dribbling and munching on his hand again lately but I can't see any more pegs yet (he has his bottom two and top four). Mind you, he's rather strong willed these days when it comes to me looking in his mouth or doing anything he doesn't want done :dohh:!

HG - I hope you managed to shake off your grumps. I dont envy you working with a room full of 13/14 year olds. That's a difficult age huh?

HC - We swim on a Monday and I always try to be prepared. That said last Monday Elliott wenr for a nap and I realised I hadn't "de-fuzzed" :dohh: Cue, rush to get "sorted" before little man woke up. I look bad enough with a swimming costume on these days let alone with hairy legs!!

Well, we have had a rough few nights. I just don't know what is going on at the moment :nope: Elliott has been waking up twice a night. Generally first wake is at 2am and then he wakes again 5am ish. I feed him when he wakes the first time but the second time I don't as it can't be through hunger. The last two nights he has gone to bed a bit earlier as he's been tired but only by half an hour. Tonight I'm going to see if I can get him to hold out until his normal bedtime and see if that makes a difference. His naps have been good apart from a quick 40 minute nap this morning.

Better go....little man is now hanging off my clothes. Still tired I think because of the short nap this morning.xx
Aw, Poppy - hope Otto settles. Maybe he's going through a little growth spurt? I always notice that before Lizzie does something new, she has a few unsettled nights...

Can someone reassure me that I'm not being a totally awful Mum? Lizzie has the appointment through for her immunisation boosters, and its a day I'm in work. With a long client meeting - I phoned the GP, and they said they would do them the following week, and to call next week for an appointment. I just feel really bad and guilty that they've been postponed, even though they don't need to be done at a set time in the month.

Am I being silly? :(
Poor Otto (and you too, Poppy), getting less sleep! I hope he settles back down soon for you.

TG - You're being totally silly. :hugs: A delay in her vaccinations by a week won't matter at all. Unintentionally, all of Ronan's vaccinations have been delayed by at least 2-3 weeks, and his last lot that he was meant to get at 6 months he only had at 7 months. I think that they're more spaced out here in the US than they are in the UK in the first place anyway.
Thank you, HC :hugs: I think I was having a wobble! I ideally want her ears to be fully better beforehand, anyway...although our new HV (who is fab) says as long as she hasn't got a temp, to go ahead and have her ears could be sore for a while longer!!

In exciting news, I think she's establishing the word for quiche! :rofl: She pointed at it earlier and said 'gee'. Of all words!?!?! :rofl:

We're all tired tonight, I've got a headache, DH is yawning and Lizzie was rubbing her peepers early, too!
TennisGal - yes you are being a bit silly, there is no harm at all to delay the vaccinations by a week, the schedules are slightly different in different countries anyway as Hivechild said, I would definitely postpone them in that situation.

Poppy - aw hope you have a more settled night tonight with Otto. They do just seem to have these random bad patches with their sleep - it could well be a bit of a developmental spurt - I always think about how difficult it is to sleep the night before starting a new job or going for an important interview, I think it must be something similar for them when they are working on loads of new stuff, their little minds just go into overdrive. Coupled with the dreaded teeth of course! Thomas has his bottom four and three of the top ones and the last top one seems to be giving him terrible trouble. However I also thought there was possible signs of a lower back tooth too, I could be wrong about that though as like Otto he is not too keen to be examined!

Historygirls - LOL at Phoebe checking up on you with the secret iphone and proving you wrong! Thomas has a strong tendency to do the same. For example, do you know the way I was saying yesterday that he was showing no signs of wanting to move to one nap? Well I have just realized today that he is actually showing some of the signs that he was showing just before he moved from three naps to two (only realized after answering cutie4ever's post) - waking very early to start the day, wanting to go longer stretches between his naps, and having intermittent problems with going down for his naps. I think it's still a bit of a way off for us yet but I'm thinking of shortening his morning nap to maybe 45 minutes (as I believe that's the one they are supposed to eventually drop), hopefully then he will be more tired for his lunchtime nap and be able to make it through to bedtime without getting over-tired. At the moment he wants to have a long nap in the morning but then isn't tired for his lunchtime nap and ends up going down late or only having a short nap and then is shattered by about 6 p.m.

Wow this sleep stuff is complicated!
Also - Thomas had his second settling in session with the childminder today and it went very well again, we all went to a toddler group together in the morning then myself and OH went out for lunch while she gave him his lunch and then put him down for his nap - he went to sleep perfectly and was still asleep when we got home at quarter to three - yay!!
Thanks, P - I had a lovely phase of being totally chilled, and got all worried again! I think it was the feeling I was inconveniencing the apt system...a few sighs were heard etc.

Question, would you wait until her ears were fully cleared up to get the vacs? Knowing that they may take AGES?

Anyway *exhale*

Lizzie ALWAYS likes to prove me wrong. I say 'she's hardly eating'...and then she'll wolf a huge meal. I say 'she naps twice a day'...she naps once! I think they have their own version of this thread, populated with lots of baby talk!!
P - FAB news about the childminder session, must make you feel really comfortable? What a star he is :hugs:

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