Sleep Sense Support Group!

HC - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: You sound exhausted. I'm so sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I still now have times when only a feed will settle Elliott at night. I worry about using this method as I worry about causing bad habits but he doesn't start to rely on it so don't beat yourself up about it. I hoep thinsg improve for you soon.

HG - Sorry to hear little Fibby now has the dreaded cold. It seems to be doing the rounds :( Poor Elliott is only just starting to feel better now after a week of snot, snot and more snot.

TG - I love your day to day diaries of what you and Lizzie get up to. It sounds like so much fun. I was only looking at your ticker last week and thinking that I couldn't believe your little lady in 1 soon. Pppaaaarrtttaaaay sounds like fun!! I wish we lived closer so that we could gate crash :winkwink: There are ssooo many things that I want to get Otto for his birthday but I need to save some ideas for christmas too! I am sending you BIG toothy vibes. I guess the tooth has broken the surface? If it has the pain will ease soon (unless like Elliott she gets 4 in one go :rolleyes: )

Me and Ots have had a good day today. I had to wake him from a nap after an hour and 15 minutes as we had swimming. We had a great swim followed by a lovely lunch with our swim buddies. He then slept in his car seat for an hour and 40 minutes and I transferred him from the car to his room without even waking him. He must have been tired! I don't like him to stay in his seat for too long but I didn't want to wake the poor little bear either. we then had a lovely home made soup with doughy tiger bread (his favourite) for dinner followed by lots of play. He is such a dude right now. This age is fantastic :cloud9:
Thanks girls. It seems like all I have to do is have a meltdown and cry to all of you for things to turn around...mind you it works in reverse too and as soon as I let on that things are going good, the monkey does a 180 on me again! :rolleyes:

Anyway, he went to bed a wee bit later than normal last night, but then he slept through until just shy of 6am! :shock: He hasn't slept past 3 (and usually wakes around 2) in what seems like ages.

I don't know if it's got much of anything to do with him eating/feeding, but I stopped fretting about him not drinking enough milk during the day, and actually started offering it less often (going to every 3-4 hours instead of 2-3) so that when he nursed, he was taking a proper feed most of the time instead of just snacking.

He's also really starting to chow down during meal times on solids as well. Even though we're doing BLW, I'm still in that unsure stage of offering him more food if he seems like he wants to keep eating for fear of him then not wanting to nurse because he's too full. I really should trust him and just let him eat until he's done, but I don't know if he has made that connection yet that food makes you feel full. How would I even know if he does? I should probably ask this in the weaning section, huh? :mrgreen:
Hivechild - so glad that you had a better night! That was fantastic sleeping through until 6 a.m., let's hope he keeps it up! I found that Thomas moved to four hourly feeds pretty quickly after starting solids (probably at about six and a half months) whereas he had previously always fed every two and a half hours at least. I think you are right that they don't really realize for a while that food fills them up, but the only way they learn is through experience. I have found with Thomas that some days he will eat loads of solid food and not be too bothered about milk whereas other days he just picks at his food and wants much more milk. I figure that it all balances out over the course of a week or so. Sometimes he has really gorged himself (e.g. on pasta twirls) and I have been sure that his poor little tummy must feel uncomfortably full - but that's probably all part of the learning experience for them. So yes, I reckon just trust him to get on with it!

Poppy - Otto sounds like such a little star. I love swimming with Thomas, it is such fun. And good exercise for the mummies too!

Tennisgal - good luck with the return to work tomorrow. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: So is the tooth actually through the gum? They are razor sharp when they finally break through! I find with Thomas that the worst is always the day before it breaks through and the day that it actually breaks through - and after that he seems to get great relief from the discomfort. How exciting about her first birthday party! I honestly can't believe she is so close to a year old!

Well this afternoon was Thomas's first proper session with the childminder and it went fantastically well!! She is coming to the house to look after him here (with her own baby). I went into town to do some shopping for a couple of hours and they had a lovely afternoon playing and then she took them out for a walk and they went to the playground. She said the only times that he was a bit upset was for about 30 seconds when I left the house first and also when she had to pop out to the loo. He already knows her because we have usually met up once a week since the two babies were born. I'm so happy that it worked out so well! It makes me feel a bit better about the dreaded work. He was so glad to see me when I got home and we had a lovely (but very short) evening together.
Happy Tuesday everyone! Don't know why but I;ve been bouncing around school today like an excitable teenager for no good reason. Just in a good mood - strange really. The snot queen as I have named my daughter was on fine form with the CM all day and was beautiful this evening too. She was sooo pleased to see her daddy (i'd kept her up bad me) but they played truck of bricks together interspersed with Fibby giving daddy massive hugs. He loved it :thumbup: The cold doesn't seem to be slowing her down and her chatting is soooo loud.

TG - massive huge :hugs: for work tomorrow. It will go so fast and if you are anything like me work will be so busy that you haven;t got time to dwell. The drive to and from school is the worst - dropping her off still makes me sad and going to get her I just feel guilty. Anyway - just keep thinking parrrttyyyyy. I have a party on Saturday - but it is a themed one of old school wrestlers. Needless to say I am not dressing up!

Polaris - So glad the session went well. It makes such a difference to have a CM you trust and get on with. I have to say that Fibby loves her CM sooo much and if I'm not there I am sure Sharon would be next choice for snuggles and comfort. When do you actually start back?

Poppy - Great new piccie! A face for the name........Elliot is sooooo cute - is his hair blonde? He just sounds adorable - that age is lovely as is 11 months - I feel I could eat her sometimes.

HC - Good on Ronan - just when you needed it too!:thumbup: I think fibby has only just realised in the last month that food means not feeling hungry. With milk now it is just first thing and last thing at night. She does have a mid morning bottle but I don't think she needs it and sometimes CM doesn't give it if she doesn't ask. We are going cows milk soon and thinking that will just be morning and evening. Trust him - when I do as she wants it always works out better - last week she was mega fussy with food so much so I got worried - but this week eating all of it again in huge volumes.

Well got to mark 32 slavery homeworks now - but I whacked my head on a door handle this morning and it really hurts. I am such a clumsy whatsit. I am always doing stuff like this. OH says there is a graze and a bump. I must admit it hurst so much I was disappointed there was no blood :winkwink:
Polaris - That's great news. It must make a huge difference that CM is someone he is familiar with. Hopefully it will make the return a little less stressful for you

HG - Thanks :) I got brave and thought I would include me in the avatar pic as I was "dolled" up for a wedding he he! Elliott's hair is very blonde and very fluffy lol! I know what you mean about wanting to eat them. Elliott is ssooo scrumptious, funny, loveable....I could go on and on but I won't! 32 homeworks :dohh: ? My head hurts thinking about it. I'm sat here *meant* to be doing kitchen plans but BnB seems so much more attractive! Ouch about the head incident!! I hope there isn't a cracking bruise by the morning!

HC - What a good boy Ronan is. he obviously knows that his Mummy needed sleep. With regards to the food.....follow his lead :) Elliott has dropped quote a few milk feeds now and he does know that food fills him up/curbs hunger. Does Ronan ask for milk? I generally offer milk to Elliott but if I don't and he really want it he tugs on my top. I'm sure you will do fine. You're a fab Mum :hugs:

TG - Huge hugs for tomorrow honey. make sure you update us and let us know how your day went. I'm sure Lizzie will be reserving some hige snuggles for you when you get home.

Today I started my BF Peer Supporter training. I had booked Elliott in to the Creche that the centre had provided but chickened out and kept him with me instead. I haven't left him yet and I was feeling rather nervous about it. When I got to the room all of the other Mum's had got brave and left their LO's. I managed to entertain Otto with his dinner for half an hour but then he got bored :dohh: I decided I would be brave and let Otto see how he felt about the creche (I had done my research and it had a glowing Ofsted report and when I checked it out I was very impressed. Plus it would only be for an hour or two). I took him down and there was only 9 children in (all of whom were the peer supporters children) and he seemed rather happy. They promised to bring him straight to me if he got upset (we were only in the room above). At snack time I went to see him and he had just started crying. I gave him his blankie and one of the nursery assistants took him to play and he seemed fine. I went back up to the room for the rest of the course. At the end of the session I went to collect but stood at the door and looked in first. HE WAS SO HAPPY!! He was sat at a miniature table playing with a toy with one of the assistants having a whale of a time! He looked pleased to see me when I walked in and gave me the biggrest snuggle ever. I felt so proud of him (and me :blush:) as that is the first time I have done anything like that. It is a 9 week course and each session is a maximum of 3 hours. I think I will try him there again next week as he seemed to enjoy it and I think it will be good for both of us. I think I feel happier knowing that they will bring him to me if he seems distressed at all. It is also such a lovely opportunity for him to play with other children and a room full of toys!

Whoops, sorry for the essay but that was such a big step for me to take today as I can't bear to be away from my little Otto man.

Last night wasn't bad at all for us. He was only properly awake once for a feed but cried out a couple of other times in his sleep and resettled himself.

He's been fast asleep in bed for over 2 hours now. I hope everyone has a good night.x
Evening ALlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!

Ok, first day back...and thank you for all your hugs and lovely wishes. I burst into tears this morning, cried on the way to the station and still snivelled on the train. I then got into work, everyone was lovely, got a load of new stuff dumped on my desk (couple of very interesting projects - well, interesting to sad ole architects!) and wasn't so bad. I enjoyed catching up and the new work will be interesting. I missed Lizzie like CRAZY, but she was having a ball with our family. When I got in, I got a huge hug (she practically jumped into my arms) a big 'howah mamama' and several kisses. My heart melted.

Upshot? It's not so bad. The thought of it is definitely worse than the reality. I have so much to do, the time goes quickly. Also, everyone was so lovely - and it was good to have a coffee and catch up with what's been happening. My boss is also being very favourable about my hours, so I had a good couple of hours with Lizzie when I got in. I'm just doing one day in the office this week, so it's all fine.

I think I had a bit of a panic because we've never been apart for so long, but it seems she had so much fun doing new things. She missed me, I missed her - but we were both ok.

Polaris :hugs: sounds like Thomas had a wonderful day, you must feel much more content about it all?

HC Don't worry about a thing - and am so glad to hear Ronan is sleeping more soundly! Like Otto, Lizzie yanks on my top if she wants a feed...but she dropped quite a few quite quickly as she got more and more into her solid food. Like Poppy, I've followed L's lead. How is your back?

HG - old school wrestlers?! HOW cool! Like Bret the Hitman Hart and that bunch?? How is Fibby and her cold?

Poppy - check you out, Madame Glam! Am very envious of blondes, I've always wanted to be blonde...but it doesn't work for me, booo. My hair is pretty much black, and very curly. Not quite Cher curly, but wild! I have to straighten it to not look about six (although, I've got wrinkles now, gah, so am sure that helps...) I'm glad Otto (looking ever so cute in the piccie, too) had fun at the creche, and the BF training sounds fabulous. Go for it - us Mamas need more support from wonderful people like you.

It's a shame you don't live nearer - would be soooo fab for you to be at the party! All you SS Mamas, actually! How much fun?! We've gone very old school, I've got hundreds of mini choux buns and scones already in the freezer, and a list as long as my arm to get sorted. Am so excited!!!

In other news, Lizzie has about 0.5mm of tooth sticking through!! YAY!!!!!!!! :happydance: although, it's barely hoping it will pop through a bit more.

In other, other news...some git spilled their latte all over my suit jacket. Way to may a 'welcome back' impression!!!
Evening all!

TG - so glad your day went well, I must admit after every holiday I still sniffle after dropping her off. It does get easier but never good! Hope she sleeps well tonight

Poppy - go Otto the socialite! Sounds like you both had a wonderful day - it is hard seeing them being looked after by someone else but Fibby is such a people person now she loves new faces - much better than me and some toys!!

Well in the HG household we've had a lovely day - my day off - the sun shone and we were both as high as kites. She had a 3 hour nap this afternoon on her own in her cot - I was worried at one point I went in to check she was breathing! But she was fine. We then had a lovely half hour in our new mothercare superstore!!!!! Trying to buy LO shoes but she has the widest toes in the world and only one pair of shoes was wide enough. I thought we had got away with her feet (OH has webbed feet) but I guess they are as wide.
I think we're the opposite, Lizzie has THE tiniest feet! She's going to need some shoes now she's walking, but her feet are just titchy. She also balls them up, which makes shoe trying on very interesting...!!

What kind did the lovely Fibby get?
Well we didn't have much choice in the end - had to buy the only pair that fit her flippers.

I think they are these ones:

They are for crawling into walking - she was ever so funny with them on. She kept stamping her feet and trying to remove them.

Big moment buying shoes.... got a little teary when I put them on the shoe stand with ours this evening.
Oh, they are so cute!

Am glad it isn't just me, when Lizzie got her first pair of shoes (these aren't even walking shoes, just shoes that finally stay on her feet!) I blubbed. They look so cute and small next to ours!

How is time going so quickly?! Weren't we all talking very small babies about five minutes ago?!
I know I think she was four months when I started on SS. It has gone so quick and she has got so big. She looks like a toddler now not a baby.

Anyone nearing a one nap day? I think we might be but I'm to frightend to give up the morning one....
We're hurtling there - Lizzie has a good few days with just one nap, now. She seems to sleep better in the evening, also, when she just has one nap. I let her lead the way, but she's definitely getting to the point.

I know, toddlers! I swear I only gave birth five minutes ago. I know people said time goes quickly...but it REALLY does.
I think at the weekend I might give it a go. She only had 20 min out of a 50min walk in the pram asleep this morning SO i am guessing it did nothing for her in terms of good quality sleep, and the nap this afternoon was wonderful. I got so much done.
TG - :wave: I am so glad to hear that you're return to work went smoothly. You're not a sad ole architent I'm sure! If you're sad getting excited about house plans then that makes me sad too :p what with the job I do! Madame Glam lol....I repeat...that was me at a wedding! Day to day I look like Madame Grub :blush:! I don't have time to pretty myself up in the morning as housework takes presedence when Elliott has gone down for his first nap. You're hair sounds gorgeous. I always wanted curly hair. That must be where Lizzie gets hers from (not that I've seen her yet ;) I'm dying to see how gorgeous she is). I was so proud of Ots staying and enjoying the creche. It almost made me think that it isn't such a bad thing for them (I am a crazed, over protective Mummy at times :wacko:)

HG - 3 hour nap! Wow, go Fibby. Otto slept for 3 hours the other day but that was after a rough night :coffee: Fibby's shoes are so cute! I have wide feet and buying shoes is a complete pain in the backside. I think you are right, spending time away from Mummy is okay :thumbup: and good education for little man.

Well, we had another lovely day today. OH has let me have the car this week (I had a company car until I went on Maternity leave so usually walk everywhere). This morning we went to visit Seraphim and little Hazel and had a lovely lunch and playtime. It's great seeing them play together as they are so close in age. Then in the afternoon we went and played with his cousins for an hour before picking one of my rabbits up from the vets. Daddy played golf until late so me and Elliott did bath and bedtime together. I decided to lay with him on the bed to give him his bedtime milk as he's getting so heavy now and I feel asleep :dohh: I am so exhausted lately. I looked at my watch just before I started feeding Elliott and it was 7.05pm. I woke up with a start and Otto was sound asleep beside me and it was 7.30pm. Naughty Mummy :nope:

ETA...We are no where near one nap a day yet but your LO's are a bit older than Elliott.
I'm not sure lovely is how I'd describe my hair at the mo, I went for a shower after Lizzie went to bed, and it looks like something the birds would cheerfully use as a nest :D It's ok, but it needs to work to haul into place. That said, when it was falling out post birth...I FREAKED. I was convinced it was all falling out, and I'd end up looking like Gollum.

I never do much except scrape it back, I swear Lizzie goes out looking a million dollars...and I go out looking like I should have looked in a mirror!

I need to stop being lame and get some pics of her up. She's a curly whirly, too. I had her with a little pineapple in yesterday, which was very cute!

Sounds like you and Otto had a lovvvvvvvvvvvvely day. How are the rabbits? And similarly glad that there is another design 'geek' on here ;)

I fall asleep feeding Queen Elizabeth, too. Slack jawed and catching flies is quite a frequent state of play for me!!
I am a crazed, over protective Mummy at times )

So am I - at first, I was verging on the insane. VERY overprotective. I still am, I swear this morning I had written a list as long as your arm! The faaaaaaaaaaaamily (said in Peggy Mitcheel voice) were very good with Madame Neurotic here!!
:rofl: at the Gollum comment. I just googled Gollum as I wasn't sure who he was and I burst out laughing. OH asked what on earth was wrong with me!
He wants the precious. Always he is looking for it. And the precious is wanting to go back to him... But we mustn't let him have it.
:haha: I must watch that film, it's awesome.

The rabbits are fine, no illness. I breed Dutch rabbits and I had one of my bucks castrated today. It's a risky op for a small animal but he's home recovering and will be a-o-kay. :thumbup: It's only a hobby of mine but I'm very fond of them.

Madame Neurotic sounds divine! A little pineappe, so cute! I put a hair clip in Otto's hair the other day :haha: He has such lovely long hair that I would be able to style it brilliantly if he was a girl.
Those rabbits are SOOOOOOOOOOOOoo cute!! I'd love a little rabbit, but unfortunately - I don't trust Boy Cat. He's a territorial old mog, and whereas chooks tell him where to go, am not sure a little bunny would. Nothing like seeing him get a good rollocking from a chicken, though :D What a lovely hobby! Otto will enjoy that!

I must say, Otto has just gorgeous hair. I just love snuffling Lizzie's...especially if she's fallen asleep on me and it gets a bit sweaty. Just smells all lovely and 'baby'. Does that make sense?!

I've started laughing at the Gollum thing, too - as has DH. If I hear that someone is laughing, I laugh - and so does DH. No joke, though, that was my I washed more of my precious down the plug hole!! Yes, great film. May have to watch soon (although its so long, and I can't stay awake anymore...!)

I've just eaten an apple, DH told me it had a worm hole in it. After I ate it. How lovely!
(couple of very interesting projects - well, interesting to sad ole architects!)
Ahh, and we were getting along so well as well.

You realise as a QS, I have to professionally hate you? It's in the rules you know.....:cry:
Thank you :hugs: Chickens can be very bossy (I think I mentioned before that I used to show them :blush:) I love them! Mind you, my black and white female rabbit threatens the dog the old bag :rofl: Elliott loves all animals....mind you he can be a bit rough at times and nearly strangled a duckling at our local petting farm :dohh:

Ooohhhh, I so know what you mean about the baby smell. When I can hold Elliott still for long enough I snuggle right in to him. He actually finds it hilarious when I sniff all around his face. He laughs hysterically when the dog sneezes so I guess it makes a similar sound.

I know what you mean about losing hair. I lost loads and where it is griowing back I have loads of stupid short strands ppoking out on top. Oh, the shame! I'm glad I'm not the only one who falls asleep watching a film. I'm notorious for that!

Yuck, about the worm hole :sick: How mean of your OH lol!

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