Sleep Sense Support Group!

Yes it was such a relief that it went so well! That was the first time that she was putting him down for a nap and I was so anxious about it. Especially since she was also trying to get her own baby to sleep as well. But they both went to sleep perfectly. Her baby woke up before Thomas but he slept right through it - amazing!!

Hmm that's a tough one about the ears and the jabs. Which jabs are they? (as we have a different schedule in Ireland I think, the next one we are due here is the MMR and they don't get boosters for the others until they are starting school). And how has she reacted to previous jabs? Thomas has had a pretty bad reaction to all of his jabs so far and we always had to give him Calpol afterwards (which he gets very sparingly as I am anxious about giving medication) so I would be very reluctant to put him through jabs if he was at all poorly. However I would weigh up the pros and cons of delaying the jabs, for example if he was going into a busy creche then I would be much more anxious that he get the jabs as soon as possible as I would see there was a higher risk of exposure to the illnesses.
It's Friday :happydance: Happy Friday everyone!

TG - now I have that dilemma about Phoebe's 1 year check. It is on a Tuesday and I really don't want to miss work so I am going to phone and see I can change to a Wednesday or wait until half term. If I can't I guess I will just take the time off. My doctors are good about rearranging jabs etc... so I guess I will just have to do that when the dates come through :shrug: With the jabs I think I would be tempted to wait. I had the MMR last year and for a week I ached all over and felt flu like symptons so I guess ear ache too would just make her miserable. Don't feel like a bad mummy - if you were you wouldn't have even thought 'am i a bad mummy!'

Polaris - great news on session 2 with the CM and Thomas is a star going off for his nap too! This SS is great stuff really. Phoebe I think wants a mega afternoon nap and no morning nap as that is he one she is a bit rubbish on.

Poppy - we had some rough nights a few weeks back and I put it down to what HC calls the 'wonder weeks' where her brain and body just change so much. She is so much more aware - i.e. she can point to daddy in a photo and point to Granny - and I guess that brain development is unsettling.

HC - I think describing your LO as a 'wee monkey' is so apt! rolling around chatting when put to bed early......

Well I am so much less grumpy today - was even nice to some children so must be feeling a bit better. Phoebe has been a star again at the childminders and when my dad made an apperance at bedtime (he has no concept of baby going to bed time) she played for 30 minutes with him on her new pull along phone. Went to bed brilliantly and I've crashed out on the sofa with my new laptop (a little pressie to me from me with love!!!)
Am I being silly? :(

Yes. Abby was late for her last jabs. We had changed doctors around the time she was due them and it took weeks to get it sorted - in that time she started nursery too! It really is no big deal. Plus, if your LO is a wee bit poorly they shouldn't get the jabs anyway.

Nooooooooooo!! Well, rules are meant to be broken?! Make an exception for us!! How are you and Abby? :hugs:
Ok, go on then! Just don't spend too much money:winkwink:

We are doing fine. Trying to get her onto fewer naps but she doesn't sleep so well at nursery so when we have her we let her sleep all she wants!

She's not moving - the lazy monkey, not even crawling but we are seeing a physiotherapist about it so hopefully she'll get going soon!

On the other hand her speech is waaaaay ahead of where it should be, but we have a captive audience, she has no choice but to talk to us, as she can't get away!

Here's a couple of links of her having a chat with us!!/video/video.php?v=425233869778!/video/video.php?v=427472304778
Hi Ladies,

I hope you are all ok. After spending the end of last week reading the sleepsense booklet with Hubby and writing our routine and key phrases etc Joni had a temperature last weekend as she has started teething :dohh: We decided to put off starting the method until the start of October as hubby has another week off then.

In the meantime we have implemented the nap and bedtime routines so that Joni is used to these and knows they are the lead up to sleep.

Have a lovely weekend
I can't get the links, FG - keeps saying link is broken? I want to see!! And I needed a few 'you are being silly's' thank you. :hugs: I feel better, now.

Polaris, HG, FG - :hugs: basically, the doctor suggested her ears were not infected as such, but more that the little tube is still a bit immature and not fully opened yet. So her ears get red, inflamed and look (inside) infected. She's on antibiotics (I hate the fact she's been on them so long :() but he seems to think she'll just grow out of it. Which is why I am not sure about what to do...any advice? I keep going round in circles with DH, as we're both a bit unsure. HV thinks to go for it. We're still a bit 'hmmm'. The jabs are her Hib and Men C boosters - MMR is not for another month. She's not in a creche - she's chez TG with my Mum or MIL, so no real contact with lots of babies (just our friends LOs)

Maybe I should wait until she's had her next apt with the doc, it's only 2.5 weeks...

HG, I know - it's that horrid thing of knowing you have to go to work, but feel like saying NO! I couldn't believe it all came on one of the days I am in work, and one that was completely immovable! So annoying. How is Fibby's cold? We recently had the one year check, and Lizzie was showing off...kept playing peeka when the HV was trying to do the light in eye test thing!

Anyway, you've all made me feel LOTS better, so thank you.

Fru fru, hope Joni's teething settles - and keep us updated :hugs:
and HG - it's all about awarding ourselves pressies! I've decided to surprise myself with a new coat :D
ps-FG, architects overspend?! Never
No, that's very true - we usually stop you before anything gets spent!:haha:

I can't get the links, FG - keeps saying link is broken? I want to see!! And I needed a few 'you are being silly's' thank you. :hugs: I feel better, now.
I'll upload them somewhere else and put in a link, or, are you on Facebook?

ETA....(the first one is processing - should be available soon!)
Thank you everyone for your advice and experiences! I tried today to stretch her out a bit between naps, so she went for the first one at 8:30 and was asleep by 8:40 (as opposed to 8 as usual), and she slept for 1.5 hours! So that's much better than the 30-45 minute catnaps we've been having lately. Unfortunately we were out midday so I was late on the second nap and she dozed in the car a bit, so we got thrown off the rest of the day, but I think I'll try again tomorrow going for more like 2.5-3 hrs between naps instead of 2 and see how she does. I'm happy to hear a couple of your LOs didn't drop down to 2 naps until 9.5 months, because I was starting to think she was behind the curve. I think I'll try her on 2 naps for a couple days and if it's disastrous, we'll go back to 3 for a while.

Foogirl, Abby is just precious!! She is an amazing talker! I can't believe all the words she knows! So so so cute - I was smiling all the way through the videos. :) (And I love your accent!)

TG, I'm inclined to agree about waiting the 2.5 weeks until she goes to the doctor again. I would think if her ears were not really infected, but just a little immature, then why would she be on antibiotics? To me that suggests that the doctor (or someone) thinks they are more prone to infection or just isn't quite sure if in fact they are infected due to the inflammation. And if there's a chance of infection, generally they don't have the jabs until they are well. However if you see the doctor and he/she recommends going ahead with the jabs and that the antibiotics are just a precaution, then I'd be inclined to go ahead and get them. As far as I know, it's definitely ok to be off from the schedule by a few weeks/month.

Hope everyone is sleeping well tonight!
HC - I think describing your LO as a 'wee monkey' is so apt! rolling around chatting when put to bed early......
He's earned himself the new title of wookie now. :rofl: He's learned how to make this funny gargling gurgle sound that sounds just like a wookie. He spent a good 20 minutes this evening rolling around in his cot doing it and being very pleased with himself about it.

Polaris - Great news that Thomas is settling in so well with the CM, and fantastic job on the naps! That must feel good to know that all of your effort is paying off (even if to someone else's benefit).

Foogirl - Those videos of Abby are too cute. What a smart little peanut she is! I also can't believe she still fits in her bumbo.

Frufru - Sorry to hear about your LO running a temperature. I hope she's feeling better now. Good luck when you do get started, and great idea to begin with the bedtime routine already. You can never start too early with that.

Cutie - Glad that stretching the morning nap worked better. I'm sort of around the same stage with stretching out the time before the morning nap.

TG - I'm not sure what I'd do as far as Lizzy's ears. If it's not an infection then I would probably just get it done whenever it's scheduled to be done, especially if you don't know when or if they're going to start feeling better, but if there's an actual infection and she's feeling miserable, I wouldn't want to add more pain and discomfort on top of that especially when the vaccinations can wait.

Well, I have officially entered the bad mother's club this afternoon. I had Ronan strapped in on his changing table while taking his nappy off before his bath, turned around to pop it in the pail and he somehow flipped out of the restraint and off the table, bumping his head on the bottom shelf on his way down. :cry: All of that in a matter of seconds! He only wailed for about 15-20 seconds when I picked him up and cuddled him, then was alert and playful in the bath so I think he's ok. I can't help worrying though and keep going in to check up on him while he's sleeping. We have now graduated to doing nappy changes on the floor!
Foogirl, those videos are fantastic. I can't believe how clear Abby's speech is and she seems to have a large vocabulary too. She is so adorable, what a little cutie! You must be very proud of her.

Hivechild - oh no, you must have got an awful fright! :hugs: Sounds like he is fine though, it is us mummies who are still suffering long after the LO's have forgotten all about it. I have always changed nappies on the floor because when I was pregnant with him one of Thomas's cousins rolled off the changing table (first time ever rolling) and gave herself a nasty bump and it put me off using one (plus I don't really have anywhere to put one).

Cutie - good news about the success of stretching the morning nap, it sounds like maybe she is ready to go a bit longer between naps and that might have been why she was only catnapping instead of taking a proper nap.

HG - a long afternoon nap and a shorter morning nap is what I am aiming for with Thomas, I find if he takes a long morning nap and then a shorter afternoon nap it means that he is much too tired in the afternoon and wants to go to bed ridiculously early. Anyway the morning nap is the one that they should eventually drop so it is much better to have a hit and miss morning nap and a reliable afternoon nap. Glad you are in better mood today and the little angels are not wrecking your head too much, LOL.

TennisGal - in that case I would wait until you see the doctor again in a couple of weeks and discuss it with him then. If she's still on antibiotics then I would feel a bit wary about the jabs as I wouldn't want to put any more pressure on her immune system. I would discuss it with the doctor and see what he advises. Definitely no harm to put them off for two and a half weeks anyway.

Frufru - welcome to the thread. Sounds like a good plan to put the routines in place now and then get properly started when hubby is around to help out. How is your LO sleeping at the moment?
Just a quickie before I have to doll myself up for the wrestling party :dohh: OH is very excited about the thought of lots of beer.......

Foogirl - great videos! Glad you posted them here as i haven't got facebook and it wouldn't let me look at them without joining. She is adorable. Very good talking too!

Frufru- always best to start with the support of OH around as the first few nights are tough but soooo worth it. We love our bedtime routine LO really knows it leads to bedtime.

HC - a wookie :haha: we have an angry dinosaur - she makes this growling noise when she is cross.

TG - A new coat??? ooooo I like coats eyeing up several for Fibby for the winter. Her cold has turned into a cough but been teething all day :nope:

We have had a lovely day starting with a lie in for me followed by a lovely walk in the woods.

Fibby's sleep was a bit strange today. She talked daddy into a 40 min nap at 8am before I was up and then she had a hour and three quaters at 12.30 and then that was it. She did go to bed at 6.15 so I guess I will be up early with her in the morning!

Right better try and do something with my face before the party....
HG - hope you have a lovely evening and can relax and let your hair down a bit. I hope Fibby doesn't want to get up too early tomorrow morning! It does put me off late nights a bit as I was saying on the other thread in baby club. Who knew a year ago that sleeping until 7 a.m. would be classed as a lie in? Thomas got up at 6.15 this morning, OH asked me later whether Thomas was up early and I said "no (!!) he slept until quarter past six". How our perceptions change!!

So today and yesterday I have woken Thomas up after 45 minutes for his morning nap. It does seem to be working as he settled much better for his lunchtime nap and slept for a full two hours on both days, which meant that he was in much better form for the afternoon and evening - although still ready for bed by 6.30. I think I am just going to have to live with the 6.30 bedtime for the moment. I keep trying to plan out morning and evening routines for when I go back to work to allow me to maximize my time with him.
Thanks ladies. We are really proud of her. She's a little parrot. Shame the facebook links didn't work, they're supposed to be open access. Blimmin thing.
Evening all!

Sorry for my absence (I sound like I'm in class :haha:). I have been rather busy these last few days and just can't seem to stay awake either.

Thanks all for your reassurance regarding Elliott's sleep :hugs: Last night was better but not brilliant. He woke at 12pm and I decided not to feed him. I felt mean but it wasn't a hunger cry. I gave him a cuddle and put him back in his cot. He was upset for about 4 minutes (though it felt like 40) before he went back to sleep again. He then slept until 5am before waking again. I fed him at this time and put him back in his cot. He would *usually* sleep until 8am ish if he has fed later than 4am but he was up at 6.50am :coffee:. I am shattered! Today I napped this afternoon when he did and then fell asleep on the sofa after x-factor and only woke up when my phone rang. The shame! Also, he is snotty again today! How is that possible? His last cold only cleared up two days ago. Poor little man. Fingers crossed he sleeps well tonight as we both need it!

TG - Honey, you are being daft about the jabs :hugs; also, I think I may be inclined to wait until Lizzie is fully recovered too. However, considering you are back to the docs again soon I would talk to him about it.

Foogirl - I love the videos!! How cute is Abbi?!?!? She is so clever :cloud9:

HG - Enjoy the party :haha: I think you should get some photos and upload one as your new avatar pic tomorrow. Seriously though, I love fancy dress parties!

Polaris - That is interesting what you say about Thomas' naps. Elliott will still often have 1-2 hours in the morning and the same in the afternoon. If he sleeps for about 45 minutes in the morning he never lasts very long until his next nap and then it is too long afte that until bedtime. Naps rule my life arrrgghhh lol! I am so pleased that he is settling well for your CM. That would be my biggest worry if Elliott went to CM/nursery. Thomas sounds like he has settled in fantatsically.

HC - :hugs: that must have been frightening for you but these little babies are more robust than we think. I'm sure he will be fine.

Fingers crossed for a good night tonight.xx head hurt this morning. Not a good night. Poor Elliott is rather unwell again. His cold only cleared up 2 days ago and he's full of it again today. He woke at 12pm and took half an hour to settle. He was then up again at 5am and then again at 6.40am :( he's having terrible trouble feeding as well. I feel so sorry for him.

FG - what gorgeous videos! HOW cute is Abby! What a clever girl!!!

HC - wookie, love it! We also, like HG, have the dinosaur. Lizzie roars and growls when things don't go exactly according to plan! And what a scare for you, but like Poppy says, our LOs are a lot more resilient than we think :hugs:

P - Lizzie has started going to bed earlier and earlier - she's really winding down for bobes by about six thirty, too

HG - I love, love coats! We've got Lizzie a lovely duffle I'd quite like! How is Fibby today? Is she feeling better?

Poppy - Poor Otto!! How is he doing this evening? Lizzie's last cold took ages to shift. I kept saying she was finished with it, and then she'd be really snotty again. I really hope you all have a good sleep tonight (and don't worry, I frequently fall asleep - fly catching - during 'Factor!!) Thanks for the jab reassurance, too. I just get so worried :hugs:

Well, ladies, drum rollllll....Lizzie is ONE!!!! Can you believe it?! We've had a gorgeous day - family, friends, party, lots and lots of pressies and just LOVELY day. She's been very spoiled...but deserves it...and, I can't quite believe this, has a couple of pegs poking through! The one I have been going on about is about 2mms...but the other one is merely a glint. All very exciting, though. Ah, she had such a lovely time. I'm getting very emotional again - how silly - but I can't believe how quickly time has flown!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lizzieeeeeee, Happy Birthday to you!!!:cake:

TG I am so pleased you have had a lovely day and that she was spoilt rotten. How the time goes - I can't believe Fibby is almost one makes me :cry: like a baby! What pressies did she get? Oh and on the sleep front - what did you do about naps today? We are three weeks off and trying to plan ahead. Her birthday is a monday but I work :nope: so doing on the sunday. Just worried about no nap.........

We have had a little :devil: of a baby. Nothing has been right in Fibby land - still coughing away and did all her swiming but without showing off once - so I'm guessing teeth.

The party last night was hillarious - lots of grown men dressed as semi naked wrestlers - very amusing. Although I must admit we left before 10.30 as MIL was babysitting and Fibby would be up early (6.15am)

Poppy - :hugs: for poor Elliot - the return of the cold? I find that when fibby is really full of snot and won't enjoy the shower, I shut us in the bathroom, shut the window, put a bowl in the bottom of the bath with olbas in and turn shower to max heat. We then play toys on the bathroom floor for 15 mins. A waste of water but helps her breath. I hope you get some :sleep: tonight.

Polaris - my theory about better afternoon naps was blasted by LO today with a big am nap and really pants itty bits nap this afternoon. I must take her Iphone away...

right going to post this now as I lost one earlier when site went off - sorry if missed anyone!

She got a ruinous amount of presents - rocking horse, books, clothes, drum, maracas, diy style set, various noisy toys (including one in various languages, so I've be wandering round shouting 'LE CHAT' at various intervals!), a 'lap top', talking cuddlys etc. VERY lucky little lady!! She also got some lovely 'china' for her use only (with dancing mice) which I'm very taken with. Buloo was floating around in there ;)

As for her naps, she had about 45 mins in the morning...and then didn't nap. She was so hyper with what was going on, she just ran around squawking and shouting!! Consequently, at about 6, we couldn't put her down without her getting very upset. We tried to bring in a sleep in the afternoon, but she wasn't having any of it. She was rattling her cot and shouting. When I went in, she just yelled 'HOWAH', but with a furious expression. Still making me laugh now!

Fibby :hugs: Lizzie was 'crotechty' a couple of days ago. Lots of contemplation and grumping, alternatively, and then the teeth had really come on through today (well, appeared!) I hope she feels back to her exuberant self tomorrow :hugs:

Party sounds mucho fun! Amazing, isn't it, how staying power dissolves as soon as a baby appears! The thought of a 2am finish makes me shudder. No joke!!
TG - that sounds like a fantastic day, I'm so glad Lizzie enjoyed it and got some lovely pressies too. I can't believe she's a year old!

Thomas is 11 months old today so only another month away for us. We are not having a big party though, just a small family get together for afternoon tea and cake. I'm going to ask people to come at 2.30/3ish so that Thomas will have had most of his nap by the time they are arriving. Then I will just put him to bed as normal and people are welcome to stay on for the evening (we are lucky that our kitchen is a huge extension so you can make as much noise out there as you want without disturbing the upstairs bedrooms).

HG - I couldn't deal with a whole day without a nap, hence why I am not inviting people until the afternoon - Thomas only had half an hour in the car yesterday instead of his usual two hour afternoon nap and the evening was not much fun for anyone. He is just so sensitive to missing his naps. I was hoping that he might sleep a bit longer this morning to compensate, but no such luck of course, he was awake at the ridiculous hour of 5.15 a.m. and I had to get him up to start the day at 5.45 because he was shouting and screaming more and more insistently (I don't normally get him up until 6 at the earliest, it seems to be getting earlier and earlier). Has anyone got any good tips for dealing with early wakings? I dream about him sleeping until 6. Is that too much to ask?

I was wondering about trying to shift his whole schedule forward by half an hour - naps, mealtimes, everything. That would mean he would be back going to bed at 7 instead of 6.30 and hopefully sleeping until 6. When I go back to work I would really prefer him to be staying up until 7 so I get a bit of time with him so that would be an added bonus. Also it would mean he would be having dinner at 5.30 instead of 5, which would mean I would be home in time to have dinner with him. What do you all think - worth a try? I seem to have a new hair-brained scheme to fix Thomas's sleep every day, LOL.

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