Sleep Sense Support Group!

TG - sorry to hear your little girl has been poorly, hope she's feeling better soon x

Well Finley woke 4 times last night, but went straight back sleep after. I did talk to DH about the Dummy Ditch last night but he didnt seem keen :dohh: & I can understand where he's coming from but what i tried to explain to him was that we are going to have to do it at some point, whether its now or in a year or so time unless you want him to have the dummy forever!!!!
I think he's like me & doesnt want to go through the endless screaming like we did with cc/cio!!
I think he's going to try it with his naps today but tbh I think he'll give in quicker than me x
I think if youre going to stopn the dummy it needs to be completley, not just for naps but can still have it for night sleeps. Itll be confusing for him.

I can understand why your oh may be reluctant, you both need to be ready to do it and both determined to support each other and stick to it.

Have you tried explaining to him that Finley is relying on the dummy to sleep, and once he learns to self settle the night wakeups will be less, even stopping?
FG – that must be stressful on the walking front. I can fully imagine well intentioned words are bl00dy annoying after a while, too. When will she be getting the shoes? I’ve got to say, though, that girl knows how to chat!! Am LOVING the ‘temper’ comment…and especially the ‘what’s your problem?’ There are going to be no flies at all on that girl when it comes to the power of debate!!

She's got the shoes now and they really have helped her immensely. She is certainly more stable. We were due a physio visit this week but it was cancelled because of the shitty weather we are having. Hopefully it will be rescheduled soon as I'm desperate to know what the next step is (pardon the pun)

She certainly can talk, it is mental how well she is doing there. She even blimmin counted to ten about a month ago. We were gobsmacked. She'll do whole verses of nursery rhymes too. Just yesterday I walked into the living room and she said "poop, mummy" I asked her if she had had a poop and she said "uhuh, it's stinky" :haha:

I think if youre going to stopn the dummy it needs to be completley, not just for naps but can still have it for night sleeps. Itll be confusing for him.
Definitely agree with this. If you're going to break the habit, best to do it all at once. it might be different if you were dealing with an older toddler who maybe could grasp the concept of having it only for certain times, but not for the younger ones.

Not only that, might as well get all the tears out of the way in one SS swoop. You'd only have to have another batch of tears and fighting when you take it away eventually!
Thanks girls & I agree with you x just wish DH did x
I would try it tonight but we're out tomorrow night so my parents are having him & dont want them having to deal with the tears so maybe give it a go sunday & just chuck all the dummies out :baby:
I just wish we had done it when we did cc/cio x
We did try it when he was about 5/6months old & after him screaming for alomst 2 hours I gave in :cry:
He just might not have been ready at that time, i do beleive if they have a dummy they di need it for the first months of their lives and need to be ready to give it up aswell as the parents. We stopped the dummy at 7 months as he was relying on it to sleep but that was all he needed it for. So we stoped the relying on it and changed the comfort to a teddy and blanket.
Thanks girls & I agree with you x just wish DH did x
I would try it tonight but we're out tomorrow night so my parents are having him & dont want them having to deal with the tears so maybe give it a go sunday & just chuck all the dummies out :baby:
There's always a reason to delay the start of this! I think everyone has found one. But yes, having your parents take over on day 2 seems like a good reason to wait.

Then chuck em away - all of em, so your DH has no choice but to go with it.

Tell him it's MUCH easier to deal with a 13 month old tantrum than a 24 month old one!
TG & Foo - That thread got me thinking about what a potential disaster an SS group meetup would be. We'd spend weeks trying to plan a time that worked for all of our LO's so that we weren't interfering with their regular nap times, then once we actually got that figured out and got together, well... we'd have the whole Diva club all in one place! :shock: I don't know if we would survive it unscathed! :haha:
It would be interesting to say the least. We would also spend the whole time tutting and shaking our heads at other children, who clearly need a nap! (or is it just me who goes round the supermarket at 9pm remarking at how many toddlers are out shopping with their parents at night:blush:)

:rofl: The above is so true!!!!! I swear my friends are always rolling their eyes when I say "but Elliott will be napping/needing a nap" etc etc!! However the thought of a SS meet up would be amazing but I know logistically would be a nightmare!!

So sorry for my absence lately :blush: No excuse apart from I've had a stack of work to do in the evenings as well as housework. Also, OH and Otto were unwell and now I am! Today has been the worst day and I literally couldn't get changed all day and found it hard to remove myself from the sofa. I have also been a bad Mummy today and napped with Elliott in bed with me this morning. I just really needed the cuddles and this afternoon he joined me on the sofa when he was tired and got himself off to sleep. He hasn't done either of these things for 7 months so in a way it was lovely to be so snuggly with him whilst I was snuffling, coughing and congested.

I've scanned the thred but as it's been so long I can't keep up with it all :blush:

HG - Sorry to hear about your OH and the broken hand. What a nightmare for you :hugs:

TG - Is that gorgeous girl of your feeling any better after her MMR reaction? I feel for you honey as I know you have been so worried :hugs:

Foogirl - Nice to see you around again, little Abby is so funny with what she says. She's your special little girl and I hope you get support with the development issues you are having.

Arcanegirl :wave: I'm very impressed that you have got this fdar without ever actually buying the SS manual. Well done :thumbup: :haha:

Welcome to the new ladies :wave: :wave :wave:

Reedy - The dummy....we did "ditch the dummy" at 6 months thankfully. I'm sure the other ladies here will remember my worry. However, SS definitely did not work properly or as well until the dummy was gone. However, I can understand why your OH is dubious as a 1 year old has much stronger views than a 6 month old on what they do and and don't want. I tried to drop Elliott's night feed a while ago and after a week of no improvement and other problems arising I am just deciding to go with it. I think though that taking away the dummy should be easier. Does your LO have a blankie or comforter you could offer instead of the dummy? This is what we did for Elliott and he gets so much comfort from it now. Good luck :hugs: goodbye dummy will be for the best.
Hi girls, life has been stupidly hectic here lately with the holidays which I'm sure you can all empathise with, and to top it all off, Ronan has another cold, is teething again (still?) and has been sleeping horribly and either wanting to snack nurse all the time, or not want to feed or eat at all. To say he's been whingy and a handful would be an understatement!

Anyway, just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about you all but I just rarely find the time to sit down and catch up properly even if I do manage to sneak a read on my phone of how everyone else is doing in the few minutes of downtime he gives me when he's nursing!
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies,

:hi: new people and welcome!

Sorry I've been missing for a while - had a really tough week last week :cry: combined with Phoebe being a total :brat:. OH's hand is on the mend and is going into a cast :happydance: so he can do stuff with it - although he has some nice skin peeling going on at the moment which is very gross. Last week was a week from hell, work was poop and home life was poop all with Fibby's cold. Fibby was so tired and cranky I couldn't get tea in her once last week on a work day and within 20 mins of being home she was generally in :sleep:. All combined big HG breakdown, OH offering to see what he could do for me to be able to give up work (not really an option but I was touched he went back to the drawing board) and gettting chocs and tea ready.

However, we are back on our feet and have had such a super day today where everything has been brilliant - her mood, her eating, her sleeping and even my cold is easing so we are celebrating with a night on the sofa with the Christmas tree, fire and a bit of stictly.

TG - :hugs: big hugs for La Lizzie - that MMR is so :cry: Fibby has had about 3 days now where she has been on top form - two weeks recovery.

Poppy - hope the cold is easing, mine is horrid to be honest - had a pain in my face for about 4 days now and OH is threatening me with the dr and the dentist - but as I am so so so so scared on the dentist he is having to come with me on friday.

Reedy - hiya there! To through a spanner in the works Fibby has a dummy on and off. We gave it up at the start but weakend about three weeks in. It is her guilty pleasure when she is unsettled and needs a sleep. She never has it during the day for comfort only if she needs a sleep and is not in a good frame of mind - sometimes she has it in the car on a long journey. But she has a nunu we could never give up!

There is loads I've missed so sorry! I will try to be more attentive.
Just a quick one - will add more tomorrow! Are we all going through it at the mo, or what?!

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Poppy, GET WELL!! And Ots, too

:hugs::hugs::hugs: HC, sending sleepy dust and hope Lil Monkey settles

:hugs::hugs::hugs: HG, we all have melt-downs, I think it's our entitlements as Mum's. You deserve lots of choc and tea, hope you're feeling better?

Lizzie's temp and eating are now normal - still has a runny nose and a cough, but is back to tree wrecking, cat chasing and general shouting! Her sleep is good, but she's been getting up very early. DH made me a bacon buttie in bed the other morning, and I was sure it must be was 6:15!! When I BFd Lizzie, I can't imagine what time it was?!

Bought her a little red dress for Christmas today - with a little hat! I give it approx three minutes before it's covered in 'stuff' :rofl:

Anyway, more tomo - just wanted to send a cyber :hugs: to us all! I'm going to have a little sherry (it's very cool you know, I'm not actually 70!) I think...!
Sherry! Are you sure you are not 70?!?!?!

Tg - we are feeling tons better today (despite Fibby pasting her turkey and mayo sandwich over me at tea time). Melt down contained for now. Glad Lizzie is on the mend - Fibby's nose leaking lasted 10 days!!!!
Looks like I'm back in here girls. After 2 weeks of strangeness from paddy which have included him refusing his nap then one day point blank refusing to go to bed and now waking a billion times a night we have decided we need to start again. So tonight he woke at 9 and went back down then about 30mins later woke n wouldn't settle so I brought him down stairs (I know I know) then he asked to go to bed and oh took him back but as soon as he put him down he screamed so oh is tougher than me and said no enough is enough and left him 10mins and then went back in put him down he cried for a bit n asettled but only for 10mins then oh went back in and lay him down n he went back off. So so far it's worked. I'm exhausted he had me up at 4 this morning and I just csnt do it any more. So here I am back in here! Feels like I've come home! Hope you are all well. Is paddy the oldest sleep senser in here? Sorry for grammar I'm on my phone xxx
Welcome back though sorry its not on such great terms :hugs:
I think he is the oldest, certainly older than Alex.
Well i let OH take the reins last night and he done good! I think he finally settled at 11ish but he slept til 8! AND woke chattering for the first time in weeks instead of screaming!! x

I've just heard of this method from a friend who swears by it and said it worked really well for her daughter, so we're thinking of trying it our for our 4 month old daughter. I'll keep this thread in my favourites and will hopefully have some time to read through some of your posts!

Hi ladies and welcome to the newcomers (and oldies returning) that I've been sadly neglecting in greeting!

PetiteMoi, hopefully you can manage to sift through all the chatter to find some useful information in there! The earlier parts of the thread were definitely more 'business!' Don't be afraid to make a list of 101 questions and we'll do our best to answer them.

Well, Ronan is still sick and congested and teething and in full fledged diva mode. He just had a major screaming meltdown because he couldn't reach the phone on a side table as it was about an inch beyond his reach, so off to bed for a nap. Not fun! Hopefully he stays asleep more than half an hour now.

Yesterday he napped 2hr 15m in the morning and then 1h 15m in the afternoon. It was lovely, but I'm not expecting a repeat of that. I almost feel like it's a bit too much daytime sleep for him these days, and I never thought I'd be saying that.

In other news, we had our 9 month doc's appointment (at 10 months) and all is well. He's 30 inches and 21 lbs. Considering how much I carry him around, I should be a lot fitter than I am! We also discussed the MMR and they don't even give it until 15+ months at the practice so that was a weight off my mind since I didn't want to have it done before then. Every time I have to deal with his pediatrician he reminds me of just why I chose him in the first place.

Well I'm going to see if I can't sneak in some tea and toast while pretending that there's no housework that needs doing before the monkey's up again.
ARGH, I just wrote a long message and it's GONE!!! *hits computer*

Ok, short version!! How are you ladies?? News? How are the littlies?

HG - I'll have you know my Crofts Original was a real treat! Retro, but delish :rofl:

Shampain - welcome back :hugs: How are things?

PetiteMoi - welcome! Ask any questions you have, we're a helpful bunch!

HC - how is Ronan feeling? Better?

News from the TG household...Lizzie is saying 'No' to just about everything, but with a real twinkle in her eye and a fit of the giggles. It's like her new comedy routine - and is just so funny :rofl:

She's also enjoying unwrapping presents (not hers!) and ripping cards and decorations - pulls down a card/dec, looks at me...shouts 'mama', and then starts running (accompanied by massive giggles!) She then has to stop, because the laughter is getting too much. All very funny!

Well, we're all very excited about Christmas!! Lizzie still a bit chesty, so we're doing lots of nice warm and snuggly things.

Hope all well with you :hugs:
Thanks girls :flower:

Bought the programme and have just finished reading through it. My DH and I can't wait to start implementing it! We feel so sorry for our daughter that she's not getting the sleep she needs, especially after reading she should only be awake 1-2 hours between naps!!! I've got the flu at the moment and DH is at work so the only way I can get her to nap is by feeding her to sleep in bed, it's rubbish.

She's getting whingy now which means she's tired so I'll have to feed her - again... will come back and post a few questions later!!
Good luck! Definitely do it together - it really helps. Let us know how you get on...and big 'get well' hugs :hugs:

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