Sleep Sense Support Group!

Ladies! Evening!!

Well, I have a very brave little Lizzie. She was trying to hide from the needle, and desperately grabbing my boob - but was smiling again very soon after. Broke my heart how she wanted me to just shield her from it all, I wish I could have them instead. We've been cuddling all day, and it's all been just what Lizzie wants.

P -Funnily, Lizzie offers me things she doesn't like too!! Either that, or looks me in the eye and throws it on the floor and/or at cat. Thanks for the side effects to look out for, P :hugs:. Especially as I am a worrier supreme :)

HG - how is Fibby today? Sending some very big :hugs: to you and La Fibby. Get well!!

Popppeeeee - so glad you had a wonderful time...and Otto and Mr P did, too. I know it must have been difficult, so am so pleased everyone had fun. How is Otto today? Huge hugs for him and you :hugs And Get well!
Glad to hear little Fibby is on the mend HG! :happydance:

TG - Make the most of those lovely Lizzie cuddles. I really, really hope she is fine after having the jabs. Please keep us updated as I'm worrying about Elliott's already.

After writing my preious post I had to go up and see Elliott. I picked him up and he decided that he didn't want to be held, he also didn't want to be put down, he didn't want his blankie but actually, then he did want it :wacko:. Repeat this for about 10-15 minutes and that is what he was like! He has also started throwing himself backwards when he gets upset. I hate to see it :nope: In the end I had to let him "do his thing" until he was ready to come to me. We went downstairs for 15 minutes and now he is back in his cot asleep. I also gave him some Nurofen as he was sounding so rough. I hope he's better soon.
Get well soon, Otto :hugs: How is he today?

Lizzie has a cough now - and I've noticed she's a little bit constipated. Plenty of pears and prune compote today! She's currently just stirring from a good nap...!
Brave Brave Lizzie - such a trooper. It is lovely how they just want their mummies to protect them from the world. I dread Fibby being 15 and not wanting her mummy to do that!!!!!!

Poppy - Sounds just like Fibby on Sunday. I've found waitrose well a blackberry meltus cough mixture which is working wonders for fib - she has it before naps and bedtime and it is helping the cough. How is he today?

Well the snow has really set in and OH just phoned to say all trains home from London are up the spout and to expect him whenever. So I'm tracking the next train estimated depature on the net to see if he gets on it.

Fibby has been strange with sleep. She let me have a layin until 7.30am!!!!! but then went back to bed at 8.50 for 40 mins, had another 40 mins at 12.30 and then is asleep again for the past 40 minutes. But she is much much better. She helped me fill her advent calander (a wooden reindeer who needs a name) with white chocolate buttons (a real treat as she is not normally allowed chocolate) and ate more than I put in I think but we had a ball. I also think the dog got some white chocolate which after she pasted yoghurt on to his head at breakfast which annoyed him he likes her again. Maximus is currently cooking in front of the fire and I am at that late nap stage of do I do another job or will she wake up..... choccie biccie and tea me thinks
Polaris - It's good to hear from you again! I can't speak for anyone else but you're missed! I can only imagine how busy you're being kept with work though and then wanting to spend all your free time with Thomas (and sleeping)!

Poppy - I'm glad to hear that you had a fantastic time in London but boo on poor Otto being under the weather. :( Hopefully he gets better soon!

HG - Glad to hear Fibby is on the mend and back in true diva fashion.

TG - Yay for Lizzie being a little trooper getting her shots. I hope her cough doesn't turn into anything, though.

Not much to tell here. Ronan's all over the place with his naps and sleep. Some days and nights he's awesome and other days not so much but there's never any particular rhyme or reason that I can pin down. :shrug: Ah well, day by day!

We haven't had any snow here yet, which is kind of unusual but I'm not especially upset about it since winters here tend to be brutally cold and snow-filled so it's just a matter of time. I am excited to see what Ronan thinks of snow, although I haven't got him anything suitable to be out and about in it yet. I should probably get on that, but it's so hard to figure out what size to get him in clothes since he's growing so fast and the weather won't warm again here until around May so I want things to last the whole winter! He fits 12 month stuff now but I'm pretty sure he won't by the time he turns 1.
Let it snow! ARghhhhhh - school has been shut for two days now so I haven't worked since Tuesday - brilliant and not brilliant all in one. We have been trapped in the house pretty much since Wednesday morning - OH managed to get home from London but there are aboput a dozen cars abandoned on the road leading to our house so we are still stuck. Hopefully the gritter may appear tonight although I doubt it.

Fibby has been strange - averaging 4 hours nap a day in two lots - she justs wants to sleep and read her books (where is spot is starting to get to me!). She is sleeping 13 hours at night too. I think she has grown, mmr kicking in, her cold and it is resulting in sleep sleep sleep.

HC - Our snow is probably nothing compared to your snow, it is just we are woefully under resourced for it. Also we are British and weather does obsess us. Ronan is growing quick! Fibby is about to go into 18month - 2 yr stuff at 14 months I think - she is soooo tall!

Well I have the house to myself - OH fell over and landed on the wrist he broke 6 months ago so has had to walk to the hospital (about an hour away) with his dad. Waiting times are huge.....
Update! OH has broken his hand AGAIN!!!! 6 weeks of no use - no nappies, no baths, no writing, no everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just thought I'd post in here so I'm not forgotten:winkwink:

Update! OH has broken his hand AGAIN!!!! 6 weeks of no use - no nappies, no baths, no writing, no everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely he has two of em? :haha:
where is spot

Oooooooooooooooh, we have this too. Is he in the cupboard? Noooooooooooo! Lizzie will literally demand that to be read at least ten times a day!!

Evening laydeeeez!

FG-fab to see you! You are not forgotten, despite me having a senior moment ;) How is Abby?

HC&HG - Lizzie tried on one of her new 12-18 month dresses today, and it was like a ball gown! She's not very tall, but then neither am I :D I think she's had a little growth spurt, though, as one of her jumper dresses is now more jumper than dress.

HG - how is Mr HG? What rotten luck :(

Poppy - how is Otto?

Well, in news from us - went to see some family, and they had quite a lot of snow. Lizzie was very 'meh' about it all. Tried to eat it, wasn't overly impressed...NEXT, Mummy!! She has, however, decided running is the way forward. All the time. Restaurants have become very interesting places to frequent, as she insists on running everywhere, shouting the word du jour. Has meant DH and I are experiencing indigestion, increased levels of restaurant based activity and very fast reactions :rofl:

We're getting v.Christmassy here - tree went up today. Lizzie and Cat have been partners in crime in attacking it. Cat tried to climb to the top, then got scared he couldn't get down...Lizzie has been de-decorating as fast as I decorate. All VERY good fun!! La Liz is delighted with everything - has been applauding, beaming, laughing and shouting encouraging words!

Not sure if Father Christmas will visit, as she was a bit dubious of him ;)

Hope all are well :hugs:
Ladies - a busy busy weekend here in HG land and with the OH one handed :dohh: life has been fun. OH has broken his writing hand and is trying to be helpful (although I have a suspicion he is being deliberately useless to make me go 'Oh give it here I'll do it' and then he can escape jobs). Fibby is worried by his wrist now - she knows it is poorly but doesn't like it :nope:

TG - I love that fact that Lizzie likes to take her restaurant experience at speed :rofl: Fibby is still mastering walking in public - round the shop today, she started like an angel holding mummy and daddy's hand but soon escaped to attempt to pull a load of towels off a shelf before moving on to an exciting display of fleece blankets :dohh: Lizzie and Fibby would look a right pair during their dasterdly deeds - one very tall and one wee one! They would make an excellent duo - one could tackle high stuff and one low!
TG & Foo - That thread got me thinking about what a potential disaster an SS group meetup would be. We'd spend weeks trying to plan a time that worked for all of our LO's so that we weren't interfering with their regular nap times, then once we actually got that figured out and got together, well... we'd have the whole Diva club all in one place! :shock: I don't know if we would survive it unscathed! :haha:

HG - Sorry to hear about your OH's hand. I cringe just thinking about it. I think I would cry a lot if I broke my writing hand since it's also my drawing/painting hand and I'd be so worried about permanent damage.

Nothing much new to update on here. Ronan is so living up to his nickname lately (monkey). He's full of beans and has the cheekiest little grin. It makes my heart turn to mush even when I know he's about to do something he shouldn't be doing!

Anyway, I am baking a HUGE batch of brandied cranberries and white chocolate cookies (biscuits) for a cookie swap tomorrow and I've got a batch that needs coming out of the oven now so I can get the last one in!

Sleepy vibes to all!
Don't worry TG, no offence was taken!

Abby is doing ok. Still chattering away in sentences. Her latest is shouting "excuse me" at people then saying "what's your problem":blush:

In most ways she is developing brilliantly but we are having major issues with movement or lack thereof. She doesn't crawl, or roll or any of the things she should have been doing for about a year or so. She has started walking with support, but I can't see her doing it independently for a while. At any rate she hasn't worked out how to get up on her feet herself either! We are seeing a physiotherapist and she has some special shoes to help her, but they do think there may be a longer term issue, it's not just a delay in development. To be honest, if I hear "oh she'll surprise you one day by just getting up and doing it" or "my little johnny didn't walk til he was two, she'll be fine" I'm going to do some serious harm. There is a difference between a delay in development and a mobility problem, but at 18 months, folk just don't want to see it (Mr Foo and his mum included:dohh:)

Because of this we are now experiencing the hugest tantrums. She wants to go and get things but can't. She wants to explore, but can't. So everything is a major issue and this spills over to the things she can do but has a wee problem with. If she tries to, say, put a ball into a cup and can't do it, she goes nuts, and thows herself back, or pushes everything way from her in a strop. It is funny though because I have been giving her a gentle warning by saying "temper", and now when she strops, she says it too:haha: I do feel really sorry for her but I'm stuck between helping her and letting her get frustrated as if she physically can't do something, it seems mean to keep pushing her. Not knowing the extent of her problem, I don't know when to step in or not.

She also needs to put on some weight. She's gone from 75th centile at birth to below the 2nd. She has days she just won't eat - mainly throwing the tantrums I mentioned. But we're just perservering and she's got a high calorie supplement so hoefully she'll get chubby soon.

We're all cabin fever at the moment. The weather here means we can't go anywhere. I made it to work on Monday but got stuck there and ended up having to stay in an hotel. Luckily Abby's nursery is right next door so I was able to get there to pick her up no trouble. We had a wee adventure that night! The nursery even packed a back of food, clothes and toys for her. They had to stay in the hotel that night too, with a couple of the children who's parents couldn't get there. Hopefully it will thaw soon as I need to get to work and Abby is missing nursery.

Roll on christmas!!

TG & Foo - That thread got me thinking about what a potential disaster an SS group meetup would be. We'd spend weeks trying to plan a time that worked for all of our LO's so that we weren't interfering with their regular nap times, then once we actually got that figured out and got together, well... we'd have the whole Diva club all in one place! :shock: I don't know if we would survive it unscathed! :haha:
It would be interesting to say the least. We would also spend the whole time tutting and shaking our heads at other children, who clearly need a nap! (or is it just me who goes round the supermarket at 9pm remarking at how many toddlers are out shopping with their parents at night:blush:)
I do that too! I work backshift at Asda untill 10pm and i see soo many parent bringing their kids out really late!
They always seem to be crying or really hyper too!
Hah! No, I do the same thing when shopping or eating out. They always look so miserable. I suppose for some people they have little choice with things like shopping if they work long hours and have no one to mind their LO's but going to restaurants or shopping malls late at night?
the ones i ee, the whole family and extended family has gone, someone could have stayed at home with the kids :dohh:
Hi ladies.
This group was mentioned in a cc/cio thread in the toddler group & I wondered if I could join you all??
I didnt do sleep sense but I did do/am doing cc/cio & so far so good, apart from a few hiccups at the beginning when his teeth decided to come through (3 of them) and then a couple of coughs & colds too but for the last 2 nights he's only woken once - monday night at 3.40am and tuesday night at 12.30am but both times he then went back to sleep after popping the dummy back in til 6.30am
Finley has never slept right from the day we brought him home from the hospital when DH & I had to do shifts because he didnt go sleep until around 4am & then it would only be for maybe half an hour then he'd be awake again napping for 30 minutes at a time.
after about 3 months we got him in to a routine of going to bed at 7.30pm but then he would be up maybe 10-15 times a night sometimes being awake for up to 2 hours crying :cry: then at 11.5 months after trying EVERYTHING we knew that we would have to try cc/cio as a very last resort & it has worked for us, he has slept through maybe 7 times in the last 2 months which have been great but most of the time he's up at the most 3 times a night which is a HUGE improvement for us.
We have had the odd night which have been bad due to teething or him being poorly but when we look back to how it was at the beginning we can see how far we have come & how well he sleeps now.
Daytime naps are a bit hit & miss & thats down to him not having a routine, he just sleeps when he wants (as long as its not after 4pm)

If this group is just for those that use sleepsense than please ignore the above & I'll move along lol x
Were not just for sleepsense so dont run away :) we can still ofeer support and suggestions to help you :hugs:
Thats fab thank you x
Hope I can be of help too x
Is there anything youd like us to have alook at with the routine and how you get him to sleep, see if we can help tweak anything?

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