Hi all and I hope everyone's having a great time over the holidays with their families (illnesses aside)!
PetiteMoi, I had good intentions in the beginning to work on naps at the same time as night sleep but they kind of fell to the wayside, but our night sleep improved drastically in very short time and at that point because he was so young, I felt it was more important to ensure that he actually got enough napping in during the day that he would sleep well at night as well so we had lots of cuddle/co-sleeping naps early on as it was the only way he'd nap for more than one sleep cycle. Eventually we got to a point where he didn't want to nap on me anymore. We've kind of gone backward recently and he's fighting going down for naps but I don't think that's related to anything we did or didn't do early on.
I do agree that establishing a nap routine the same way that you do a bed time routine is a good thing to do though.
Cattia - I can't believe you're over the halfway mark with bubba number two already! How exciting! How are you getting on? I sometimes miss my bump but not enough to try for another one yet.
We had a pretty good Christmas here, although Ronan woke at 5:30am and refused to go back to sleep, he then had a half hour nap at 8:30 and woke up tired and crabby then wouldn't go down to sleep again until just after noon at Grandma's where he finally napped an hour and a half but then was up until he crashed at 6:30 so it was a long and exciting day and mummy was exhausted. As a belated Christmas present though, he then slept through until 6am the next morning and I actually got 8 1/2 hours of solid sleep for the first time in over a year. It was blissful!
Of course, we haven't had a repeat since then and he's teething again so we have random screamy wakeups and fussing to go down again.
Anyway, here's some pics of my monkey to share!
This one was after our first decent bit of snow (we've gotten a few feet since):
Checking out Bailey's Christmas pressies because the box was more interesting than his own:
Diva much? Do these beads look good on me? Do you think they're my color?
...and lastly, a quick little video of him reaching the top of the stairs. Climbing them is our new favorite game when mummy wants to tire him out.