Sleep Sense Support Group!

Great news Polaris and Bloodbinds - and great news on the music comp for your DH, P. I know what you mean about wanting to tell everyone what our LOs are doing -DD has discovered she can make a squeaky noise today, and is over the moon with herself :D So funny! I always think the difference between happy/proud parent and bragging parent is the tone with which the news is told, and we all seem very normal, proud parents! I love to tell and hear what LOs are up we should continue :)

HG - :hugs: we're having a no joy nap day today. DD just didn't want to nap in her cot AT all. Bedtimes are working beautifully, but nap-time is so very hit and miss. She is certainly happier napping on me, but then I feel so bad that I have to do house jobs when she's awake :( I know it's supposed to take time...but I hate feeling like she spends time getting agitated about naps :(
HG - :hugs: we're having a no joy nap day today. DD just didn't want to nap in her cot AT all. Bedtimes are working beautifully, but nap-time is so very hit and miss. She is certainly happier napping on me, but then I feel so bad that I have to do house jobs when she's awake :( I know it's supposed to take time...but I hate feeling like she spends time getting agitated about naps :(

I know what you mean about the housework when they are awake! Part of me loves the snuggles but a month today she is with a childminder who won't have time to do it for four hours a day!

Just keep at I guess and hope she gets it!
:hugs: Naps are stressful. Thomas still cries for about two or three minutes going down for every nap. It is horrible, I would love him to be happy to go for a nap like he is at bedtime. We only managed 45 minutes this morning but he's just gone down again now - fingers crossed it is a longer nap - tried wake to sleep this morning but it didn't work, going to try it again for this one. I'm not convinced it does anything at all as it only works about 50% of the time for me - and maybe he was going to have a longer nap anyway?

Bloodbinds - that is brilliant news about Bella's sleep last night! Bet your boobs were sore by 6 a.m. though!

HG - I wonder what the arching the back is all about - sounds like a bit of a nightmare. Maybe she's a bit overtired this morning after being awake so early and that's why it's harder for her to settle? I know you probably 'should' try to put her down again but I think I'd be inclined to let her get a bit of sleep at this stage. Dealing with a tired baby is just too hard isn't it?

Tennisgal - Yay for DD's new squeaky noise! I love all the little noises they make - blowing raspberries is definitely flavour of the month here - with spit generally going everywhere - it's so cute though!

I think getting Thomas to nap in his cot might have been a bit easier for us because he wasn't napping on me anyway - since he was a good bit younger he stopped being able to fall asleep on me and just wanted me to put him down - so he was used to napping in the bouncy chair which is probably less of a transition to napping in the cot. So I wasn't getting snuggles for naps anyway - I'm sure otherwise I would be really tempted to just go back to letting him sleep on me! But as you say it's much easier when you get just get housework etc. done when they are asleep instead of trying to do housework and entertain them at the same time.
TG- poor you! Stuff the housework today, grab a cuppa instead if you get 5 minutes!

We're having a hell of a morning too. My angel napper has turned into a monster!
Both naps have been preceded by screaming - proper crying, not just whinging. I haven't heard him do this since the first night of SS - we normally just walk away and leave him, with no fuss!
He's not hungry/cold/warm/teething/dirty etc. Thought the 1st nap was a blip, but he's done it again just now.

Evan had an 'arching' phase for a couple of weeks (stopped about 3 weeks ago). He did it constantly, especially during feeds. There was nothing else wrong with him, and it just suddenly stopped, so I put it down to him just practising what he can do!
I did think it might be a new skill that she likes to do!

I gave in and she slept on me. will try again for next nap!

but first we will walk the dog to the shop and pick up a bargin baby nest from the friday ad!!!

and she will not be allowed to sleep on way!
Is there something in the air today regarding napping?! lol!

I've done as you suggested, Jacs, and got a cup of tea (and a ripple bar...mmm) There isn't too much to do, as DH did a lot of it last night, I've just got that kind of 'must clean everything' urge. Wonder if it's my nesting instinct months late?! :D Well, chocolate and tea have won through...;)

Right, nap two approaches...will update you later! DD still doing the happy hamster noise :D
:rofl::rofl::rofl: re the hamster noise!

and the ripple mmmm off to shop to buy packlunch for tomorrow and think a ripple may have to feature now!
I did think it might be a new skill that she likes to do!

I gave in and she slept on me. will try again for next nap!

but first we will walk the dog to the shop and pick up a bargin baby nest from the friday ad!!!

and she will not be allowed to sleep on way!

There is no way I can keep Kyle asleep when he's out in his pram !!! Good Luck! :)

Last night Kyle woke up twice at about 23:45hrs and 04:45hrs and then up for the day at about 08:00hrs. After both night feeds he self setted (quite noisily!) but did go back to sleep. When he wakes during the night we listen to him suck his thumb for a bit then the crying slowly starts ... OH picks him up (so he can't smell my milk!) to see if he will calm down but the crying doesn't stop so we know it's hunger and feed him. Hopefully we will get those 1.30am wake ups back instead of these 23:30pm sort of wake ups! I find putting one ear plug in helps me not react too quickly to his 'sleep cries'.

OH was working from home today so we decided to tackle naps together. First nap Kyle eventually went to sleep after about 10 mins of crying and us patting/saying key phrases. It only lasted 20 mins though and he wouldn't settle again so got him up and played till next feed was due. An hour or so after his feed we put him down in his cot again using touch/key phrases and again he settled but not after 10 mins of crying but did sleep for about 50mins. In fear of him now getting very over-tired I took him out for a walk in the pram so he would get another hours sleep! He is now in his cot for his 3rd nap of the day, again lots of crying beforehand but OH stayed with him and he's finally asleep. Will see how long for! If he wakes I will take him out again for a walk (although OH wants him to stay awake in the pram so he doesn't associate it with sleep, as per Sleep Sense, but at the moment this would be impossible!!)

He will sleep in our room again tonight then we will move him into his own room tomorrow. I'm really nervous about this !!!! How old were your LOs when they went into their own rooms?? It's getting hard though creeping around our room at night and not being able to read in bed or try and get our love life back (!!!!!)

Sending lots of napping vibes up and down the country to all of our LOs (!!)

I never knew sleeping could be such hard work! I just grin my teeth and bear it when people say their babies are brilliant sleepers. I always think, well, maybe they are now when they are small and don't know any better, but just wait and see!!

Both naps have been preceded by screaming - proper crying, not just whinging. He's not hungry/cold/warm/teething/dirty etc. Thought the 1st nap was a blip, but he's done it again just now.

Kyle is exactly the same! You wonder how on earth they will ever manage to calm themselves down to actually fall asleep !!
managed half the outing in pram then sleep! never mind

this afternoons nap is a disaster too. I am begining to think she is unwell - threw up half her milk (which she never does) and is still arching her back alot of the time. She was constipated so maybe tummy trouble. Does not boed (sp) well for LO and Daddys first 24 hours alone together tomorrow. Won't even sleep on me, but staring at the bookshelf.

I think part of the problem is that she doesn't always cry when put down at start of nap time but will talk to her feet for well over an hour, then discover she is sooooooo tired and goes to full blown hysterics. PM - I'm a bit jealous of your crying!

and to make matters worse no ripples at the supermaret! call themselves a shop.....

hope to catch some of the nap vibes!
omg, tough day all round - group:hugs:!

Well, ended up keeping Evan up for a stupid amount of time this afternoon, as I reckon he's not tired enough (the lack of eye-rubbing is still causing problems!). He went down much quicker, so think I've got it sussed - for today anyway!

PM - good luck with the cot! We moved Evan at 17 weeks, and he didn't seem to notice! We however, were like kids - so excited that we could talk and have the light on!

HG- have fun on your trip, hope you're getting to have a lie-in at the weekend. Whenever I've been on residentials I've been like a zombie, much respect for managing with a LO!

TG-hope your LO's nap lasted! Enough for another Ripple perhaps...?

Polaris - how did the rest of your day go?
Hey girlies!

I love this thread so much, it is great hearing how things are going for everyone else and being able to share my sleep obsession with you all!

Our day was not great - 45 minute nap this morning, then the next nap was only 30 minutes - boo!!! - he was already awake when I was going in to try the wake to sleep. Ended up bringing him out in the pram for his next nap and he slept for two and a quarter hours. Seems like the only decent naps we get are when he has the first hour of the nap when we are out, then he will sleep on for ages when we get home. I know Sleepsense says they shouldn't be sleeping in the pram but to be honest I want him to still be able to sleep in the pram when we are out and about - I don't want him to miss out on naps if we are not able to get home for them. I do try to keep him awake if it's not nap time - I put it into the upright position so he's sitting up and chat away to him - we actually managed to walk home from town yesterday (about 30 minutes) without him falling asleep! Couldn't have done this when he was younger though, PM - as soon as I put him in the pram he would be out like a light.

Jacs and PM - that is the same as how Thomas is going down for naps - he screams and screams - it is horrible to listen to it and you would really wonder how he then settles down and goes to sleep but it is always only five minutes or less so I'm just accepting that that is part of his settling routine for now!

HG - hope your LO is back to herself again soon. How are you feeling about leaving her with OH? - I am going to a hen night overnight in two weeks and am quite apprehensive about it - even though I'm also looking forward to it.

TennisGal - hope the rest of the day went well for you. Naps are just so stressful - I was nearly crying when Thomas woke up after 30 minutes earlier - why are they getting shorter and not longer???

On a more positive note our jumperoo arrived and he loves it! He's a bit small so we had to put a big box file underneath for his feet - and OH didn't even go mad about the price - he said it was 'cheap' (!) - don't know if I'd go that far, LOL, but hoping it will be worth the money!
Jacs - glad to hear your nap went well:happydance:

HG - hope she feels better soon :( and hope all goes well on the trip. Rubbish supermarket, having no ripples, hope you've got a suitable replacement!

PM - good luck with the room change :hugs: DD is still in our room, so let us know how it all goes.

Polaris - how were your naps?

Our naps didn't improve today, DD has been far more interested in either being a happy hamster or a t-rex, lol. The latter worried's like a deep growl/roar...but she was grinning afterwards.

I didn't have two ripples...but I did eat half a crunchie after dinner. Oops!
P - just seen your thread...our naps were shorter today, so definitely empathising with that! Isn't the jumperoo great? DD LOVES hers! I find myself singing along to the music...she's a huge fan of the lizard rattle.

I think this thread is fab, too - love hearing all the updates and updating :D
I've just bought this and it looks a lot like CIO which it specified it wasn't. Nothing against it, it's just not for us. Have I got it all wrong?

Thanks x
We are BAD !!! Kyle was obviously soooo tired that he fell straight asleep whilst we were burping him before bed. We managed to get him to flicker open his eyes before putting him in the cot but he was sparko and I just didn't have the heart to wake him and know that he would then cry for half an hour before settling again....

BAD BAD MUMMY!!! Am sure I will pay for it when he wakes for a feed earlier than last night!
Hi Femme - the major difference is sitting with your LO and comforting them. DH and I are not fans of CIO, either (just personal choice) and DD never actually got really upset with SS. She cried, but we could really see that the reason she was crying was because she was trying to get herself to sleep. More like protesting and cross? We stroked her head, talked to her etc so she at no point felt like we had left her. She settled very quickly and is much more content as a result.

Previously, when DD had been in her cot for any reason and couldn't see/hear one of us however briefly (normally when DH was at work a bit later, and I'd try to establish bedtime and just pop out to answer phone or something) she'd get hugely's a completely different scenario.

I was so nervous about the programme, but DD was only sleeping on me or DH...and I was more nervous that one of us would fall asleep with her on us. I was even trying out sleeping in a t-shape with her on the floor, lol (didn't work!). I am so impressed with how it's worked, because it HAS worked...for all of us! DD didn't feel abandoned, we didn't feel awful...and we are all much more with it! I feel also that she's learned a good skill by learning how to get to sleep, as she's much more refreshed and less grizzly. I really think it's brilliant.

It is so hard to see your LO crying, but we recognised the crying to be irritation at needing to sleep. I loved DD sleeping on me, but I was getting so tired I was paranoid I'd fall asleep...and I also wasn't firing with all cylinders during the day. She still naps on me during the day, lol. Trying to work on a couple in the cot, and one is still on me :)

PM - that's happened to us! I think our LOs get used to bedtime o'clock, lol
Evening all! Firstly the most important issue - the lack of Ripples at the supermarket. i bought a galaxy chocolate bar instead so not that bad really.

thanks for the good wishes - LO and I went and had a lovely bath together (I manage to sink her bumbo with my feet and she sits in quiet deep) and that cheered her up. But then got overtired and took 20 mins to settle tonight instead of 2!

Polaris - not too nervous about tomorrow and her daddy but apprehensive! He has never done more than 4 hours on his own! I've laid out her clothes for tomorrow (yes he would dress her in something awful) and her pjs for tomorrow night and booked my mum to help with bedtime (i.e. making the milk and oh dinner!). They should be fine, I've told him not to worry if she dosen't self settle for naps just get her to sleep!

I also said to come on the forum! so if I appear tomorrow its OH in a crises!!!

PM - daddy put her down last night and she fell asleep on him before he got her to the cot (naughty daddy) and she did try it on tonight for cuddles to sleep but I stood firm and she went!

As we are all suffering with bad naps perhaps we should blame the spring? the dog is mad today as well. something in the air.....
Galaxy - a very good choice!

Love the bumbo idea, I think I'll try that out tomorrow.

What is it with our lovely DHs and dressing our LOs? DH dressed her in a purple floral top, bright pink polka dot trousers and white stripy socks yesterday! I couldn't stop giggling :D

I wonder if spring being in the air has done something? Our cats have been acting like they have had caffeine in their whiskas...just running around everywhere like fools! Maybe our LOs want to join in :)

Good luck tomorrow :hugs:

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