Evening ladies

Hope you all had a good easter!!
Back from our night away (went to Kent for the night as DH works for a hotel chain and can get staff rate

Took Chloe to a farm today, she loooooved it !)
Chloe woke up every hour through the night so am knackered now though. I think it was the rubbish travel cot they provided, it was rock hard

. She seems fine tonight so far so fingers crossed we haven't messed up our new routine.
Polaris - Good news on the naps

Sounds fantastic. I'm not looking forward to tackling naps!
TG - Weaning is sounding so much fun! Messy.......but fun!! Can't wait for tomorrow as hubby is off so we are going to give Chloe her 1st taste of baby rice
Elski - Sorry things aren't going well

I really hope things improve for you.
Lindak - When Chloe wakes in the night I leave her if its just groaning. 9 time out of 10 she will go back to sleep herself. At the beginning of the program when she would cry I would wait 3 mins then go into the room and take up my spot on the chair and sit it out. Chloe cried for I think 60 mins the 1st night and slightly less the next. Now she doesn't cry at all. And I think it was so bad as I went cold turkey on the dummy and night feed
Aimee - Welcome


So sorry you had a bad night. Poor you and Earl. Him being sick must have been awful. I really hope the rest of your night goes better x
Chloe has a dummy and I took it away at night only, she still has it loads on the day. She can still self settle without it and puts herself back to sleep when she wakes in the night. I gave her a blankie which she sucks and then she uses her thumb too. It did take about 3 nights to get the hang of the thumb, but now she has it well sorted. We also had the same problem with Chloe pulling it out but then wanting it back......was sooooo annoying!
I also stopped her night feed. I went cold turkey and didn't offer water. She did cry for the first 2 nights but she is fine now. Cos she woke so much I had no idea if it was out of hunger or not so I just had to stop feeding her and see what happened. Thankfully she took it fine and just takes alot more during the day instead to make up for it.
Before we started SS Chloe was waking every hour, then every 15 mins, she never ever slept through. But by night 5 (I think, kinda lost count) she was sleeping through

Good luck for the rest of your night
Sorry to everyone else I have missed. I can't keep up with everyone but once I can open my eyes and focus propelly again (so so tired!) I will catch up with you all!
Night and sending lots of sleepy dust to our lo's