Sleep Sense Support Group!

Hi diz, sounds like you're in the right place! If you click on the sleep sense link in the first post you can see the sleep sense website, then come and ask any questions here!

what happens when he wakes in the night? Do you leave him/BF/cuddle etc?

When he wakes at 10 i feed him, when he wakes at 12 i either pat his back and resettle him to sleep, or if i'm really tired he comes into bed with me. If he comes to be with me at 12 he sleeps well until 3am or so, then starts to get unsettled until he is offered the breast for comfort.

At some point or another he always ends up in bed with us. :dohh:
Well I think we can call last night a success even though overall he slept about an hour less.

We started his bed time routine later around 8pm. We would have started 30-45 minutes later except that we were out at the park with our dog earlier in the evening and the monkey woke at 7pm so by the time we got home and got him fed it was closing on 8 and I didn't like his chances of a mini nap.

Anyway, he went down in his crib at 8:45 after a top up feed and was asleep at 9:40. Daddy took his turn sitting by the cot with him last night and I just sat back in the room and wouldn't you know it he got coos and smiles followed by grizzles and whinges but no actual escalating cried do there was zero pickups!

He woke a bit earlier than the past 2 nights for his night feed at 2:45 (3 & 3:30 the prior 2 nights) and in his cot by 3:30 and asleep at 4:20 once again with no pickups required! :dance:

He woke this morning at 6:45 as well this morning so still earlier but not bad.

I'm thinking if I can push that last feed to after 9 and closer to 9:30 he might sleep that little bit longer.

I'm not sure how to work in that evening nap though so that he's not awake for 2 1/2 hrs before going to sleep, or even if that's helping get him to sleep!

I'm also hoping that he will starft settling quicker now going forward as mummy's insomnia reared it's ugly head last night and I only got 4 hours sleep in all of that. Nap time now that he's fallen asleep in his swing. :blush: I swear I only intended to put him in there for 10 mins while I got breakfast and daddy's lunch before he left for work!

That sounds like definite progress - good news that he is just grizzling rather than escalating cries - hopefully that means that he will start to settle sooner in the near future.

Insomnia - not so much now but all the time in the early days, I used to find myself lying awake too wired to sleep - especially if LO had settled well because I would be excited about it! Lying awake tossing and turning thinking about LO's sleep - felt a bit ridiculous at times!
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to update on last night.

He had had a busy day. We had been to the supermarket in the morning and then to see his grandparents in the evening. In the end we didn't get home until nearly 9pm so I was expecting a bit of an unsettled night. He went down fine after a quick flannel bath and change of clothes. Took over 8oz at 9.30 so no dream feed. He woke at 1.30 so I gave him some water, he took 1oz then started snoring on the bottle (cute but annoying lol). Popped him back and he went til 4am. Resettled within 5 minutes, then til 6.30, then again at 7.30. Each time though he woke crying and I know that if he does that he's still tired (same with his naps during the day) so I kept on re-settling him, and at 8.15 he woke up practising his Mam-mam-mam-mam voice lol. He's been to routine all day :thumbup: so it hasn't affected him at all, and he's very cheerful all day despite his teeth acting up. We're off to the park later so we'll see if we have another good night.
That's brilliant Aimee-Lou. Yes Thomas is the same, if he wakes up crying I know that he is still tired - same with naps but I can never really resettle him for naps, although they seem to be getting longer recently. :)

I love the 'talking' - Thomas has just started that this week 'mamamama' 'wawawawa' 'dadadada' - it is so gorgeous! He particularly likes to practice talking when he wakes up in the middle of the night - I'm keener on it during the day though!
:growlmad: I sent an email to customer service yesterday asking if I could address some concerns and ask questions via email as I had an appointment today during the call times and I never even received an acknowledgment that my email was received. I ended up rescheduling my appointment and just spent the last 2 hours wasting my time trying to get through on the phone number to no avail.

Frankly, I'm feeling rather cranky as with the monkey at 7 weeks of age I'm not inclined to wait an entire month just to maybe get some answers or reassurance and then only if I actually manage to get through on the phone next time.

On top of that, he's been grouchy, and hasn't fed or slept well all day and I've resorted once more to just letting him pass out on me just so he can get some much needed sleep and hopefully have the energy when he wakes for a good feed. I may have to give him a top up of EBM tonight before bed just to make sure he's gotten enough since he's been snacking for only 5 minutes or so on and off before getting sleepy again all day.
Hi diz, sounds like you're in the right place! If you click on the sleep sense link in the first post you can see the sleep sense website, then come and ask any questions here!

what happens when he wakes in the night? Do you leave him/BF/cuddle etc?

When he wakes at 10 i feed him, when he wakes at 12 i either pat his back and resettle him to sleep, or if i'm really tired he comes into bed with me. If he comes to be with me at 12 he sleeps well until 3am or so, then starts to get unsettled until he is offered the breast for comfort.

At some point or another he always ends up in bed with us. :dohh:

I really think for us, everything changed when we made sure we were always consistent. So unless there is an unusual circumstance (illness/teething etc), then if he wakes we treat him exactly the same each time. DH and I spent the first night doing everything together, so that we knew we would each be settling him in the same way.

This then extended to nap times, so now he just knows that once he's in that cot, he stays there, so may as well go to sleep!
It's tough, and especially at night, you just want some peace, but in the long run it's worth it. We've gone from at least 3 feeds per night, to sleeping through in about 5 weeks (reduced to just one feed after the first night!).

The sleep sense materials really did help me to get organised and decide what we were going to do in different scenarios.

Wow, it sounds as though everyone is doing great! Hivehcild, I wouldn't worry too much about a bad day, your LO is doing fantastically for such a young age! Annoying that you couldn'tget through on the phone though.

I need some advice really ladies, we are NOT doing well :(

Abigail is waking around 4 times each night at when I leave her she just escalates until I feed her, then she goes back down OK. I think it is wind that is waking her up. Do I just need to get tougher and leave her for longer to cry? I leave her ten minutes then I feed her but by that time she has tears pouring down her little face :(

Naps are OK as long as I get her at the right time but if I time it wrong she doesn;t settle and I end up having to take her out. We are also still getting a maximum of 45minutes for each nap, around 4 per day.
Hi everyone, making dinner (yes at this time!) so I'm going to reply properly in the morning!

We had a lovely day (TG - Evan bought Daddy some very unglamorous, but much needed socks, and a CD. He also made a card decorated using crayons - his first little picture!). Lots of family to make a fuss of Evan, and he was a little star. Bit of disaster nap-wise, but he's gone to bed fine.

Polaris, TG, ms0206 & aimee-lou - glad you are still having a successful time of it! Am I tempting fate to think our bad luck from last week has passed?!

hivechild - sorry it's not going well just now. I haven't heard back either, although maybe Easter has delayed things?
Morning all!

Jacs - sounds like you had a lovely day, and loving Evan's crayon card! I always give up on naps when family are together, as Elizabeth (DD) realises she's the centre of attention, and sleep comes very far down the list of things to do.

Cattia :hugs: It's SO hard hearing our LOs distressed. DD is going through a growth spurt and getting used to two solid meals a day, so has also been up four times...and waking v.early. Have you tried singing or talking to her quietly? Or does that make things worse?

MS & Aimee-Lou - sounds like things are going well!

HiveChild - hmmm, that's strange. They got back to me pretty quickly...I'd give them a chasing mail?

Diz - I'd agree with what Jacs has said, consistency really was key for us. Over the last couple of days, we've been a bit more lax - but DD has been growth spurting and getting used to increased solids. However, SS has helped us, and her, understand that cot is the place for sleeping. She is much more refreshed, too, as a consequence. It is hard at first, but amazing how quickly things start getting better...for everyone.

Polaris - how's you?

Well, DD had another disrupted night - went to sleep fine, but was up several times for a feed...and up very early again. She seems v. hungry and her tummy was giving her a few issues with the increase in solid feeds (we're on brekkie and lunch) Going very slowly and using very easily digested foods, but it's easy to forget just how NEW this is! She's doing SO well! Generally, it's fine - as she settles well (apart from early this am!) so I can see how SS has helped even here! Just hope things settle down soon, as I have demolished too many snacks ;)
Hi everyone.
hope you all had good nights. Thomas was back to getting up at 6.30 again this morning - oh well I enjoyed my lie in till 7.30 while it lasted!

I was chatting to a couple of the girls from baby yoga about sleep and it makes me realize how lucky I am really with Thomas. Quite a number of their babies barely sleep during the day, only for cat-naps here and there or only if they are in the sling, and are still waking up every two or three hours through the night. I am certain that Thomas would still be the same if we hadn't started on the sleep sense programme. I was thinking about it the other day and even though the programme is mostly common sense and we didn't have to make huge changes really, I think what it really helped with was in encouraging me to be confident in the approach that I was taking and therefore to be much more consistent. I think taking a consistent approach is really so important - whether that is sleepsense or something else - I think the key thing is to decide on a clear plan and stick to it - that way LO knows what to expect and it just works so much better.
Hi everyone.
hope you all had good nights. Thomas was back to getting up at 6.30 again this morning - oh well I enjoyed my lie in till 7.30 while it lasted!

I was chatting to a couple of the girls from baby yoga about sleep and it makes me realize how lucky I am really with Thomas. Quite a number of their babies barely sleep during the day, only for cat-naps here and there or only if they are in the sling, and are still waking up every two or three hours through the night. I am certain that Thomas would still be the same if we hadn't started on the sleep sense programme. I was thinking about it the other day and even though the programme is mostly common sense and we didn't have to make huge changes really, I think what it really helped with was in encouraging me to be confident in the approach that I was taking and therefore to be much more consistent. I think taking a consistent approach is really so important - whether that is sleepsense or something else - I think the key thing is to decide on a clear plan and stick to it - that way LO knows what to expect and it just works so much better.

Totally agree! Once you understand the reasoning behind it, it really is common sense, keep thinking ' why didn't we think of that before?!':dohh:
I'm with you on the early waking - we're back to 6am, although once again, he slept right through!

TG - sounds like DD is doing great with her food! Do you give drinks after her meal? We found lots of water helped Evan, as he was having very hard poos at first (sorry if you're having brekkie!).

Cattia - 10mins is perhaps too short to stop entirely, but you could certainly try comforting her without taking her out the cot, or just picking her up very briefly until she calms down? Evan was like this on his first night, and it took about half an hour of stroking/shushing (felt like half the night though!).
Polaris - I have to tell myself every day how lucky I am with Earl. He's brilliant, really predictable with his routine, sleeps well in the most part, eats without issue, is sociable (except with his granny but he hates her perfume! lol) and is just so receptive. I've met a couple of other mums with babies the same age or older and they haven't had half as good a time as I've had with this colic, no sleepless nights at all (always managed at least 3 hours!) I really can't complain.

Last night was fun ladies.....I hate Earl's teeth and when they show their faces I'm going to invite them outside for a punch up! lol :haha: At about 3am Earl started crying....same drill, sorted everything but he kept on waking. I changed his nappy and put on some teething gel and he went to sleep at about 4am in the end.....then I heard some crying, like proper wailing coming from the nursery. I leapt out of bed to see to him and he was crying in his sleep thanks to his teeth. I didn't touch him as he seems to calm down, but literally every 10 minutes from 4-5am he would wail! Of course, hubby slept through the whole lot but I was wide awake through the lot lol. At 5am, hubby's alarm goes off and wakes him up, I see to him and not a peep until 7.30. I'm going to have to try waking him up if it happens again to see if he will stop. But, he's asleep so my logic says 'Noooooooo! Don't wake the sleeping baby! lol'.:dohh: What I have to bear in mind is in reality we only had 1 hour of waking last night, compared to 3-4 of last week! Victory!!!!!!! :)

Consequently though, I'm asbolutely shattered! :sleep: Early to bed for me tonight I'm afraid - usually sees me in the bath straight after Earl has gone off so about 7.30, swift cuppa brought up by hubby and into bed by 8 lol. But at least I get a couple more hours sleep....seeing as hubby can't do the dreamfeed he wakes me for that, then I can get back to bed (Earl wakes up too much as he's excited to see Daddy....last time he tried it at 10.30, he was still there at 12.30 playing peekaboo with a very very awake Earl! lol)
Polaris - I have to tell myself every day how lucky I am with Earl. He's brilliant, really predictable with his routine, sleeps well in the most part, eats without issue, is sociable (except with his granny but he hates her perfume! lol) and is just so receptive. I've met a couple of other mums with babies the same age or older and they haven't had half as good a time as I've had with this colic, no sleepless nights at all (always managed at least 3 hours!) I really can't complain.

Last night was fun ladies.....I hate Earl's teeth and when they show their faces I'm going to invite them outside for a punch up! lol :haha: At about 3am Earl started crying....same drill, sorted everything but he kept on waking. I changed his nappy and put on some teething gel and he went to sleep at about 4am in the end.....then I heard some crying, like proper wailing coming from the nursery. I leapt out of bed to see to him and he was crying in his sleep thanks to his teeth. I didn't touch him as he seems to calm down, but literally every 10 minutes from 4-5am he would wail! Of course, hubby slept through the whole lot but I was wide awake through the lot lol. At 5am, hubby's alarm goes off and wakes him up, I see to him and not a peep until 7.30. I'm going to have to try waking him up if it happens again to see if he will stop. But, he's asleep so my logic says 'Noooooooo! Don't wake the sleeping baby! lol'.:dohh: What I have to bear in mind is in reality we only had 1 hour of waking last night, compared to 3-4 of last week! Victory!!!!!!! :)

Consequently though, I'm asbolutely shattered! :sleep: Early to bed for me tonight I'm afraid - usually sees me in the bath straight after Earl has gone off so about 7.30, swift cuppa brought up by hubby and into bed by 8 lol. But at least I get a couple more hours sleep....seeing as hubby can't do the dreamfeed he wakes me for that, then I can get back to bed (Earl wakes up too much as he's excited to see Daddy....last time he tried it at 10.30, he was still there at 12.30 playing peekaboo with a very very awake Earl! lol)

Oh no - that is a dilemma! Poor Earl with the teething! Thomas is definitely teething too but so far it hasn't seemed to bother him too much, he doesn't seem to be in pain with it yet, thankfully. Unfortunately I'm sure that will change as it progresses though. I am always so reluctant to waken Thomas if he is asleep, but I don't know what I would do in that situation. Nothing worse than not getting any sleep - however at least Earl is getting more sleep than he was, even if you're not!

I'm with you on going to bed early! I do sometimes force myself to stay up late to be sociable with OH but really if I had my way I would be snuggled up in bed with a book by 9 p.m. at the latest and asleep by 9.30! Bliss! However I have found that I can stay up a little bit later now that Thomas is only waking once - it does make such a difference.
For the last three mornings, Thomas's first nap of the day has been over an hour and a half - and yesterday all three naps were longer than an hour!! And he's going down for them with no crying - sometimes a couple of minutes of grizzling but usually not even that! Success!!

He went down for his nap at 8.30 and is still asleep now at twenty past ten. I honestly cannot believe how much naps have improved! I just looked back at my diary and it is six weeks exactly since we started the sleepsense programme - so it does take a bit of time for naps to improve but they WILL get there in the end!
Jacs - do you give Evan bottled water or cooled boiled water? Her poos definitely aren't hard (quite the opposite!) but she seems to have a few farty issues (sorry, again, for anyone eating!)

Polaris - you are so right with the SS thing. Lots of my friends are open jawed when I tell them about DD sleeping...and it took consistency and confidence. I look back now, and wonder HOW we expected her to sleep, when her routine was all over the place!

Aimee-Lou - argh, I'm with you on teeth. I'm going to be having words with those incisors, too! DH and I got a bit complacent and were staying up and watching Question Time and films. Far too late!! The growth spurt has reminded us, however, that early nights are key! lol
P - excellent nap news, too! We've managed to get several over an hour now!
TG - we give cooled boiled water. We let him play around with his sippy cup for a bit - he really is improving with it. After a few minutes I give him water from a bottle though, otherwise he just wouldn't get a proper drink. He has about 1/2-1 oz each time he eats. I've noticed he is not straining as much now!
Jacs - do you give Evan bottled water or cooled boiled water? Her poos definitely aren't hard (quite the opposite!) but she seems to have a few farty issues (sorry, again, for anyone eating!)

I have heard that you need to be very careful with bottled water as a lot of mineral waters have too high a sodium content for babies.
Thank you - cooled boiled water it is!

We had another nap in the cot, which allowed me to do a tidy...although I foolishly blundered into our bedroom (why?!?) and then she woke up (after 40 mins) and was all 'YES, c'mon Mummy...let's play'. So, she's a bit grumpy now! Still, she has a far sunnier disposition when she's woken up than I do, lol
This whole napping business is wrecking my head. 5 minutes is not a nap! 10 minutes is not a nap! 20 minutes is not a nap either!

Why would he keep waking at these intervals when he's clean and dry, warm and fed and there's NOTHING else apparently disturbing his sleep?

He just gets more and more exhausted when he sleeps like this. :(

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