Polaris - I have to tell myself every day how lucky I am with Earl. He's brilliant, really predictable with his routine, sleeps well in the most part, eats without issue, is sociable (except with his granny but he hates her perfume! lol) and is just so receptive. I've met a couple of other mums with babies the same age or older and they haven't had half as good a time as I've had with this one....no colic, no sleepless nights at all (always managed at least 3 hours!) I really can't complain.
Last night was fun ladies.....I hate Earl's teeth and when they show their faces I'm going to invite them outside for a punch up! lol

At about 3am Earl started crying....same drill, sorted everything but he kept on waking. I changed his nappy and put on some teething gel and he went to sleep at about 4am in the end.....then I heard some crying, like proper wailing coming from the nursery. I leapt out of bed to see to him and he was crying in his sleep thanks to his teeth. I didn't touch him as he seems to calm down, but literally every 10 minutes from 4-5am he would wail! Of course, hubby slept through the whole lot but I was wide awake through the lot lol. At 5am, hubby's alarm goes off and wakes him up, I see to him and not a peep until 7.30. I'm going to have to try waking him up if it happens again to see if he will stop. But, he's asleep so my logic says 'Noooooooo! Don't wake the sleeping baby! lol'.

What I have to bear in mind is in reality we only had 1 hour of waking last night, compared to 3-4 of last week! Victory!!!!!!!
Consequently though, I'm asbolutely shattered!

Early to bed for me tonight I'm afraid - usually sees me in the bath straight after Earl has gone off so about 7.30, swift cuppa brought up by hubby and into bed by 8 lol. But at least I get a couple more hours sleep....seeing as hubby can't do the dreamfeed he wakes me for that, then I can get back to bed (Earl wakes up too much as he's excited to see Daddy....last time he tried it at 10.30, he was still there at 12.30 playing peekaboo with a very very awake Earl! lol)