Hi Poppy!
I know exactly how you feel - our DD only slept on me or DH, and whereas we loved it (and still do for one nap a day!) we were getting worried that, at five months, we were so tired that one of us would have an accident. DH also has full time and v. busy job!
So, in answer to your questions:
What everyone's opinions were of the methods/ How is it working for you?
At first I was cynical - nothing had worked previously, and I didn't want to go down the CIO route...nor did DH. However, sleep deprivation and worry made us give it a go. We'd read some good things on here...so thought it was worth a try. The first few nights were tricky, but it has WORKED! DD now goes to sleep v. happily in her cot and sleeps really well for around eleven hours! We're currently mid growth spurt, so she's up for four night feeds...but settles straight back to sleep afterwards. All of us feel so much better, and DD is much more content. She even starts to indicate that she's ready for her night routine to start (bath, BF and bed)
Naps have been harder, and we're just turning a corner with them (the material does indicate this), but tbh, it was the night sleep that was the main thing for us.
DD now sleeps from about 7:45 - 7 (ish - not inc growth spurt!) with one feed. It's amazing - and she is much happier for it.
Does it involve any crying it out?
It does involve some crying, BUT the big difference is that you are right there with your LO, so they can see, hear and feel you stroking their head. There is no sense of abandonment...and tbh, the crying we had from DD was more frustration that she was tired and couldn't work out how to get herself to sleep when she wasn't on Mummy or Daddy. VERY different crying to when she's unhappy about something. It is hard - but the comfort comes from knowing you are helping your LO acquire a skill that is so important to their development...and also from being right by their side, comforting them.
What age are the methods good for?
The programme starts at any age - we started at around five months, which is when we felt comfortable 'sleep training'
How long do you think it will take to see a marked improvement?
Within a week, you'll see a difference...within ten days, moreso...and pretty soon, sleeping will be transformed! The key is consistency and routine

DO let us know if you have any questions at all...this is a great, supportive thread