Sleep Sense Support Group!

I think I've got someone else's baby!!!

Not only did she sleep through last night but she has is on nap 3 of the day, on her own, and the previous two were of decent length!

perhaps I brought the wrong baby home from Scotland! or she has just clicked into what we were trying to do!

Quick question girlies - As she slept through she is a bottle down on normal and will want to eat about 6. but bed time is 7? Do I try to squeeze another one in at 5 then 7? or stretch her out? Think squeezing one in might be an idea....
I think I've got someone else's baby!!!

Not only did she sleep through last night but she has is on nap 3 of the day, on her own, and the previous two were of decent length!

perhaps I brought the wrong baby home from Scotland! or she has just clicked into what we were trying to do!

Quick question girlies - As she slept through she is a bottle down on normal and will want to eat about 6. but bed time is 7? Do I try to squeeze another one in at 5 then 7? or stretch her out? Think squeezing one in might be an idea....

I am listening intently as I deal with this problem on a regular basis. Her feeding has never resumed to normal since her 12 week spurt. :wacko:

Another question: Do i wake her if she's going too long without a feed or let her wake when she gets hungry? :shrug:

She had a bottle at 8:45am, then 11am, then slept through and had her next one at 3!!! :wacko::shrug:
RedPoppy - your one is still quite wee and I would go with her! my LO has been clockwork until this morning for about 8 weeks!
I've no clue about how it works with bottle feeding or regular feeding routines in general as Thomas just tends to graze most of the day and definitely has no fixed pattern! Sounds like a good idea to try and squeeze in an extra feed though, to encourage her to go through the night again!
Evan always has a bottle before bed, but the way naps have been today he's also had a feed when there was just 2 hours until bedtime.
I don't expect him to have more than 3-4oz from his bedtime bottle because of this, but it's part of his routine and it means he's 'topped up'!
I'm so excited about being part of this thread! :blush: Even though I haven't even bought the programme yet.

Just nice to see people in the same situation! :flower:
HG - I know it may be too late but I would have squeezed another bottle in, even if it's only a couple of oz to stave off the bulk of the hunger....I know from experience that stretching Earl out makes for a heck of a bad bath time! lol.

Earl just wolfed down his tea....can't say I blame him as I would like lasagne and peas for my tea. We've got meatballs at 9pm tonight when hubby gets home lol. I'll be so glad when he finishes work...we may be able to eat altogether at every meal then, rather than it being such a chore.

I'm hoping for a better night tonight. I think we may be onto a growth spurt again so I'm on the look out for hunger signs tonight. I hope not as he's currently taking over 40oz a day with just that one bottle overnight (fmly the DF) which is 7oz. Can't see how he can fit any more in there with his solids too...although I'm sure he'll find a way....known him to tkae 56oz a day in the past :wacko:

Fingers crossed for a better night than last night....I would like some sleep for my anniversary present please! lol.
I'm so excited about being part of this thread! :blush: Even though I haven't even bought the programme yet.

Just nice to see people in the same situation! :flower:

Yay! It's totally my most favourite B&B thread - it's the first place I go whenever I log on. Just so lovely to hear how everyone is doing and trouble shoot and share strategies! And it's really great to hear about it when LOs do start sleeping better.
HG - I know it may be too late but I would have squeezed another bottle in, even if it's only a couple of oz to stave off the bulk of the hunger....I know from experience that stretching Earl out makes for a heck of a bad bath time! lol.

Earl just wolfed down his tea....can't say I blame him as I would like lasagne and peas for my tea. We've got meatballs at 9pm tonight when hubby gets home lol. I'll be so glad when he finishes work...we may be able to eat altogether at every meal then, rather than it being such a chore.

I'm hoping for a better night tonight. I think we may be onto a growth spurt again so I'm on the look out for hunger signs tonight. I hope not as he's currently taking over 40oz a day with just that one bottle overnight (fmly the DF) which is 7oz. Can't see how he can fit any more in there with his solids too...although I'm sure he'll find a way....known him to tkae 56oz a day in the past :wacko:

Fingers crossed for a better night than last night....I would like some sleep for my anniversary present please! lol.

Sounds like weaning is going fantastic there!!

Thomas seemed pretty hungry at bedtime this evening too - and he had two feeds instead of one last night - so I'm thinking bit of a growth spurt too. Must be strange being able to know exactly how much milk he's taking in a day - although I guess it would probably seem strange to you not to know.

Hope you have a good night's sleep tonight - is it your wedding anniversary?
Yay! It's totally my most favourite B&B thread - it's the first place I go whenever I log on. Just so lovely to hear how everyone is doing and trouble shoot and share strategies! And it's really great to hear about it when LOs do start sleeping better.

It is mine, too - first place I go! I love sharing and hearing how all our LOs are doing...both sleeping wise and generally!
Aimee-Lou, that's wonderful on the weaning! Do you do BLW? DD had banana for brekkie...both mashed and a little bit in her hand...and then vegetable mash for lunch, with a couple of sticks of sweet potato.

Can I ask, for those weaning, what times do you do brekkie, lunch and dinner?

Have a lovely anniversary...and let's hope Earl gives you a good sleep!

DD is joining Thomas and Earl - she had a double feed at bedtime, I'm wondering if that may take the place of the four we've had going on for this spurt?!
Yay! It's totally my most favourite B&B thread - it's the first place I go whenever I log on. Just so lovely to hear how everyone is doing and trouble shoot and share strategies! And it's really great to hear about it when LOs do start sleeping better.

It is mine, too - first place I go! I love sharing and hearing how all our LOs are doing...both sleeping wise and generally!

Yup, me too! Used to be obsessed with Baby Club, but this group has totally taken over! I love hearing about the latest triumphs or challenges. Half the time I don't even have sleep related stuff to talk about, it's just nattering!:winkwink:

So what did you do in the end HG?
TG - I do a heady mix of both puree's and BLW lol. I don't think there's any harm in giving finger foods prior to 6 months if they are safe and you're watching so Earl's had them since 18 weeks. I did the banana test and he did it first time lol. He's taken to it like a duck to water and will happily eat from pre-loaded spoons, eat anything that's in front of him and enjoys eating - going to be a foodie like his mummy! :thumbup:

The lasagne was a jarred one (feeling lazy lol) with a cube of pea puree in to bulk it up slightly. He then has a yoghurt afterwards. If he's eating with us he gets whatever were having so it's much less hassle that way.

Our routine is really structured. Earl likes it that way so we just get on with it now lol.

6.30 - wake up
7am - first bottle 8oz
8am - 3 scoops of porridge either with leftover formula or water. 1 cube of fruit puree mixed in. Sippy cup with water and some toast/fruit
After breakfast - nap for 45 mins
10.30 - nap for 45mins
11.15am - bottle 8-9oz
12noon- Lunch of finger foods only - rice cakes, breadsticks, fruit and veg, cheese, anything at all :haha: with sippy cup.
1pm - nap of anything up to 2 hours
3pm - bottle 8oz
5pm - occasional top up - 4oz
5.30 - veg purees (5 cubes), sippy cup and bits nad pieces from our dinner or similar to lunch if eating seperately.
6.15 - bedtime routine begins
7.15 - normally fast asleep after bottle - 9oz and story
Night feed 12-2 of 7-8oz

He's so flippin hungry all I seem to do is feed him lol. But, he's a growing lad, and he's perfected his excited giggle today, and no longer falls over backwards when he does it :thumbup:
So true, Jacs, shame we're scattered all over the country...I can imagine we'd all have a good natter over a cup of tea and, of course, a ripple! :D

DD just gave me one of those warm, fuzzy feelings...I'd left my phone in our bedroom, tiptoed in and she was half asleep (on her side, which she's just started...) she rolled over, gave me a huge grin and then rolled back and got back to her thumb. Am just beaming - not only because it was so cute, but also because a month ago she would have had a meltdown if she'd seen me!
Thanks for that, Aimee-Lou...v.helpful. We're doing a mixture of weaning, too - mostly purees, but adding sticks of finger foods (steamed veg, mostly) I'm a bit nervy, but just taking things all our paces!

What a great eater he is! You must be really pleased!
TG - I'm sooo pleased with him. He's not had a single issue with his food at all! The only food I've discovered he doesn't like is chocolate as I let him have a taste of a malteser and he screwed his face up and gagged.....:haha:

Makes me laugh though as up until now he's been an 'early weaner' so people don't expect him to be eating so well, and when I'm chatting to people, I say he has disturbed sleep they always say 'you should get him on some food' and when you say he eats three meals a day they sort of go red. Food and sleep are so not related unless you count tummy upsets lol.

Oh and how cute does your LO sound? Earl started to roll onto his side about a week ago. He looks so cute when he just flings himself onto his side and passes out....literally, no exaggeration there lol.
What a star!! Must be a huuuuuge relief when it comes to dinner time, knowing that he'll eat anything! Does he have a favourite?

Yes, I was worried about DD rolling onto her side - but when I rolled her onto her back (in her sleep) she just moved back to her side!
Hey Ladies! I am really at the end of my tether now!:cry::cry: LO used to be a very good sleeper but we now have teeth coming and have had a cold on and off for about a month now! LO hasn't needed feeding in the night for a couple of months now, (he's now 5 1/2 months) and is now on solids 3 times a day - porridge and fruit and veg purees, aswell as 4 bottles. He has his last bottle at about 6pm and then bed at 7pm. He usually goes down well with a few tears but can mostly settle himself. Then the fun begins and he wakes up about an hour later screaming, sometimes even dummy doesn't do it. Eventually back to sleep using whatever method will work, e.g. rocking back to sleep. Then throughout the night he can be up 4,5 or 6 times just crying for no reason and won't stop until I get him out, or last resort get him in our bed just so we can all get some sleep!
Please help on what I am doing wrong. I am more tired now than I was when I was up feeding him during the night. He is also a very early riser, half 5 / 6ish, unless in our bed when he sleeps til 7, so obviuosly needs that extra hour! I really don't know what to do next, I can't stand to stand and listen to him screaming and screaming and getting nowhere for it!
Any ideas would be really appreciated it!

my fav as well!!! What will we do when they are all sleeping well?

I checked at work and I can get BnB to keep up to date but I will have no idea about naps then as it will be the childminder. Grrrrrrrr. Booooo.

aimee - I did squeeze one in and she took 5oz. Then the gannet ate some mushed fruit, snogged my dinner and had 8oz at bedtime. Not a peep since! I hope you get a better night. Phoebs was a little rat two weeks ago so maybe it is a phase.

We have nappy rash tonight so I have had to use cream but I was wondering if a tooth could be on the way.... I always think that though and nothing. She'll be toothless until 12 years old I reckon.
Maxbean - sounds like us a month ago. Went to bed well but would keep waking up - upto 8 times a night. She just didn't know how to put herself back to sleep. Sleepsense teaches them to sleep alone and to resettle. putting them down awake is key and really awake. Then to repeat the process everytime they wake up -staying within them but letting them put themselves back. The first few nights are hellish and knackering at 2am when you are sat there sushing and patting for 40 mins but it is worth it long term.

Very brief synopsis but just wanted to give you a quick response! Have a read through previous posts and it is great detail!

Any Qs just ask! One of us normally has an answer!

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