Hivechild - Earl would catnap until he was about 3 months. I think it's quite natural for them to just take the sleep they think they need at the time. Well done on all the stuff you got done though.....ahhhhh I miss the days of the 3 hour naps. They seem a long time ago now lol. Those days when he was newborn and we could do anything we needed to, aslong as we were back 2.5 hours later to feed him lol. Movies, food and sleep were not a problem then lol.
Well, I have a conundrum for you girls.
A few weeks ago this happened and I decided to continue with the dream feed. However, I'm really stumped now.
Yesterday what I thought was hayfever has developed into a bit of a niggly cold. A couple of anadin and I feel fine if not a little woozy, but I'm shattered. I went to bed at about 9.30 last night and was just sat up watching a DVD thinking I would stay awake. Hubby was already asleep and without realising I fell asleep.
I woke to Earl crying at 11.45, a whole hour after his dream feed time which I just thought, Oh Well, no harm done. I fed him, he took his normal 7oz, and went back down with no problems whatsoever. I was back in bed before midnight

Next thing I know hubby's alarm is going off and Earl has not woken up AT ALL until that point. He got woken up by hubby's alarm and went back down for another hour until 6am when we were awake all smiles!!
So........could it be the dream feed that is making his night disturbed? He didn't need anything until 8am as normal when he took his normal bottle and actually ate more porridge than normal this morning which is good.
I'm contemplating trying him without the dream feed....I wasn't planning on dropping that feed until he started not to need it, but it has occurred to me that maybe it's more of a habit thing. I am contemplating stopping it as a dream feed, and seeing if he gradually drops that night bottle altogether - even if he doesn't, if it means he sleeps for 6 hours solid I would be so pleased!!
Just so everyone doesn't think I'm cruel, Earl is currently on 5 bottles a day, 4 8oz at 8am, 12, 4 and 11pm, and 9oz at bedtime around 7pm. Which is 41oz, plus 2 meals a day at breakfast and tea, and a lunchtime snack. He gets a lot more food than he should really and always has, but if that dream/night feed went he would still be on 34oz a day!
What do we think everyone? Ideas, thoughts and bets about the outcome welcome lol