Evening all.....well Earlington is asleep, totally dead to the world. He has had a bit of a rough day with sleep (too much rather than too little) and we were totally caught out so he had to go to bed a touch later than normal, but judging by the fact that he was still asleep by 7.30 I don't think it's too much of a bad thing lol. I think we're learning a few more things...he's now reaching out when you put your hands out for pick him up, and is shouting if you ask him what up lol
Thanks for all the moving well-wishes. Yep, end of May. I could be totally nuts but we're moving in with the MIL lol. I get on really well with her, it's my own mother I'm not great with lol. I've not really started packing yet

but I've written a good few lists as we're taking a van load of stuff down at the end of the month as she's got a massive garage that she's offered as storage!

We're staying there until I can find a permanent job in Norwich (MIL lives near colchester) but until then I'm temping and hubby is a SAHD until his Uni course starts in September, then MIL is having Earl - that's if we're still there in September. It's all a little chaotic but sooooo worth it to give us all the life we want...I'm so excited! Just a little sad about leaving Earl, but he'll have a whale of a time with his Daddy I'm sure lol.
Redpoppy - I must admit to not actually bothering buying the text just yet, mainly becuase the bits and bobs I've already done are pretty much identical, and I just like the support in here, and the principles are agreeable. From what I can gather though, there's not CIO or CD involved....the whole point is that sleep is a non-traumatic thing and as such. From what I can see though the SS text is pretty much reassurance and to help you see if there is anything extra that you could be doing or doing differently. As Polaris said though, there's a money back guarantee that you can use if you're not happy. I hope that you can get some sleep soon.....Earl took about 4 weeks to really get the hand of sleeping on his own, and went from 1hour to get to sleep to 10 minutes.

He has been known to oly take 2, but that's a rarity lol.
TG - those rusks sound foul....can't stand marmite lol. I agree about the brocolli though......worst one for me is carrot though. Turns my stomach now lol.
Jacs - sorry to hear about the choking incident. We had one involving some garlic bread a while ago and it was scary but he's never done anything near that again, and is already taking lumpy food like a pro....stage 2 jars etc. Actaully doesn't like things to be perfectly smooth now which is a pain considering the amount of puree's I have in the freezer at the moment. Trying to use them up now lol.
Right, best be off- loads to do incluidng a cake to get in the oven and a dog to bath.....at least it's hot dogs for tea!
Btw - TG - Love Micheal McIntyre and I too wanted to go and see him but Earl was due around that time too so we couldn't. Same deal with Joe Pasquale too!
One last quote....I love the bus story (hubby is a bus driver!) but I love the whole thing about the 'mini-sick' - gross but makes me spit my drink everywhere! lol. Hubby is the proud owner of 2 man drawers....he's a lucky man! lol. But my absolute favourite is the whole scottish money sketch he does!
'I think you'll find PAL, that that is Legal Tender!'