Arcane Girl - hope all goes well for you, OH and LO! Let us know how he settles!
HG - sounds like you had a loooooooovely time at the zoo. Glad to hear Phoebe is clear on what meerkats do...even dashing Eastern European meerkats who travel choppy seas (only to be confused with car insurance websites!) I think I'll be an embarrassing Mum...I'm almost looking forward to it
I also think she has wonderful taste in animals - gibbons!
Also, wonderful behaviour for the childminder...and a nap.
Lots and lots and lots of

Must be so hard...I've got a little while longer, but I can imagine tears. Just think, you'll all be in a routine v. soon, Phoebe will have loooooads of treats, you'll have lovely, long holidays and she's v.lucky to have such a lovely Mummy who loves her to bits.
Tell you what - let's have a Lottery deal??
I'm delighted to hear about her dinner - we're trying a veggie lasagne tomorrow! She got quite irritated that we weren't sharing our pasta (we ate early tonight)...and I'm annoyed with myself that I didn't think, and added so much salt to the sauce.
I've eaten some 'nana cake...big positive to growth spurt is eating as much as a small horse, but not gaining any weight. Although, I think sleep is marginally preferable to cake!
Polaris - fingers crossed you have a settled night
DD had a wee grumble as she went to sleep, but is now settled. She's been really funny today - her facial expressions have been speaking a thousand words.