The thing is, she has started fussing a lot more before sleeping and I've only just (in the last two weeks) become aware of this. And I do really want to train my baby to sleep but I want to know she's ready and I'm not enforcing something on her that she's a little too young to get. I also do NOT want to hear her cry for more than perhaps 20 minutes maximum (this has gone up since I timed how much my baby cried last night for 13 mins!!!! I think I dealt with it pretty well!)
I mean, any baby can be taught to not cry by just leaving them to cry for a few days. My brother was left to cry a lot as a baby (newborn) and after a few months everyone used to comment on how he never cries. Now I don't know if he has issues because of that or because of a billion other things in his life (he's great but definitely has intimacy and trust issues) but then there are a billion other valid reasons for him to be that way. I mean he's a great and lovely and amazing guy but he definitely has those issues. but then again... who knows? Maybe everything's just fate and I'm worrying over something totally inconsequential.
Although I had decided to get her sleep into a pattern, this afternoon nap I thought I'd leave her to cry a little and see if she could figure it out, but for some reaons her nighttime skills just DO NOT pass over to the daytime.

It makes me laugh as she's obviously developed this skill although it's quite new and she probably hasn't mastered it yet but I don't understand why I can put her in her cot at night, awake but drowsy, but if I do that in the daytime she screams bloody murder!
Also I wonder if my maternal instinct to mollycoddle her and allow her to nap on me and spoil her because i hate seeing her in a rash is a bad thing because I'm setting up difficult habits for her to break with more difficulty in the future or if its a natural instinct which has evolved over millennia to protect and nurture my baby to it's best ability.
I know i'm over thinking this.
But I think waiting till she's even just a little older, till her napping times are a little more set and till hopefully she's ready to sleep through the night, when she gains enough weight to that is, and when hopefully her skills to self settle most of the time at night is better, I just feel that will b a better time.
I know I'm not going to do it if she starts teething or gets ill but hopefully there'll be time in a couple of weeks still!
Question: how do you introduce the comfort blanket? I will check what it says in the guide. Where did you get yours from (or did you use an old item of clothing)?