Im the same at crying at films since giving birth, i watched My Sisters Keeper last night and bawled throughout the entire thing

It was extremely sad though
As for Brookes naps, well ... at home we have never had a napping routine, i just kind of went with her and she fell into her own one, which at the moment is usually napping around either 11am for 45 mins to an hour .. or around 3pm for anything up to an hour and a half, she doesnt have 2 naps a day only one. However at nursery they have them nap at the same time everyday (12.00) and will only let them nap once a day which is the same as me.
At nursery they take them into their "nap room" and tell them to lay down or help them lay down and thats as far as i know .. i dont know if someone stays in there until they are asleep or if they just leave them in there and watch through the window. But they did tell me that she will lay down and fall asleep no fuss, so i
KNOW she can fall asleep by herself (albeit with a dummy) she just refuses to do it at home because ive given her an easier option by cuddling her!!
Naptimes at home are never the same, sometimes she'll cuddle me on the sofa, othertimes we'll be out in the car .. so i guess with no consistency there its giving us a problem, their routine at nursery is set and she's doing it right, so looks like i need to get one set at home asap!! So nothing to be jealous of quite yet, im only 50% there on naps
We've made a few small changes tonight, we did your usual bedtime routine, (bath, pj's, bottle, bed) but we but her pj's on in her own bedroom rather than ours and we've given her a minnie mouse teddy to take to bed so that come tomorrow night everything isnt such a drastic shock for her
Wow, that turned into a bit of an essay, if you made it to the end, sorry i just wasted the last 2 minutes of your life