Sleep Sense Support Group!

I guess it would depend on the child, for us slight changes dont seem to be a problem. Alex will go to sleep at Grannies fine, though she will settle him her way but as a whole that doesnt affect our usual routine.
Alex has always been very easy with changes of routines and seems to know whos doing what way (even though they dont fully understand that at their age)
Today has been good. He's settled fine for naps albeit with a dummy. Naps have been short but we can work on that later....

I've just put him to bed and he's settling down lovely (which he usually does). I did give him his dummy as thus was exactly what I did on the really good night we had. I'm feeling nervous again. I guess that comes with not knowing what is in store for me!!

I hope you all have restful nights. Polo princess, good luck for Friday :hugs:.

Will update you all and let you know how tonight goes (hopefully I will not update in the middle of the night!).xx
Im currently reading the "naps" section and the importance of having your child nap in the same place. Now this isnt physically possible for us because Brooke goes to nursery when im at work, she does however sleep in the same place and at the same time when she's at nursery. Do you think this will pose us a problem?
This is the only thing I think I'll do differently next time round. We now have a problem when we are out and about as she refuses to nap in her pram, unless we are on the move and have been for a while and she is knackered. Prior to doing sleepsense, she would nap in her pram sometimes.

But what we have found is "the same place" seems to mean any cot. She adapted well to napping wherever she was, as long as she was in a cot. I would say if she is used to napping at nursery, she'll manage fine with the change, but I would suggest asking the nursery to follow the same steps as you do as far as possible - or for you to ask what they do when they put her down for a nap and for you to do what they do. Just to get some kind of consistency. Can I ask how she naps at the moment? Does she generally nap well with only night time sleep being a problem? If so then you probably don't need to worry too much about using the sleepsense method for naps (unless she has some kind of sleep prop like a dummy). And everyone will be so jealous as you only have to get nighttime sorted and that will be a breeze!
Poppy, fingers crossed for a good night!

Polo Princess, will be looking to see how you get on when you start! It is a great guide, just love the fact it's very carefully explained. I agree with FG, if your DD is napping well already...we'll all be jealous :D Naps took us some time - although they are MUCH better now. DD will nap in her cot, on me or DH...and her pushchair/travel seat/bouncy chair. Longest naps are still, however, on me or DH. I do love them, though :D

HiveChild - look forward to your update, hope all is well

Jacs - oooh, I haven't seen Avatar yet! I'd really like to. We've recently seen Revolutionary Road, Hurt Locker and 2012. The latter DH wasn't keen on, but I was keen. Scared me. Huge amounts. Former two were both very good.

Since giving birth, I cry in all films - I re-watched The Duchess and The Reader last week (during those DD and Mummy naps!) and was in floods at the end of both!

I wonder if Gaffe-Gate will be brought up on this evenings debate?

Well, DD went to bed early tonight...naps didn't happen with an exciting day, so she was exhausted after dinner! I expect she'll wake for a feed quite early, as she was asleep so early! DH and I were laughing, as she was just chatting 'dada, daddy' for a while (monitor watch) and making her dino noises, then laughing!
Im the same at crying at films since giving birth, i watched My Sisters Keeper last night and bawled throughout the entire thing :blush: It was extremely sad though :(

As for Brookes naps, well ... at home we have never had a napping routine, i just kind of went with her and she fell into her own one, which at the moment is usually napping around either 11am for 45 mins to an hour .. or around 3pm for anything up to an hour and a half, she doesnt have 2 naps a day only one. However at nursery they have them nap at the same time everyday (12.00) and will only let them nap once a day which is the same as me.

At nursery they take them into their "nap room" and tell them to lay down or help them lay down and thats as far as i know .. i dont know if someone stays in there until they are asleep or if they just leave them in there and watch through the window. But they did tell me that she will lay down and fall asleep no fuss, so i KNOW she can fall asleep by herself (albeit with a dummy) she just refuses to do it at home because ive given her an easier option by cuddling her!!

Naptimes at home are never the same, sometimes she'll cuddle me on the sofa, othertimes we'll be out in the car .. so i guess with no consistency there its giving us a problem, their routine at nursery is set and she's doing it right, so looks like i need to get one set at home asap!! So nothing to be jealous of quite yet, im only 50% there on naps :lol:

We've made a few small changes tonight, we did your usual bedtime routine, (bath, pj's, bottle, bed) but we but her pj's on in her own bedroom rather than ours and we've given her a minnie mouse teddy to take to bed so that come tomorrow night everything isnt such a drastic shock for her

Wow, that turned into a bit of an essay, if you made it to the end, sorry i just wasted the last 2 minutes of your life :rofl:
Id maybe do a set naptime at 12 to go along with the nursery then?

We pretty much do set times, as well as looking for the tired signs. 11am and 3.30pm. If Alex hasnt shown hes tired by then then we put him down anyways, once we get to the darkened room he usually realises that actually he is tired.
Evening ladies, I hope things are going well. Bumpontherun, pleased to hear that you've had such an improvement! Poppy, remember, one step at a time! It doesn't matter at all that last night didn't work out, tonight is another night!

TG - do you have one of those vidoe monitors so you can actually see DD? I really would like to get one of those when LO goes into her own room but DH says we have already spent enough on the Angelcare sensor mat :blush:

Polo_Princess, hope that things go well for you when you get started. It sounds as though your LO already has quite good self settling skills (even though she doesn;t use them at home!) so hopefully it won't taketoo long for her to make the adjustment, also she is a little older so hopefully she will get the hang of it quickly.

Well, Abigail went down fine again as usual. Last night we had just one feed at 1.30 so a great improvement. She went down for two naps in her cot this morning with her blankie over her face, no problem! She only had one nap this afternoon and that was in the pram as we went into town after baby signing. It was a bit early (about half three) so she was grouchy by bedtime, but we made it. Fingers crossed for a good night tonight....
Evening Ladies :wave:

Wow so many posts today! Just finished reading them all...... and now watching the debate (hopefully it will be interesting if not off to find some trash to watch on sky).

Our update is that LO has a cold and was a miserable little mite all day at the CM. Slept a lot but grumpy and crying the rest of the time. So I feel bad for going to work when all she wanted today was me, she wouldn't even talk to daddy this evening. Threw up her tea and went to bed early. She woke last night for 30 mins at midnight and it was the horrible please don't leave me mummy cry so I put her to sleep on me then she went through until 6.30. I hate the fact I;ve gone back to work today but might face the awkward situation of having to phone work to say I can't go in tomorrow if she is still poorly. :nope::nope: But they are paying me cash tomorrow as they messed up my pay! So I will leave school hoping not to be mugged. Thank goodness I don't work at Waterloo Road or I would be kidnapped by year 11, fix a familys problems in two mins flat and have an affair with a colleague all on the way home.

As there are so many posts I will just wish all our newbies good luck (especially to Polo on Friday - best night of the week to start me thinks) and continued improvements.

With nap location - we tried to have naps in her travel cot to prepare for CM and she will also do her pram. I really wanted her to be flexible. We sort of have a nap routine when she is at home of a bit of wind down time, cuddles, into travel cot with nunu and blanket and she goes off. It works when we are out oo (She slept in the boot of the car [boot was open and I could see her] on the dog bed at the bbq on sunday which was great. People were so impressed.
Awwww, HG! Get well sooooon, Phoebe :hugs: Don't worry, it's nearly the weekend - and if she's not well tomorrow, then your school will understand. Good thing, working in a school - as they will certainly know that children get colds etc. Glad she had a lovely cuddly sleep with you.

How fabulous she napped in the car boot! That's a good idea, actually, when we were picnicking, we were stumped for comfortable location!

Watch out for your cash - if I've ever got a bit of cash on me, I may as well wear a sign telling I look furtive and scan around all the time.

We're watching the debate, too. I expect GB to perform well in this one.

Polo - I agree with AG, maybe try the same set time as the nursery? She'll probs get used to it? My Sisters Keeper looks like a film that would have me crying before it even started...

Cattia - FAB night and naps!! We don't have a video monitor...we have a BT 150 and a BabySense (like Angel Care) DD is still in our room, but now you've got me thinking about a video monitor for when she goes into her room! DH said her cot is the control centre...!
Thanks Tg! The boot is a brilliant nap zone - with the boot up she is sheltered but get fresh air and we could still see her.

I really laughed out loud about the cot being the control centre! We just have the Bt150 and it is brill. She has been in her own room since she was 8 weeks and I can hear her breath done it. I think if i had a video one I would get obsessive.

The debate is a little boring if i'm honest. thought i would get a break as LO started to cry but bless her she put herself back. entertaining myself with my sainsburys online order... the chocolate section is very tempting!
Well, we don't really use all these things all the time - but she's got two monitors, a mechanical mobile (can't use as it interferes with one monitor!), her dream machine projector thing...!! It really is the control centre :D DH said he wants our bed to be the same...her mattress is far superior to ours! lol

Mmmm, I'm eating a TTD chocolate cookie. In pieces - so all the calories fell out.

Phoebe is doing so well, settling with a cold!
TG - what a great idea, breaking up your food so the calories fall out! I'll definitley try that ;) DH and I had the M&S Meal Deal 'Two Dine in for a Tenner' - it was SOOOO scrummy!

The debate is a little dull, but I think I have lost interest because I just found out I am not registered to vote :( There was a mix up when we moved and when I went to the town hall last week to see why I didn't have my polling card, they said I was not registered at my oldor my new address :cry:

I love the control centre! My DH says we should pay an armed guard to stand watch over LO's cot. Actually I had better go and check on her now.
You know, if I could get an armed guard - I would!

Oooh, didn't know it was the Dine for Two! Have they got some goodies on it?

I think Brown is coming out of this debate v.well thus far...What a shame about the vote, Cattia - you never know, if it's a hung parliament...there may be another election relatively soon!
I have been exchanging a couple of hours of dossing around on the internet for some reading time, i used to read a lot so im a fast reader and can read a book from cover to cover in an evening so i should be done with this before i go to bed tonight

One question i have already though ...

Im currently reading the "naps" section and the importance of having your child nap in the same place. Now this isnt physically possible for us because Brooke goes to nursery when im at work, she does however sleep in the same place and at the same time when she's at nursery. Do you think this will pose us a problem?
We've been OK with naps elsewhere. Since starting SS, Evan has napped in his pushchair when we've been out, and at my Mum's in his travel cot. I'm sure that as nursery is part of her routine, she'll settle into it.

We had a similar thing Cattia - we found out that neither me or DH are registered, because we missed the deadline by a day! We thought you just registered and that was that, but actually they only update the system on a particular day each month (something like that anyway!). We moved a while ago, but it's just not something we had thought about until all the campaigns started.
TG: Yes, it was yummy, we had salmon fishcakes with a fancy sauce (can't remember what it was but it was yummy) and mixed green veg with a mint butter with new potatoes, then we had lemon soufle and a bottle of red wine. I only had a glass but it was a fairly large one so hoping LO doesn't wake up before about 2am :bush:

Jacs: Yeah, I feel really left out actually :( Mind you, the area where we live is quite affluent and it's True Blue Country anyway so mine would have been a wasted vote lol! I told DH I wanted to get a Labour banner to stick in our front hedge just to be provocative (I couldn't actually decide whether I wanted to go Labour or Lib Dem) but he thought we might get our tyres slashed :rofl:

Well, I am off to bed now.Maybe this will be the night that she sleeps through. On the other hand.....
Mmmm, I'm eating a TTD chocolate cookie. In pieces - so all the calories fell out.

Love it.

I'm going to add it to my "salad with everything cancels out the calories" "Ice cream and Chocolate are dairy products" and "Chocolate raisins count as one of your five a day"
:rofl: at your banner plan Cattia!!

I havent watched this debate tonight, i cant stand the way that whatever happens in the debate the Tories will be all singing and dancing champions in the newspaper tomorrow regardless of what was actually said in the debate :lol:
Jacs: Yeah, I feel really left out actually :( Mind you, the area where we live is quite affluent and it's True Blue Country anyway so mine would have been a wasted vote lol! I told DH I wanted to get a Labour banner to stick in our front hedge just to be provocative (I couldn't actually decide whether I wanted to go Labour or Lib Dem) but he thought we might get our tyres slashed :rofl:
Put the cat amongst the pigeons and go BNP:haha:

Where did you get your bf blinkie?

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