Mummy to Ronan
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Ooh sounds good! (the movie, not the rough night). I loved Avatar in 3D, but had a shocking headache after.
What time is it where you are? Just wondering about the time difference. x
It was good! It was fun and because we went on a week day first thing in the morning, it was just me, Ronan and my friend in the theater so no pressure if the monkey made a fuss (I ended up having to feed him). It was great (I loved Avatar, too).
As I'm writing this, it's 10:15pm (Eastern Daylight Savings Time), so I believe I'm 5 hours behind the rest of you in the UK.
Anyway, now that I've got a little bit of time, this was my night last night:

6:40ishpm: Ronan wakes up, I feed him, shovel down my own dinner, take hi up for a bath, top up feed etc. and have him in bed and he's asleep by 8:25pm without any fussing.
10ish: Hubby and I go to bed and as we're chatting, I say 'I can't wait for the day when he wakes up, smacks his lips and realizes he's not that hungry and goes back to sleep.'
Hubby agrees and by 10:30 is fast asleep while I'm still awake. I figure the monkey will wake close to 12 so I might get a short nap in before he stirs...
11:30pm: I'm still awake and I hear the monkey wail and think, 'ah, here we go.' A few seconds later, all is silent so I lie there with ear cocked waiting to hear him stir again.
12:10: I hear some grumbling for a minute and think, 'ok, now here we go,' but no...all goes silent again.
I lie there until after 1am caught between trying to drift off and keeping an ear out for him to wake again.
1:30: Just as I start to drift off, he wakes again and is a bit more vocal. I get up after a few minutes and decide to pop to the loo before going in to feed him. As I am about to leave the bathroom, I can hear him sucking furiously on his fist and he's stopped crying. I think he must realllly be hungry, but no, he falls asleep again by 1:35!
I creep back to bed, sure that he'll wake again soon. I still can't sleep!
2:30: He wakes again and I figure ok, he's got to really be hungry now so I'm just going to get up and feed him so that I can actually get some kip as I'm feeling a bit wrecked by now.
3:00: I put him back down. He's not really sleepy but he's not fussing so I can hear him on and off for the next half hour as I'm trying to settle myself to sleep.
I think I may have drifted off for 10-15 minutes before I hear the dog getting sick in his crate.

I manage to fall asleep around 4:30am and sleep until the monkey wakes again around 6:30. I give him another feed and put him back in his crib, hopeful that he'll give me a few more hours (yeah, right!) and around 7:30, I kick my husband out of bed (for work) and crawl back in to doze for another hour before I hear the monkey awake, but quite happily just hanging out in his crib cooing away. I give up on more sleep at this point and go shower and have breakfast before getting Ronan out of his crib and 'up' for the day!
Soooo...moral of the story is careful what you wish for! If I'd known him settling himself back to sleep would mean I got none, I'm not sure I'd have hoped for it quite so fervently. That being said, most of the time he settled fast enough (if noisily) that I really didn't have a chance to get up and go in to feed him!

He had a bit of a tantrum going down for bed tonight so we'll see how he goes through the rest of the night now.