Sleep Sense Support Group!

TG - work is fine and I'm getting better at leaving her. She started with the proper childminder today and although I was nervous it worked out really well and I think that i did make the right choice. my days are manic and long but we are finding our own little routine now. I'm enjoying my teaching which is good and it is now only 3 and half weeks until half term .... and a whole week together!!

Roasted veg sounds yum - got to do some of them but on a work day not poss - so will have to wait for weekend. thanks for the organic rice cake tip - LO absolutely adores them and won't even share them with the dog! Who only gets a tiny bit that is very soggy at the end!
Hello ladies....

A very quick update from me....

Ditch the dummy is going really well. Elliott only woke up 3 times last night. Today was the first day out and about with the dummy and it went very well.

Settling for naps is getting better. Generally it takes him about 20 minutes to drift off. I think I only notice how long it takes as before the dummy was in his mouth so he wasn't chatting. It was probably taking just as long for him to settle but now he chats to himself whilst going to sleep so I hear him more I guess.

Tonight he settled for bed within 10 minutes :cloud9:

I splashed out and bought us a new black and lime green maclaren quest today. He deserved it for being such a good boy :)

Bump :happydance: you sound like you are doing amazingly. Well done for sticking with it.

TG :hugs: naps are the heardest aren't they? I hope you/we get through it.

Polo sounds like you are making great progress already. Well done.

I hope everyone has a good night :flower:
HG, so glad to hear things are going well with work...that's brilliant! Rice cakes are amazing, DD loves them! Love Maxy waiting patiently for a bit of soggy cake...Boy cat was similarly completely OTT for a tiny speck of fromage frais earlier! You'd think he'd never been fed!

Poppy - ahhh, naps!! We will get there! Great settling!
Nice work everyone, good progress all round! (ahhh I feel as though I am back in the classroom when I say those words....)

TG we sometimes have days like that with naps. I just don't know what to do with her when she gets like that, it's horrible isn't it, and such a relief if they finally drop off!

Poppy, operation drop-the-dummy is clearly a massive success - good on you!

Polo, how brilliant that you have got your LO out of your bed so quickly! That's really brilliant progress, especially since she is old enough to realise what is going on a buit more than our LOs.

HG - so glad to hearwork is going OK, it gives me hope that I may live through it myself!

Last night was mixed again for us. She woke at 10.30 (don't know what that was about) so DH and I tried to re-settle her for ten minutes but we had full on crying with gasping sobs and real tears, it was awful so I fed her and she was still sniffling on the boob :cry:

She then woke again at 12.30, but this time it was a broken cry and she didn't even really have her eyes open, so I left her. It took half an hour, but she re-settled without getting worked up. I was then wide awake and didn't really sleep again until she next woke up at 2.30, and I fed her then, mainly because I thought I might get back to sleep I do admit. After that she went through until 6.30 and then back down until 8am :)

Tomorrow is her third set of jabs. I am sooooooooooo dreading it. Everyone says the third ones are the worst. I felt so bad when she went to bed so beautifully tonight and I know when we get up in the morning I am taking her to the horrible doctors :cry: :cry: I know it is for the best but I can't stand it. DH is not working so am thinking I might wimp out and just get him to take her in and I will do cuddles afterwards.

Well, let's hope we get a good night folks!
Cattia, good luck tomorrow :hugs: I know how you feel, I was a nervous wreck before them all! After the inital tears, DD and I had lots of cuddles, and just spent the afternoon snuggling...
Morning ladies :hi:

Bit of a rough night for us, Brooke slept well until 3am but was up from then until 5am fighting us :shock: 2 frigging hours, definatley our worst night so far, but 1 really bad night out of 5 isnt bad going really. Im sat here at work trying not to fall asleep in my cuppa already :rofl:

How did everyone else night go? Hope they werrnt as rough as ours :flower:
Alex woke for a play at 4am, then went back to sleep :rofl:

Get some strong coffee! Like you say, 1 night out of 5 is pretty good :D
Goodbye dummy :baby: Hello sleep :wave:

Getting rid of the dummy is the best thing I ever did!!! That coupled with SS is changing my life lol.

Yesterday was our first day properly out of the house on our own with no dummy. I don't know what I was worried as I know Elliott so well if he cries it's generally only for the two obvious reasons. Anyway, the day went great. He slept so well and it was lovely pushing him in the pram and watching his eyelids drop when he was tired rather than fighting it. He shouted/chatted in my friends car for 10 mins on the way to swimming and them drifted off peacefully. He even stayed asleep when we got to the changing rooms! He sleeps so much heavier now!

Last night was amazing. Put him to bed at 7.30pm and ge stirred a few times about 10ish. OH was ready to race up to see him but I said just give him a second. Literally a few minutes of shouting/crying and he was back to sleep again. He didn't wake up again until 1.30am and I fed him then. He then went through until 5.30am!!! I wasn't going to feed him but then he did his hunger call so I got up at 6am and fed him. He fed well so it was obviously genuine. I then put him back down in his cot and thought....he's never going to go back to sleep when.....the next time he woke me up it was 6.45am!!! He must have dropped off to sleep again or was playing very quietly (he's still in our room) otherwise I would have heard him.

This morning he almost fell asleep whilst feeding (it's amazing how readily he can sleep now). So I took him upstairs and put him in his cot. 8 minutes of shouting and he was out like a light!!! I think he stirred after about 30 minutes, went back to sleep again and has now been asleep for nearly an hour!!

I am so so pleased. Today I'm going to cut off the teats to the dummys and throw them away. Contemplating keeping one dummy for an emergency but not sure if I should.

I know I keep saying this but thank you to you all for keeping me strong and helping me to perservere. :hugs:

Cattia, good luck with the jabs today :thumbup:

Polo, ouch that sounds like a rough night. However 1 in 5 is still very very goof and it must be so much harder with an older baby so well done you.xx

I'm am really really hoping that this continues with Elliott. I know you have ups and downs but I hope I never have to go back to being up 9 times a night.
Morning everyone,

This program is so up and down isn't it:wacko:

Polo P - sorry you had such a rough night, hope you can stay awake today. Reading your posts makes me more determined to try and get things sorted while I'm still off work, I honestly couldn't cope with working the way I feel now.

TG - how's the thumb today?

Poppy - I'm so pleased things are still going well for you. It's funny I think Helen sleeps more soundly now too. She even dropped off in the buggy whilst I was waiting to pay in a cafe yesterday, she has never done that before!

AG - Helen used to want to play at that time, I actually remember crying with tiredness as I changed her nappy:hugs:

I've had a mixed couple of days. After a fab night on Tuesday I went into yesterday full of confidence. She went straight down for her morning nap, a few grumpy sobs which were done by the time the mobile finished, still woke after 35 mins though. We were out and about a lot yesterday and she slept in the pram much more than she usually would. Normally she just wakes up and cries to be picked up. I even left her sleeping in the front garden whilst I ate a magnum and read closer magazine (had to keep my jacket on though it was pretty cold!) She didn't wake until 4:30 which made things tricky for the last nap. I tried to put her down at 18:00 but after 35 mins of broken sobbing I relented and got her up again. It was weird, it sounded like she had drifted off a few times then she would start up again. I feel bad about starting bad habits by getting her up but she needed her pre bath feed.

Anyway she went down at 7:30 no problems, a few sobs then nothing. She woke at 1:30 though which is very unusual. I thought she was hungry and she took a good feed then straight back to sleep until 5 when I fed her again. I put her down awake but she was asleep by the time I had pulled her blanket over her gro-bag:cloud9: She then woke at ten past 7 and I got her up for the day. I feel absolutely knackered even though I was up for less than half an hour both times. Def need an early night tonight.

She went down with only a few minutes protestation for her morning nap today. We're nearing the 30 min mark so keeping my ears peeled. Secretly hoping she'll sleep longer.

She's started crying as soon as I put her sleeping bag on at nap time, very upsetting has anyone else had this? Also does anybody else find the last nap of the day the hardest? I know I just need to keep going, I wish I'd kept a better diary of before we started SS so I could keep perspective of how much better things are.
Well done Bump. Naps generally do tend to get harder as the day goes on. Elliott tends to fight them a bit more. I know what you mean about her almost being asleep and then waking and crying again. On the few occasions that Elliott has cried hard he has drifted off but then started sobbing again. Sometimes they find it hard to give in.

You are doing really well though and I hope her nap lengths improve. Elliott managed 1 hour and 15 mins this morning. These kind of naps are getting more frequent now so fingers crossed this will continue.

Sometimes Elliott will cry when I out him in his sleeping bag. Not very often though. Generally it's when he is very very tired.

I hope your little girly managed to nap for longer than her magic 30 minutes.xx
Hey everyone,

Glad to read so many success stories!! Bump, I include you in that - we all have good and bad times:hugs:, and you are having lots of good!

We had a very unsettled night and then day, yesterday, but we seem to be back on track now. For some reason Evan kept crying on Monday night, and wouldn't nap yesterday. Today he's been a bit grizzly, but has napped eventually. He's been wolfing his bottles down, so maybe there's a bit of growing going on there!

Cattia - how did the jabs go?
Polo - hope tonight's better - having to go to work the next day is just not fair!
AG - way to go Alex! You must be so proud.
TG - hope naps are better today, how was your night?
HG - How did the childminder go today? You're doing such a great job of organising everything - glad you're settling back into it at work.
Glad to read so many success stories!! Bump, I include you in that - we all have good and bad times, and you are having lots of good!

Hear Hear! :friends:

Naps were a bit better today, Jacs - but last night was not the best! :wacko: Keeping fingers crossed that DD has a good sleep tonight, as we can see she's a bit tired in the morning...little love

How is lil Evan doing? :hugs:

Polo - hope you have a better night :hugs:

Cattia - yes, how is Abigail?

HG - hope all good in the HG household!

AG - Alex is doing SO well!!

For those weaning - have found (well, Annabel Karmel found) gorgeous dessert...banana sauteed in unsalted butter, cinammon and OJ. I can post quantities if anyone is interested. DD wolfed it - a whole small nana after her meal!!
Dear all!

So tired tonight I will do a proper update when I have a mo tomorrow! School was a killer today and I had to bring some work home!

LO is setteling in really well so that helps me. Last night I had to resettle her not the SS way - her nose got blocked and I don't have the energy to let her self settle on a school night. So weak.

Hope all are well - will catch up tomorrow morn if I got time!

sleepy dust....... x

Sorry I know I haven't posted on here for AGES and AGES! It doesn't mean our sleeping is brilliant, far from it at the moment :wacko: I do read the thread most days then realise I've got so much to catch up on with everybody and keep meaning to post!!! Sorry!!!

Kyle was napping well (2hrs at a time!! twice a day!!) till the teething really kicked in and it's going downhill now :( Night-times -well he is still waking at erratic times and sometimes SS will get him back to sleep but other times he will need feeding. I have been getting it wrong on occasion though and we have tried SS for half an hour only to then feed him which is bad as I know he's cried for nothing but he'd not long been fed so I wasn't sure how hungry he was and I can't cope with much more than 30 mins of crying???

What sort of duration of crying have people been enduring?

He was doing well for a while and going from 7pm to 3/4am then had his last set of jabs and since then is back to waking up between 11pm and 1am!! MWAHHH

Hope everybody is well though! I will make more of an effort now that i've posted something (feels like weeks!!)

She's started crying as soon as I put her sleeping bag on at nap time, very upsetting has anyone else had this? Also does anybody else find the last nap of the day the hardest?

Bump - yes, we have exactly the same problem and LO starts crying as soon as he gets put in his sleeping bag, happy as larry one minute and ready for some sleep then the tears are out when he gets put in the sleeping bag. I've just accepted it now as it's been that way for weeks and weeks! Not sure what to do!! I usually go out for a walk for the last nap seeing as it's just a catnap - that way I take the stress out it.

Kyle now just wants to be held standing up all the time (even in the bath!) which makes things interesting!!

Our black out easy blinds arrived too which have been BRILLIANT, would deffo recommend (called easyblind)

Here's to a good night everyone!! xx
Good evening ladies! Hope you've all had a good bedtime.

Jacs - glad to hear things are back on track. Could well be a growth spurt by the sounds of things.

TG - hope the thumb is recovering now and you've had another good day with the feeding!

Poppy - I think you should cut ALL those dummies up - you've done SUCH a great job getting rid of them - well done!

Bump - sometimes Abigail has started crying as soon as I put her down for a nap - it's horrible isn't it :( I am a total weakling when I see real tears and will often get her up again if that happens. Winges and grizzles I can put up with but real sobbing does get me.

Polo- sorry to hear you had a tough night, but you have kept Brooke out of your bed which is great! I hope your day at work went OK and you weren't too tired.

How are our newcomers doing? Haven't heard from them fora few days.

I MISS POLARIS!!! come back soon :)

Well, update on us.....

Jabs were HORRID :cry: They say the thrid lot are the worst and they definitley were. Luckily DH was with me so he had the unenviable job of holding her while they put the needles in. She really screamed and she didn't stop for ages after they had finished. She was smiling again ten minutes later though! She slept for about an hour and a half in her pram after the doctors' and she seemed oK when she woke up. This afternoon though she was very unsettled and grizzly. She even cried during her massage and seemed very over tired. I think she was feeling under the weather so I gave her some calpol but I am not expecting a great night.

Last night was really good! She went down at 7 and didn't wake until 3.30am :happydance: She then went back down and didn't wake until 7.20! It shows she can do it if she wants to.
PIE! :hi: Good to see you!

I've got Complete Baby & Toddler Meal Planner (which is ace!) and One Hundred Baby Purees (also good) I've also got the BLW book...I love my weaning books :D The firsr AK is more detailed, the latter gives a more broad overview.

Hope Kyle gets a tooth soon, poor little boy. SS is V hard at night, isn't it? We've managed about 20 mins, and then I feed, too. We both are less sure at night...and DD tends to settle quickly if she's not hungry. If she's hungry, the shouts get louder and louder.

HG - hope you have a good sleep :hugs: I do whatever works some nights - have to!

Cattia - awww, Abigail :hugs: I found the jabs v.hard - I was getting cross (in my mind) with the nurse, even though I knew it wasn't her fault! Hope she has a good sleep, and a lovely day tomorrow.

And yes, Polaris, get that net fixed! ;) :D
By far the cruelist thing about the jabs is they insist on putting those blimmin plasters on. They really don't need them and it just adds to the misery when you have to take them off later.

Abby had her 12 month boosters yesterday and was a wee star. Mr Foo took her though - I just can't deal with needles.
Oh I think I've messed up! H woke for a feed at 2:45, straight back down after then up again at 5:45. I thought she was going to settle after a feed but then the wails began to escalate so I got her up for the day. After 30mins she was grumbling, back arching and rubbing her face on me. Then she tried to fall asleep on the boob.

I was so tempted to take her back to bed with me but I decided to put her down for a nap. She has now been sobbing off and on for 15 mins :( she normally settles quicker than that for a nap now. I'm feeling guilty that maybe my own tiredness is making me harsh and I should have played with het for another hour.

Since I've been writing this all had gone quiet. Going to give it 5 mins then check her. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate it.

HG hope school is better today
TG I have those books too, the banana recipe sounds fab, looking forward to weaning!

Bump - I've just put LO down for a power nap (we've got to leave in 15 mins for work) but she got up at 5.30 and is tired now! I tried to resettle her at 5.30 but she wasn't having it and I was getting up at 6 anyway :wacko:

Cattia - glad the jabs are over for you - our worst bit was about 5 days after the jabs when she got a little bit poorly! i agree that the plasters are the worst bit - I soaked them off in the bath.

PM - nice to hear from you again - I was thinking we hadn't seen you for a while! Teething has a lot to answer for! we still have a blocked nose bugging us!

Right better get ready for work - going to have to wake her up which is rotten as she has gone done beautifully but i figure all sleep is handy on CM days.

Double year 10 to start my morning..... at least they are on work experience next week so I will get some extra frees!:happydance:

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