Sleep Sense Support Group!

Bump - fingers crossed for the nap. Don't feel guilty, tiredness is a very hard thing for parents and child to deal with. I always worry like you - should we be playing/reading etc...but when DD rubs her face on me, I know she's tired and it's a cue for sleep. Don't worry :hugs:
All those weaning books are great fun, I've done mixed weaning - and we're all enjoying it! DD had peach and pear with fromage frais this morning, and a slice of toast!

HG - have a good day - bliss having extra free periods next week! I remember work experience soooo clearly, I loved it!

Foo - you are right about those plasters, they seem to use something like superglue. Like HG, took us ages to soak them off.

News from the TG household...DD slept from 7pm until 5am, woke for a feed...and went back to sleep until 7am!! :happydance: She's SO chirpy this morning, and so are DH and I! She's still examining her thumb continually (nothing visible to the naked eye...) to ensure that my guilt levels are topped up, BUT she's settling really well.

V.happy! Back later, as she's had enough of her jumperoo now :D

Have fabulous days, ladies :hugs: Election day!!
Ooh, Evan's never had a plaster after his. The only time he has, is when they took blood the day he was born, but that was the hospital rather than my GP's.
I'm a wimp, and I take my own plasters off under warm water, HG!

Hey PM! Great to see you! Just the other night Evan woke crying his eyes out (unusual as he is sleeping through normally). I just didn't know what to do, as it hasn't happened before! Like you, I tried to settle him, but eventually he had a feed. I also felt bad that I had prolonged it, but you don't know until you try, do you? :dohh:

TG, another fab night, hooray! That recipe sounds lovely, I'm going to order the book today, as your recipes always make my stomach rumble!

Bump - hope the nap went well! Sounds like you're doing well, trying to keep naps consistent.

Cattia - did you have another good night?

Well, we had the best night we've had in a few days. As I said, Evan had an unsettled night on Monday night. Tuesday he woke at the same time crying, but settled himself, then last night, I didn't hear him wake at all:sleep:. Hopefully, we're back into our routine now - I could imagine us slipping back into the night feed habit again, like we did after his last growth spurt!
Morning All!!

Hope everybody had a good night? Kyle woke up at 11.30pm but was crying and then stopping (so I knew it wasn't hunger as he doesn't stop if it is) and OH used SS for about 20 mins and he went back to sleep until 3.45am. I heard him whimpering so just went in and fed him before it escalated into crying as I knew he'd be hungry by then (I asked Dana what I should do regarding SS vs feeding and she said if you know they will be hungry go straight in and feed, if not then use SS so that they know what to expect). My problem is with the 1am sort of wake ups is that i'm not sure!!

Anyway!! He was then up for the day at 6am which I can handle as this is when he will have to get up when I go back to work (booo - although i've just added 6 weeks onto my maternity leave so now go back in August). We have the cranial osteopath again today, not sure if it's doing any good but will persevere as she seems to know her stuff. LO isn't too keen on it though.

Has anybody used those amber teething necklaces (with success?)

HG - you are doing brilliant being back at work and are giving me hope for when it's my turn! Not long now until some time off :) I haven't a scooby how i'm going to cope with a FT job and being a mummy!!

TG - I am also a sucker for baby books - have got the BLW one (after your recommendation - my mum read it and thought it was a really good idea which will help when the time comes!!)

Cattia - We all hated the 16w jabs in our house! Three jabs is too many in one go I think and poor Kyle just howled with each one! His sleeping afterwards has definitely taken a step backwards - ho hum!! I think our LOs are a similar age?

For the first time ever Kyle didn't cry during baby yoga yesterday (singing and massage class)!!! I am off to amazon now to buy a xylophone as he loved the sounds! Everybody was talking yesterday in the class and when the teacher started playing it all the babies went very quiet!!!

Happy napping everybody! Does anybody else keep an eye on the clock and watch the 45 min mark with anticipation as to which way the nap will go ?!!

PS - Edited as new messages crossed over!

:hi: Jacs! Brilliant news on Evans sleep - I am awaiting the night Kyle does that although I don't feel/expect it will be anytime soon!! I said to OH that there never seems to be a right answer with what to do in the night does there!!

TG - Congrats too on the sleep! Do you all feel like new women!! I am going to order the book today too, am looking forward to Kyle being ready for weaning and a lot of that is down to reading about everybody on here !!
Morning morning morning ladies :hi:

Brooke slept through ALL night, well with the exception of stirring for like 2 minutes, by the time i got into her room she was just nodding back off :shock: :happydance:
That's brilliant Polo !!! You must feel amazing (or were you up all night waking for her to wake up?!!). Well done Brooke!
Great news, Polo! Fabulous!! :hugs: A good sleep is just amazing, isn't it?

Pie - it's hard with the sort of wake-ups, isn't it? DD tends to get louder and louder and louder if she's hungry, and sounds 'cross'. Sounds like Kyle is doing well at night :hugs:

I've got a teething necklace, and it works - I am sure of it. I don't keep it on for naps and night time, just when she's awake...and I think it makes her more calm.

The Annabel Karmel books are fantastic, lots of great recipes. I feel more comfortable doing mixed weaning, and going gradually...I love BLW, but somethings make me a bit nervous (choking etc) So this mixed approach is great for all of us :)
Thats great news polo! We have had almost a week now of Paddy sleeping through!!! And you know what......ive felt crap all week!
Hope you are all ok ladies xx
Thanks girls, you know what .. im bloody knackered, the night before last was a killer and im still recovering :rofl: fingers crossed she sleeps through tonight!!
Well done for last night Polo....that's brilliant.

We had a fairly good night too. Since starting his routine now seems to be bed at 7ish....stir a few times without waking....wake at 1-2am ish for a feed....sometimes stir around 4 ish (needs me sometimes at this waking) and then feed again at 5am....then sleep through until 7am ish....:happydance:

This I can handle.

I am hoping for a really good night tonight. I had a wisdom tooth out today and have had to have stitches :cry: I look like John Merrick.....I really could do with sleep tonight!!xxx
Awwww, Poppy :hugs: Get well soon...and here's hoping Elliott has picked up on the 'a good night would be much appreciated' vibes! Am so glad it's all going well! What a little star he is!

Jacs - forgot to say FAB news on the sleep!! Hope you have another great night! That nana recipe is delicious...DD had it again today, as did DH and I (with ice cream!)

PP - good sleep vibes being sent to you!!

Well, DD had an great nap in her cot today, which I am really pleased about. Hopefully we're getting through 'Thumb Gate'. She started relying on it again today, but kept taking it out, staring at it...repeat process!

She started waving today, which is very cute and very funny...

Hoping we have a good night tonight, as Thumb Gate threw a spanner in the works for a good few nights, and I'm starting to rival Gordon Brown in the eye bag department.

Right, cuppa time, Come Dine election special and a bag of buttons (DH ate my Boost, and had to run to the shops before I started wailing!!) :D
Hello everyone, hope you've had a nice election day! So many good sleep stories! Polo, that's factastic, go Brooke!

Jacs - great progress for you too - well done Evan!

PM - I struggle with this too, even if I don't think Abigail is hungry and I am sure she is just winging to try to get herself back to sleep, I just doubt myself and often end up feeding her just in case, I also worry that if I leave it too long and then feed her she might learn that she just needs to cry for longer and then she will get fed!

HG - I remember that feeling of year 10s going on work experience - bliss! I always used to volunteer to do the workplace visits too so that I could skulk off early and go shopping in town!

TG - all your posts about recipies are making me want to wean! (and eat....) Glad to hear the thumb is getting better. Can she suck it again now?

Bump - I have had similar problems with the first nap in the morning, sometimes I get the timing wrong and she won't go down. I feel guility too if I put her down too early but sometimes I my body is just physically BEGGING for more sleep!

Well, we had an OK night, but it could have been better if it wasn't for bloomin' DH! He cametobed later than me as he was watching some rubbish film, and then he didn't get to sleep straight away as he thought he could hear something downstairs so he went to investigate armed with a piece of wood in case of intruders, only to find it was the dishawasher. Consequently he had literally JUST got to sleep when Abigail woke up at 11.30. He started moaning in half-sleep about how he had only just dropped off and did she need feeding, I was so cross (since the other night I listened to her doing her wingey cry for half an hour and he didn't ven wake up!) so I fed her, and then was really annoyed about it. He has lived to regret his moment of weakness this morning and been told in no uncertain terms that he must never protest about her crying again! Anyway, after that she didn't wake up until 5.30, which was really good. She has seemed a bit unettled this evening, stirred a few times so not sure what sort of night we are in for. She has also been a bit unsettled today after her jabs.

Tomorrow we are off on holiday to Devon for a long weekend with my parents. My dad came round this evening to load the car up and almost fell over when he saw the amount of stuff I have packed :blush: I told him it was all for LO - little does he know there are a fair few pairs of my shoes in there too! I will update from my phone over the next few days as long as there is a signal. It will be Abigail's first time sleeping in a travel cot. I have had DH making up for his shortcomings by sawing up MDF this afternoon to make a solid base for the travel cot so that her Angelcare monitor can sit on it.

Hopefully our LOs will not get carried away with election fever and will have a good night's sleep.
Cattia - have a wonderful, wonderful holiday! :hugs: You made me laugh with your DH coming to bed late...DH always gets me telling him off for doing really noisy coughs as DD is settling post night feed :D

DD is sucking the thumb, but then has to take it out and have a good stare at the mark not visible to the naked eye!!

I do kinda need a tiny bit of help Kayla does sleep well she goes down between 8/8.30pm but shes up at 5.30am and gets reallly grouchy like shes overly tired how can I help her to sleep for longer without waking herself up? shes stuffed before she goes to bed.

Iv heard of a dreamfeed but dont have a clue what that is or how I would go about doing it!.

Does anyone have any advice for me? I really want a happy baby to wake up to and it will just make her days alot better I think shes alot more happier and brighter in herself when shes had a good sleep.
well I'm finally in for the day (at 10.15pm) and totally exhausted! LO was a monkey at the CM and had only 30 mins all day!!!!!!!! and was still chirpy this afternoon and evening. Bit worried about that, hopefully tomorrow will be better......

watching the election results now - wish I could stay up all night and watch but got to work tomorrow. Boo. Hiss.

Cattia - have a lovely weekend away. Hope LO likes the travel cot - Phoebe didn't bat an eyelid!

Polo - Brilliant night :happydance: Such a break through happy :sleep: for tonight!

Poppy - you poor thing :hugs: I am absolutely pertrified of the dentist. I'm sick i hate it so much and the thought of having a wisdom teeth out feels me with absolute panic and fear. Hope you get a good night!

TG - thumb gate - i love it!!!! and naughty oh stealing your boost - my OH knows that i'd break his other hand if he nabbed my choccie! Glad LO has her thumb back!

Jacs - great sleep too! :happydance:
HG - 30 mins nap and still chirpy?! What a star!! Am sure her naps will increase :hugs: You must be tired...hope you have a good night. I want to stay up and watch the election...but I have a feeling that if I do that, DD will decide Friday night is party night...and those bags will just get bigger :D Am back on BBC1 now...

DH would probably have preferred me to break his hand after my 'but I was looking foooooooooooooorward to that chocolate' (about 100 times in mucho whingey voice!!)

Jay - welcome! :hugs: First of all, your LO is doing wonderfully well!
A dreamfeed is when you feed your LO when he/she is asleep. My DD tends to wake up when she gets the smallest hint of a tummy rumble! :D SS works for babies of all age - does your DD settle in the morning after she has had a feed?
Tennisgal.- Ah thanks for the reply, I thought she was doing great she just created her own routine and its just worked for us.

she does sometimes but she won't sleep in her basket she normally falls asleep on me on our make shift bed on the sofa I make before feeding her and then we sleep till about 9 ish but over times she won't fall back to sleep and she just fights it and ends up crying, really red eyes and then falls off about 9 ish and don't wake till 2!

Have a lovely holiday Cattia. Where are you going in Devon? I live in Plymouth

Thank you to everyone for your get well wishes. Elliott has been a gem so far tonight even though he's extremely congested...not sure where that came from my poor boy.

Off to the land if nod now. Sleepy dust everyone.xx
Well, DD had an great nap in her cot today, which I am really pleased about. Hopefully we're getting through 'Thumb Gate'. She started relying on it again today, but kept taking it out, staring at it...repeat process!
"Thumb Gate" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Right, cuppa time, Come Dine election special and a bag of buttons (DH ate my Boost, and had to run to the shops before I started wailing!!) :D
Do you need the name of a good divorce lawyer? You'd get that one on "unreasonable behaviour" I'd say.
Foo - you are right about those plasters, they seem to use something like superglue. Like HG, took us ages to soak them off. know what....? I took it off today and the sticky bit of the plaster was over the hole instead of the fabric bit. Not only did they insist it was necessary but they didn't even put it in the right place:nope: :grr:
Tomorrow we are off on holiday to Devon for a long weekend with my parents. My dad came round this evening to load the car up and almost fell over when he saw the amount of stuff I have packed :blush: I told him it was all for LO - little does he know there are a fair few pairs of my shoes in there too! I will update from my phone over the next few days as long as there is a signal. It will be Abigail's first time sleeping in a travel cot. I have had DH making up for his shortcomings by sawing up MDF this afternoon to make a solid base for the travel cot so that her Angelcare monitor can sit on it.
She'll be just fine I'm sure. If you've got something familiar with you (a teddy or a mobile) She'll be comforted by that. Abby never bothers which bed she lies in.....(no, ladies, not "just like her mother...":haha:)
Tennisgal.- Ah thanks for the reply, I thought she was doing great she just created her own routine and its just worked for us.

she does sometimes but she won't sleep in her basket she normally falls asleep on me on our make shift bed on the sofa I make before feeding her and then we sleep till about 9 ish but over times she won't fall back to sleep and she just fights it and ends up crying, really red eyes and then falls off about 9 ish and don't wake till 2!

The only thing I would say is, Abby was like this until she hit about 4 months. It was fine in the beginning because every waking, she needed me for food. As she got bigger, she was still waking, but didn't need the feed, she needed me to help her sleep. It also began taking progressively longer for her to drop off and when we moved her to her basket, she would wake and we had to start feeding again as it was the only way she knew how to sleep. So we had to help her find another way - which is what SS is all about. Giving them the tools to drop off themselves without the intervention of a parent.

If you're interested in learning all about it, let us know and we can give you a better idea of what it is all about, but you should be aware that it will involve some crying (from both of you!!)

Anyway ladies, I'm a terrible person because here I am with a bairn who has been sleeping soundly since 7pm and will be until 7am and yet I'm still up yapping, and here's all of you still having to get up in the night, all waiting patiently for a full night's sleep - probably thinking "you idiot, I'd give anything for a proper sleep"

I really should learn to take advantage of the 12 hours she gives at night. I will. I promise!
Hi everyone:flower:

Cattia, hope you have a lovely holiday, I'll be interested to hear how the travel cot goes.

TG - I'm glad thumbgate is nearly over:thumbup:

Polo P - hope you had another good night

Poppy - hope you also had a good night and that the tooth hole (?) is feeling ok.

We had a funny night last night. Yesterdays early nap went well, she slept for almost an hour:thumbup: We were out a lot of the day so didn't do another SS nap til 3:00 she went down really easily but 20 mins in our old dottled dog decided to fling her 11 stone body (she's a great dane) onto the wood floor outside Helen's room, the thump woke her up and there was no way she was going back to sleep. I then let her fall asleep on me:dohh::dohh:

Bedtime was a bit weird, she was late to bed (I was disorganised) so went down about 8. Woke just after 9, whingey crying, we left her for 15 mins as we though she might settle but she started to get more and more angry. We gave her a cuddle and some calpol (we now have 2 teeth!, she's like a little zombie trying to chew everything in sight) and I decided to feed her as she hadn't fed that well pre bed (maybe wrong thing I'm not sure). Anyway she went back down really quickly after the feed and slept til 5. A quick feed and back to bed til 6. She was only up for an hour though and I've again had to put her back to bed. She was grouchy and tired and not at all interested in the election breakfast news. I wish she would just stay in bed longer rather than wanting up and then needing to be put down again. I went to bed at 10 so after 7 straight hours of sleep I feel o.k. DH is just getting up so not much point in me going back to bed I suppose.

Think i really need to avoid her falling asleep on the boob today. Don't want to backslide. Think things are getting better overall though. Wonder who the new PM will be..............

For those of you who work or are desperate for OH to be at home all day - hurrah it's friday!!!!!!:happydance:

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