Sleep Sense Support Group!

Well done on having such a good night Bump, and Poppy for sticking to your guns through a rough night. It sounds like you are making progress though! I would probably try to keep going cold turkey on the dummy with naps. That being said if the wee monkey hasn't napped well during the day I go into nap at all costs mode by late afternoon even if it means napping on me.

Cattia I had to laughed a little at you worrying over her thumb. We get ourselves so worked up over our LO's don't we?

Anyway i'd just like to say that insomnia sucks.
just a quick one, ladies, as trying to work on a nap. Night time was fab - naps are a disaster...DD can't suck her thumb properly, and is upset...can't settle. I am so, so upset - I feel dreadul.

Cattia, did Abigail suck her thumb ok after the cut?
TG yes she did. They are way more adaptable than we give them credit for. When she was in hospital and she had a massive bandage covering her whole arm and hand where they put a drip in for her antibiotics, she learned to suck her whole fist, bandage and all! Even though her fingers were bandaged up she learned to pick things up with her left hand and her bandaged stump and that was all in two days! Don't worry TG DD will be just fine and as soon as the soreness wears off she will suck it to make it heal :hugs:
:hugs: TG her thumbe will heal in no time and become a distant memory.

Last night was still unsettled, alex woke again at 3am and we had to see to him. He went back to sleep no problem thankfully.
Today im very proud of myself, Rob puts Alex down mostly as i still get a bit stressed that Alex wont go down etc (easier i guess that Alex doesnt pick up on that so i let rob do it) but i dont it myself today and Alex didnt even cry! He jsust chattered for a bit then went to sleep :D
Well done AG :hugs:

OH usually puts Brooke down too and has done for quite some time because she settles easier for him, but we are now doing it 50/50 to work our way through this so she gets used to both of us settline her again
Today has been a mixed bag for us really....

This morning after Elliott woke up at 7.15 I knew he wouldn't last awake long. So I bought him in bed with us. We played for half an hour before he started yawning. I laid him down with no dummy in with us and after about 30 mins of thrashing and shouting (not crying) he went back to sleep for an hour.

For his second nap I put him down with no dummy. He fussed for 15 mins and then started crying. It was a hungry cry so I picked him up and fed him and then put him back down in the cot. He started fussing which turned in to crying and this went on for 30 mins. He was getting really upset so I picked hm up and laid on the bed next to him. I wasn't cuddling, rocking or nursing him and he had no dummy. He fell asleep after 5 mind and napped for 30 mins.

For his third nap he went down beautifully. No dummy, chatted for 30 mins and then drifted off peacefully. I was so pleased!! However the nap only lasted 15 mins :(

We went to a birthday party and I was certain he wouldn't last but he did! At 6pm he was still awake so I said to OH let's get him home in the bath for bed. He was chatting away in the car and I thought there was no chance he would go to sleep and I didn't really want him to but...pulled up at home after bit even 5 mins and he was asleep!!

So that's our normal bedtime out the window but never mind. I'm just feeling an ounce of success with losing the dummy.

Let's see what tonight brings!xx
Things not been smooth in the TG house today! DD has had real probs settling herself without her's made me feel awful...she's barely had a nap!

Still, she's eaten like a trojan! For dinner she had roast sweet potato wedges, toast fingers, sweet veg puree, yoghurt and a rice cake! Then BF'd!!

She's settling now, but the major moral of this story is - the less clumsy adult of the house should do nails. From now on, it's Mr TG.

Thank you ALL for your lovely messages...I think I've got a bit of PMT, too (didn't expect that as have PCOS and BF-ing!) so that's added a bit more whimpering into the mix! Still, it's all good if AF decides to make a regular visit again! DH has been brilliant, reassuring me and providing choccie.

Bump, Poppy - so glad to hear things are improving. It is hard...but so worth it when you see how refreshed our LOs are when it clicks in

AG - a tooth!! :D Which one?

PP - Sounds like things are getting better and better :happydance:

Cattia - thank you :hugs: I've been blubbing away about that thumb! How were the naps? Still going really well

HG - oh no! Broken hands and colds in the HG household :( How are you all today?

Jacs - :hugs: Yep, I've berated myself sooooooooo many times!!
Well my LO has slept for Britain today - couldn't keep her awake for more than an hour so what will the night bring with all of that sleep? I think her cold is turning the corner as she has slept it off!

OH on the other hand (no pun intended) is miserable with his broken hand and I feel I have gained a child this weekend...... never mind worse things happen at sea! I will have a nice bath and hope for another night of sleeping through!

TG - give yourself a break on the thumb! It will get better - my sister swears by putting bum cream (suda whatsit stuff) on her kids cuts and grazes. Or a homopathic rememedy is arnica cream - i think i spelt that right.

To all early SS's - good luck for tonight - or by now hopefully they are all tucked up and you are all sat in front of the TV, in the bath or doing something even nicer!

Poppy - we were home late today and LO was desperately trying to go to sleep in the car. I just did a very very quick bath and bed. Fell asleep on her bottle though! They are remarkable at how they can adapt.

AG - great naps tonight. I'm desperate for a tooth, all this teething and nothing to show off!
Seems like most of our LO's are battling with something other than sleep right now, poorly thumbs, colds, teeth etc :lol:

Brooke is teething like mad today, she has 2 of he rback ones cutting and is just in a constant pool of dribble, yucky :(

She napped in her cot for around 45 minutes from 11.00am onwards and then went off to bed at around 6.50pm. She doesnt usually nap nor go to bed this early but i think because she's a little unsettled during the night while we fight her to stay in her cot its messing with her usual routine a little

She did go down tonight within about 10 minutes tonight though so im pleased, can definatley see some improvement :happydance:

Thank you girls so much for the support over the last couple of days, we're almost over the worst :happydance:
Hi everyone , sorry I haven't been around, our internet connection is down so haven't been able to get online at all, suffering serious withdrawals lol! can't update properly as am on someone elses iPhone but will catch up when I get back online
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!......put Elliott to bed. He went to bed later than usual after falling asleep in the car. 7 minutes, yes JUST 7 minutes of happy chatting with no dummy and then asleep :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I really think and hope we are turning the corner with the dummy now. I won't lie at times it's been awful and i've hated myself for letting Elliott cry but he's adjusting. Not sure what to expect tonight but I will update you all of course.

TG...hugs to your LO's thumb. She will forget about it in no time and they heel so quickly. You will be back to normal in no time. OH was poorly a while ago and I felt like I had 2 children then!! Funny how we have to battle on through illness though. glad to hear you are seeing improvements already. That's fab! Poor little girl teething though. I don't think it will be long before Elliott has some teeth.

Polaris :hi: hi!!!! I wondered where you had been. Look forward to catching up when you can get on line properly.

Thank you so so so so so so much for everyones support and kind words. Without you all I doubt I would have been able to stick it out for this
Polaris!! Good to see you - get that tinternet fixed :D Hope all is well, and the colds have gone :hugs:

HG - I've put some sudocreme on it, and I've also decided that PMT has made my reaction a tad dramatic, so I'm back to being calm and rational mummy ;) DD does not need me blubbing to make thumb-gate any worse! Am now ranting about the election, drinking tea and scoffing chocolate. DD fast asleep, bless her.

Hope Phoebe has slept that cold off...and good luck with Mr HG and the hand! Have you managed to avoid any jokes?

Poppy :hugs: :happydance: things are going SO brilliantly! So pleased for you!

PP - Brooke has done so well! You must be really chuffed? And with teething, too - I've heard the molars are the worst?

Am with HG - DD has been teething for sooooooo long, and still no teeth. Although, very amusingly, she tried to use DH's nose as a teether! She bit v.hard :rofl:
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!......put Elliott to bed. He went to bed later than usual after falling asleep in the car. 7 minutes, yes JUST 7 minutes of happy chatting with no dummy and then asleep :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I really think and hope we are turning the corner with the dummy now. I won't lie at times it's been awful and i've hated myself for letting Elliott cry but he's adjusting. Not sure what to expect tonight but I will update you all of course.
With the utmost sincerity can I just say "told you so!!":flower:

It really does feel like it is going to go on forever and you should expect a little bit of protest now and then from this point on but the worst should absolutely be over. Just as long as you stick to your guns. You know he can do it and standing firm will be the best thing for him in the long run.

Without trying to sound patronising, I'm so proud of you. I will admit, I wasn't sure you'd be able to stick to it, from what you said in earlier posts. A big, big pat on the back for you.:hugs:
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!......put Elliott to bed. He went to bed later than usual after falling asleep in the car. 7 minutes, yes JUST 7 minutes of happy chatting with no dummy and then asleep :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I really think and hope we are turning the corner with the dummy now. I won't lie at times it's been awful and i've hated myself for letting Elliott cry but he's adjusting. Not sure what to expect tonight but I will update you all of course.
With the utmost sincerity can I just say "told you so!!":flower:

It really does feel like it is going to go on forever and you should expect a little bit of protest now and then from this point on but the worst should absolutely be over. Just as long as you stick to your guns. You know he can do it and standing firm will be the best thing for him in the long run.

Without trying to sound patronising, I'm so proud of you. I will admit, I wasn't sure you'd be able to stick to it, from what you said in earlier posts. A big, big pat on the back for you.:hugs:

Thank you, thank you, thank you :hugs:. Don't worry, I know you "told me so" and I knew you were talking absolute sense. The thing is I knew I needed to ditch the's just being brave enough.

I know I was sounding negative and can completely understand why you thought I was going to give up at times! Being sleep deprived with a throbbing wisdom tooth can make things seem far worse. However I'm really quite strong willed when I put my mind to something. Also I don't want to confuse DS. It's not fair on him and consistency is the key. If I give in now with the dummy he won't know if he's coming or going and I can't do that to him.

All I keep thinking when he does cry for the dummy is how much better he will be in the long run. Also I have a mental image of him sleeping peacefully without a bit of plastic in his mouth and that's what I've been seeing today.

I keep getting really excited as I'm so proud of him. I know we may get the odd protest but I know now that we can do this!

Thanks Foogirl. You're words mean a lot :hugs: xx
Thanks Foogirl. You're words mean a lot :hugs: xx

You're more than welcome. Having been there done that (our problem was me feeding Abby to sleep) I know how hard it is to give it up and how tempting it is to resort to what you know will give instant results. We fell off that wagon a couple of times and it really did have the whole thing go tits up (excuse the pun!)
AG - great naps tonight. I'm desperate for a tooth, all this teething and nothing to show off!
Abby did this. She was teething for months before any came through. One broke about 6 weeks ago. She's now got 4 front, with two breaking on either side and we think one at the back.
well after a week of good nights really I think i was up about 5 times with lo last night. All i had to do was go shhh a couple of times, tuck her back up and off she'd go. Hopefully it was a one off. Not sure that SS would work as sitting next to her gets her off, just popping in stops the crying (so can't even settle and leave as she asleep by the time I get to the door) so don't know really!

Foogirl - All those teeth so close together! She is chomping on everything so I shall remain every hopefull.

TG - the jokes about Mr HG's hand are endless from his dad and brother - none of which are appropriat to share with 'Ladies who Forum'. He has retreated back to bed (he did get up with her at 6 and do her milk so I could lie in) to nurse his hand and hurt manly pride.

Enjoy your bank holiday everyone!!! Whoohooo only 4 days this week at work!!!!
the jokes about Mr HG's hand are endless from his dad and brother - none of which are appropriat to share with 'Ladies who Forum'.


I had a lie in, too - until 8, when DH and DD decided to lurk over me (without saying a thing) until I woke with a start at two faces about a centimetre from my face!!

Hope you have a better night tonight :hugs:

Foogirl, wow that's great with the teeth!

AG, how many teeth does little man have?

Poppy :happydance: it is SOOOOOO hard. I must have said 'I'm not doing it' about 100 times in the first week. However, when you see the results, it's amazing isn't it?

NOT A GOOD NIGHT last night, ladies. DD went to sleep, no problem...woke at agitated, so had a good feed. Tried to settle herself, but couldn't without 'The Thumb', and so we were doing SS until 4am. Watching 'Cape Fear' in bits on Sunday night is not really ideal...I was majorly crumbling, too. Felt awful. However, she wouldn't even settle on us, she just wanted to get herself sorted. DH thinks it could be teeth, too. I'm not so sure...

She's on great form this morning, though, been rubbing weetabix into my face and hers. I guess it could be called some kind of face pack?! :D
Blerrrrrgh, last night was the worst for us so far ... it seems Brooke is getting worse as the nights go on and not better :cry: :sleep:

She went to bed ok, but she's never been a nightmare going to bed, the first time she woke i managed to get her back off after about 15 minutes, but the second time took an hour and a half :shock:

I know thats not reeeeeally bad lol, it just seems very inconsistent at the moment, one minute she'll resettle herself within a couple of minutes and then next she'll whine for ages, she even started laughing and clapping at one point in the night :lol:

Poppy, well done on a great night :happydance:

TG, it always freaks me out too when OH and Brooke wake me and are right in my face :lol: hopefully once her thumb has healed she'll be fine again

HG, hopefully it was a one off hun

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