Sleep Sense Support Group!

Sorry to hear some if you didn't have a great night :hugs: You get highs a lows and I for one know that very well...

Well we had a good night :thumbup: Elliott went to bed at 9pm and was asleep within minutes. Normally he goes to bed at 7pm but last night he fell asleep in the car just before 6pm and I don't like to wake him.

Anyway....he went through to 1.15am when I fed him :) he settled back down immediately :)

He then woke at 4.05am and cried for a few minutes. I checked he had his blankies and then got back in to bed. He chatted to himself for 50mins before resettling himself.

He then woke at just before 6am when I fed him again. I pit him back in his cot and was doubtful that he would go back to sleep but he did!!! He then slept until 8am!!!!!!!

This morning I put him down for a nap just before 10am. He happily chatted to himself for about 16mins and then drifted off and.....he's still asleep now!!!!

All of the above was of course without a dummy.

I'm so so so so so proud of him :cloud9: oh....did I mention that I'm proud of him lol :happydance:
:hugs: PP its all about consistency, keep at it and you will get there.

TG, Alex has 2 teeth, this is the third on its way in.
Hi everyone,

I haven't had a chance to update we've been so busy the last couple of days but we've had a major breakthrough here:thumbup: First major breakthrough is a tooth!! Can't believe it, her first one and she's not 5 months yet, I actually feel a bit teary!

Yesterday was awful. Had 3 pretty good naps, all with less than 10 mins of crying but then bedtime took 30mins of hysterical screaming before she cried her self to sleep:cry: DH was with her and i was sitting with my parents crying. I think her teeth were bothering her but I didn't think of that at the time.

Overnight we had one feed and I put her back in the cot awake afterwards and left the room. She gave a few sobs and was asleep within 10 mins. It made me wonder is maybe us being in the room wasn't helping her get to sleep.

This morning we had nearly 20 mins of screaming for a nap and I was close to giving up SS. I took her out in the pram for her lunchtime nap to give us both a break. This afternoon she was showing sleepy signs so I laid her down, put the mobile on and left the room. She was asleep before it had finished :happydance: Then this eve I put her down and left the room. She didn't cry going intot he cot, after about 5mins we heard some very half hearted crying which lasted a few mins, then nothing.

I think it might actually be working. I'm so excited. I know there might still be setbacks but finally things seem to be falling into place. I have found the crying so hard to bear over the last week and have been close to giving up so many times. Fingers crossed things will continue to improve.

Poppy - I'm so happy for you:hugs: Have to admit though when I read your post this morning I felt really jealous, now I feel so happy that it seems to be working for both of us.

Polo P - We have definitely had ups and downs over the last week, I'm sure the program will continue to work for you.

TG - I really hope that your DD's sucking thumb is better soon:hugs:

HG - I hope hands and colds are improving in your house.

Fingers crossed for a good night for all:flower:
Bump - glad you have some progress tonight! It really does get easier at night first - naps I think have taken us over a month at home if I'm honest! A tooth - I'm as jealous as a thing that is jealous!

Colds all gone here but the broken hand remains......... he is trying to help now but I think that is worse! I find him trying to do stuff he can't really do. i feel sorry for him now he is bored with me serving his every whim. I do find it a bit funny now too!
Aawww Bump :hugs: you are making really good progress though. After all it's heartbreaking to hear your little treasure cry. We have ups and downs too. This morning Elliott went down beautifully for a nap. He talked for 15 mins and then drifted off. The second nap of the day is usually more of a struggle (even more so now we have ditched the dummy). He cried for 10 mins so I picked him up and offered him a top up (he usually likes this before a nap). I then put him back down where he screamed for 20 minutes. I couldn't leave him hysterical and shusshing and stroking was not helping. So....I picked him up and laid on the bed with him. No comforting, just laid with him (I did this yesterday too). He cried and fussed for another 10 minutes before drifting off making little sobbing noises :cry: He did sleep for 45 minutes though...and I left the room once he was asleep. I know thus may not be correct practice but I'm asking a lot of him right now and falling asleep without a dummy is a big enough achievment for him.

We went out this afternon and he fell asleep in the car again on the way home so we pushed bed time back slightly. He was in bed by 7.45pm and talked and shouted (not upset) for 16 mins before drifting off.

I will not go back on the dummy's gone for good :)

HG....glad to hear the colds are gone :) bless your OH trying to help. Mine would sit back and enjoy me being at his every whim too lol!
Hello everyone :)

Poppy and Bump, look as though you are both starting to see the fruits of your labour! Fantastic :D Great news about the tooth Bump, seems it's the week for teeth!

Polo- stick at it, things are up and down at first but if you carry on being consistent she will understand what she has to do and start to do it more and more often. Being consistent is the thing I struggle with most but I think it's important, that's why I find SS so helpful, because it reminds me what I should be doing!

HG - we have had a run of bad nights lately. It's exhausting when you think you've got it sorted. Poor Mr HG, I hope his hand heals up soon, it'll be driving you both mad otherwise. If he's anything like my OH he'll be lying on the sofa making whimpering noises.

Polaris, we've missed you! Hope you're back online properly soon. You'll have hous of reading to do to catch up with what everyone's been up to :)

Well, mixed bag again for us tonight. I really do need to sort out what I'm doing at nights, I just can't get my head around it. Last night we went out and we took Abigail in the carrycot to some friends' house. I did her routine there (bath and massage as normal) and she went down fine. We wheeled her home in the pram and she didn't even wake up depsite the sudden cold air!

When we got in I fed her as we transferred her to the cot at 11.30 and she went down fine. However she woke up again at 3am, as it was nearly four hours since her last feed I fed her. She then woke up again at 5.30am and I fed her again without really thinking about what I was doing because I was still so tired and I knew I could get a couple more hours out of her!

At four and a half months she shouldn't be waking up three times in the night to feed. THe thing I am not sure about is which feed to go with and which ones to try to re-settle her. Should I just try to re-settle at every feed? The thing is I worry that she's hungry so I worry that if I try to re-settle her then I will end up feeding her anyway and then she will get the message that she just has to fuss for longer to get fed, so really I need to stick to my guns and not feed her, but then what if she's hungry? I guess the 5.30am one she couldn't really have been that hungry as it was only two and a half hours since the last feed.

Anyway, now that nights have gone pear shape, naps are going much better! She settles really well with her blankie, even for her afternoon nap as long as I get her before she is over tired. This afternoon she had been asleep for ages, so I went to check on her and she was just lying quietly in her cot, wide awake and playing with her blankie! She normally cries as soon as she wakes up so I think that is progress to, although I am not sure how long her nap actually was.

Anyway I am rambling so I shall stop, hope you all have a good night! I like to read this thread in the middle of the night when I am feeding!
Well she went down in about 15 minutes tonight, no crying again, so i think she's almost got the hang of the bedtime routine, fingers crossed she'll crack on with the night time one now :lol:

Bump & Poppy - glad to hear things are going so well :D and, to quite D:Ream 'things can only get better' (I'm remembering past elections, not bad dance bands hehe) Bump - a TOOTH!! How fabulous!!

HG - glad to hear the colds have done the decent thing and gone away. I can imagine broken hand helping can be a bit, erm, less than handy?! How long will it take to mend? Hope Mr HG is fighting fit asap.

Cattia - we've recently got DD on just one night feed...she was basically carrying on her growth spurt feeds, but didn't really want to feed as much. We trialled letting her complain, and she settled quite quickly (so couldn't have been hungry) Does Abigail get more agitated? Does she have good feeds? Sounds like naps are going brilliantly!

PP - things are looking good :D Just seen that you are getting married soon...congrats! All planned?

Well, we had an interesting day...30 mins nap. No joke. No struggling to settle, though, just one very wide awake and super excited DD! :D She was sooooooo tired at bedtime that we brought it forward, and she actually fell asleep during her bedtime feed. Hoping we have a better night...she's now looking at her other thumb with a bit more interest, so if she can settle in the night with that thumb, will be very pleased.

She was exceedingly funny with her food today, basically hogged all the sandwiches at lunchtime and had a wobbly when mummy dared presume to put her hand on one! Have to watch her like a hawk, as she's taken to trying to stuff all food (puree and solid) into her mouth, and it's making me nervous!

Well, am v think it's an early one for me and DH. Fingers crossed it's a good sleep for all. Am like yoda, so tired all my speak is just muddled. My sis ended up just leaving our phone call, as I was making little to no sense!

So, well sleep, Sleep Sensees - have good sleepers, we will. May the force and all that :D

Bump & Poppy - glad to hear things are going so well :D and, to quite D:Ream 'things can only get better' (I'm remembering past elections, not bad dance bands hehe)


TG - glad to hear that LO is adapting to the thumb trauma - I knew she would!

Abigail tends to wake up crying in the night, but it is a broken cry rather than full on sobbing so I think maybe she would re-settle if I gave her her blankie. I just have to commit to doing it and not worry so much about her being hungry as I am sure she will let me know if she really is.

We did the banana test today. Abigail put the whole piece of banana in her mouth and then bit a bit off and started chewing on it! I was so terrified she was going to choke on it that I fished my finger in there and hooked it out, so hardly a great start to weaning! We'll be starting properly in a couple of weeks time.

Hope you all have a great night :)
I would definatlety say consistency is the key, again today i did all the naps myself and Alex didnt cry going down :D
At four and a half months she shouldn't be waking up three times in the night to feed. THe thing I am not sure about is which feed to go with and which ones to try to re-settle her. Should I just try to re-settle at every feed? The thing is I worry that she's hungry so I worry that if I try to re-settle her then I will end up feeding her anyway and then she will get the message that she just has to fuss for longer to get fed, so really I need to stick to my guns and not feed her, but then what if she's hungry? I guess the 5.30am one she couldn't really have been that hungry as it was only two and a half hours since the last feed.
Can you tell which feeds she is taking more at than others? If she's wolfing them all down with some gusto, it may be a wee growth spurt happening. But if there are one or two she is taking half feeds from then think about dropping those ones .

Abby was about 6 months (3 corrected) when she stopped waking at all for feeds. Before that she was going about 6 hours at a stretch.

I would always try leaving them to settle for about ten minutes, then going in to settle them (and consider getting OH to do it as she will know there is no milk on the menu!) If it just isn't working, go for a feed, but give it a good go with the settling first.
Definitely agree with FG - we started to know which feeds were not 'real' feeds, as she wasn't wolfy hungry for those (well, DH realised, I was fretting...but now see it all makes sense!). She sometimes still does have one feed in the night, some nights not, but she seems soooo hungry for it...we're just following her lead.

She goes into her own room in a couple of weeks, so we'll try and see if that feed can be dropped then. See how she adapts etc!

We did the banana test today. Abigail put the whole piece of banana in her mouth and then bit a bit off and started chewing on it! I was so terrified she was going to choke on it that I fished my finger in there and hooked it out, so hardly a great start to weaning! We'll be starting properly in a couple of weeks time.

:D Cattia, you sound exactly like me! I was the same - and still am on some days - if I think she's taken too big a bite, I am rummaging around in her mouth, much to her evident disgust!!

Let us know how she gets on :hugs:

Well, a good night! DD woke for one feed, but settled really well. Slept for eleven hours...she's still struggling to settle immediately, but just chats to her hands and feet for a few minutes (and looks quizically at her thumb - which, incidentally, is not so she can press it repeatedly on my nose!)
She had some very well done scrambled eggs this morning, with me and DH. DH was gifted with the slightly runny eggs, as she's primarily concerned with stealing off my plate.
Am working on naps today - DH off to work, so less for DD to get very excited about with boring ole mummy laying down the nap law!

Hope you all had good nights, laydeeeez!
We had a fantastic night!! Up for a feed at 5:00, asleep by 5:20 with one wail and then slept until 8!!! Only problem is my entire days schedule was constructed around a 6:30 awakening:dohh:
:D Cattia, you sound exactly like me! I was the same - and still am on some days - if I think she's taken too big a bite, I am rummaging around in her mouth, much to her evident disgust!!
I did this a couple of times but Abby kept biting me so I just let her get on with it. I am always amazed that she deals with it fine. She'll chew, try to swallow, gag and chew some more. They really do have that inbuilt mechanism which stops them choking.
Thanks, FG, I think I need to relax a bit more.

Ladies, am having a bad day with the naps. DD just won't nap. She's been on me, in her success. She just keeps looking at her thumb for help. I've left her to try and settle in her cot, but she's crying and it's making me feel so guilty. I'm just rambling here, but I feel so bad...She needs her naps, she's looking tired, and I feel we're back to the drawing board, as she's essentially not got her favourite prop at her disposal.
Afternoon ladies, hope you are all ok?

Just a quickie from me as im at work, will try to catch up with all of your posts when i get home

Another ok'ish night for us, Brooke was up 3 times, twice she took 10-15 minutes to resettle and then the 3rd time around an hour, so still a bit hit and miss but at least we ARE managing to resettle her which is a huge huge, improvement!! More importantly we are keeping her out of our bed :happydance: she comes in at around 7.30am for a morning drink of milk but i put the tv on and open the curtains to she knows its "morning" and that mummys bed isnt for sleeping anymore!!

All in all, progress :thumbup:
Just a quick one from me as I think the monkey is stirring and will want feeding shortly.

Our last week or so has been great. He's started going to sleep between 8-9 instead of 9-10 so hubby and I are getting time together in the evenings again! On top of that he's sleeping longer and going close to 7 hours before being fed and then going back down until 7:30-7:45 or so. Again I don't want to jinx myself but :happydance: Of course we're coming up on his 3 month growth spurt...

On that note, I've been reading a fascinating book about developmental (not physical) spurts. It seems that's what's behind the 4 month sleep regression! It's been an insightful read if you're interested:
The Wonder Weeks
It is so good to hear lots of people are having progress!

I think I have worked out the cause of unsettled nights - growing! She literally has grown overnight. Eaten for Britain over the weekend (solids and milk) and looks like a little girl now rather than a bubba! I got all sentimental for her younger days this evening!

Hive - Isn't lovely when you get the evenings back? OH are really enjoying time together again.

Bump - fab night :happydance:

Poppy - I always left the room at nap time after about 20 mins to get jobs done.

Polo - It is all progress! I must admit in trying to con LO into an extra 30 mins in my bed at 5.30 am this morning but she wouldn't have had any of it! Good on her really as I don't really want to get into that habit.

TG - in a previous life (before babies and marriage) I worked for a political party as a PA and the election songs used to drive me mad!

Mr HG's hand is still out of action and could be for a month :thumbup: He is getting more adapat at being left handed but I still tut at him and take over!! The unexpected side effect is that he can't shave and is getting more bearded day by day - LO is fascinated by it!

Happy sleeping! LO just woke and has resettled herself - I think I was forgetting to wait 5 mins - took her 4 and a half mins and one foot on the bottom stair to go....
HG, I've had D:Ream in my head ALL day!! I bet you were ready to kill at the end of a probably had song overkill?

Isn't it amazing when you suddenly see them grow? We were only just saying how incredible it is :hugs:

Poor Mr HG! A whole month! Phoebe will be on beard watch non-stop. When DH lets his stubble grow over the weekend, he tickles DD with it...and she laughs hysterically.

How is work going for you? Are you feeling happier?

Polo - all progress is definitely good progress!! :hugs:

Hive - I'll definitely look into that book, thanks for posting, sounds exactly like the sort of thing I'd enjoy

Well, ladies, DD has gone to sleep really well...just naps that aren't happening! I couldn't do SS on the naps, as she was getting we had a little rest together, and she played with my necklace until she was smiling again. Thing is, she's clearly tired...but it's like she just wants to play and play and play :D

She got very excited by a plate of roasted vegetables this evening - very funny - she wasn't sharing courgette for anyone. I was singing and dancing a song about roasted vegetables which, I think, signifies that I've officially lost the plot!

Sleepy dust :hugs:

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