Hi everyone.

- that sounds very stressful hun. Go easy on yourself though, you are definitely not a failure, I don't know you obviously but just from what you have posted on here you sound like a fab mummy who will do whatever is needed for her baby. It is hard enough trying to figure out what is the best thing to do without beating yourself up too! It does sound like she could be teething as she is off her food and generally cranky. Will she drink from a cup at all, apparently sucking can hurt the gums so you could try giving her some milk in a cup. She won't starve though, I really do believe that they will take what they need, but it is so stressful when they won't eat but the worst thing you can do is to get too tense and stressed about it because they pick up on your tension. They also start going through a bit of separation anxiety at about this age so there could be a bit of that thrown in too. Honestly these babies have so many little phases, just when we think we are getting on top of things they throw a curve-ball and us mummies are back to feeling like we haven't a clue what we are doing. Your LO is almost the same age as Thomas, when is her birthday? Thomas is 27th October. He is fairly small too, 17 lb 13 oz when I got him weighed on Friday, but I've never really worried about it as he always looks healthy, just muscly rather than chubby, LOL.
Cattia - that is interesting about the feeds. I am sure I could drop Thomas's morning feed as he is more interested in solids in the morning anyway. But I don't want to mess with things at the moment as we seem to be getting into a nice little routine now. But definitely something to bear in mind for the future.
PM - hope you enjoyed your weekend away and so glad that Kyle coped so well with it, I'm sure he will slot back into his normal routine now that you are back home. Re Thomas's naps - this is our routine now:
Gets up: sometime between 6 and 7 (here's hoping that 5.30 is a thing of the past, LOL!)
Breastfeed: 7.30
Breakfast: 8
First nap: 9 - 10. I put him down for the nap at about five to nine and I get him up at 10 if he doesn't wake up by himself (usually have to get him up).
Breastfeed: 11.30
Lunch: 12.15
Second nap: 1 - 2.30/3. I put him down at about five to one and I get him up by 3 at the latest but he generally wakes before that.
Breastfeed: 3.30
Dinner: 5/5.30
Breastfeed: 6.30
Bed: 7. He is normally in the cot by about ten to seven and will chat away to himself for ten minutes before falling asleep.
This is the first time that I have had fixed times for naps instead of going by awake times. I don't think this would have worked for us when Thomas was younger because he wasn't flexible in the length of time he could stay awake for. His awake times now get longer as the day progresses, so he is awake for 2 to 3 hours before first nap, 3 hours before second nap, and 4 to 4.5 hours before bedtime. 4.5 hours is pushing it though and he could probably do with going to bed at 6.30 if he's been awake since 2.30.