Hey ladies!
Just trying to catch up with all your progress. Megewansmum, so glad to hear that SS is working for you and Megan is figuring out sleep. Hope it continues to go well for you.
Polaris - has Thomas settled down now? Could have been the tooth. The separation anxiety thing is interesting too, I think Abigail is just starting up with this now, as when she is tired she screams when I leave the room, which she never used to do. I can see how this could affect naps too.
PM - how are the night wakings going? Have you managed to get down to just one feed? Hope it is going well.
Hive - sorry you have had a rough time, but sounds as though Ronan is settling down. When we went away I was surprised at how well Abigail adapted,so you will probably find you don't have too many problems with Ronan's routine.
Well - we had some REAL progress! Now that I am on holiday I decided it is really time to crack the sleeping thing. For the past four nights, I have worked on re-settling Abigail of she wakes before 4am. It has been tough as she keeps waking at 3am, then I basically spend an hour going in and out to her until I feed her at 4am, which was starting to feel a bit pointless, so I was on the verge of giving up. Then the night before last, I went to re-settle her about 2.30, and I spent agaes standing by her cot, stroking her back, but she was still crying, so I decided to sit in the chair in her room, and every time she started crying I just said 'sleep time Abigail, night night'. I didn't look at her, but she knew I was there. After about 25 minutes of less and less crying, she went to sleep, then woke up at 6am! No feed! So last night, DH settled her at 1am, which took about one minute, he just turned her on her side and she went back to sleep. She then woke up a couple of times around 2 - 3am, but she was asleep again in minutes, I didn't even have to go in to her - then she woke at a few minutes before 6am for her first feed!
Now I know she can go through with no feed, but it is going to be the real test now - will she do it again, and will I be strong enough to stick to my guns? I hope so, as I think it is worth the re-settling, becasue she seems to be starting to get the message. I am so proud of her, even if she doesn't do it again for ages,at least I know she CAN, so I feel much more confident about dropping the night feed now. She has been a grouch for a couple of days, and today I can just see the first tooth poking through, a tiny white semi circle.