Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Im in desperate need of your help girls!!!
I have a 1yr old little chap who until the last 3 weeks slept through the night, 6.30-6/7am ish. Never woke up, not once! He had this routine for several months and then all of a sudden he's started waking 2/3 or 4 times a night and its killing me!
We've tried giving him milk, cuddles, calpol, putting him in our room ( he sleeps in his own room and has done since he was 3 months old) or totally the opposite and just tucking him back in and walking out the room. He has a dummy for night only. The problem is he wakes up screaming as if he's having night terrors but just wont settle again for an hr or so.
He only has 1 sleep through the day for 1-11/2 hrs.
I just don't know what to do! Any suggestions?
Both DH and I work and sleepless nights isn't doing us any favours!
thankyou girlies x
hiya i kinda know the feeling my Holly is 16 months old and has always been a bad sleeper so i am constantly exhausted. some nights she will sleep through and other time she is up 3-4 times a night. we managed a few months when she was about 9-10 months of her sleeping through has started back waking again! and because of this she spend smost of the day crying and wanting to be picked up and i don't get a minutes peace. i went to a doc and she said she was probably waking up hungry as she is a fussy eater and some day refuses any food or only has tiny amount. and although i loves her loads. i am so blinking tired!
hi everyone, looking for some tips on how i can get my lil one sleeping through the night again, he is now 8 months old up until 6 months he was a happy conteted baby he then caught a virus at the beginning of august and he hasnt been right since, he had constant diarrhoea until a week ago he had a temp which is under control now and he's just not a happy boy at the moment he wakes up about 4 times in the night and is very difficult to settle back down (he has no problem going to sleep on his own during the day and at bed time) i offer him feeds cuddles teething gel calpol etc but nothing is working, i have also tried leaving him to settle himself but with no joy he just gets himself worked up and then is wide awake for the next hour or so, we have been to the dos and seen hv a number of times over the last few months but they keep putting it down to either a virus or teething... anyone else had similar problems??? please help we are both soooo tired:cry:
Help needed to restore sanity. Last night he slept 2.5hrs, <2 and then woke every hour. Sometimes he's wet, he's always hungry but just wants enough to be full. I think that my biggest problem is the wind. I wind him, he sleeps, i put him down and then half an hour to an hour later he wakes up because i'd missed some wind. I know that you are meant to be able to tell they have wind by the colour of their moustache area but i can't. Any ideas of how i can resolve the wind problem. Does gripe water work?
Gripe water or infacol work wonders. It's definately worth a go, good luck hope you get a good nights sleep xx
Our little girl is now 7 weeks old and is still sleeping eractically at night time. Usually we give her a camomile bath at about 8, feed her with formula and then put her down at about 8.30-9pm.

She will then wake up at about 12pm crying, not cos she's hungry but for no real reason, as soon as I pick her up she nods off again until about 1am which is when I feed her. The problem us then she will not go back down for about 1-1.5hrs, and then wakes up again after about 1-2 hrs. In the end I end ip bringing her into bed with us about 5, just so that we can get some sleep.

She's a very alert baby and we have to swaddled her every night as she really moves her arms and legs about and she used to wake herself up.

During the day she will have 3 or 4 naps of about 2 hours each and plays alot whilst awake

How can we get her to sleep for longer periods at night, as this is lack of sleep is really stressing me out ??
I need help with this one too. My LO was really good at sleeping through the night until about the last 3-4 weeks. He had a bit of a cold and OH took him into bed and since then bedtime has been a nightmare. I have tried comforting him, feeding him (because I was so desperate) taking him in beside us and nothing is stretching him long enough to continue sleeping. He normally goes down about 8 and is waking up at 10.30 then hourly after that! A few weeks ago doctor said he had eczema which has now became infected which isn't helping either and he has antibiotic creams which has calmed it down.

HELP!!! Please how do I break this bad habit.
My LO goes down between 8p.m. and 9p.m., sleeps until about midnight when we feeds, goes right back down but then is back up around 3a.m. Now, at 3a.m. we do our normal routine but then DS is up for about 4-5 hours after that!!! DH and I don't know what to do! We have become sleep deprived and frustrated. We share the house with my parents and want to try to keep DS soothed, not to mention, he needs his sleep. Being up for five hours straight can't be good for him! Please, please, any help?!
My LO goes down between 8p.m. and 9p.m., sleeps until about midnight when we feeds, goes right back down but then is back up around 3a.m. Now, at 3a.m. we do our normal routine but then DS is up for about 4-5 hours after that!!! DH and I don't know what to do! We have become sleep deprived and frustrated. We share the house with my parents and want to try to keep DS soothed, not to mention, he needs his sleep. Being up for five hours straight can't be good for him! Please, please, any help?!

thats good for a new baby, mines 6 months and does the same as yours, you get used to no sleep:thumbup:
my lo has been doing this for a week or so

bath and bottle at 8pm and bed
wake up and feed at 1-1:30am back to sleep
wake for a feed at 5:30am and this is generally when he wakes up for the day, with a little nap sometimes between 7amish.

last night he woke every 3 hours again, 12, 3, 6 and fed at 12 and 3 7 ozs each time.

by reading everyones post, ive come to the conclusion that no matter what you do, your lo will sleep through when they are ready although i strongly believe that trying to establish a routine is imperative. although my lo wakes up in the night, when i put him down at 8pm, he will go to sleep by himself, i put his dummy in, but nine times out of ten, if falls out but i dont put it in again. i make sure that he's nice and cosy in his cot, lights are off apart from the one in the hall. to begin with he moaned and crying when we left him in his cot, but slowly slowly, he got used to it.

I can sympathise with everyone here, cos for the last 3 months, i have been feeling dizzy/lightheaded with exhaustion, sleep deprivation is doing me in, and i feel particularly crap when other babies that are younger are sleeping through. i think its just the luck of the draw xx
Well after Nathan sleeping so well since we found swaddling as a newborn the last month has been hellish....probably because he has been so good!

He used to sleep 7/8pm until 7am or sometimes during growth spurts would wake at 3am for a bottle and take 7oz

Recently he goes to bed 7pm and sleeps until 11pm (we can usually settle him back to sleep if we get to him before he starts bawling!) then he wakes at 3am and is smiling and dancing in his cot. He then wont sleep unless you either have him in your arms (which I refuse to do as the minute you put him back in his cot he wakes up) or in his "big boys bed" ie a single bed in his room for after his cot with one of us layingon the bed beside him. I have had to buy bed guards (3 of them!) just incase but he hasnt grasped crawling yet and god help us when he does as he will be over the tops but hoping he sorts his sleep out soon!

I must say though he has moved house twice (moved out our old flat into my mums for 3 weeks then into our new house) and is teething but bloody hell I am shattered!

I am also lucky in that I do 4 night then my OH does 4 nights as he works 4 nights on then 4 nights off....but I still get woken by the monitor.

Poor babies and not sleeping....poor parents and not sleeping!

until this week lily as slept 7~7

now shes down at 8 wakes at 11 then 1 and doesnt really go bk down :(
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh my previous good sleeper is up and playing at 4am.
and i go to work in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no idea whats wrong with him
I feel your pain she slept two hrs all night ...then in that time my 2 yr old was up 3 times ...
I feel all your pain; my little one hasn't slept through the night once. He can wake anythin from 2-4 times a night!! He does have his reasons tho (see sig) but it is so difficult to survive on such little sleep!!!! As porkypig said, they really will just sleep when their ready &#57432;
he decided to wake at 3 am today and i came to work at 5.30 i got like 3-4 hours sleep. i am NOT happy.
Feel for you dizzy! Hope he goes back to be being a good sleeper!

i asked Santa for a baby that sleeps thru at xmas...he's done it about 2 times in 6 months! Although we're generally down to 1/2 times a night now.
aidan has day and night mixed up and i have no idea on how to turn them around so he knows day is day and night is night and you sleep at night lol. last night he fell asleep about half 12 then woke and 2.45 until 5.45 then woke again at 6.45 and didnt go back to sleep until half 12. 2 nights ago he didnt sleep atall. im so tired :(:(

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