Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Another sleepless night for me last night :( think I prob got about two hours actually but felt like less, Myles decided that he would talk to himself most of the night which is very cute but I wish he would do it in the day instead :rofl: I tried to hold out and not feed him when we went up at ten but he started crying after having fidgeted for about an hour so I had to give in, he woke again at 4 for a feed then was up at 6.05, I am off to bed after corrers tonight!
hi, my lil one is 8 months now. he doesnt wake for milk, but he wakes up and just screams (well i say wakes up, but he doesnt seem to actually wake up and move and open his eyes) does he have night scares? but as soon as im near him he settles down. is this part of his seperation anxiety thing at the moment. he is terrible in the day when i leave the room.
hi anything for red mark under kelseys neck, keep it clean, use cream it does dry clear up
thx as i think shes teething, using bibs when feeding so milk doesnt get uder her neck to make it worse xx
hello im new never been on any of these before my baby is 8 months old and dont like sleeping day or night i also have postnatal depression i have no idea how to get her to sleep any advice would be great x
Hi Little Nicky, tell us a little bit more about your baby and her sleeping habits and what a typical day/night is like for you so we know a little bit more about your situation...

It must be hard dealing with PND and sleepless nights:hugs:

hi my baby is a nightmare since shes been born she dont like sleepin i had her by c section i heard there different 2 normal delivery babies. day times she aint too bad untill she gets tired and its time 2 sleep she fights i have to stand patting or rubbing her back i walk away 5 mins later shes crying again the same at night :help:
hi, yeah shes on and off dont always want a bottle just wakes up crying im, so knackered all the time.:cry: not sure if shes teething tho
oh no think its going to be another sleepless night for us. Kaidons in his moses basket but moving around and kicking, which soon turns in to screams.. boohoo
thought i would join, Robyn will be one yr old next month and is still breastfed (refuses any bottle or formula) she wakes still 2-4 times a night.
I think I may have to join too... After my LO doing 6-8 hour stretches at night and only waking once for a feed, over the past month or so he has decided to wake up between 11-12 for a feed, again at around 3, and then 5.30, 6.30, 7.30---- see a pattern? Sometimes it is every 2.5 hrs on the dot- it is v. odd. :shrug: He doesn't always finish his bottles so am not convinced it is hunger (and it can't be with only 2.5 hr gaps), no idea what it is but I am sooooo tired. :sleep: God what I would give for 6 hrs undisturbed sleep!! x
I think I may have to join too... After my LO doing 6-8 hour stretches at night and only waking once for a feed, over the past month or so he has decided to wake up between 11-12 for a feed, again at around 3, and then 5.30, 6.30, 7.30---- see a pattern? Sometimes it is every 2.5 hrs on the dot- it is v. odd. :shrug: He doesn't always finish his bottles so am not convinced it is hunger (and it can't be with only 2.5 hr gaps), no idea what it is but I am sooooo tired. :sleep: God what I would give for 6 hrs undisturbed sleep!! x

I know what you mean, ive had 7 months every single night, awake every 2.5 hrs ish! Ive been staying at my mums 2 nights a wk to get some kip:sleep:
I think I may have to join too... After my LO doing 6-8 hour stretches at night and only waking once for a feed, over the past month or so he has decided to wake up between 11-12 for a feed, again at around 3, and then 5.30, 6.30, 7.30---- see a pattern? Sometimes it is every 2.5 hrs on the dot- it is v. odd. :shrug: He doesn't always finish his bottles so am not convinced it is hunger (and it can't be with only 2.5 hr gaps), no idea what it is but I am sooooo tired. :sleep: God what I would give for 6 hrs undisturbed sleep!! x

I know what you mean, ive had 7 months every single night, awake every 2.5 hrs ish! Ive been staying at my mums 2 nights a wk to get some kip:sleep:

Oh gaaaawd, not much hope then! Does your LO just wake herself up and just need soothing back to sleep then? Does she wake for a dummy? I really don't know why my LO has started doing this. :(

I don't blame you for staying at your mums- sounds like a v good idea!

Well we put him to bed at 8 and so far he has woken himself up again three times- not looking good, he hasn't done this before! Seems to be getting worse rather than better. Bah. x
I think I may have to join too... After my LO doing 6-8 hour stretches at night and only waking once for a feed, over the past month or so he has decided to wake up between 11-12 for a feed, again at around 3, and then 5.30, 6.30, 7.30---- see a pattern? Sometimes it is every 2.5 hrs on the dot- it is v. odd. :shrug: He doesn't always finish his bottles so am not convinced it is hunger (and it can't be with only 2.5 hr gaps), no idea what it is but I am sooooo tired. :sleep: God what I would give for 6 hrs undisturbed sleep!! x

I know what you mean, ive had 7 months every single night, awake every 2.5 hrs ish! Ive been staying at my mums 2 nights a wk to get some kip:sleep:

Oh gaaaawd, not much hope then! Does your LO just wake herself up and just need soothing back to sleep then? Does she wake for a dummy? I really don't know why my LO has started doing this. :(

I don't blame you for staying at your mums- sounds like a v good idea!

Well we put him to bed at 8 and so far he has woken himself up again three times- not looking good, he hasn't done this before! Seems to be getting worse rather than better. Bah. x

She just wakes herself up, she wont have a dummy, never has!
last night woke 2 times before 10pm, then 1.30am, i gave her water didnt get her out the cot, then woke again at 3am ish, 4am ish at 4am i just feed her and then she woke at 6.15 for the day!

how was your night?
Ilana used to sleep through from 3 weeks - 3.5 months and I used to see this thread and think 'thank god I don't have that trouble' WRONG! She now often wakes all evening and then every 3-4 hours. I know it could be worse but I'm back at work full time teaching and feck me, I'm shattered! She also wakes early and will only doze again if I lay down and feed her in bed.

The night waking isn't so bad usually, she usually goes back off after a feed (not always) but the wakeful evenings are a killer - I just want a sit down after a non-stop day and I don't get one.
Another sleepless night for me last night :( think I prob got about two hours actually but felt like less, Myles decided that he would talk to himself most of the night which is very cute but I wish he would do it in the day instead :rofl: I tried to hold out and not feed him when we went up at ten but he started crying after having fidgeted for about an hour so I had to give in, he woke again at 4 for a feed then was up at 6.05, I am off to bed after corrers tonight!

This is Ilana, through and through! she keeps waking to chat and then gets bored and cries. It's easier to just get up and feed her as soon as she makes a sound as I'm awake as soon as she is anyway.
I think I may have to join too... After my LO doing 6-8 hour stretches at night and only waking once for a feed, over the past month or so he has decided to wake up between 11-12 for a feed, again at around 3, and then 5.30, 6.30, 7.30---- see a pattern? Sometimes it is every 2.5 hrs on the dot- it is v. odd. :shrug: He doesn't always finish his bottles so am not convinced it is hunger (and it can't be with only 2.5 hr gaps), no idea what it is but I am sooooo tired. :sleep: God what I would give for 6 hrs undisturbed sleep!! x

I know what you mean, ive had 7 months every single night, awake every 2.5 hrs ish! Ive been staying at my mums 2 nights a wk to get some kip:sleep:

Oh gaaaawd, not much hope then! Does your LO just wake herself up and just need soothing back to sleep then? Does she wake for a dummy? I really don't know why my LO has started doing this. :(

I don't blame you for staying at your mums- sounds like a v good idea!

Well we put him to bed at 8 and so far he has woken himself up again three times- not looking good, he hasn't done this before! Seems to be getting worse rather than better. Bah. x

She just wakes herself up, she wont have a dummy, never has!
last night woke 2 times before 10pm, then 1.30am, i gave her water didnt get her out the cot, then woke again at 3am ish, 4am ish at 4am i just feed her and then she woke at 6.15 for the day!

how was your night?

Well after quite an unsettled evening he woke at 1.20ish for a feed, then back down until 5am, which was quite good. Fed again at 5am and then up again at 8.30am. Which was better than the night before by a long shot. Except at 5am he wanted to play and he chatted to himself in his cot for about 35 mins... so I still feel knackered. And yet I never seem to be able to make myself go to bed early! Argh..

I am so glad I went on this thread, when you're up in the night lots with your LO and your OH is fast asleep in bed, it seems so isolating and like I am the only one awake in the whole world (sounds stupid I know). At least now this thread has made me realise that there will be millions of mums experiencing the same thing at the same time!
Well, here I am at 5.15am...

...Went up to bed with LO (Ollie) at 10pm after his feed...

...battled till 11pm (putting him down...cry...fed a bit more...putting him down...cry...fed a bit more etc)...

...then hubby came and got him and took him downstairs so I could sleep, and gave him 2 and a half fl oz of EBM at midnight...(I love my hubby so much for this)

...Hubby brought Ollie up at 12.30am ish, and we all slept till he woke at 3.40am for another feed (all good!:thumbup:)...

...however....this is where it all goes wrong!

Bum changed, fed till he came off and refused any more boobie, winded...

...but will he go back down to sleep? Not a chance.

After 7 failed attempts, I am now downstairs writing this post while Ollie refuses to sleep!

Not good...especially as we have to be at the clinic for 8am, as I have got my post natal GTT Bloods to be no lie in for us!:dohh:

Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent!

Lucy x
it will get better ... my lo is 2 months and just started sleeping for 5 hours, feed then sleep till 9am ish x

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