Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Well Harry was pretty good until Thursday nighy/Friday morning. He'd go down by 9 and feed at 11, 3 and 6 or there abouts. This is the second night running that he hasn't gone back down after his 3am feed!

He hardly slept in the day yesterday either! He had 1 1/2 hours from 9am, about 1 hour around dinner and 1 around tea when we went for a walk and the odd 5 minute cat nap here and there! He wouldn't settle in his crib or cot or his bouncer!

I really can't cope with the thought of another day where I have to leave him crying to even be able to have a wee!
sat here falling asleep whilst LO naps. ANother sleepless night last night.
I just dont get it.. he sleeps fine from 7ish til midnight but after nidnight hes wakig every hour or two. :(

That sounds like Finley x
He's been awake from around 3am & just wont go back to sleep even though he looks shattered x
He's now in his jumperoo - trying to wear him out :sleep:
sat here falling asleep whilst LO naps. ANother sleepless night last night.
I just dont get it.. he sleeps fine from 7ish til midnight but after nidnight hes wakig every hour or two. :(


i had my lo 7 weeks ago now and she does exactly what you have said. i kind of expect this at this stage...i was wondering if your lo has internalised an earlier feeding routine and this is why Mylo wont sleep more? Just a thought. I'm a first time new mum so i cant say i'm the most experienced!...

i've read bits and bobs on the net and in books. ultimately i think its up to us to get to knows ourselves and our babies and i have come to the conclusion that, with my lo anyway, i will continue to follow her lead whilst maintaining a little bit of structure for her bedtime! Sleep for more than 3 hours is a rarity these days!...and if someone had said i'd still e able to function in te day i would have laughed...but we have to dont we!

And, by the way, that little quote of yours about knowing the strength of love and being the only one to hear the heartbeat from the inside.... its gorgeous. Brought a little tear to my eye!

All the best X
my lo goes to bed about 7 oclock, and we usually have no problems getting him to sleep. The problem is, the past few weeks he has got into some really bad habits, some our fault. Come about 12.30, he will wake up, crying for his dummy. So we go in and put it back in, then half an hour later he will be crying for it again. He also slams his legs down really hard on his matress, waking himself up. Anyone know why he does this? He only does it at nighttime, never during naps.

Me and oh are so exhausted, most nights we just give in and bring him in bed with us, but then noone gets a good night sleep as he slams his legs down all the time. we really didnt want to get him into the habit of sleeping with us :( he can go the whole night without a feed, or at least till about 4.30-5. so why is he waking soooo much?
Had our first completely sleepless night last night. Usually Alessa just wakes up every 3 hours or so for feeds...but last night she did NOT want to sleep at all. We both got so frustrated and I feel so guilty now for feeling so cranky last night. :(
The sleep deprivation is catching up to me. I've had bloodshot eyes for a week now. :sleep:
my baby is now 9 weeks. He sleeps from around 10/11 till 2am. Then he's awake almost every hr until 8/9am. Anyone else have this? I'm soooo exhausted it's unreal.
Im up at 3 am with a cranky gassy baby:(
Are you all remembering to eat healthy meals and drink plenty of water during the day girls? It helps with the sleep deprivation.
we are having the week from hell william was sleeping through from 10pm till 7am but not now he is a nightmare to settle and he was up at 2:30am till 5 am last night and he was screaming so much hubby got up too i think he is teethign but i cant see any teeth yet and i dont wanna resort to calpol every night. he is driving me mad im so tired i think this was the wrost time to get pregnant again. i want my happy little boy back i hate him being in pain it is heart breaking and there doesnt seem to be naything i can do nothing works :(
Amina was sleeping from 11 - 8 and sometimes till 7 or 8 and the past 5 days shes only sleeping from 1-5 if that and waking up for a feed. I dont know what to do at this point Im sleep walking thru my days and Im verf aggitated when I get home.
caleb has a bottle at 7ish then we put him to bed. he sometimes goes till 12 then up at 2, 4 and 6. I end up having a sleep when he naps in the day. when i wake up i feel so tired x
Are you all remembering to eat healthy meals and drink plenty of water during the day girls? It helps with the sleep deprivation.

I have no problem with drinking tons of water. The only meal I've had today is a bowl of oatmeal. The water makes me not so hungry. So does caring after LO and cleaning. I'm home all day by myself and I really wish I could make myself eat proper meals. :nope:
i try and get my meals in but i'm useless for drinking x
Does any1 find it really difficult to sleep even when baby is asleep? My lo is 3 months today and i haven't ever had more than 4/5 hrs sleep in broken stretches since he was born. I feel on edge, waiting for his next cry. I sometimes even hear cries in my ears that aren't his. The insomnia is really taking its toll... i feel constantly shit.

He still wakes every 2-3 hrs in the nite. I've tried leaving him to cry a bit and occasionally he does drift off again but i'm awake and then can't get back to sleep. Is this still normal for 3 months? Any1 got any advice. I need HELP!!!
Does any1 find it really difficult to sleep even when baby is asleep? My lo is 3 months today and i haven't ever had more than 4/5 hrs sleep in broken stretches since he was born. I feel on edge, waiting for his next cry. I sometimes even hear cries in my ears that aren't his. The insomnia is really taking its toll... i feel constantly shit.

He still wakes every 2-3 hrs in the nite. I've tried leaving him to cry a bit and occasionally he does drift off again but i'm awake and then can't get back to sleep. Is this still normal for 3 months? Any1 got any advice. I need HELP!!!

honey your baby sounds like mine.. she sleeps from 7.30pm to 1am - this is longest stretch and i only go to sleep at 11pm cant go earlier as i cant sleep, then she wakes again at 1am and 4am, then up again at its hard and i like u have not had uninterrupted sleep of more than 3 hours or so...

i am also hoping it gets better as she gets older.. i would just like her to drop the 1am feed and i can deal with the 4am wake up. i have just started waking her for a feed at 10pm and she sometimes go till 2.30am or 3am and then up at 6am... so u could try that..are u breastfeeding? also i am trying to make sure she feeds alot in day so that she is not hungry at night. also if he wakes up same time every night is more likely habit.. if its different times then he is hungry.. thats what i have read but i also know some babies just need more food at night. good luck hun xxx:hugs:
Yes, I find myself on edge when we go through a bad patch. I can deal with having maybe four or five hours broken sleep for feeds, but when it goes belly up it's a nightmare, I feel like a zombie all day and can't wait until she goes back to sleep. I just wish these teeth would hurry up already.
my baby feeds every 1 hour .at times he has colic pains. i resorted to giving him warm water when the colic starts and it has helped loads. at least to an extent
LO usually self settles with no problems and wakes at 5:30am for a feed. She will then go back to sleep for a couple hours. Last night, she would not self settle. Of course she would go right to sleep on my She did not go to sleep until 10:30 last night, usually she is out by 9. She woke up at 4:30 for a feed. I fed her and put her back down. She would not go back to sleep. She talked and carried on, then started crying. I went in to calm her, pick her up, and she instantly went to sleep as long as I held her! It is now 6am and she is finally sleeping in her swing! I know 6 hours is not near enough sleep for a 4 and a half month old. I sure hope last night was just a fluke thing cuz I sure like that she self settles. I NEVER have this problem with her. :-( Do they hit a growth spurt at this age or has anyone noticed a sudden change in sleep patterns?
I'm lucky the past month to get more than 2 hours in a row at night... he's in bed at 11-11:30, up at 2, 4, 4:30, 6:40, up till 8, and then down till about 10... I am exhausted, short-tempered... I feel drunk and at times I just want to cry - I would give almost anything for 1 nights sleep...

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