Sleepless Nights Support Thread

LO usually self settles with no problems and wakes at 5:30am for a feed. She will then go back to sleep for a couple hours. Last night, she would not self settle. Of course she would go right to sleep on my She did not go to sleep until 10:30 last night, usually she is out by 9. She woke up at 4:30 for a feed. I fed her and put her back down. She would not go back to sleep. She talked and carried on, then started crying. I went in to calm her, pick her up, and she instantly went to sleep as long as I held her! It is now 6am and she is finally sleeping in her swing! I know 6 hours is not near enough sleep for a 4 and a half month old. I sure hope last night was just a fluke thing cuz I sure like that she self settles. I NEVER have this problem with her. :-( Do they hit a growth spurt at this age or has anyone noticed a sudden change in sleep patterns?

My daughter is a week older than yours and i have noticed a change in her sleep pattern. She used to sleep for 12 hours straight but recently she has been more difficult to put to sleep and has been waking up for at least 1 night feed. She also sometimes wakes up earlier than 7. I have noticed some nights she will sleep 12 hours and other nights she will wake. There is a big growth spurt around 4 months and i think its also a development one. I have noticed that she can do more now and more every day. I have started to wean as she is a very hungry baby and i think to a point this has helped.

Your baby was born on my due date. :hugs:
My LO has now been awake for 12hrs and the only time she hasnt been crying is when she is feeding. Add this to the fact that she still wont sleep unless she is being held and I am at my wits end. The only time I get to sleep is if I sleep with her on me on the floor (so she wont hurt herself if she rolls off). Any advice?? Anyone?? I am BF and she is now 20 days old.
My LO has now been awake for 12hrs and the only time she hasnt been crying is when she is feeding. Add this to the fact that she still wont sleep unless she is being held and I am at my wits end. The only time I get to sleep is if I sleep with her on me on the floor (so she wont hurt herself if she rolls off). Any advice?? Anyone?? I am BF and she is now 20 days old.

Mine did this just days ago, awake for 13 hrs straight! She wasnt crying all day (maybe your LO has a touch of colic) but she was just fussy and wanted to be held. I remembered what one nurse in the hospital told me about what she done with her LO once, so I did it:
Stripped my shirt and bra off, stripped LO down to diaper only, gave bottle (which in your case would be breast), burped LO, changed LO, put a paci in her mouth, held her to my chest and took about 35 minutes for her to settle down and fall asleep, but she did and slept for about 5 hrs. Once she woke up she has been a whole new baby! I think she was just sooo tired and was fighting sleep that once she got some she was okay. I tell ya though, I was ready to rip my hair out that day! lol
Maybe someone here can help. Lucy wont sleep unless I'm holding her. Even if she passes the flop test and I put her down she wakes up within 20 minutes. Tried to get her to sleep on her own just now and she cried for over an hour, so now I'm out of the bedroom trying to let OH get some sleep. She's fed, dry, warm and my husband picking her up doesn't do the trick so don't think it's colic? She is generally pretty farty though, but usually thats just something that makes her more annoyed.
I can't go on like this, there are some hours I don't remember this morning, and I guess I about passed out while trying to walk across the room. I did get a 3 hour nap today by putting a shirt in her bed that smells like me, but it isn't working now.
completely lost it last night... after an entire day of no naps, and weeks of waking up every 2 hours... he finally went to bed last night at 7:30 and I thought.. finally... then he was up at 9:30, 11:30, 2:30, 3:30, and then at 4... I couldn't take it... I stormed out of the bedroom, slammed the door (which woke my OH) locked myself in the bathroom... and cried for 5 minutes... my OH went in and got Bobby and took him to the basement and told me to go to bed... so I climbed in to bed and cried myself to sleep - waking up at 6:30 to take Bobby back so my OH could go to work for the day... I feel like I'm losing my mind
Hi ladies can I join you?
Evie is 15 weeks and I think we have hit the 4 months sleep regression!!!
She used to sleep 8 hours and now we ade lucky to even get 4 :(

I heard about a book called The Wonder Years does anyone know if it's good?
I think it might be time for me to join you ladies.
Tobi is 15+ weeks and his sleeping has become silly.
He fights going to bed at night, finally get him down at 8pm generally. Although he then wakes up again at 830 for another feed (exclusivly BF) then he is down for the next three hours. so wakes again about midnight, then 3, then 4, then 5 and then he comes to bed with me and I can generally get another hour of him.

Every time he wakes, he is hungry and so feeds and sometimes falls back to sleep, but sometimes he will then be up for an hour. Its almost like he can't take enough on these night feeds to see him any more than an hour!

Its driving me mad! I love him to pieces, but I really need some sleep. I can't ask OH because I don't think its fair to ruin his nights sleep when he has to go to work and provide for us.

He used to be ok, go for 4 hours between feeds and drop back to sleep fairly easily so I have no idea what is happening.
Maybe it is the 4 month regression...but he is still a couple of weeks away from 4 months.

Oh and also, he gets me up between 6 and 7. Then by 730 he is ready to go back to sleep for another couple of hours! but of course I am wide awake and nt able to sleep with him.
completely lost it last night... after an entire day of no naps, and weeks of waking up every 2 hours... he finally went to bed last night at 7:30 and I thought.. finally... then he was up at 9:30, 11:30, 2:30, 3:30, and then at 4... I couldn't take it... I stormed out of the bedroom, slammed the door (which woke my OH) locked myself in the bathroom... and cried for 5 minutes... my OH went in and got Bobby and took him to the basement and told me to go to bed... so I climbed in to bed and cried myself to sleep - waking up at 6:30 to take Bobby back so my OH could go to work for the day... I feel like I'm losing my mind

I very often feel like doing this, you don't expect them to be such bad sleepers at 6/7 months do you? Sending big hugs :hugs:
I very often feel like doing this, you don't expect them to be such bad sleepers at 6/7 months do you? Sending big hugs :hugs:

thank you - sending big hugs right back and to all you other ladies not getting a good nights sleep :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

last night we were up from 2am to 5am - so managed to pull off about 3 hours total, running on fumes today but trying to keep it together, we've started solids so maybe luckily it'll help him sleep a bit more, although I had to change his diaper twice during that time because his BMs have changed pattern since introducing them.

And no... you read about peoples babys sleeping through the night and wonder... when will it be my turn? :sleep:

Miss_Bump: I've never heard of that book (The Wonder Years) is it supposed to help with our sanity? lol

jaybee/Miss_Bump: hope it's just a phase and your LOs start sleeping better soon for you
Has anybody on here used a professional sleep clinic or consultant? Did it work? Would you recommend it? Did they do anything that a basic sleep book can't tell me to do?
Did you watch that 'Cant Sleep Kids' programme last week? Well Chireal Shallow (one of the Sleep Consultants on the programme) visited us at home for a consultation when LO was about 4m old. She lives right around the corner from us. She gave us lots of advice and a little plan of what to do and we followed it, it took 3 or 4 weeks but it did work to a certain extent (she gradually learned to self-settle at bed time and for naps but not during the night). Unfortunately, for the 6 wks or so, she's gone right back to square minus 1!! I think it's separation anxiety as she won't self-settle at all now and wakes every 30 - 90 mins :cry:
completely lost it last night... after an entire day of no naps, and weeks of waking up every 2 hours... he finally went to bed last night at 7:30 and I thought.. finally... then he was up at 9:30, 11:30, 2:30, 3:30, and then at 4... I couldn't take it... I stormed out of the bedroom, slammed the door (which woke my OH) locked myself in the bathroom... and cried for 5 minutes... my OH went in and got Bobby and took him to the basement and told me to go to bed... so I climbed in to bed and cried myself to sleep - waking up at 6:30 to take Bobby back so my OH could go to work for the day... I feel like I'm losing my mind

I very often feel like doing this, you don't expect them to be such bad sleepers at 6/7 months do you? Sending big hugs :hugs:

MEH! You're tellin me!

Has anybody on here used a professional sleep clinic or consultant? Did it work? Would you recommend it? Did they do anything that a basic sleep book can't tell me to do?

never thought of one - figured they'd just recommend pills (seems to be so common here) and that's just out of the question - would love to know if someone got any benefit from seeing one though

I think it's separation anxiety as she won't self-settle at all now and wakes every 30 - 90 mins :cry:

oh no :( big :hugs: it can't last forever... can it??? :cry:
I dunno, it feels like it will :cry: I'm back to work in 4wks (13 hour shifts) and I really don't know what I'm gonna do :nope:
just curious to know are all of the babies that dont sleep on here 1st babies or not ?
Hi. I want to stop my LO's 3/4am night feed. Has any1 done it cold turkey? ie. Just gone in to pacify him, rock him, put dummy back in and left? Did it work? He's 4 months so does he still need this feed or cld he wait until say 7/8am? I know they have a growth spurt around now so maybe not a good time to stop it now? Any advice much apprecited. x
Riya was still having a night feed till about 8 months. Once she was established on solids. 4 months is very early IMO

does he drink alo during the day, ?, if he's waking hungry then whats the rush to drop it ?, i would be guided by him.
I dunno, it feels like it will :cry: I'm back to work in 4wks (13 hour shifts) and I really don't know what I'm gonna do :nope:

oh my :( I hope you start getting some sleep before then - I can't imagine going to work on this little sleep - I'd end up falling asleep at my desk lol

just curious to know are all of the babies that dont sleep on here 1st babies or not ?

mine is 1st baby

Hi. I want to stop my LO's 3/4am night feed. Has any1 done it cold turkey? ie. Just gone in to pacify him, rock him, put dummy back in and left? Did it work? He's 4 months so does he still need this feed or cld he wait until say 7/8am? I know they have a growth spurt around now so maybe not a good time to stop it now? Any advice much apprecited. x

My son wakes up hungry - my OH has tried to go in and sooth him but he won't settle until he feeds - 4 months seems really early IMO.. but I'm of the belief that when my LO is ready to sleep through the night... he will... and we're almost 7 months in lol so :shrug:
hi ladies

my LO is 5 months in a week or so.. she is still waking every 2-3 hours at night.. and she always wants to feed... soothing does not work... she does go to sleep on her own without my assistance at night but when she wakes she cries and just wants boob? does she really need to still feed at 12.30am, 3am, 5am and 7am???

I am back at work and am exhausted... any advice would be great.

I tried giving her water for one of the night feeds and she was most upset so wont try that again lol :haha:

this is my 1st baby :hugs:

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