Sleepless Nights Support Thread

elixer - You feed her because she's hungry.
cocoa - Hold in there. There's another sleep regression at 9 months. You may just be hitting it early. :hugs:

I'm happy to report Gabriel only woke twice last night and this morning he was crawling around and then just set his head down and took a 30 min nap all on his own!
We've never used a routine and never used sleep training, much less CC or CIO. He's developing his sleep skills perfectly when he's ready.
Thanks Seity. I find it comforting to hear how Gabriel is getting better all the time. I don't really want to do any sleep training, hence putting it off and off...

I suppose there's always something to worry about!
Am I the only one that gets jealous when people with newborns complain about baby only sleeping 4-5 hours at a time???? And only doing a 6 ish hour stretch??
Am I the only one that gets jealous when people with newborns complain about baby only sleeping 4-5 hours at a time???? And only doing a 6 ish hour stretch??

Lol, yes! My 2 are feeding every 2 hrs, takes about 1.5/2 hrs each time to feed them both, wind them, change them and settle them. Then i only manage an hours sleep before they are up again! As much as i adore them they are killing me right now...
me tooooo....
my lil daughter now is 3mo, but still her sleeping pattern is not yet in the routine..
and i'm a working mom, really find it difficult to cope up with everything..
can anyone share me the tips, how to discipline lil baby?.. :'(
Am I the only one that gets jealous when people with newborns complain about baby only sleeping 4-5 hours at a time???? And only doing a 6 ish hour stretch??

oh god tell me about it! i would kill for a 6 hour stretch at the moment.charlie used to go 9/10 hour stretches but the maximum we seam to get at the moment is a 2/3 hour stretch.
It doesn't make me jealous, it just down right annoys me! I saw the mum of a 4 week old complain yesterday that her baby was feeding every 2-3 hours! Um..... Hello? Perfectly normal for a newborn. I feel like shouting 'try doing it for 9 frigging months, then you can complain!!!!'
Obviously different for you Nut_Shake - I take my hat off to mums of multiples!

LO must have woke about 10-12 times last night, but was fairly easy to resettle if I just popped my boob in her mouth. Only problem is my boobs get lumpy and I risk mastitis by letting her comfort suck - she triggers my letdown but doesn't drink. I'll just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get into danger territory.

Gessy - 12 weeks is still young, a lot of babies don't start sleeping longer until 6 months. You could try a bedtime routine (bath, bottle/BF, bed) and try putting LO down drowsy instead of asleep so they get used to going to sleep in their crib/basket/cot etc
I can still count on 1 hand (or simply two fingers) the number of times I've had a 6 hour stretch of sleep. He'd have to sleep through the night for me to get a 6 hour stretch since I usually only get 6 hours sleep unless I go to bed super early.
G woke at 2:30 and 5, but then he wanted to be up at 5. Considering the cat decided to vomit on me (ok, just the blanket on the bed that was directly on top of me, but still...) at 4 am, that made for very little sleep last night.
Hello ladies. I used to post on this forum all the time when I had my first but havent really had much time since having my second :( Thankfully with my eldest I never even had the need to look in this section of the forum. Freddie however is not so kind.

He can go anywhere from 2-4 hours at night but no more without waking and recently he has been waking every hour! I end up co-sleeping from about 1am so I can get some sleep at least.

I wont use CIO for a few reasons so tried the elastic band method last night. Worked wonders for him getting off to sleep on his own (something he has never done before) but still woke at 11pm screaming and was only settled buy a feed.

Not sure what I am asking for really...maybe some hope that things will start to improve with time?
Have GOT to share last night :)

Lights out 6:30pm
11:30pm-quick feed
4:55am- good morning!

10 hours with only 1 feed! I've never been so excited to wake at 4:55am. I went to sleep at 8pm though, no NYE festivities for me. I'm way behind the world so I get to view NYC, London, Sydney etc. on TV
wow thats amazing aliss. long may it continue!
we had a good night too, charlie went to bed at 8.30pm, he woke breifly at 10pm crying, but went in and put his dummy in and he went right back to sleep without me haing to pick him up or anything. then he slept from then till 4.30am! had a quick feed and back down till 7.45!!!!! amazing!
we didnt go to bed till 1am though as we were seeing in the new year with some friends, and i also had a few glasses of wine so felt a bit ropey this morning and not well rested but still so glad that he slept well!
Carries - what's the elastic band method?

I'm hoping that M has come out of the regression now - last night she went to bed at 8 and didn't wake for a feed until 3am! :dance: Then we got up for the day at 6:45.
hiya. Not posted in here for a while but that doesn't mean charlie has been any better, in fact he's just entered the 4 month sleep regression and is waking constantly to feed and play. I'm shattered!
Oh sjminimac, I'm sorry :( I hope it passes soon for you too. I don't really consider it a regression for us sleepless nighters though, more of a growth spurt! We got nothing to regress from!

CocoaOne, what a fantastic night!

Our night was. strange. LOL. He slept 6pm-1am (holy) but then morning fresh (again) at 4am wanting to play. OH did a night feeding. Eventually chattered off to sleep and up for the day at 5:15am. Dog started barking at 10pm so unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy a full night sleep but it was still better than most!
Only woke once last night. I really think we've finally achieved good sleep. :happydance:
Sorry girls am posting this everywhere in desperation (already, not sure how im going to manage when i come across a real problem, but anyway...) so sorry if youve read this more than once...

So, my baby is two weeks old and I need to post here already! Since she was in the hospital Holly has been given a dummy. I wasnt bothered by it as I had one as a child and never saw a problem with it. BUT, she is 2 weeks old and this bloody dummy is becoming the bane of our lives! She won't sleep without it, but then 20 minutes later it falls out and shes screaming and its driving us crackers! It seems to be mainly when she is in her moses basket, last night I laid her next to me in bed and she fell asleep, dummy fell out and she was fine. I'm not sure about co-sleeping though, it doesnt seem safe to me (not judging anyone who does it, just my feeling). We are getting horribly broken sleep and no idea how to fix the problem we seem to have created. We live on the ground floor of an apartment so really dont want to leave her screaming until she settles as it will disturb neighbours, and to be honest it breaks my heart and I think shes too young for that anyway. But we are at a loss as to what to do. Does any have any suggestions???? Please!!
Sorry girls am posting this everywhere in desperation (already, not sure how im going to manage when i come across a real problem, but anyway...) so sorry if youve read this more than once...

So, my baby is two weeks old and I need to post here already! Since she was in the hospital Holly has been given a dummy. I wasnt bothered by it as I had one as a child and never saw a problem with it. BUT, she is 2 weeks old and this bloody dummy is becoming the bane of our lives! She won't sleep without it, but then 20 minutes later it falls out and shes screaming and its driving us crackers! It seems to be mainly when she is in her moses basket, last night I laid her next to me in bed and she fell asleep, dummy fell out and she was fine. I'm not sure about co-sleeping though, it doesnt seem safe to me (not judging anyone who does it, just my feeling). We are getting horribly broken sleep and no idea how to fix the problem we seem to have created. We live on the ground floor of an apartment so really dont want to leave her screaming until she settles as it will disturb neighbours, and to be honest it breaks my heart and I think shes too young for that anyway. But we are at a loss as to what to do. Does any have any suggestions???? Please!!

Yes, she's far too young to cry. I have to admit, that this is unfortunatley very normal at 2 weeks because they sort of "wake up" after being sleepy from the physical stress of labour. For me, the only thing that helped was a swaddle and a swing. Mine did not sleep more than a few hours a day (total, not at a time!) until about 3-4 months (it was a horrific nightmare).

Have you tried a swaddle?

I'm sorry no help for the dummy- mine always refused them so I don't know.
Carries - what's the elastic band method?

I'm hoping that M has come out of the regression now - last night she went to bed at 8 and didn't wake for a feed until 3am! :dance: Then we got up for the day at 6:45.

Its where you put baby down awake and sit/stay by the cot. You can either hold their hand or just talk to them etc. YOu then leave to go to the door but come straight back...repeat until bubba is asleep!

Doesnt work in the middle of the night though, he either wants boob or play...generally boob.

Have to say last night was a bit of a personal low as he had now worked out how to pull my bra down and latch himself on. He was doing this all night long after being bought into bed at 1am (7 wake ups since bedtime).

Just this sec been up to him for the 4th time since 6.30pm :(
Sorry girls am posting this everywhere in desperation (already, not sure how im going to manage when i come across a real problem, but anyway...) so sorry if youve read this more than once...

So, my baby is two weeks old and I need to post here already! Since she was in the hospital Holly has been given a dummy. I wasnt bothered by it as I had one as a child and never saw a problem with it. BUT, she is 2 weeks old and this bloody dummy is becoming the bane of our lives! She won't sleep without it, but then 20 minutes later it falls out and shes screaming and its driving us crackers! It seems to be mainly when she is in her moses basket, last night I laid her next to me in bed and she fell asleep, dummy fell out and she was fine. I'm not sure about co-sleeping though, it doesnt seem safe to me (not judging anyone who does it, just my feeling). We are getting horribly broken sleep and no idea how to fix the problem we seem to have created. We live on the ground floor of an apartment so really dont want to leave her screaming until she settles as it will disturb neighbours, and to be honest it breaks my heart and I think shes too young for that anyway. But we are at a loss as to what to do. Does any have any suggestions???? Please!!

Yes, she's far too young to cry. I have to admit, that this is unfortunatley very normal at 2 weeks because they sort of "wake up" after being sleepy from the physical stress of labour. For me, the only thing that helped was a swaddle and a swing. Mine did not sleep more than a few hours a day (total, not at a time!) until about 3-4 months (it was a horrific nightmare).

Have you tried a swaddle?

I'm sorry no help for the dummy- mine always refused them so I don't know.

Hi Aliss, thansk for your reply. We were swaddling until last week as she seemed to not like it anymore. Think we're going to try it again as it does seem to be the moses basket she has an aversion to, i think its too big and freaks her out. She seems to fall asleep quite well most of the time, but then sometimes on a night she is awkward and refuses! She has just slept for 5 hours (its now 2.30pm) and just woken for a feed, which is great but not sure if that will affect tonight's sleep. :shrug:

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